Imagines of Taste Might 0-3 (Imaginem) (Spring)
The impact of sensory species on the sense organs is one of the factors that contributes to the humoral balance of a person. As each sensation in a magic aura has an attached imagine rendering it more vivid (and thus increasing the quantity of species) this influence is amplified. While in general this balances out (as all the other influences are similarly magnified) extra caution must be taken not to over-indulge in substances which inflame a single humor.
For example, magi generally live relatively wealthy lifestyles, and so many have abundant access to wine. The imagine spirits of wine (both involving scent and flavour) enhance the choleric properties of the drink. This leads to an increased risk of diseases such as gout, but the increased influence on the humors also leads to a noticeable (though temporary) influence on the personalities of imbibers in magic auras.
This effect is well known to the order, and most covenants and individual magi are sensible enough to ensure they correct any such humoral imbalance with a countering influence. Some go the other way – there are members of the Gastronomer’s society who are able to influence the entire tone and direction of a meal, simply through the selection of dishes which inflame certain humors and dampen others.
The example given here is a spirit of the taste of a red wine, a choleric drink.
Characteristics: Cun -3, Per +0, Pre +3, Com +0, Str +0, Sta +0, Dex +0, Qik +0
Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Power
Personality Traits: Spirit of Taste +3*
Abilities: Concentration (Powers) 5, Penetration (Powers) 5
Description: This imagine is only detectable to second sight as an especially vivid taste, which reaches the tongue before the wine has even touched it.
Explosion of Flavour (CrIm) 0 Might Init -1
R: Touch D: Concentration T: Individual
Generates the taste of wine. If used on an existing quantity of wine then the taste is enhanced, making it more vivid than normal.
(Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration)
Rising Choler (ReCo) 0 Might Init -2
R: Touch D: Momentary T: Individual
This power inflames the choleric humor of the target human. Any Choleric personality traits they possess are increased by +1, and any phlegmatic traits are decreased by -1. If they have no applicable traits then they are granted a temporary Choleric personality trait of strength +1. This effect wears off naturally after a few hours if the target avoids choleric substances.
This cannot raise a trait above +3, or lower it beyond -3, unless the character has a relevant personality flaw.