This is an idea I had for my players to find. The inspiration comes mostly from "The Dark Crystal", anyway, heres the idea. Let me know what you think.
A large gem/crystal that through research is found to have the following powers:
When Placed against a victium and a line is read (Ingraved in the item), the target is aged and vis forms on the crystal.
I was thinking of 1 pawn of vis per 2-5 years drained.
I was thinking Corpus.
I was also thinking of having the covenants "Knight" wanting to create a order to punish the most evil of evils. (He would love the Item, and the Magi would gain vis, then there is the enemy aspect...)
Corpus, or Rego: To age is a natural process (over time). Draining life essence looks like Creo, though. Or so it would seem to me
This can be a relic from the diednes. Maybe it is tainted, even if not infernal. Chronic magic: extract the life of a person with this (Chtonic ritual) AND cast a ritual with it. Evil enough for you? Cool item. Who said that all vis sources need to be happy and fun to collect?
Yes, PeCo. I was thinking that while the effect of the crystal is to age the victim (a Perdo effect on that end) it could poop out Creo vis on the other end.
A nice story idea: Your magus hands you the item and wants to see 3 pawns in a fortnight. You will have to find willing participants or decide who deserves eutanasia..
One thing: This should only work on adults. Using it on children should end with the child's demise. And: using it on pregnant women leads to a womb explosion?! As one of the others said, use should take time (it is not a weapon).