Adventures in Brief

Hmm, misread the premise, thought the Faerie Court was undermining the Praesidium. Still, don't understand how they could get us a better deal with the real world court, or how/why they could take over our rents (can't see how this can end well for the covenant when gold turns into leaves, the court could disappear or become inaccessible, and we'd be in the cross-eye of Roger II's functionaries). Will rethink, use same rolls, and try to use the same abilities, perhaps with a different focus.

The problem is without a proper stress die roller, we're having to roll 1d10 the number of times we think we need, and then when 1s or 0s turn up we need more dice. Me and Ignes are using the next roll in sequence and then rolling extra dice to make up the extra ones needed. I can see how this can get confusing.

Sorry for not picking up on the extra omens - here's two more dice _: 1D10 = [9] = 9
1D10 = [2] = 2

Hooray! No botch!

It would appear that adventure 4 has not been rolled yet...
The outline for the tribunal looks good to me...

Roll One
Evandrus: Magic Theory(13)+Per(0)+Stress(6)
Evandrus: Magic Lore(2)+Int(3)+Assist(1)+Stress(8)+Confidence(3)=16
Evandrus: Faerie Lore(2)+Com(3)+Stress(7)=12 Fail

Story: The stone immediately seems important to Evandrus, it takes a few more more days of looking at it, before he realizes seemingly random scratches, bumps, shadows and the like are making mystic patterns. He and Aegis spend several days positing ideas, writing letters and looking up stuff in the library trying to figure it out

Results: 16 days, 8 experience, +1 Rep to Evandrus

The stone is a part of the foundation arch that was discovered at the ancient temple location over a decade ago.

As soon as Aurthor and blossom get their plans up- and if there are any more faerie children entering the game... we can get going on 1017...

•Posted two Faerie kids for approval in Character design and development, [url]Issue with Criamon]

•For 1116 adventures I wrote up, don't know if the players took the following rewards:
5) Spring - Aniko's marriage- Pazzino has a reward (diff 6) + 3 Confidence, there was some xp, also for Nicole the cook and Guiliam Vintner

  1. Summer- A faerie court has arranged a meeting whereby they would take over your rents, asking for something less financially burdensome, and brokering the deal with an offer of their fealty to the Norman court of Roger II - Pazzino earns 2 Confidence, there's 7 xp, some might want it, Paco, Francesco, Adriana. Covenant rewards were Notch on Hook, +1 Covenant rep, +1 Grog loyalty, +5 Bps divided into 15 Mentem pawns and 100 pounds of silver (lower rent?)
  2. Summer -Tribunal- Aurthor, Anna, Taurus, Giovanni, Evandrus, all gain 2 Confidence, some might want the 5 xp, the whole older Shield section came with. Anna, Taurus,Camilla, and random dice roller Aurthor even/Evandrus odd _: 1D10 = [9] = 9, Evandrus also gets 1 reward (diff. 6). Gloriana already chose vis.
    8 ) fall resonant materials quest- Bonaro, Carmen the Cook might want the 4 xp
  3. Fall - a functionary of Roger II approaches the covenant in the fall asking for assistance in investigating an unusual theft in which he believes magic may have been used. Evandrus gains 4 Confidence, might want the 10 xp, adventure did take 16 days. I'm looking for something juicy for rewards, so might use all 8 to gain 48 BPs (Covenant adventure)

Aurthor's plan is up. Pazzino has taken Reputation xp for his rewards. I will post a Faerie child as this is Aurthor's chance to have an heir post-ritual of longevity.

1117 adventures:

  1. (castle hook) in the winter several families of peasants come to the castle seeking shelter from magical beasts roaming the countryside- first round magic
  2. Cabal legacy- the cabal suspects the Augustinian brotherhood has been poaching their secrets, and asks Evandrus to look into it (fall- choice of methods)
  3. Anna- enemy noble: Anna's rival has a bad harvest, ruined by storms, and they suggest that Anna might have been behind it- autumn, choice of methods
  4. Sandor visions- Sandor has visions of robberies involving strangers at the covenant, confronting them will likely turn violent (spring, first cycle combat)
  5. expedition to the faerie regio spring, first cycle legal-diplomatic
  6. searching for more arch stones - winter - choice of methods

silveroak, Danae put up a Jinn Quest in the Google sheet, basically an adventure to go search and bind a jinn with Sihr.
7) Jinn Quest: Danae is going to go search for a Jinn to bind in Spring

By season, 1117:
5) expedition to the faerie regio spring, first cycle legal-diplomatic: Andros, Simian Rex, Gloriana Sentis, Danae, Francesco, Paco, Alexander the Blacksmith
4) Sandor visions- Sandor has visions of robberies involving strangers at the covenant, confronting them will likely turn violent (spring, first cycle combat): Lady Agniezka, Danae, Sandor, Paco, Erberto
7) Jinn Quest: Danae is going to go search for a Jinn to bind in Spring: choice of methods Danae
2) Cabal legacy- the cabal suspects the Augustinian brotherhood has been poaching their secrets, and asks Evandrus to look into it (fall- choice of methods): Evandrus, Aegis, Hadrian, Anna and Blossom
3) Anna- enemy noble: Anna's rival has a bad harvest, ruined by storms, and they suggest that Anna might have been behind it- autumn, choice of methods: Evandrus, Aegis, Hadrian, Anna and Blossom

  1. COVENANT(castle hook) in the winter several families of peasants come to the castle seeking shelter from magical beasts roaming the countryside- first round magic: Evandrus, Aegis
  2. searching for more arch stones - winter - choice of methods: Evandrus, Aegis, Gloriana will come with, grog Francesco, would Pazzino be at all interested? A normal person with social skills might be desirable! :smiley:

Danae is available only in Spring. She can aid the two other adventures after that one. She will go alone, to fly to whatever Mystic place might have a Magic Jinn, and back.

Andros is organizing the Spring exploration into the Faerie Regio. He will ask the newly Gauntleted maga Gloriana Sentis, a Faerie expert, and Danae, who is always game for any adventure. Rounding up Francesco to guard Gloriana, Paco, Alexander the Blacksmith, who is also a faerie expert and was present when Ouragan was taken.
Andros is available for 1 adventure in Fall (#2 or #3, however they are based on specific characters backgrounds, so he has to be asked). Winter he will sequester himself away into his lab to create Lady A's LR.

Lady Agniezka will go to #4, she may aid sweet Anna in #3 if asked, hopefully it's short. Winter she's unavailable (aid in Lab to create her own LR)

Sandor will try to sneak away to observe these robbers while his mother is studying. He is transparent to Lady Agniezka, she will come, ask Danae for aid, Paco, and Erberto, brawler supreme, who is teaching and will still be able to do so unless the adventure takes longer than 29 days (!). It is doubtful that the 4 year-old will be asked to adventures, though he might jump at the chance! Mother won't allow it.

Gloriana will assist the faerie expedition in Spring, and then closet herself to gain Fertility cult insight. If her parens desires her company, she is willing to aid in 2, like in old times, she desires to learn more about the Neo-Mercurians, and perhaps join their ranks. Two Magi with the Blatant Gift however, may well spell disaster in most Social or legal cycles.

Sybilla is a child, no adventures for her!

*Edited as players declare

Jinn quest is choice of methods.

Evandrus, Aegis, Hadrian, Anna and Blossom will all go on both fall adventures. XP for everyone!

Evandrus, Aegis, and Hadrian will go on adventures number one and number six. Anyone else is welcome to join though.

  1. roaming monsters- winter, 4 cycles (magic/social/choice/choice) intensity 12
    2)investigating the Augustinian brotherhood- 1 cycle (choice) intensity 12
  2. harvest blame- 3 cycles, (choice/social/choice) intensity 12
  3. visions of crime 2 cycles(combat/combat) intensity 6
  4. search for Ouragon - 2 cycles (legal-diplomatic/combat) intensity 9
  5. quest for the arch stones: 1 cycle (choice) intensity 12
  6. Jinn quest: 3 cycles (choice/combat/choice) intensity 9
  1. Spring Jinn quest: 3 cycles (choice/combat/choice) intensity 9 : Danae

Danae flies thanks to her Hermes's winged Sandals power, and reaches quickly a small fortified town on the Saharan coast. She easily charms many of the lower classes in town with her rambunctious ways and easy grins. That she speaks their language perfectly causes no small amount of wonder. Charm She spends several days there, trying to get a lead to find a jinn. The authorities take note, and several times they accost her or even try to capture her, but she stays one step ahead with innocuous answers and alley getaways. Guile success. After hearing that inside the fortress in the mountain in a cave deep below, something lurks, she decides to reach out to the fortress's commander, see if he's amenable to bribes. A first meeting seems fruitful, the man is quite taken with Danae and even promises to order his troops. For the second, after Danae has located vis in the bazaar, she is confronted with a priest who seems to know what a Redcap is. He harangues her, curses her for an infidel, and has men grab her. "Hey I paid for that!" as they take away 3 pawns of vis. Intrigue botch. She twists, turns, flees through a window, and a rooftop chase ensues. She quickly identifies other guards closing in from every side ,and dodges them, losing the pursuit in the process, they can't keep up with her ridiculous stamina and sneaky ways. Awareness, Stealth success Exciting! She waits for nightfall, and flies into the fortress, after drawing a large chunk of guards to the other side of town. Hermes’s winged sandals success.

Danae immediately finds the cave, a hole in the ground, really, in the slope behind the fortress. Through winding corridors, strange chambers and down ancient stairs, she reaches a cave of glittering wonders. This is the likeliest place! Magic Lore success Soon enough she spies the spirit, a grumbling and moody creature who is aware of her and threatens her with florid prose and bodily chastisements. It seems utterly surprised when she speaks to its disembodied shape and commences the invocation ritual! Second sight, Sihr success. It's even more surprised by the canny bargainer, this enchanting slip of a girl! Wahabb admits it's very lonely and that some Mediterranean sun might do it good. Bargain struck!

1st cycle: Social
Charm 6 + Str 0 + _: 1D10 = [7] = 7 = 13 success
Guile 3 Lying to Authority + 3 Com + _: 1D10 = [1] = 1, _: 1D10 = [1] = 1, _: 1D10 = [3] = 3 = 12, success
Intrigue 6 Alliances + 0 Quik + _: 1D10 = [10] = 10, _: 1D10 = [10] = 10 It's an actual botch! Dammit!

2nd cycle: Combat
Awareness 3 Alertness + 5 Sta + _: 1D10 = [1] = 1 , _: 1D10 = [7] = 7 = 22, success
Stealth 2 Sneaking + 3 Dex + _: 1D10 = [6] = 6 = 11, success
Spell/item: (Hermes’s winged sandals)- Flight, ReFo 15, no roll, success

3rd cycle: Magic
Magic Lore 5 Creatures + 0 Int + _: 1D10 = [9] = 9 = 14, success
Second sight 4 Djinn + 1 Per + _: 1D10 = [7] = 7 = 12, success
Sihr 12 + 4 Commanding Presence + 3 Alluring to magical beings + _: 1D10 = [9] = 9 + 3 Confidence = 31, can successfully bind a 15 Might Magic Djinn, which is what she was after, with a +16 advantage in the negotiations which is huge.

Further Bargain roll to seal the deal with the jinn, Bargain 5 Jinn + Com 3 + 3 Alluring to magical Beings + 16 Summoning Strength + _: 1D10 = [10] = 10 come on! _: 1D10 = [7] = 7 no botch + 6 2 Confidence> 18 + Bargain modifiers (service to last a year +9) + (3 general terms) + (2 (1 less vis than the 3 the jinn expected)) . Danae spends 2 Terram vis to pay the creature for its service.

Adventure took 14 days (9 diff+3 cycles+1 Botch), provides 8 xp, 3 Confidence (she used 3), 5 Rewards and 1 loss. Rewards are new positive rep among Djinn, 3 Auram vis, + 1 positive rep among Magi, Resonant material for Penetration book, + 1 Confidence point. Loss is 3 pawns of vis she lost during the escape from the consequences of her botched Intrigue roll. Story to come.

I'll post some generic 15 Might Terram Jinn, it will accompany her throughout the year, as a bodyguard and status symbol. 8)

*edited, had repeated by mistake 1 Stat without cycling thru all first.

  1. Spring visions of crime 2 cycles(combat/combat) intensity 6 Lady Agniezka, Danae, Sandor, Paco, Erberto added Jinn (let's call him Earth Wahabb, for now a generic Earth version of the Ignem one in OoH Societates p135) who now accompanies Danae

Sandor is as restless as ever. Mother is reading, always reading. Can't she see the peasants, bandits all, rising up with their jealousy to grab at our noble possessions? He wakes again. There were wolves in the vision this time! Sandor thought he recognized a farm nearby, that must be the place where the bandits are making their lair! He sneaks out of his room, but Mother is waiting. Why can't she understand? Father would be pleased by this action, is he not a noble knight. But she does listen, although with a sad look on her face. She speaks to the Redcap lady. She's nice! Not an hour later, there's grizzled Paco, and even Erberto, the legendary pugilist! They travel for a few hours to this farm that Sandor insists is a nest of treacherous vipers. Paco and the others become aware of men on the road near the farm. Awareness success. They have not been spotted by sheer luck! Danae suddenly disappears. 15 minutes later she reappears from the darkness, with a gigantic dark being, a Saracen, really, whom she calls Wahabb. Stealth success. She has learned some things, apparently the bandits are many, and they know that the group is around, so now sneaking back will prove very difficult. Lady A theorizes that without their leader Lupo and with the presence of the obviously supernatural Wahabb, the bandits might just flee, she believes they are just poor displaced peasants, and comes up with a plan to avoid hurting these people unnecessarily. And is convincing! Leadership success

So Erberto goes around, silently pummeling unconscious more people than have ever been knocked unconscious in any one place before or ever again. Brawl success. Sandor is wide-eyed with wonder at the incredible skill Erberto displays. He must teach me! Paco is the one who eventually gets the drop on Lupo near the house, dropping on top of him from a tree. Athletics success. Wahabb materializes and creates a huge boulder which he appears to hurl, flattening the front wall of the farmhouse, and leading to its crumpling like paper. Crafter of Earth success. The remaining bandits flee, although the unconscious ones are tended by Lady A. They are turned over to the authorities, but she pleads for mercy, and spends wealth to give them legal help and alms/food.

1st cycle: Combat

  1. Paco Awareness 4 + 1 Per. + 2 Aid (Erberto 2, Danae 2, Lady A 1) + _: 1D10 = [2] = 2 = 9, success
  2. Danae Stealth 2 Sneak + 3 Dex + _: 1D10 = [6] = 6 = 11, success
  3. Lady A Leadership 2 + 3 int + 1 Aid (Paco 2) + _: 1D10 = [4] = 4 = 9, success

2nd cycle: Combat

  1. Erberto Brawl Empty hand 11 + 2 Dex + 1 Aid (Danae 1 , Sandor 2) + _: 1D10 = [1] = 1, _: 1D10 = [8] = 8 = 30, success
  2. Paco Athletics 2 + 5 Sta + 2 Aid (Sandor 2, Erberto 2, Danae 1) + _: 1D10 = [4] = 4 = 13, success
  3. Wahabb Crafter of Earth creates a great boulder, Crafter of earth power magnitude 3, no roll, success

Adventure took 8 days, provides 5 xp, 2 Confidence to lady A, Danae, and Sandor, who now worships the very ground Erberto walks on and has seen some very magical things. 4 Rewards: 1 Notch on Sandor's Visions Flaw, Lady A will gain +1 correspondence in Leadership, Danae gets a +1 to Rep and + 1 to Correspondence in Leadership.

Story to come.

  1. Spring search for Ouragon - 2 cycles (legal-diplomatic/combat) intensity 9 Andros, Simian Rex, Gloriana Sentis, Danae, Francesco, Paco, Alexander the Blacksmith

The Questers arrive at the Faerie regio and are led inside. It is a dark, dreary place. Eventually they reach deeper through Andros's piercing the faerie veil, and after what seem like weeks, reach a two-headed-hound that guards a grove. Strange emaciated maidens with fruit and grain in their hair ask what their purpose is in disturbing Persephone's Gate. Andros blurts out "We are looking for an old friend, Ouragan ex Flambeau. He's a...guest of the Queen. It is time for him to come home." The maidens are quite disturbed at this, and exclaim "The Queen will not see you! You may not enter!" Gloriana, with the help of the others, identifies these maidens as fearsome guardians of both life and death, and their role.
Faerie Lore success. She makes a rhetorical speech that appeals to the story and emotions these beings respond to, and they listen, and lead them into the grove. Artes Liberales success. In this gloomy place of roots, webs, and skeletal servants, Gloriana makes a great impression with her allure, and presented before Persephone and Hades themselves, lies smoothly, implying she is a queen in her own right elsewhere, and could they please see to the health of their friend? Guile success
A shocking sight is presented: Ouragan with ruby eyes and fused into a door. Nay, he is the door! Andros exclaims in fury and horror. He attempts to pull the door from its hinges, at which point Ouragan screams in pain, and the court darkens and murmurs. "Perhaps you wish to join your friend?" exclaims the Faerie god, as he gestures towards Andros with a withering curse, which Andros resists only barely! Parma Magica success. It's on! Black knives and blacker claws surround the Questers, Andros immediately starts hacking away, resisting their deadly kiss Ironhide (MuCo35) success. But Danae pulls him away, the others are in very great danger. So they flee across regios, ever pursued, Simian Rex's monkey armies successfully confounding their Faerie foes. The turb valiantly fight for their lives and manage to avoid being whelmed. single weapon success. Finally they spill into the sunlight of the mundane realm. Without Ouragan.

1st cycle Legal/Diplomatic

  1. Gloriana Sentis Faerie Lore Folk Ken 4 + Int 3 + 5 Aid (Alexander 5, Francesco 4, Paco 2) +_: 1D10 = [4] = 4 = 16, success
  2. Gloriana Sentis Artes Liberales 5 + 1 Com + 3 Alluring to Faerie beings + 3 Aid (Andros 1, Danae 1, Francesco 1, Paco 1, Alexander 5) + _: 1D10 = [1] = 1, _: 1D10 = [3] = 3 = 18, success
  3. Gloriana Sentis Guile 3 manipulation of truths + 1 Pre + 3 Alluring to faerie beings + 1 Aid (Danae 2) + _: 1D10 = [4] = 4 = 12, success

2nd cycle combat

  1. Andros Parma Magica 6 + 5 Sta + 1 Aid (Gloriana 3) + _: 1D10 = [5] = 5 = 17, success
  2. Andros Ironhide (MuCo35) +58; Mastery 1 + _: 1D10 = [3] = 3 = success
  3. Francesco single weapon longsword 9 + Str 2 + 4 Aid (Paco 9) + _: 1D10 = [7] = 7 = 22, success

So adventure lasts 11-1=10 days, provides 7 xp (Andros/Danae/Gloriana will take them), + 2 Confidence to all 3 and Simian Rex (Gloriana spent 1), 4 Rewards: Gloriana +1 rep among the faeries, Andros 3 pawns Co vis, Danae +2 Resonant materials for Faerie Lore book, -1 day to duration.

Story of poor Ouragan's fate to come.

*edited to correct Gloriana's Parma

Let's get the fall adventures out of the way first:

Evandrus: Magic Lore(2)+Int(3)+assist(1)+Stress(2)=8 Fail
Evandrus Magic Theory(14)+Per(0)+Stress(1), Explosion=Stress(6*2)=26 Success!
Evadrus: Faerie Lore(2)+Com(3)+Stress(1) Explosion: Stress(2*7)=19 Success!

The team gets their hands on some letters between two members of the Brotherhood, and then the team sets to analyzing the arcane lore and possible influences behind it. It certainly looks like they have been getting some inspiration from somewhere. Evandrus and Anna make a game out of finding ideas that were precursors to more advanced refined ideas now in Hermetic Theory. They also find some stuff that looks like it might be Faeried inspired, although they aren't sure. Hopefully, their reasoning comes across well in the report the team wrote on it.

Experience: 7xp
Time: 14 days
Rewards: Anna gets a correspondence in Faerie Lore

Combat Cycle
Hadrian: Bow(10)+Dex(2)+Stress(6)=18!
Aegis: Single Weapon(Short Sword)(5)+Str(2)+Stress(7)=14!
Hadrian: Awareness(4)+Per(0)+Assist(3)+Stress(7)=14!
Three Success

Social Cycle
Anna: Charm(2)+Com(5)+Assist(2)Stress(3)=12
Anna: Carouse(1)+Sta(5)+Assist(3)+Stress(8)=17
Anna: Etiquette(2)+Pre(2)+Stress(3)=7
Two Success

Anna: Artes Liberales(4)+Int(2)+Stress(1),Explosion,Stress(7*2)=20 Success!
Anna: Folk Ken(2)+Per(1)+Assist(2)+Stress(0), Botch Potential! Botch Check(7)=5 Fail!
Anna: Guile(1)+Com(5)+Assist(2)+Stress(1),Explosion,Stress(7*2)=22 Success!

After taking care of Evandrus's duty the group heads towards the Romano estates to see what is the matter. The first sign that foul play is about is when some bandits attempt to ambush the group. Hadrian spots it, and then he opens fire while Aegis closes with the attackers. It doesn't end well for the bandits. When they do reach the Romano estates they, do their best to figure out what's going on. There are quite a few people buying food in the area, and Anna learns its because of terrible harvests in nearby lands. Monks are asking for food to help the hungry peasants. Obviously, she gives the monks what they need. Then, she holds a small party to get more information, and learns there are trouble makers. She extends them an invitation.

The trouble makers lead Anna into a rhetorical trap, but she lies her way out of it so amazingly one of the trouble makers suddenly confesses his employer has been using rigged scales and taking way more of the harvest than he is due. Everyone promptly forgets about accusations of altering the weather.

Experience: 9xp
Time: 17 days
Rewards: One notch on hook, +3 Rep to Anna

The Jinn adventure also generated 8 quest points, which are used for finding Jinn (what is being quested for)- every quest point may be used to locate up to 2 might in Jinn, with extra quest points representing leads in finding future Jinn.
Unless I missed something it looks like the winter adventures are still unresolved

Magic Cycle:
Evandrus: Magic Lore(2)+Int(3)+Assist(1)+Stress(6)=12 Note: Forgot to specify Magic Lore+Int in the roll. Feel free to reroll it.
Evandrus: Magic Theory(14)+Com(3)+Stress(4)=21 Success!
Aegis: Second Sight(4)+Per(2)+Stress(3)
Social Cycle
Evandrus: Carouse(2)+Sta(4)+Assist(1)+Stress(0), Fail Botch Check:No Botch
Aegis: Charm(2)+Pre(2)+Assist(1)+Stress(6)=11 Fail!
Aegis: Craft: Cooking(7)+Dex(0)+Stress(2)=9 Fail! Note: I figured this represented Aegis cooking a feast for the peasants. It doesn't work.

Combat Cycle
Hadrian: Brawl(Dodge)(5)+Qik(2)+Assist(2)+Stress(1);Explode!Stress(2*2)=13 Success!
Aegis: Single Weapon(Short Sword)(5)+Str(2)+Stress(2)=9 Fail!
Hadrian: LongBow(11)+Dex(2)+Stress(3)=16 Success!

Diplo Cycle:
Evandrus: Artes Liberales(2)+Int(3)+Assist(1)+Stress(0), Botch Check: No Botch
Aegis: Folk Ken(Nobles)(2)+Per(2)+Stress(4)=8 Fail!
Evandrus: Guile(1)+Com(3)+Stress(7)+Confidence(3)-Six Gift, Fail!

Story: The first thing the group does is try to figure out what the heck is going on with all these monsters! They reason from what they know of magic lore and magic theory, ask the peasants questions based on their reasoning, and have Aegis observe the monsters with her second sight. As far as they can tell it seems to be a confluence of factors, but nothing too suspicious. Still, they think they can solve it with violence, but first they need to take care of the peasants. They try and make the peasants feel welcomed, but everything goes horribly. They hate the food, think the welcome party is crap and don't like the mute lady. All in all the peasants are extremely ungrateful. Then someone mentions Aegis was that arsonist and the peasants all most riot. They calm down when Hadrian threatens to kick them out, but they still are pretty unhappy.

Still the monsters are still all about so the group goes out to hunt! The group's theory is if they can scatter or drive off a magical pack of wolves it should start a chain of events that causes things to go back to normal. The wolves ambush the party and Hadrian almost got hamstrung by a wolf, but he jumped at the last second, and then heroically shot arrows into enough wolves to scare them off. They chase the wolves pack to the rest of the pack. The rest of the pack is surrounding a villa and led by a giant magical wolf. Hadrian slays it with a lucky arrow through the eye, and the rest of the wolves run away.

The nobles accuse the group of poaching. Yes, of poaching the magical wolves the group saved them from. Evandrus tries to lie his way out of trouble, which surprisingly fails horribly. The nobles demand massive reparations. When they finally leave, Evandrus declares to the other two that they will not be helping those jerks ever again. The covenant also agrees to remove the dead giant wolf, after a further complaint when the nobles find out the giant wolf is seemingly impossible to butcher.

Experience: 10xp
Confidence: Evandrus gains three net
Time: 24 days
Rewards: 12 build points
Losses: Aegis gets three points on her negative rep, 60 lbs of silver

Build points:
Ever rotting corpse - 2 pawns perdo/year - 10 points
A slain giant wolf that always seems to be rotting, but never seems to lose any mass. Each Fall two mushrooms grow on it that contain a paw of Perdo Vis each. The wolf was relocated to a covenant cellar.

10 points An Vis - The giant wolf has 10 pawns of animal vis in its corpse.

Evandrus: Magic Lore(2)+Int(3)+Stress(8)=13 Success!
Aegis: Second Sight(4)+Per(2)+Stress(5)
Evandrus: Magic Theory(14)+Com(3)+Stress(5)=22 Success!
Time: 14 days
Experience: 7
Rewards: 1 rep point for Evandrus+Quest Points