Advancement after 30 Years, for review.
Characteristics: Int +3, Per -1 (preoccupied), Pre 0, Com +3, Str -1 (thin build), Sta +2 (tenacious), Dex 0, Qik -3 (stoic)
Size: 0, Age: 46 (35), Height: 168 cm, Weight: 72 kg, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0, Warping Score: 0 (0), Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Affinity with Aquam, Affinity with Ignem, Deft Form (Aquam) [Form: Aquam], Flawless Magic (Spell Mastery Experience: Doubled), The Gift, Greater Immunity (Cold), Hermetic Magus, Inventive Genius (Invent Lab Totals: +3), Minor Magical Focus (Ice), Puissant Magic Theory, Puissant Aquam, Withstand Casting, Covenant Upbringing, Driven (Grow
magical line), Environmental Magic Condition (Temp above 15c)*, Favors (Previous Coven magi), Hedge Wizard, Warped Magic (Nearby items become cold) [Side Effect: Nearby items become cold], Weird Magic (Botches on Stressed Casting: Extra botch die) Reputations: Hedge Wizard 3
Abilities: Animal Handling 1 (1), Area Lore: Finland 1, Area Lore: ApprCov 1, Artes Liberales 1 (ritual magic), Athletics 1,
Awareness 2 (alertness), Brawl 1 (Dodge), Concentration 2 (spell concentration), Finesse 4 (targeting), Finnish 5, Folk Ken 2, Great
Weapon 2, Guile 2, Hunt 1 (tracking), Latin 4 (hermetic usage), Leadership 1 (laboratory work), Magic Lore 1, Magic Theory 6+2
(Aquam) (15), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (House Ex Misc), Parma Magica 4 (Aquam), Penetration 3 (Aquam), Scribe 1 (copying),
Survival 3 (very cold climates), Teaching 2
Adventure/Lab Seasons (270 xp)
Arts: Cr 15, In 7, Mu 10, Pe 10, Re 10, An 10, Aq 20+3, Au 10, Co 10, He 5, Ig 12, Im 5, Me 10, Te 5, Vi 5
Spells Known:
- Conjure Ice Temporarily (CrAq 5) +56, Mastery 1 (fast casting). Creates a block of ice a little over eight feet per side, totaling 560 cubic feet and weighing 14 tons. The spell was invented as the raw materials for other spells which manipulate ice, with a low level to assist with penetration.
- Armour of Unbreakable Ice (Cr(Mu)Aq(Te) 10) +23, Mastery 1 (fast casting). The caster is encased in a thick armour of unnaturally resilient ice, which offers protection akin to skin of metal armour. The ice moves with the caster, adjusting to their movements which provides an additional 6 Protection and 3 Load. Without some extra tolerance to cold conditions the caster will find themselves uncomfortably chilled, losing a Fatigue level per diameter of exposure.
- Floor of Slippery Ice (CrAq 10) +56, Mastery 1 (imperturbable casting). This spell creates a smooth layer of ice across the ground in an area surrounding the caster.
- Persistent Circle of Ice (CrAq 10) +56, Mastery 1 (penetration). Conjures a block of ice within the drawn circle, shaped to the size of the circle. The ice will persist until the circle is broken. Anything else within the circle will be encapsulated.
- Javelin of Sharpened Ice (Cr(Re)Aq 15) +47, Mastery 2 (multiple casting). (Multiple Casting 2x) As per "Dagger of Ice" altered to be sharper and stronger, inflicting +10 damage.
- Barrier of Sharpened Ice (CrAq 20) +56, Mastery 1 (multiple casting). This spell creates an ice wall with sharp and pointed barbs along one side. The sides of the wall are 5 feet high, and the wall can be up to 20 feet long, and 2 feet deep. The caster may choose the shape of the barrier when cast.
- Conjure the Refuge from Ice and Snow (CrAq 20) +56, Mastery 1 (lab mastery). This spell conjures a simple single room ice shelter for protection against the elements, large enough to hold 10 travelers with their gear. The refuge has solid walls and roof, a long curved entryway, and a thin chimney.
- Encase in Ice (CrAq 20) +56, Mastery 1 (penetration). The target is surrounded in ice, potentially encasing the target. Enveloped targets may attempt to break free, see Shackles of Frozen Ice (ReAq20, HoH:S p.35). If the target is too large the ice will cover an area up to 560 cubic feet.
- Shape the Servant of Ice (Cr(Re)Aq(Me) 20) +33, Mastery 1 (penetration). This spell conjures a figure of ice, grants it a simple intellect, and allows it to move to obey the caster’s commands. The figure can be made up the size of a large humaniod (size +2).
- Shape the Frozen Hound (Cr(Re)Aq(An) 25) +33, Mastery 1 (penetration). This spell creates a size +0 dog shaped from ice, and animates it under the caster’s control so it can follow simple commands. The Animal requisite grants the animation the behaviours and habits instinctive to trained sled dogs.
- Obstructive Ice Block (CrAq 30) +56, Mastery 1 (multiple casting). This spell creates a large block of ice in a simple shape (walls, rings, arcs) and orientation chosen by the caster within range, up to 5600 cubic feet of ice; akin to a wall roughly 6 feet tall, 3 feet thick, and 300 feet long (roughly 90 yards); for the duration. A Finesse check is required for particularly fine placement or targeting specific people.
- Clear Sight of the Naiad (InAq 5) +33, Mastery 1Touch of the Pearls (InAq 5) +33, Mastery 1 (fast casting)
- Clear Sight of the Arctic Fox (InAq 15) +33, Mastery 1 (fast casting). The caster can see through snow and ice, which appear as highly translucent shadows of their previous images. This allows the caster to see through barriers and obstructions, and clearly in snowstorms.
- Eye for the Treacherous Flow (InAq 20) +33, Mastery 1 (lab mastery). You can intuitively tell if any Aquam based natural terrain is treacherous, such as thin ice or a deep current.
- Lungs of the Fish (Personal) (MuAq(Au) 15) +23, Mastery 1 (fast casting)
- Object of Unbreakable Ice (MuAq(Te) 15) +23, Mastery 1 (lab mastery). The ice object touched is made very strong and non-brittle, gaining resistance to shattering and the resilience of stone. The object may be as large as a small pond.
- Object of Malleable Ice (MuAq 25) +46, Mastery 1 (lab mastery). The ice targeted becomes unnaturally soft, dry, and flexible, but still retains its basic shape. The force required to break the ice remains unchanged.
- Break the Oncoming Wave (ReAq 10) +36, Mastery 1 (fast casting)
- Shackles of the Frozen Ice (ReAq 20) +46, Mastery 1 (multiple casting)
- Swallowed by the Mist (ReAq 20) +36, Mastery 1 (multiple casting). See MoH, p75 - This spell turns the targeted section of water to mist, causing swimmers and ships alike to plummet to the ground while the mist rises up, and then the sea crashes down around them. Successfully targeting this attack requires a Perception + Finesse roll against an Ease Factor of 9 (6 if the target is smaller than a rowboat, as there is more leeway in the transformed area). Observers of this spell will often just see a large cloud of mist rise around the target, and the ship will simply be gone.
- Cirque of the Frozen Ice (ReAq 25) +46, Mastery 1 (fast casting). The targeted area of water is turned into ice and will remain frozen for the duration. When the spell expires the ice will begin to melt normally. The caster can choose how much of the water to affect and what simple shape, up to 5,600 cubic feet of water can be changed. If an object is targeted refer to Shackles of Frozen Ice (HoH:S p35).
- The Mystical Ice Carver (ReAq 25) +46, Mastery 1 (precise casting). The targeted ice is shaped as if worked upon as an ice carving. The spell affects a large volume, or even a part of huge ice formations, up to 5600 cubic feet. While the spell is intended to be used to carve specific useful shapes in the ice it is also possible to carve out he space within the ice as a cavity or to destabilise the ice. A Perception + Finesse check is required to confirm the quality of the work, with an initial ease factor of 6 for simple shapes.
- Subsume the Frigid Beast (ReAq 25) +46, Mastery 1 (fast casting). This spell alters the ice within the target area so that it is transformed into steam. Anything within the target area will fall as they lack support, and items resting upon these surfaces will be quickly encased when the spell is ended. If the spell is targeted beneath a specific spot, such as beneath a particular creature a targeting roll is required. The effect is designed to affect a bowl shaped area, with a volume up to 5600 cubic feet, although the maximum volume is not required.
- Ominous Levitation of the Frozen Obelisk (ReAq 35) +46, Mastery 1 (precise casting). Allows the caster to control and direct ice using unnaturally rapid movement, equivalent to as fast as a bird flies. As the spell includes Target: Part it may manipulate items which are covered in ice, or push and direct part of a larger mass of ice. The caster must direct the movement through concentration and the ice object will remain where it is placed or floats for the spell duration. The spell affects up to 35,000 cubic feet of ice.
- Aura of Winter's Cold (PeIg 10) +25, Mastery 1 (lab mastery). The area immediately surrounding the caster is lowered to just above freezing for the duration.
- Winter's Icy Touch (PeIg 10) +25, Mastery 1 (multiple casting)
- Ward Against Winter's Cold (ReIg 15) +25, Mastery 1 (still casting). Base 4 to ward against code in the same manner as heat. This spell protects again all normal cold, as cold spells inflicting up to +5 damage.
- Wizard's Reach (Aquam) (MuVi 20) +18, Mastery 1 (imperturbable casting)
- Sap the Griffin's Strength (PeVi 5) +18, Mastery 1 (multiple casting)
- Unravelling the Fabric of Aquam (PeVi 5) +18, Mastery 1 (unraveling)
- Maintaining the Demanding Spell (ReVi 20) +18, Mastery 1 (still casting)