Alexios Chalkeus, an alchemist from Byzantium
Characteristics: Int +5, Per 0, Pre 0, Com 0, Str +2, Sta 0, Dex +1, Qik 0
Warping Score:0(0)
Confidence: 1(3)
Virtues: Craftsman; Affinity with Philosophiae, Cautious with Philosophiae, Cautious with Profession: Naffatun, Educated, Great Intelligence x2, Improved Characteristics, Puissant Philosophiae;
Flaws: Ambitious (major), Black Sheep , Higher Purpose (reclaim latin empire for the greeks), Infamous
Personality Traits: Ambitious +6, Proud of the glory of Greece +3, brave +3
Reputations: Rebellious naffatun (Byzantium) 4, Abandoned family business (friends of his family) 2
Childhood: Romaic Greek 5 (expansive vocabulary)
Area Lore:Byzantium 2 (merchants)
Awareness 2 (sounds)
Athletics 2 (running)
Later life: (23 yearsx15 + 50xp for educated)
Bargain 3 (alchemical ingredients) 30
Brawl 2 (dodging) 15
Classic Greek 4 (writing) 50
Artes Liberales 2 (arithmetic) 15
Leadership 2 (workshop) 15
Organisation Lore: Byzantine Guilds 2 (greek fire makers) 15
Philosophiae 6+2 (natural philosophy) 70xp, up to 105 with affinity
Profession: Naffatun 5 (hand-held siphon) 75
Riding 2 (rough ground) 15
Single Weapon 2 (axe) 15
Swim 1 (diving) 5
30 xp on 6 philosophiae formulae: Cement, refrigerant salt, fire damp, smoke oil(all taken from A&A) ship's greek fire and naffatun greek fire (subdividing the two types as per The Sundered Eagle)
Equipment: fine clothing when outside the workshop or fortifications, or thick,stained workman's clothing with heavy gauntlets when working.
Combat: Dodging Init +0, attack n/a, defence +3, damage n/a
Naffatun Init -2, attack +11, defence +6, damage +10, range 5 paces
(using stats from The Sundered Eagle)
EDIT: dropping philosophiae by 1 level, using the 25 xp to buy single weapon 2 (weapon skill as requested by SG) and increasing ride to 2 to use the other 10 xp.