... and lost souls

LadyP, you need to break out of your ridgid thinking. They can and will harm and/or imprison you on their own. If you haven't figured that out by now, then I don't know how to help you.

(In other words, just RUN!)

The spell is cast succesfully and the Sled rises into the air

Once in the air, she immediately starts to circle, testing the aegis to try to get the sled to a position within about 45 yards of a window to the guesthouse. She now knows where it is. She plans that if she needs to grab all her belongings and leave, she will be able to get to transportation and leave without danger. It is also a demonstration of being a mage against those that serve the mages.

The Aegis follows the perimeter of the covenant , the guesthouse is more than 45 yards from the perimeter wall about 60 yards at it's closest to the perimeter as I describe before it is close up agaisnt the covenant near the centre of the settlement. However she could find a section of the wall with no guards as the guards are at the gate and the guesthouse. Some of the villagers are trained as a militia and patrol the walls but there are few of them and finding a spot she could get close to the guesthosue at would not be difficult , however the guards will of course see the sled maneuvering and may well move in reaction however the sled does move faster than they do

Katja is in no rush, she circles the covenant 10' off the ground and guarded until she is sure she has a firm idea of the entire layout of the covenant, the various village buildings the covenant buildings so she knows what is where. If she enters, she will want to get total concealment from archers after she leaves her sled yet in sight of guesthouse. She knows casting into the aegis will be tiring. The first concept is to make her leap within the walls and then put up stone wall. The grogs might soon find themselves walled in and walled out.

After about 5 minutes as she completes her reconaisence Katja notices a small blackclad figure the maga Marianne has left the main covenant buiding and is speaking with what she thinks is the commander of the Grogs and occasionally looking in her direction.

Katja waits and watches and prepares for yet another battle, another murder attempt. She keeps her distance from the maga for the moment but would let a grog approach on foot to speak (after all, she is in the air). The question is whether to go get the quaesitors or not.

Mariella climbs up onto the parepet closest to Katja (Still more than 50 yards away as Katja is keeping beyond voice range) and gestures seemingly indicating an intent to parley (she cannot of course shout to Katja as Katja is beyond the range at whoch her voice would be intelligable)

Siobhan considers and then points to one of the village militia vs professional grogs and then raises 1 finger and points to position about half way between the two. she tries to indicate a single go-between who is not magical. She is not taking chances.

It takes several minutes of gesturing backwards and forwards before Katja thinks both sides understand each other and a discussion amongst the people within the covenant is complete.
The person who come out from the covenant towards Katja is the young servant women Ilsa who spoke with her earlier.
"There seems to be some confusion here , the guards are uncertain as to what is going on and would have prefered to keep everyone under control until Justus and the others return. Mariella has woken up and does not seem to remmber well events for some time inclding yesterdays events as she is uncertain what is going on and is aware that you are a fellow mage she wants to talk to you so as to make sure you are not about to attack and find out what is going on

The answer comes hard and Katja is not in the mood to be diplomatic, "Since the last time she got close to me, she tried to kill me. I will keep her outside of voice range thank you. Only that I am good with pits and walls saved me. Mariella is the one that has been murdering the people of this covenant but I wouldn't say that to her unless you are prepared for her to try to kill you. Then again, your idiot soldiers don't want to believe that either and take precautions."

"The guards serve mages, this means they do not arrest, they do not confine and they do not try to hurt those of the Order unless one of the order tells them do. Do it on their own and it is a treason that I will see punished harshly as example to the others. I could and I am tempted to demand the lives of the two that fired upon me as apology for what was done. " Katja says. She obviously has no trust for the guard's wisdom or the mage Mariella. She just hasn't decided what she is going to be doing about it yet since she has a lot of possessions inside the house. She has a couple of options but isn't sure which one to pursue.

"At the moment the problem is that no one actually knows what has happened, I think Mariella killed the people under some outsideinfluence . She has no clear memories of anything for a while . The guards are naturally scared and don't trust you , they don't particualrly trust Mariella given her gift few people do however they know her and know that if she was trying to kill them all she would have done so by now , so they are concentrating on you as a threat you are a stranger of unknown abilities and temeprement and they wish to prevent you kiing them. You may feel that they have wronged you but that puts you as the only person with that opinion in the area and frankly no one here works for you or counts you as one of their own . They are protecitng their families , their properties and their employers properties.
Mariella as the only mage of the covenant is in charge and has said that you are welcome within the covenant and offers you her word as a Milite of House flambeau that you will be safe within the covenant provided you attack no one . From what I have seen she takes her honour seriously and I do not think she would lie about it.
Is there a message I can deliver for you?

"Then the guards are idiots. Mariella has been killing those that have offended her. THe concept that she is possessed by outside spirit or not, makes no difference. She seemed rational and reasonable until she tried to kill me last night too. The deaths have been going on long before I arrived into the area considering I have been traveling most of the season. Her word as a Milites is worth nothing. She gave her word and oath to our order to never try to kill a member of the order outside justly declared wizard war and she broke that oath last night and tried to kill me."

My magical focus is with stone, metal and glass where as Mariella's magic is appearantly focused on destroying things and it was a killing spell for affecting the body that she tried to use. The pit in the village and the two stone walls, one burst open by Mariella were my work. If you think that Mariella killed them, tell your fellow guards so that they can work with someone that was trying to help them instead of screwing up by trying to turn a guest in to a prisoner. Even as I exerted my rights to move freely as wizard, I did not attack them. I suspect I could have dropped large rocks on their heads if I really wanted to harm them. They want my forgiveness, they better start groveling because by the only laws I uphold and obey, they are criminals that by actually attacking me when I had done nothing but refused to let them jail me, earned death. So far I have been vary reasonable."

Katja is furious and annoyed, "Send a token to the aegis that I can bring my sled within the Aegis and thus move about freely while protected and I might consider coming closer but I won't walk into a trap.

OOC That would pretty much be grounds for wizards war if said to Mariella or any flambeau really.

"I don't think the guards at the village will be considering themselves criminals or begging your forgiveness , I suspect there will be further problems with their relationship with Mariella once they are aware of what has happened and have had time to think but their dealing with you seem reasonable to our leaders. I have a token for the Aegis for you here, Mariella provided it in anticpiation of your accepting her guarantee.

If you are being paranoid you are aware that an Aegis token is worthless , Mariella can cancel it with a word. And of course she will not be effected by the Aegis

"They better start groveling because I originally came here to join the covenant and that would mean they serve me and live at my sufferance. There is nothing to prevent me from killing them once I am in the covenant. If I do not join this covenant, then I will be seeking the judged of the order and demanding their lives, not just the two that shot at me but the one that gave the order to imprison me as well as recompse for the attack, inconvenience and danger caused me. Their lives have become forfiet so they better find ways to appease me very fast." Katja is very clear and firm. "THe sooner they realized they acted out of their rights and authority and start making amends the more likely they will live. They were warned very clearly by me who was the threat, you could have told them as well and they could have verified it with you the same information that I started my investigation from. Instead they pigheadedly thought that they who serve a covenant of the Order of Hermes had authority over the member to get violent. I was peaceful and trying to be nice by exerting my authority and demonstrating by just acting regardless. By trying to kill me, that mercy has just vanished. I suggest you go back and talk to them quickly if they want to keep breathing. Toss me up that token as I am going to test it to verify that I can take my sled into the aegis while you do so."

OOC: You bet I am being paranoid, such is incredibly reasonable and those guards better start groveling fast or they are stupider than they have acted so far.

Once I have the token, I am going to fly around fast to close within the aegis with my sled (once in, it doesn't matter if she cancels since I can still fly out.)