Animals in Ars Magica

Yes, I was headed there because I knew that one magus's writeup had a bunch. Thanks!

Edit: I just added MoH to my list above.

This is just a placeholder for now, mostly so I know that their stats are derived from that base creature, so when i go over them again, I can check the math better.
Once this stage is done, they will each gain their own separate entry, unless some of them do belong as a subgroup.

As a bonus, when I'll be done with the base document, I plan on creating a pretty PDF, with a cover that will be similar to the ones of the official line.

First part sounds reasonable; second sounds exciting.

Looking back at how big the list has gotten, I think my original assessment was correct:

I think the bigger problem is that all the information is scattered across quite a few different books. I think, if it were all collected together, the fully statted ones, the variants, and the ones with just a few notes, it would look like a pretty good collection of animals.

It really is looking like quite a large collection of mundane animals in all.

As someone new to the game, it really didn't look like there are many animals given stats. Looking now, I agree that there are more than one can see, but only because it is SOOO scattered.

I'm getting close now. I've gone through over 30 books. I realized, looking at RM, that it might be good to include at least new or updated qualities, perhaps all in one spot. Crushing Jaws shows up a few times. Fins shows up once, but it should really be applied to all those fish. Venemous got an update, and that update allows us to distinguish between more and less venomous animals.

The Crushing Jaws quality definitely makes an appearance as a sidebar, as well as a brief sidebar on wolf tactics from ML.

While the file isn't finished yet, while waiting, i've decided to go ahead and work on the cover. And since you guys helped a lot, I've decided to share what the cover will look like.

How should Mundane Qualities be handled?
  • Add a section listing all Mundane Qualities.
  • Add sidebars only on new or updated Qualities,

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Anyone got any links to good sites with medieval associations of various animals? I feel like it gives the animals more of a mythic feel, like how a stag in the HoH:MC book has unaging listed as a Virtue, since they saw them as not dying of natural causes.

This is the best quick reference I know of:

What should I do if the stats of an animal do not conform to the rules of building said animal?

For example, the Dromedary Camel:
It's got Cun -2, Per 0, Pre -4, Com -5, Str +1, Sta +3, Dex 0, Qik -2
A hooved beast is supposed to have Cun -3, Per -2, Pre -5, Com -6
And it's only got the Herd Animal quality, which doesn't modify it's mental stats...

And for it's physical stats, because it's size +2, the base, before adjusing for it's size would be Str -3, Sta +3, Dex 0, Qik 0, Which means that it hasn't spent any of it's 7 characteristic points...

I think you misread HoH:MC:

Hoofed Beast: –2 0 –4 –5

Those exactly match all four mental Characteristics listed there for the Hoofed Beast. You've referenced the mental Characteristics of a fish.

As for the physical Characteristics, I'm not sure. I can say, however, that the rule is not that an animal gets exactly +7 points. It's that it gets any number up to +7 points: "each has up to seven points to spend on increasing these Characteristics." However, I suspect in this case the points were spent. Considering a camel should be noticeably stronger than an above-average human, Str +1 seems quite low. It could be that 7 points were used to make it Str +1, Sta +3, Dex 0, Qik 0. Then Size was applied to Qik but forgotten for Str. I don't think Str +5 (adding 2 x Size, stronger than a Destrier) makes sense, either, though.

A Destrier is Str +6, so +5 seems more reasonable. it would make him slightly stronger than the +4 of a Courser, but not by much, and they are said to be able to carry greater loads than horses.

Whoops. You're right. I read courser instead by accident. So +5 does put it in the mix with horses. So I would probably go with my above suggestion: they started with Str +1, Sta +3, Dex 0, Qik 0 and forgot to include Size with Str.

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I would like to proudly present the first version of the compilation: Animals of Mythic Europe.

For now, this is just official animals, with a few animals I've added, and derived from the Duck of Virtue, and others. I will work on stating up other animals, and adding them to my file, and once in a while will update the file.


Great job.

I just noticed something in the books: why to hawks have Com 0 instead of Com -2? I figure I just missed Vocal or something, but I keep missing whatever it is.

Separately, the boar's Fatigue Levels are messed up in the books. The errata addressed this, but I think there is still an error. Best to recalculate them from scratch based on the Qualities and Virtues.

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While going over the animals that had variants, I did come across some other mistakes, like the Asian Elephant having 3 times Improved Characteristics, when it didn't even fully utilize 1 of them (at size +4, each gives 12 extra points)

I hadn't caught that one. It might be worth fixing them and including a parenthetical note about what the fix was. Sometimes it's fairly trivial (e.g. properly writing the boar's Fatigue Levels), while sometimes it requires some reasonable guesswork (e.g. the camel's Str). Having a note there could help people looking at it reconcile things as well as serving as a reminder why things were done.

Again, great job.

Wow, this thread is what made me finally make the jump to official member so I could track it. And what happens, only a few hours later the first release comes out. Great job.

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Worth it, neh?