Ankoydes doctrinae Bjornaeris

First draft for Xenia, wife of Ankoydes.

Couple of notes:

  • Her Classical Greek is the "default", as Classical and Romaic Greek are mutually intelligible at -2 (if I'm reading the insert on page 41, I think, of The Sundered Eagle correctly).
  • I gave her Artes Liberales, as I can't see her being married to Ankoydes for 32 years and him not teaching her to read and write.

Xenia Eliapoula
Covenant: Hévíz
Saga: Oppidum of Hévíz
Characteristics: Int +1, Per +1, Pre +1, Com +1, Str 0, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qik 0
Size: 0
Age: 48 (33), Height: 5'4'', Weight: 141 lbs, Gender: Female
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Virtues and Flaws: Custos, Martial Abilities, Covenant Upbringing
Dodge: Init: ‑3, Attack ‑‑, Defense +4, Damage ‑‑
Fist: Init: ‑3, Attack +4, Defense +4, Damage +0
Kick: Init: ‑4, Attack +4, Defense +3, Damage +3
Sword, Short: Init: ‑2, Attack +7, Defense +5, Damage +5
Bow, Short: Init: ‑4, Attack +5, Defense +2, Damage +6
Soak: +9
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, ‑1, ‑3, ‑5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: ‑1 (1‑5), ‑3 (6‑10), ‑5 (11‑15), Incapacitated (16‑20), Dead (21+)
Abilities: Animal Handling 3, Artes Liberales 1, Awareness 4, Bargain 2, Bjornaer Lore 1, Bows 1 (Bow, Short), Brawl 4, Carouse 2, Charm 3, Chirurgy 2, Classical Greek 3 [De‑facto score of 3 due to ‑2 penalty to Romaic Greek for being closely related.], Covenant Lore: Epidauros 2 (Personalities), Covenant Lore: Polyaigos 3 (Magi), Etiquette 3, Folk Ken 4, Greek 5, Guile 2, Housewife 9, Music 2, Order of Hermes Lore 2, Ride 2, Swim 2, Single Weapon 3 (Sword, Short), Stealth 2
Equipment: Full Metal Scale Armor (Soak: 9) (Soak: 9; Protection: 7); Shield, Heater (Init: 0; Atk: 0; Dfn: +3; Str: 0; Cost: Standard)
Encumbrance: 4 (4)
Aging Rolls
Age 33: die roll of 2 + age mod 4 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -9 (No apparent aging).
Age 34: die roll of 8 + age mod 4 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -3 (No apparent aging).
Age 35: die roll of 18 + age mod 4 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = 7 (Apparent age increases by one year).
Age 36: die roll of 10 + age mod 4 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -1 (No apparent aging).
Age 37: die roll of 6 + age mod 4 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -7 (No apparent aging).
Age 38: die roll of 2 + age mod 4 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -9 (No apparent aging).
Age 39: die roll of 3 + age mod 4 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -8 (No apparent aging).
Age 40: die roll of 9 + age mod 4 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -2 (No apparent aging).
Age 41: die roll of 3 + age mod 5 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -7 (No apparent aging).
Age 42: die roll of 14 + age mod 5 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = 6 (Apparent age increases by one year).
Age 43: die roll of 9 + age mod 5 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -1 (No apparent aging).
Age 44: die roll of 10 + age mod 5 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = 0 (No apparent aging).
Age 45: die roll of 8 + age mod 5 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -2 (No apparent aging).
Age 46: die roll of 5 + age mod 5 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -5 (No apparent aging).
Age 47: die roll of 9 + age mod 5 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -1 (No apparent aging).
Age 48: die roll of 7 + age mod 5 - Living Conditions mod 2 - Longevity Ritual mod 13 = -3 (No apparent aging).

Ankoydes's and Xenia's daughter Sophia is up on the wiki.

Ankoydes's laboratory is in a spacious building, separate from his own living quarters (to ensure that his wife and daughter are unharmed in case of an accident). It is built of stone, with bars over the windows (horizontally and vertically) to keep out possible intruders and a portcullis in the door. The portcullis does not have a winch, lever, or any other way of being raised or lowered mundanely; Ankoydes instead relies upon his skill with Rego Terram to manipulate the iron device.

His wife is a regular visitor to the laboratory, helping to clean and maintain the laboratory and the equipment as best she can.

Size: +1(0)
[tab][/tab](650 sq ft/60.4 sq m)
Refinement: +1
General Quality: 0
Upkeep: +1
Safety: 0
Warping: +0
Health: +1
Aesthetics: +5

Dedicated Building (Structure, Free)
[tab][/tab]Upkeep: +1
[tab][/tab]Aesthetics: +1
[tab][/tab]Rego: +1
Defences (Structure, Free)
[tab][/tab]Aesthetics: +1
Lesser Feature: Forge (Structure, Minor)
[tab][/tab]Aesthetics: +1
[tab][/tab]Terram: +1
Magical Heating: Superior(Supernatural, Free)
[tab][/tab]Health: +1
[tab][/tab]Aesthetics: +1
[tab][/tab]Ignem: +1
Magical Lighting: Superior (Supernatural, Free)
[tab][/tab]Aesthetics: +1
[tab][/tab]Texts: +1
Person (Outfittings, Free)
[tab][/tab]Safety: -1
[tab][/tab]Corpus: +1

+1 Rego
+1 Corpus
+1 Ignem
+1 Terram
+1 Texts