Anulus Connectens: Andreva of Jerbiton

One more device for the ship. This one is at the limit of her relevant abilities.

Muto 10
Herbam 8
Int 3
Magic theory 8
aura 3
Lab General quality 2
lab terram 4
Grace's int +3
Grace's MT 11
shape 4
material Bronze/Magnetite/Wood +3
[strike]+3 Overtime[/strike]
+1 apprentice
total 60

This effect is cribbed heavily from Object of Increased Size from the core book p 154 if it needs to be higher level (for instance if she needs to pay for the requisites), it will likely be out of her range for the resources she's able to put in to the ship.

Thinking about the season of overtime ready to mess up her ageing rolls, is Bausas going to be available to rework her longevity ritual before the magic theory requirements of the thing (assuming that there are such, lets not tread that road yet again) become too challenging?

Your math is off, I think - Lab total looks like 59 before overtime and you still have +1 more S&M bonus you could add in(MT 8 ), so you can probably get to no overtime, if you try.



Hopefully nobody uses the glove on a barrel of wine or one of Hector's containers of Greek Fire. :smiling_imp:

An Aquam casting req is just that little too much, I guess. :frowning:

I'm assuming there are such requirements, and how old will she be?

At the end of this period she'll be 101, I had presumed a season when she's between 90 and 100,so magic theory 9. If it gets done early enough in the period, then magic theory 8 would suffice.

Edit, I see that Bausas has an applicable corpus specialty in magic theory. He can do through age 99 as he was in the +60 character sheet. With magic theory 1 higher he could work on up to age 109. I don't know what your plans for his magic theory score are but I suspect if he doesn't choose to make time for his sodalies in the 61-75 period or the 76-90 period then the window of opportunity closes.

The original Darkwing I played in CJ's saga came up against a magus who used animal to Rego a harpoon of bone at people - I took a heavy wound as it sailed through my Parma. I also once had to punch a corpus master to death - the renegade monk who had stolen the Crowns of St Edmund and so laid England open to invasion was a corpus mage, as was darkwing, so we each had a huge form resistance which meant our offensive spells were rubbish. Another character threw a rock but the monk had a ward against terram up. So, I ran up and grappled him and used the scuffling rules to punch him in the kidneys repeatedly. Although he can use his (corpus/5) to add to soak, as long as I beat him in combat and did at least 1 damage, he would take a fatigue level. After several rounds, he fell unconscious. I then found a barrel of ale and drowned him in it, as I figured he wouldn't be warded against the usual small beer his monastery drank. I was right, because no-one sensible wards themselves against all liquids in case they get thirsty.

Increasing Magic Theory to 9 (spec: Corpus) is included in the plans for the current period. There is also time allocated for upgrading everyone's Longevity Rituals.

I believe Anulus Connectens currently has 5 members. Should I perhaps just allocate a year to do Longevity rituals for everyone?

Andreva is interested both getting a new longevity ritual and in helping with the rituals of others. What is Bausas' leadership?

Leadership (labwork) 3
... for that same specific purpose ...

Yes please. Although I think I need to check when Janus' current ritual fails.

But assistance needs to count the Familiars as well, so if we had Basuas be assisted by both Andreva and Janus plus Familiars then we're at the limit. But wow a lab total we could achieve!

When in the next 15 years will we be doing this? Because Janus needs to grind Magic Theory the first years of the period.

Andreva has 10 as of yet unaccounted for seasons in the 61-75 period.

She'll spend one assisting in the creation of a replacement longevity ritual for herself

She'll spend one assisting in the creation of a replacement longevity ritual for someone else.

She spends one season learning Sight of the Molting Magus InVi 25 from lab notes.

She spends one season inventing the following spell

and because she can spont this:

She spends one season inventing this spell:

This spell seems to me to be the sort of spell that requires a ritual even if it doesn't have any of the rules requirements for being a ritual. I didn't write it that way because I want people to look at it and consider if they're OK with a character casting this as a level25 spell at their whim(or would you add levels for complexity or use a different guideline)?

You want to permanently rearrange chambers? I'd probably ask you for a fairly nasty Finesse roll though, to make sure the reconfigured structure would stay up.

If there are levels of the structure above the foundation then certainly. I'll add that.

Is a finesse roll necessary if she's moving chambers of a natural cavern about? How about some structure that she's dug out of the rock herself?

Is the target right? She's moving around a lot of stone that really wasn't in the "structure" to begin with.

Do you think its inappropriate to make this spell a ritual just because it is the sort of spell that feels like it should be a ritual? Does it not feel like a ritual to others?

Probably. Natural caves are notoriously prone to cave-ins, if disturbed.

Not sure, but can't really think of a better Target.

IIRC, "it feels like a ritual" is explicitly reason enough to declare a spell to be a ritual.

Still undecided :wink:

It certain needs a finesse check and I'd say it would be fairly hard due to the complexity in the environment and the amount of time it would take a normal work crew to do it.
My suss is that you might need Muto to move the walls and rooms; to allow them to reform gracefully and move in the way you've described.
And it doesn't feel like a ritual at all to me.

As for Target, if Structure does not feel right a sufficiently large part should do the trick?

Ritual? Dunno, it's the first time ever for me to be thinking this. I have never seen spells so grand they might need to be rituals.

Think dozens of rooms pushing through solid stone and dipping around one another all at once. Think about taking a map of a cave cutting it to pieces then putting it back together in any configuration that pleases you. I'm still thinking ritual.

She would really like a spell that digs underground spaces more efficiently than Mystical Quarry Workers (which is, at this point, a non-fatiguing spont for her).

I'm thinking about a spell that digs out a few finished rooms from solid stone and does something useful with the removed rock. I think it will need an intellego requisite to prevent a collapse.
Her lab total is
intellego 9
terram 31
int +3
magic theory 9
aura 3
lab general quality 2
lab rego 6
lab terram 4
Grace int +3
Grace magic theory 11

for a total of 81 which she could augment with a lab schedule or the apprentice she starts in this period.

But I'll start with a level 40 spell then work backwards through the parameters and such to see what base level she can pull off.
It will be 1 magnitude for the intellego requisite then touch, momentary, and part with a +3 size modifier for up to a 100 cubic paces of stone. This means she has 15 more levels to use.

Move stone in an unnatural way is base 4

Teleportation of stone up to 500 paces is level 15 per the MoH guidelines. I'll use that.

Is this really two spells an intellego one, and a rego one?
Is de-weaponizing the spell to prevent the bombing of locations with hundreds of tones of rocks at all justified?