Anulus Connectens: Bausas

Because the base effect is to heal a light wound. Meaning one light wound on the target; not a wound per round or all the target's light wounds.
Also I think healing magic is something which makes a magical change, and you can't get more omph from the effect by extending the duration. If you want a medium wound or many light wounds then you need to use a higher level spell. This differs from a form like Ignem which does logically extend its effect when it's duration is extended.
Then mix in the effect of circle; so that each appropriate Corpus target of the CrCo spell is affected by the same Base 15 effect - a single medium wound.
To put it another way, the same effect using T: Individual heals a wound, and altering to Circle changes the target and not the base effect.

This is what stopped me as well, but why not option 1 then?

Aside from it being Creo, but I don't really see your point?

Now I really don't see your point, who wants to meddle with duration? Besides, previous editions had a perfectly sensible description of what happened with healing spells with duration != Instant/momentary

Obviously. I don't see how that applies here?

So, is the wound or the (human) body the target (not Target)?

Anybody else?

from page 112, "Circle: The spell affects everything within a ring drawn by the magus at the time of casting,"

That's why option 2 instead of option one

Now why is a person a "thing" for this purpose rather than a wound being the thing for this use of "everything" (option 2 versus option 3)? I don't have a good answer for you. Perhaps game balance? (hardly convincing as, if you accept option 2, target circle is pretty clearly better than target individual so we've already thrown game balance out the window).

So, option 2 is widely accepted?
I'd have guessed option 1 or option 3 after reading T: Circle, but obviously I'm asking because I'm not sure.

I agree that game balance is not really convincing as an answer for "why?"

If you had "heal a light wound" spell with a target of group you wouldn't question it healing more than one wound. Target circle, like target group, encompasses more than one person. We've already then decided that we look at the target rather the guideline to determine how many wounds get healed.

As I think about it I'm leaning more towards option 3, it heals all of the wounds. Wounds are what is being targeted not people, ergo if the spell can heal 4 wounds it doesn't matter whether or not they're on one person or four.

One's sense of game balance might encourage you to tome down the spell's potency but a close reading of the rules will not, except perhaps by application of the "central rule" from page 111.

So far so good,

That's kinda were I am at the moment

On the other hand, when CJ did his What spells should every covenant have? (Arcane Connection)-thread, everyone wanted some form of magical healing, but nobody liked The Chirurgeon's Healing touch as written.

EDIT: Er, bad link. Sorry.

The proposed fix was in societates with Gentle touch of Aesclepus but I'm on board with the circle of no light wounds as another fine option.

In one sense, I lean towards option 2 - The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch's description is "This spell heals a single Light Wound suffered by the person touched." Scaling up from this to "This spell heals a single Light Wound suffered by each person in the Circle" is a logical progression.

If the target of these spells is the wounds and not the person with them, wouldn't you need to use a Part base target instead of Individual? How do Part and Circle combine for magnitude calculations?

Now a Circle version of Gentle Caress of Aesclepius seems a lot more straightforward - all wounds of all valid targets in the circle improve one level - of course there's warping involved, but you can't always have everything.

Side stepping the above issue for the moment, a few spells:

Since this is a 6th magnitude spell, it causes 1 Warping Point to each individual in the circle.
Essentially just a T: Circle version of Gentle Caress of Aesclepius.
Bausas spent 1 season inventing this spell.

Since this is a 6th magnitude spell, it causes 1 Warping Point to each individual in the circle.
Essentially just a T: Circle version of The Severed Limb Made Whole, but with no discount for the old limb being needed, which is an anomaly anyway.
This spell uses interpretation 3 from the discussion above.
Bausas spent 1 season inventing this spell.

Since this is a 8th magnitude spell, it causes 1 Warping Point to each individual in the circle.
Essentially just a T: Circle version of Incantation of the Body Made Whole.
Bausas spent 2 seasons inventing this spell.

Since this is a 8th magnitude spell, it causes 1 Warping Point to each individual affected.
Bausas considers this spell to be a failure. It was designed to help peasants by alliviating their sufferings and hardship, giving them more time and energy to strive to become better individuals.
They did not. Instead, peasants affected by this spell engaged in all sorts of in-apt behaviour and defilements of the flesh.
Because of this, Bausas refuses to cast this spell again, at least until he has found a way to guide the peasants towards better behaviour.
Bausas spent 3 seasons inventing this spell.

EDIT: All the stuff I frgot to put in the first time :-/

Cessation of suffering is a dangerous spell. It lets folks get back up to hurt themselves again. I think it could lead to some great emotional conflicts in stories with PC's arguing with one another.

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Sure. But if you have to fight and you're hurt, you'll get less hurt by future attacks than if you were suffering from the penalties. Consider two -1 wounds and a -3 wound. Your defense will be at -5. That means anything that hits you does an extra 5 damage, meaning does a whole next severity of wound. You're that much more likely to get hurt worse or die. So it also protects you from a lot of danger.

Very. This is essentially why Bausas considers this spell a failure.

Correct. Mind you, fr use on your grogs, lesser parameters might well be a better choice.
Also, Bausas hasn't even considered the miitary applications.

True as far as you go, but in a game with the players and the story guide all being influenced by the social dynamic around the table stories often twist when you take violence off of the list of things that are going to resolve the conflict without some of the PC's getting killed. This spell puts that point of "now you have to think of something else" further in the future and I've seen dice kill more characters than drama. This spell can ratchet up the tension in a game even if the "in game" effect is things being more safe for the characters.

Bausas, after 30 years.

During his 30th year out of Gauntlet, Bausas wnet to Egypt using an Arcane Connection optained via Janus.
Here he encountered a vervet monkey playing in the ruins of an ancient temple.
It seemed unafraid and Bausas lured it close. Sensing its magic, Bausas decided that it must be the host for a nother Immortal Soul, striving towards release from suffering, into the Enigma, and bound it as a familiar, giving it the name Callidus

(note! I should probably do Callidus' stats as a Magical Animal from RoP:M - and indeed I might. But it won't be right now.)

Over these 15 years, Bausas has effectively spent 8 years on Arts, 2 years on spells, 3 years on abilities, 1 year on an initiation, and 1 year on aquiring, binding and emowering Callidus.
Bausas has experienced (and controlled) a single further Twillight episode, as well as Initiating The Avenue of Subduing the Meat and the Station of the Perfect Tool - the first initiation on the Path of the Body (HoH: MC, p. 61)

EDIT: corrected quickness

EDIT: It takes Bausas 2 seasons to invent this spell

A slightly stronger variant of Purification of the Festering Wounds (ArM5, p. 129) and takes most of it's text from that spell.
It is intentionally designed at 5th magnitude, so as not to cause Warping to recipients.

So, is Basuas going to invent the Presence and Communication variants of this ritual anytime early in the year 31-45?
Because Janus' apprentice might benefit from being included

Intelligence, yes.
I wasn't planning on Communication at all, and possible Presence not as a Circle.

Also please remember that these rituals cause Warping, which matters with apprentices, though less so with familiars.

EDIT: Also, possibly not so much early in 31-45 so much as near the middle

IIRC Andreva had a desire for these as well.
As for Warping: Pah! A true magus is going to get that anyway, in time.

Circles to Presence and Communication 0 for now then.
Though casting all of those cuts into Bausas' Vis budget - someone else might have to front that.

Also, if you want Circles that go above +0, please consider how you might help a CrMe labtotal :slight_smile:

It takes Bausas 2 seasons to invent this spell

It takes Bausas 2 seasons to invent this spell