Applicability of Sympathy Traits


Although I greatly enjoyed RoP: Faerie, Sympathy Traits are still a source of confusion. In particular, I'm uncertain how broadly to go about applying them to Faerie Rites.

For Example suppose a character has the Caves, Mischief and Iron (negative) sympathies ascribed to Goblins: Iron has a lot of possibilities, but the other two seem quite limited...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,


I suggest you think of a Sympathy Trait like the Special Circumstances Virtue when checking if it is applicable to the target. For example, Caves might be appropriate when the wizard is casting spells on a target in a cave, or perhaps anywhere underground. For mischief, I'd look to effects that are not designed to do damage to their target, such as an effect that makes one thing look like another, or that cuts off all his hair.

I hope this helps!

OK thanks for the clarification. I have an unfortunate tendency to apply overly narrow interpretations to in cases like this.

I figure a character might be able to teleport to a cave with Portage, or make someone forget a mschievous deed with Beguile, but this is much more useful.