Are you planning to attend a Grand Tribunal this year?

Are you planning to attend a Grand Tribunal this year?

  • No, alas covenant business detains me
  • Yes, I will be in Cambridge
  • Yes, I will be in San Francisco
  • Not sure - it depends on the Redcaps and the Vis market

0 voters

There are 2 Grand Tribunal conventions this year, simultaneously over the weekend July 31st - August 2nd, one in San Francisco, the other in Cambridge.

Who is planning to attend?

So long as my choices are flying across the Atlantic and flying across the USA, I don't picture myself going. Now, once Cambridge, MA, rather than Cambridge, UK, is involved... :wink:

Grand Tribunal: US was a blast last year, and I can't wait to go again this year!

I'll be there! I can't wait!