Arktos ex Miscellanea character development

Arktos ex Miscellanea

Characteristics: Int +3 (Shrewd), Per -2 (Near-sighted), Pre +1 (Imposing), Com 0, Str 0, Sta +2 (Robust), Dex 0, Qik 0

Size: 0
Age: 32 (32), Height: 160 cm, Weight: 70 kg, Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)
Confidence: 1 (3)

Virtues and Flaws:
The Gift, Hermetic Magus

From Tradition: Personal Vis Source (Rego)* [Location: Hair], Shapeshifter (Bear, falcon, dolphin), Restriction (Hairless)

Cautious Sorcerer (+1)
Boosted Magic (+1, True Lineages)
Life-Linked Spontaneous Magic (+3)
Deft Form (Mentem) (+1)
Life Boost (+1)
Cyclic Magic (Positive): +3 During Spring and Summer (+1)
Skilled Parens (+1)
Minor Magical Focus (Commanding) (+1)

Bound Magic (-1, True Lineages)
Motion Sickness (-1)
Covenant Upbringing (-1)
Driven (Magical Menagerie) (-3)
Lycanthrope (Bear, Soak: +3) (-3)
Magical Animal Companion (Hound, Size: 0, Might: 10) (-1)

Personality Traits: Brave +2, Slothful +1, Authoritarian +2, Compassionate +1

Dodge: Init: +0, Attack --, Defense +3, Damage --
Fist: Init: +0, Attack +2, Defense +2, Damage +0
Kick: Init: -1, Attack +2, Defense +1, Damage +3
Soak: +2

Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), Dead (21+)

Animal Handling 1 (magical animals)
Artes Liberales 1 (astronomy)
Athletics 2 (running)
Awareness 1 (alertness)
Brawl 2 (Dodge)
Charm 1 (first impressions)
Code of Hermes 1 (mundane relations)
Concentration 2 (spell concentration)
Etiquette 1 (nobility)
Finesse 2 (Mentem)
Folk Ken 1 (magi)
Latin 4 (hermetic usage)
Leadership 2 (magical creatures)
Living Language 5 (expansive vocabulary)
Magic Lore 2 (creatures)
Magic Theory 3 (inventing spells)
Order of Hermes Lore 1 (personalities)
Parma Magica 3 (Ignem)
Penetration 3 (Mentem)
Philosophiae 1 (ceremonial magic)
Shapeshifter 3 (In Dominion)

Arts: Cr 5, In 7, Mu 6, Pe 5, Re 10, An 9, Aq 2, Au 0, Co 0, He 2, Ig 0, Im 5, Me 10, Te 0, Vi 0

Encumbrance: 0 (0)

Spells Known:
Beast of Outlandish Size (MuAn 15) +17
Clear Sight of the Naiad (InAq 5) +11
Clothe the Naked Form (CrHe 10) +9
Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10) +13
Personal Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 15) +12
The Blinding Eye (PeMe 5) +17 R:Eye, D:Mom, T:Ind
Renders the target insensate for a moment, sufficient for the caster to slip past him, raise a shout, cast a spell, or pick his pocket. Only the initial eye contact is registered by the target. (Base 4, +1 Eye)
The Call to Slumber (ReMe 10) +22
Sympathy for the Magus (PeAn 5) +16 R: Eye, D: Mom, T: Ind, +1 Size
Makes a beast shed some of its feathers, hair, scales, or similar. The amount lost is not sufficient to hamper the beast. (Base 3, +1 Eye, +1 Size)
Loss of But a Moment's Memory (PeMe 15) +17
Understand Me (InMe 20) +19 R: Eye, D: Mom, T: Ind
The caster speaks two words to an intelligent target, and the target understands them. (Base 15, +1 Eye)

Spells under focus:
Aura of Rightful Authority (ReMe 20) +32
Eye of Beast Mastery (ReAn 25) +30 R: Eye, D: Diam, T: Ind
As Mastering the Unruly Beast, but with Diameter and Eye. (Base 15, +1 Eye, +1 Diam)
Look at Me (CrMe 15) +22 R: Sight, D: Mom, T: Ind
This spell creates a thought in the imagination of the target, causing him to look directly at the caster even if the caster has not been previously noticed by the target. This glance is sufficient to make eye contact. If concentrating on another task, the target may make a Stamina + Concentration roll against an Ease Factor of 6 to resist. This spell is most often cast with no voice or gestures as a subtle way of attracting someone’s attention. (Base 4, +3 Sight; A&A p. 32)
Look at Me, Beast (ReAn 5) +30 R: Sight, D: Mom, T: Ind
As Look at me, above, but base 2 for "plant single suggestion" (Base 2 +3 Sight).
Coerce the Spirits of the Night (ReMe 20) +32

Arktos is a stocky, shortish man with determined eyes. As he plods along, his odd gait makes his bushy beard and long hair flail about. When he talks to people, he tends to stand so close that they smell fish in his breath. He is a bit gruff and pushy, but has a soft spot for those weaker than himself. When cornered, he is fearless.

Arktos likes to have his way. His magic is almost exclusively geared towards ordering others around, and he has an unparalleled talent for controlling his spells. Few know, however, that there is an aspect of his magic that he cannot control: Every full moon, he transforms into a fierce, menacing werebear. At the end of some of these episodes, he sheds a sliver of silvery hair that contains Rego vis. Arktos hates losing control in this way. He tries to compensate by ruling other magical creatures. Thus far his magical menagerie is limited to his hound Remus.

The Quinotauri tradition, ex Miscellanea:
The Quinotauri claim to descend from a disowned second son of Merovech, the founder of the Merovingian dynasty and a son of the shapeshifting monster Quinotaurus (for more information, see the Normandy tribunal book, esp. p. 8 ). This heritage supposedly grants them the ability to shapeshift, but also binds their magic to their hair. Although originating in the Normandy tribunal, the tradition’s penchant for seeking out magical monstrosities has meant that its members tend to thrive on the Order’s outskirts.



Characteristics: Int +3, Per -2 (norm. 0), Pre +1 (norm. 0), Com -5, Str +6, Sta +4, Dex +2, Qik 0
Size: +2
Virtues and Flaws: Ferocity (when injured), Improved Characteristics (x2), Tough, Greedy (minor), Reclusive
Qualities: Aggressive, Extra Natural Weapons (claws), Fast Runner, Grapple, Hardy, Imposing Appearance, Large Claws, Pursuit Predator, Tough Hide
Reputations: Ferocious (local) 2

Claws: Init 0, Attack +13, Defense +9, Damage +10
Teeth: Init 0, Attack +11, Defense +7, Damage +7
Grapple: Init 0, Attack +7, Defense +5, Damage n/a

Soak: +10
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, -1/-1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-7), -3 (8-14), -5 (15-21), Incapacitated (22-28), Dead (29+)

Abilities: Athletics 3 (sprinting), Awareness 3 (prey), Brawl 5 (claws), Hunt 4 (deer), Survival 5 (foraging), Swim 3 (against the current)

Natural Weapons:
Large Claws: Init 0, Atk +5, Def +3, Dam +4;
Teeth: Init 0, Atk +3, Def +1, Dam +1.
The bear's tough hide and thick fur combine to give it a Protection of +3.


Characteristics: Int +3, Per +1 (norm. +3), Pre 0 [norm. -1), Com 0, Str –6, Sta 0 (norm. –2), Dex +1, Qik +6
Size: –3

Qualities: Accomplished Flier, Fast Flier, Keen Eyesight, Pursuit Predator, Extra Natural Weapons
Virtues and Flaws: Ferocity (swooping attack), Keen Vision, Fragile Constitution

Talons: Init +8*, Attack +6, Defense +12,
Damage –4
Beak: Init +9*, Attack +6, Defense +9,
Damage –5

  • Includes +3 bonus for Fast Flyer Quality.

Soak: –2
Fatigue levels: OK, 0/0, –1, –3, –5, Unc.
Wound Penalties: –1 (1–2), –3 (3–4), –5 (5–6), Incapacitated (7–8), Dead (9+)

Abilities: Athletics 5 (swift flight), Awareness 4 (spotting prey), Brawl 2 (talons), Hunt 4 (game birds), Survival 3 (cold climates)

Characteristics: Int +3, Per -2, Str +3, Sta +3, Pre +1 (norm. 0), Com 0, Dex 0, Qik +4
Size: +1

Virtues and Flaws: Long-Winded, Ferocity (sharks), Compulsion (help drowning humans)
Qualities: Aquatic (don't breathe water), Crafty, Extra Natural Weapons, Imposing Appearence, Keen Vision, Pursuit Predator, Slippery, Tough Hide, Vocal

Abilities: Athletics 3 (leaping), Awareness 2 (sharks), Brawl 2 (teeth), Hunt 4 (fish), Music 3 (underwater song), Survival 3 (sea), Swim 5 (long distances)
Natural Weapons: Teeth (rarely used in combat) Init 0, Atk +3, Def +1, Dam +1; Ramming* Init +1, Atk +4, Def +2, Dam +3.
*Must make a Fatigue roll against an Ease Factor of 9 to avoid losing a Fatigue Level (Long-Winded virtue applies).
• Teeth: Init +4, Atk +6, Def +8, Dam +4
• Ramming: Init +5, Atk +6, Def +8, Dam +6
Soak: +5
Fatigue Levels: OK, 0/0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-6), -3 (7-12), -5 (13-18), Incapacitated (19-24), Dead (25+)

XP breakdown:
Childhood (45xp)
Athletics 0 -> 2 (15)
Brawl 0 -> 2 (15)
Folk ken 0 -> 1 (5)
Awareness 0 -> 1 (5)
Charm 0 -> 1 (5)

Later life (7x15=105)
Latin 0 -> 4 (50)
Shapeshifter 1 -> 3 (25)
Concentration 0 -> 2 (15)
Etiquette 0 -> 1 (5)
Leadership 0 -> 1 (5)
Order of Hermes Lore 0 -> 1 (5)

Apprenticeship (240 + 60 = 300 xp, 150 + 30 = 180 levels, with Skilled Parens)
Animal Handling 0 -> 1 (5)
Finesse 0 -> 1 (5)
Artes Liberalel 0 -> 1 (5)
Code of Hermes 0 -> 1 (5)
Magic Lore 0->1 (5)
Magic Theory 0 -> 3 (30)
Parma Magica 0 -> 1 (5)
Penetration 0 -> 2 (15)
Creo 0 -> 5 (15)
Intellego 0 -> 5 (15)
Muto 0 -> 6 (21)
Perdo 0 -> 5 (15)
Rego 0 -> 10 (55)
Animal 0 -> 7 (28)
Aquam 0 -> 2 (3)
Herbam 0 -> 2 (3)
Imaginem 0 -> 5 (15)
Mentem 0 -> (55)

Outlandish 15
Eye of Beast 25
Naiad 5
Naked 10
Ennobled 10
Personal veil 15
Aura of 20
Blinding 5
Slumber 10
Coerce 20
Loss 15

After Apprenticeship (5x30=150)
Magic lore 1 -> 2 (10)
Finesse 1-> 2 (10)
Parma 1 -> 3 (25)
Leadership 1 -> 2 (10)
Philosophiae 0 -> 1 (5)
Penetration 2 -> 3 (15)
Intellego 5 -> 7 (13)
Animal 7 -> 9 (17)

Look at Me (15)
Look at Me, Beast( 5)
Understand Me (20)
Sympathy for the Magus (5)
= 45