ArM5: House Loyalty (FULL)

Probably a minor focus with raven or birds of prey

The Corvus genus would do fine for a minor focus. It covers crows, ravens and rooks.

EDIT: In fact, we could go as wide as the whole Corvidae family and include magpies, jays, nutcrackers, etc.

I should avoid my Intellego/Rego/Vim character then, as that was a good portion of what I planned to do with Intellego and Rego.

If you go the Elemental Magic route, do take advantage of that requisites bit. At least to me, that's the thing that can really make it soar.

I doubt any of would object to a good LR specialist and healer, especially with Mercurian Magic since we're in a vis-poor setting. The great thing is that so very much can be done well with Creo that even such a specialist can do a ton of general stuff.

Corvidae is fine because they're smart, so common they don't trigger interest and thematic but Bird of prey has the advantage of having nocturnal species (and is canon as it's one of the example in the core rulebook)

Sorry then but I don't really understand the overlap, aren't those stuff usually done with imaginem ?

No problem. I like the other design, too.

Imaginem? No, usually Intellego Animal or Intellego Mentem if they're intelligent. And for commanding them, Rego Animal or Rego Mentem. Thus the Intellego/Rego link. I don't think Imaginem would usually factor in there at all.

I made a thread a few years ago about this maybe you'll find some information ?

Yup. I responded to that thread a bit, pointing out how you can really get it to excel when you focus on Muto and have a Minor Magical Focus as well.

Bringing back the topic of which Tribunal, have we it narrowed down to either Rhine or Provence?

I also didn't see much response to the type of mundane environment you are looking for. As this conditions the type of local stories, that is of course of much interest to me. I'd like to start developping some initial ideas so I can be ready when your magi are.

I'm up for a relatively low-density rural environment a few days away from the nearest village and a week or more away from a bigger city.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for in particular, just know I don't want it to be too savage out there. A healthy mix of seclusion and civilization.

I vote Rhine as, have just reread the Durnenmar section, we as Bonisaugus could have unlimited access to the Great Library :partying_face:

I think I will go with an LR specialist and trying to be the rain maker for vis :slight_smile:

The whole "In some caves above a river" suggests a fairly secluded environment. We can be on a tributary of a big river if we're in the Rhine or Provence and only be a few days from town by boat quite easily, but the cave setting makes it sound like you wanted us to be in a very rural setting.

Let's go with Rhine tribunal, in a rather rural area not too far from the Domus magna of Merenita so we have a place to begin our investigation ?

I think Arthur mentioned the covenant will be in a regio, maybe the entrance isn't that easy ? Maybe there's stuff to deal with in the regio ? It's suppose to be a less than ideal location so it has to have some drawbacks : damp, cold, dark, hard to access (regio ?)

Rhine a little way from the nearest town works for me.

Would something near Bamberg, in Franconia, be suitable? That would put the covenant midway between Durenmar and Irencillia.

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That is fine by me.

My choice of character will repend on whether the troupe will allow a long-term personal goal of original research into removing restrictions of MuVi guidelines, so best to get this particular question over with.

If not, I'll go with that happy generalist.

(Edit) The place for the covenant sounds good.

Which ones?

We've got a forum

Bamberg sounds great.

No-one's suggested Creo other than a possibility of a longevity ritual specialist, or Perdo other than maybe a PeVi with flawless magic. I will look at leaving Intellego and Muto to other people and picking one of those techniques to specialise in. I'm thinking hard about forms so I won't get in other people's way.