Turning Word documents into PDF sometimes doesn't work well, depending on formatting.

I figured out the searchability problem. I was using Adobe Garamond Pro font and Word is unable to make the document searchable because the font is an OpenType CFF font (I'm just repeating what I read).

I've entered the errata up to and including August 2021. I have two versions now, one with Adobe Garamond Pro font (which I think looks better) and one with Times New Roman (which is searchable).

I'll see what I can do to get these out to everyone.


That's the beauty of Indesign and such programs. You can use any font you want, and just embed the font in the document, so everyone can see it rendered in the font of your choice, and it's still searchable.

I checked the embed option for Garamond while saving as a PDF and it still didn't work. The document in Times New Roman is searchable (that one worked).

I went ahead and resubmitted the links for download to Michelle. If there's a way to upload the documents directly to this forum I could do that (but I haven't seen a way). I really don't use forums (fora?) very often, so I'm ignorant of even basic functionality (and sometimes etiquette!).

I don't mind sending the Times New Roman document (3.6 MB) directly to people if they provide a path (Michelle said providing the documents for free is fine). The Adobe Garamond one is about 62 MB, so that one might be harder (and it's unsearchable anyway).

I would certainly be very interested in a searchable version, regardless of font.
I will send you a PM.