ArM5: Triamore [seeking around 4-6 players]

Season 1 : Adventure with a senior Flambeau Magus as we "settle" conflict on a contested vis source with the local Fairy. I serve as a guide in the forest that develops Fairy aura deep Inside and provide shelter and safe food. The senior Magus does most of the "persuasion" consisting of random incineration, he has a lot of fun setting my "tree soldiers" on fire while they rush towards the enemy despite my reluctance. They always do this :confused:
Season 2 :Study parma magica
Season 3 : Study Herbam
Season 4 : Study Rego
Season 5 : Adventure : Hunting local magical beast with covenant's turbula that seem to frighten the peasant enough to come and complain to the magus. It consist of warped cattle that gained some disturbing appearance and for a few of them spell-like power. Trap of entwining vines proves quite worthy. Shelter provided by twist the leaving tree is quite appreciated by the coven-folks, same goes with my flask of alcohol. Investigation shows peasants were dumb enough to hide our own cattle inside the strongest part or the aura despite the
Season 6 Study Creo
Season 7 study Herbam
Season 8 : Study Rego
Season 9: Adventure : participation in a Flambeau tournament maybe special event and probably side event but I go there to socialize with fellow Flambeau magus as my 1st goal.
Season 10 : study local myth and legends from covenant library and asking older magus of the covenant in search for hints for a suitable familiar, possibly traveling to meet knowledgeable people from other allied covenant.

So 4 rolls :
1st for number of seasons
3 others for adventure results (only one needed :/)

1d10=1, 1d10=5, 1d10=8, 1d10=5

Let me know the result of the adventure.

Just one season! Well, you've finished first!

An updated version of my character sheet .
Changes out Diedne (not that i dont have a good explanation) for Flexible on account of not doubling down with enemies/Dark Secret.
Differentiated between casting sigil and voting sigil.
Added points to Characteristics
Fixed my personality traits.
Feel Free to pick out my enemies, makes it more interesting.
Edited puissant penetration to preferred method
Changed Loopholes to Peripheral Code
Fixed Arts, ill be honest...doing math after 7am is a bad idea, honestly ive no damn idea what i did there but now its fixed.
Removed Demons Eternal Oblivion for Decay of Fur and Hide.

From the very moment of Cullans birth he was a herald of simple misfortune, soon after he took his first cries his mother passed from this life into the next from the ordeal of childbirth. His father was forced to raise his only child without his wife of many years. His family were poor castillian peasants who worked the land of their lord, and in his youth the child was mischevious and unruly picking on children both older and larger than himself. However the older he got the most misfortune the gift carried around with him, accidents, falling wood planks, broken plows all were claims of the child employing witchcraft. If it has continued the child would likely have been stoned were it not for the imposition of Veratus of Flambeau, a veteran of several wizard wars and brutal magical battles. He swept in, in the guise of a holy man promising he would be able to remove the evil that had corrupted the child...instead he simply absconded back to his home covenant with the young boy in tow.
He gave the boy his first lesson in the order, he had the gift and with that power he had two simple choices, join the order and enjoy all its fruits, or as the smoldering palm of fire offered a quick death, it is easy to see which choice the boy took.
His apprenticeship was one that was heavily focused upon the basics and essentials of spell casting, after his gift was cracked open to the arts, his master imbued him with latin and a sense of style that wielding magic as they did. The lessons were varied testing for his skills hoping the child himself would mirror his parens in magical aptitude, he in fact was anything but a master of creo ignem. Infact for the first year or so of teaching magic he found the first miracle of his student was his resonance with perdo, it was completely second nature to him and more curiously he had no need to make even a motion to manifest its deadly magic, nor speak a word. His master focused his training in perdo to the best of his ability, teaching him in the school of Apromor with leanings toward bodily magics to destroy men and magi, and terram to destroy the earth and toolds of men. While cullain labored unders his master, the sheer affection for the boys skill, filled his ego as he mastery the ability to push through protection or in forceless duels against other young apprentices from his peers, leading him to an absolute assurance in his abilities.
Consistant practice made his magics more controllable, and even when pressed he had a control over his gift that few magi could match shifting the power of his spell to be easier or harder, and allowing him to drill through the pentration of lesser students. As he came of age while perhaps not the most handsome man in all of mythic europe he had a startling appeal that kept him distracted by suitors, some from women who were all ready married...of course his Parens apprroved that any worthy flambeau should enjoy in courtly love.
As his skill in perdo became exemplary and developed his first spell his master bid him the time for his gauntlet and into the field he went, the boy was dropped into one of the war corridors in Iberia with nothing at all, the demand of his master was to make it across the field of battle, clothed appropriate to his station, with a trophy of the heathen moors, and with just that he strode into the field. He first stole himself a dagger that was apropriate, and within no time at all he was met in battle by the moor, he was able to pull forward and counter spell the first strike of his opponent but the second burst a trail of metal from the ground tearing off the side of his face and removing his ear into such a mangle it could not be recovered. His counterstroke bore no signs of it coming before the viziers head burst open with pouring blood and quickly followed by him choking as the boy monologued to him of his impending death. Once he was unconcious the boy lopped off his head with his own sword, took up the viziers robes and rifled through his belongings for a proper trophy taking a striking ruby. As he crossed the battlefield, he was met by moorish soldiers and with simply a look thier bodies twisted and cutting off the lives of sons, brothers and even the moors who begged for their lives...he gave them no mercy in the slightest, a fact that would haunt him for the curses and enemies he made that day. Upon reaching his parens he was warmly accepted into house flambeau as he was clad as a magus, even if it was viziers robes, he had a trophy in his grasp and his enemies blood metaphysically on his hands.
In the end he was given his oath to the order, and granted parma magica, as well as a personal oath FOR GOD, THE ORDER, and HOUSE FLAMBEAU.At that time he was reborn no longer Cullain but the Magus Eduardo Rana. However no matter how talented he was with perdo magic it has a prolific affect on his hearth not that he has aged to the point to need a longevity potion, the sheer destructive force contained within him has severely reduced the ability for his body to accept the longevity ritual likely cutting a much longer life down. Though with the press of Triamore considering the opening of a new tribunal, the lothgarian his master bid him a final task if he accepted it, to join Triamore and defend it through the trials and tribulations it would encounter that would give him ample oppertunity to prove his skill for his house.

Magus:Eduardo Rana
Birth name: Cullain Delgado
Age: 23
House: Flambeau
Voting Sigil: Crumbling Pillar
Magical Sigil: Smell of Saffron

Sta: 2
Int: 1
Pre: 1
Qui: 1
Per: 1

Overconfident: +5
Refined: +1
Loyal: +2

Venus' Blessing (Minor)

Subtle Magic (Minor)
Quiet Magic (Minor)
Quiet Magic (Minor)

Affinity with Perdo (Minor)
Puissant Penetration (Minor)
Cautious Sorceror (Minor)

Flexible Formulaic Magic (Major)

Pussiant Perdo * Free *


Difficult Longevity Ritual (major)
Overconfident (major)
Enemies (major)
One Ear (minor)

Mischevious Childhood

Brawl 2 [Dagger]
Guile 2 [Faking Weakness]
Spanish 5 [Poetry]
Stealth 2 [Urban Areas]

Later Life

15 Athletics 2 [Acrobatics]
15 Awareness 2 [Alertness]
15 Survival 2 [Forests]

magi life

Artres liberales 1 [Ritual Magic]
latin 4 [Hermetic Use]
magic theory 3 [Inventing Spells]
parma magica 1 [Ignem]

5 Charm 1 [Courtly Love]
15 Penetration 2+2 [Corpus]
5 Order Lore 1 [History]
5 Code of Hermes 1 [Peripheral Code]

6 Creo 3
6 Muto 3
6 Intelligo 3
6 Rego 3
45 Perdo 11 (14) [2 left over]

21 Corpus 6
10 Terram 4
10 Ignem 4
6 Vim 3
1 Animal 1
1 Herbam 1
1 Aquam 1
1 Mentem 1

Spells 120 (tech/form+7)

Decay of Fur and Hide PeAn 10 Voice,Mon,Ind

Touch of Goose Feathers PeCo 5 Voice,Mon,Ind
Crown of Blood PeCo 20 Voice,Mon,Ind (Causes Medium Wound)
Grip of the Choking Hand PeCo 25 Voice,Conc,Ind

Pit of Gaping Earth PeTe 15 Voice,Mom,Part
Rusted Decay of Ten Score Years PeTe 10 Voice,Mom,Ind
Fist of Shattering PeTe 10 Voice,Mom,Ind
End of the Mighty Castle PeTe 25 Voice,Mom,Str


Dagger +2 Attack, +3 Damage

Season 1 : Adventure: Spend his first season on the hunt seeking out and hunting mighty beasts to find something
worthy of conflict or companionship, even if he is unable to find such a creature...he will at least be able to
bring back some good fresh meat.
Season 2 : Study parma magica
Season 3 : Study Perdo
Season 4 : Study Corpus
Season 5 : Adventure : Hearing of a deep crumbling cave structure that has the sound of horrible wailing that
carries itself into the night, every evening resounds with the crunch of flesh and bone. Heading into its depths he
searches for the source that causes the wailing whether it be beast, or the cave itself.
Season 6 Study Corpus
Season 7 study Terram
Season 8 : Study Parma Magica
Season 9: Adventure : Attend to the Flambeau Tournement with the intention of testing his strength against his
fellows and further bring himself the proper acclaim of the flambeau.
Season 10 : Study Corpus

Rolls- (4 rolls)
1d10 → [1] = (1) 1d10 → [8] = (8) 1d10 → [2] = (2) 1d10 → [7] = (7)

Single season looks like im in the same bucket as my fellow flambeau

Looks good now.
Note: You've kept 'faking fatigue', which is okay, but a little less useful than before.
I still have a hard time imaging your voting sigil, although I like the symbolism: A pillar seems very heavy to me, and a crumbling voting sigil is bound to be trouble ("I've got the bigge rpart of his voting sigil, so I can represent him"). Or do you simply mean that it is a fist-sized piece of stone that used to be part an old Roman pillar?

its a stone medallion with the image of a pillar that is crumbling (made from the pillar it represents) bad for not being more precise. Also changed guile to faking weakness.

I might be interested. Currently toying with the idea of playing a Tremere, a House I've never done. Nothing really specific in my mind at this time, although Gentle Gift and an Auram specialty are what's currently floating in my mind.

Questions about the saga: What is the expected power level? How fast do you expect advancement to be? Is the universe vis-rich, vis-poor or somewhere in between (and what does that represent)? How strict is the "Interference with mundanes" clause expected to be in this saga?

First thing:
I don't mind Tremere with an additional focus virtue (in addition to certamen).

Power level? We start at gauntlet + 1d10 seasons and I expect us to tackle about 5-10 years of game time per year of real time, but I've seen enough games to know that it is a good idea to call this a guess rather than an estimate.
Vis? You'll start with little vis, but since you've got off seasons, it is up to you how much vis you collect. I'd call the vis levelaverage, but that raises the question if my average is an average average. I'm neither trying to starve you once you arrive at Triamore nor do I plan to drown you in vis shrugs.
Same is true for mundane meddling: I'll do what I think is normal, which is not a helpful answer at all, but the best I can do. Overt displays of magic outside the village associated with the village will are not recommended and will attract the attention of God-Knows-Who eventually, but that's no surprise, is it?

Actually, that's a limitation for the House that I find makes perfect sense. Of course, it all depends on how often one can expect Certamen to be used during a saga. If it is used at least semi-regularly, then an additional Focus is usually not needed.

I'll work on a draft and post back soon.

I kinda agree, IMHO Tremere are much more organised and show more solidarity with compensate for their lack of magical oriented focus. Certamen in my experience is as frequent as you want, but at the same time If you push your advantage you risk wizard march or other retortions so the balance is in players hand. Anyway this saga may be different.

I usually have few certamen, but I'll try to have more if you manage without a second focus!

If the Tremere had Mythic Blood, would you allow a different minor virtue to be packaged by Mythic Blood (instead of the standard Minor Magical Focus)?

Not sure if I'll go that way, but thinking about it.

Any restriction on personal Grog Before I begin making mine ?

yes, as long as it fits the concept

None I can think of.

Arright pralix need anything else special out of me sides a written up bg?

Not really. We need a fourth player, so I can asked the admins to start a game thread.

I'm interested in joining this saga and think I would like to try a Gentle-gifted Tytalus with the Persona ability (from HoH:S) focused on social conflict rather than martial.

I've always wanted to know how the persona ability looks in play!

That's 4 players now. I'm going to ask for a forum thread.

We'll see then. I have never played a Tytalus before.

My initial idea is to play a natural female character but her main personae is a male. I'll start working on further details.

Draft of my magus at Gauntlet. Not complete yet, but this should give a good sense of what he's like.

Gallus of Tremere

Background: Josserand was born a simple shepherd in a small village in the Vosges Mountains. His parents died when he was still young, but he was taken in by one of his uncles. A Tremere maga passing through the village in search of a magical spring in the mountains hired the boy after she noticed that unusual winds seemed to blow around the boy. So she offered to hire him as a guide in the mountains. Upon their return to the village, she negociated with the uncle to take him on permanently. While she didn't intend to take him as her own apprentice, she knew that his gentle gift would be an asset to her House. After passing his Gauntlet, Josserand was given the name Gallus (rooster) by his pater.

Concept: Gallus probably has some supernatural blood in his ancestry, something similar to the blood of Zmey so familiar to House Tremere. However, it is different enough that it manifested differently and that part of it passed undetected when his Arts were opened. Nevertheless, this magical blood manifests itself through a number of virtues (Affinity with Auram, Latent Magical Ability and Minor Potent Magic) and flaws (Chaotic Magic, Deficient Terram). Still, due to his Gentle Gift, the House decided that he should be trained as a assessor (see HoH:TL p.133). So, in addition to the normal training of House Tremere, he was taught the ability to work Mentem magic undetected (Deft Mentem).

Age: 26
Size: 0
Gender: Male
Confidence: 1 (3)
Characteristics (10 points): Int +1, Per 0, Str +2, Sta +1, Pre +2, Com +1, Dex +1, Qik 0
Virtues: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Minor Magical Focus w/Certamen (House), Gentle Gift, Affinity with Auram, Apt Student, Deft Mentem, Improved Characteristics, Inspirational, Latent Magical Ability, Minor Potent Magic (Wind)
Flaws: Chaotic Magic, Driven (major, serve House Tremere), Deficient Terram, Mentor, Temperate, Unimaginative Learner
Personality Traits: Driven +4, Stern +1 (to be revised)
Abilities (270 xp + native language): Area Lore: Vosges Mountains 1, Animal Handling 2, Artes Liberales 1, Athletics 2, Awareness 2, Bargain 1, Brawl 2, Charm 1, Civil and Canon Law 1, Code of Hermes 1, Concentration 1, Etiquette 1, Folk Ken 2, Intrigue 1, Language: French 5, Language: High German 2, Language: Latin 4, Magic Theory 3, Parma Magica 1, Single Weapon 2, Survival 3
Magical Arts (105 xp): Cr 4, In 4, Au 11, Im 2(2), Me 8
Wizard's Sigil: A slight breeze carrying the scent of fir
Charge of the Angry Winds (CrAu 15)
Circling Winds of Protection (CrAu 20)
True Sight of the Air (InAu 15)
Whispering Winds (InAu 15)
Words of Unbroken Silence (CrMe 10)
Panic of the Trembling Heart (Cr 15)
Perception of the Conflicting Motives (InMe 15)
Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10)
Feeling of the Magical Aura (InVi 5) -- Sense the magnitude of a magical aura simply by standing in it. [Base 2, +2 Sun, +1 Sense:Touch]

EDIT: Changed the Arts a little, raising Mentem and lowering both Intellego and Imaginem.