Campaign Title: Curse of the Rhine Gorge
System: Ars Magica, Fifth Edition
Setting: Rhine Tribunal
Players Wanted: 3-11 players
Posting Rate: daily while on adventures, less if not involved in an adventure (minimum once per month to schedule seasonal tasks for the year)
Rules: RAW.
Deadline: May 30
Campaign Description:
If you are willing to work with that for your game, I can reliably post at the requested frequency, and would be interested in trying it. My first thought is a minor specialist in healing, assuming that also covers longevity potions.
Thank you. I will post information where you indicated.
I was also thinking of a Strong Faerie Blood Mernita. If that looks like too much overlap I can shift.
We have six players so far with room for 5 more players. Follow the links above and submit a character. I am hoping someone will play a Guernicus so that someone other than the SG will be on the hook for interpreting Hermetic Law! We also have a couple of potential Hoplites so a Guernicus character would likely lead a strong faction within the covenant but you can submit whatever character you wish.