Ars Books in PDF & readers

Hello there,

I just got a brand new Ignem-aligned djinn-powered lab text device (a kindle e-reader). I was considering acquiring some Ars books in PDF to be read there. Being totally new to the world of e-readers in general, and kindle in particular, I would like to ask a few questions

  1. Can a PDF be read in kindle?
  2. Does it look too messy?
  3. Do the Ars books look OK in a Kindle e-reader?

If not, what easy to transport device would you suggest? An ipad?

Thx :slight_smile:

I don't know about Kindle, but a PDF seen in GoodReader for iPad is the next best thing to printed paper... unbeatable as a reference tool, too.

Salve Xavi,

forget it. Reading PDFs on Kindle is a big mess ... at least for PDFs of this layout.
The screen of the kindle is to small for the pdfs. As the layout is fixed in pdfs you have to zoom in to read and that makes the navigation (paging) a pain in your a...
If you don't zoom in you will not be able to read a single word.


I don't read PDFs on our Kindle[1], but I have friends who do and they swear by Calibre. Completely untested by me, but these friends can be finnicky, so if they're happy with it, it's probably very decent at converting it.

[1]My wife uses the Kindle, I use the iPad, and I bring the PDFs into iBooks.

I'm Android all the way rather than ipad and I have all my game pdf books on my XOOM. Love it. I think the new kindle app does cater for pdf but the native reader does a better job.

Hi Xavi,

also forget about Calibre to convert the Ars Magica books.
At least for a multi column layout Calibre won't help! I tested it already :frowning:
Then it's really better to read the pdf directly.

Maybe (but only not likely) it is possible to tune Calibre. But I doubt so. With the multi column layout with pictures and inserts in between Calibre won't convert it to a readable ebook.


Another thing,

I think it all goes down to the screen size. If the screen size is more or less the same (or bigger) than the original layout you are ok. If you can minimize a bit to fit a whole page to the screen and still can read it ... ok. If you can turn your reader by 90° to fit half of the page to the screen ... ok. But otherwise ... not ok. And that's the case for the kindle :frowning:


Ok, will keep my kindle for my Copperfield and trust other mediums for the ars books. Thx :slight_smile:


Thanks for the info about this too - Just yesterday I started asking my friends this same question.

And here's a thread present and waiting for me with my questions already answered. Someone's been using non-hermetic means to predict the future, clearly.

Well, been dabbling with the augustans lately and I am thinking about downloading the aeneid into my kindle. :laughing:


I'm the proud owner of the RoP:M and RoP:F PDFs. However, reading them on my tablet (HP Touchpad running either webOS or Android 4) is a less-than-exciting experience. Rendering a page takes 20 seconds or so, which makes quick browsing impossible.

Is this a known issue of the ArM PDFs? Do you have similar experiences, or do the PDFs work just fine on other hardware?

If it's my hardware, then "quick rendering of ArM PDFs" might become a buying criteria when I buy a new tablet :smiling_imp:

I use the ipad for all my Ars pdfs, both 4e and the few 5e I have in Pdf. All work perfectly.
I've only had pain from using Calibre and other e-readers.

A 20-second load time hasn't been my experience on the Xoom. I have my books stored on G-Drive so it takes a few seconds under wifi to download the book, but it's pretty speedy opening after that. Scrolling is fine, as is jumping to pages. I've just checked with Ancient Magic to make sure and I had no problem at all.

And of course, that tablet is a couple of years old. Pretty much any mainstream tablet you invest in today is going to be a more powerful machine than that one anyway.


So it sounds like it's my hardware.

What app are you using on that Xoom? The standard Adobe Reader, or something else?

Standard Adobe Reader for me. Basic, but entirely functional.

Do you have problems with other pdfs too?

What about other pdfs with complex layout (borders and so forth)?

I've had a similar problem using a Kobo reader with RoP:M. Takes forever to switch pages (I'm talking minutes here).

Initially I thought is was a matter of file size, but GotF is actually larger but works just fine.

Most other PDFs, even drastically larger ones, work just fine. However, I have trouble with Liber Fanatica (a Warhammer Fantasy fanzine). Those are both huge hand have very complex layouts.

I had a chance to try RoP:M on an older Samsung Galaxy tablet, and everything was totally fine there, so it has to be my hardware. Bummer, but good to know.

Thanks for all your assistance!

I just tried the Kindle app, and that one opens the PDFs just fine, no delay.

Problem solved!

Kindle has a PDF app?

Directions please? Getting the Ars PDFs in my kindle would be a sure way to get a good use for the device! (I found I prefer regular paper books for book reading, so my kindle is sitting in a drawer somewhat sad right now)