I would love to implement React based spell designer Component and web site as school project. Could I do this under Open License with required text and links?
This is part of a larger suite with latter Covenant, Personae, Saga, and Library components. All components would allow use of any data source implemented by the user. The site would use Postgresql.
Important questions: Does Atlas Games have official theme guidelines for Ars Magica? If you do, could I use them with permission? Otherwise I would use red, black, white, yellow, and parchment for similar output to ArM5 Definite Edition.
Then answer is yes. I do not need legal advice, but confirmation Atlas Games as licenser considers this kind of project under the license. Naturally, that means the project is under the license, and thus open source. I am adding both MIT license and Ars Magica Open License for contained data retrieved using open license.
And thank you for confirming Atlas does not have theme guidelines. It means I will create my own inspired by the red on white of the Atlas site.
That sounds good to me. I would just say to be careful about license mixing, because the MIT license and CC BY-SA are not compatible. The intent is good, and software under MIT and data under CC BY-SA does not look like a problem to non-lawyer me. (Again, it's entirely within the spirit of what we wanted to achieve.)
The distinction is also necessary as the content of a private API server might not follow the CC, and I will add the API implementation service with the CC data as a separate GIT project.