Hello guys,

Here is a magus i devised, he will be my next char in our ongoing saga.
I post it here for your advice on him and for anyone being able to use him as a npc or pc if they wish :slight_smile:

Be aware that my english is far from perfect ^^

Draco Ex Tytalus

Hi guys, this is my first post and this is the character I'm playing in a new game. I got the inspiration to create this after reading a WH40K novel about the Grey Knights Space Marine Chapter, so the character is modelled after a Space Marine. He has a small number of low-level utility and multi-purpose spells and is designed to be versatile in abilities. The concept is a character who aspires to be a hoplite and hunts demons (of course).

Silas of Ex Miscellanea, "The Sword Bearer"

Int +2, Per +2, Pre -2, Com -3
Str +6, Sta +6, Dex +0, Qik +1

Real Name: Jurgen
Parens: Basilius of Ex Miscellanea (formerly Tytalus)
Size: +2
Age: 35 [35] - 0 yrs after Guantlet
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0
Confidence Score: 1(3)
Personality: Brave +3, Patient, +3, Determined +3
Height: 7 ft 10 in
Weight: 460 pounds

[General, Major] Giant Blood - Free
[Hermetic, Minor] Fast Caster - Free
[Hermetic, Major] Gentle Gift
[Supernatural, Major] Strong Faerie Blood of the Sidhe
[General, Minor] Great Strength x 2
[General, Minor] Great Stamina x 2

[Hermetic, Major] Magic Addiction - Free
[Hermetic, Major] Study Requirement
[Personality, Major] Optimistic
[Personality, Minor] Covenant Upbringing
[Story, Major] Tormenting Master

[5] Athletics - Running 1
[5] Awareness - Alertness 1
[5] Brawl - Dodge 1
[5] Carouse - Drinking 1
[5] Charm - Magi 1
[5] Chirurgy - Diagnosis 1
[105] Concentration - Addiction 6
[5] Etiquette - Magi 1
[5] Folk Ken -Magi 1
[5] Guile - Magi 1
[5] Hunt - Forests 1
[5] Intrigue - Hermetic Politics 1
[5] Leadership - Soldiers 1
[75] Lang/German - Storytelling 5
[75] Lang/Latin - Hermetic Terms 5
[5] Lore/Order of Hermes - Tytalus 1
[5] Profession/Scribe - Copying 1
[5] Stealth - Forests 1
[5] Survival - Forests 1
[5] Swim - Rivers 1
[5] Artes Liberales - Logic 1
[105] Magic Theory - Rego 6
[5] Philosophiae - Metaphysics 1
[5] Code of Hermes - Wizard's Marches 1
[5] Faerie Lore - Sidhe 1
[5] Finesse - Targetting 1
[5] Magic Lore - Creatures 1
[5] Parma Magica - Perdo 1
[5] Penetration - Rego 1
[30] Great Weapon - Long Spear 3
[30] Single Weapon - Long Sword 3
[5] Second Sight - Invisibility 1 (Free from SFB)

[6] Creo 3
[6] Intellego 3
[6] Muto 3
[6] Perdo 3
[6] Rego 3

[1] Animal 1
[1] Aquam 1
[1] Auram 1
[1] Corpus 1
[1] Herbam 1
[1] Ignem 1
[1] Imaginem 1
[1] Mentem 1
[1] Terram 1
[1] Vim 1

True Sight of the Air [InAu 15] +10
Whispering Wind [InAu 15] +10
Intuition of the Forest [InHe 10] +10
Trap of Entwining Vines [CrHe 15] +10
The Crystal Dart [MuTe 10] +10
Lift the Dangling Puppet [ReCo 15] +10
Wizard's Sidestep [ReIm 15] +10
Grasp the Distant Slingstone [ReTe 10] +10
Wind of Mundane Silence [ReVi 15] +10

Full Metal Scale Armor
Sword, Long
Shield, Heater
Spear, Long

Combat Statistics:
Soak +6/+13 (with armor)
Long sword & shield; Init +3, Atk +8, Def +9, Dmg +12
Long spear; Init +4, Atk +7, Def +6, Dmg +13

Encumberance: 4 (0)

Weak magus AND weak fighter. Unneccessary much points on Concentration and Magic Theory while his arts are at extremely low level, he knows weak spells and weapon skills are only on level 3. Second sight at level 1 worths not much. Definitely needs a magical focus against demons.

I think also the magus could be better designed but i like the concept.

The spread of abilities and arts weakens the character a lot. Centering in a few abilities is quirte necessary IMO. Also, I am fairly sure that you canΒ‘'t have strength and stamina at +6 each, +5 being the maximum for humans, even with fae and giant blood. (besides finding that having giants mate with faeries sounds extremely weird to me). puissant Single weapon and a Single weapon skill of 5 are also quite mandatory if he wants to be semi-capable in hand to hand. right now our 16-17 year old recruits should be more than a match for him, and that is NOT right.

In geeneral, concentrating the abilities and arts makes for a much more focused character, one that can be a combat power house instead of a village ruffian.


For giant blooded, +6 is possible (because contrary to faerie blood, it's not caped). but this is quite a lot of virtues (2x minor for strength, then also 2x minor for stamina... and a major... 7 virtues for 3 points, argh!)

Remember that not all faeries are... well, fae or sprites. The giant that terrorizes the country is an exemple of faerie :wink:

Yes, but not a SIDHE faerie. I find elves having children with giants to be.... disturbing, at least :laughing:


Ettin blood would be best.

Thanks for the replies and comments, guys. I appreciate the time you guys took to look through the build. As I said, it's my first character so I wasn't aware of some of the baisc concepts. But thanks for the advice! :smiley:

To Birbin again and Xavi:
Yes, I agree that the original write-up was too scattered. I just thought that being able to do many would be interesting, but there're many things the character could do without. And I DO want to be useful to the convenant. So I AM gonna specialise a bit. I spent a lot on Concentration to partially offset his Magic Addction Flaw, and he's supposed to be tough and disciplined in mind and body.

To Exar Kun:
Where can I find Ettin Blood from? I only own the main AM 5th Ed rulebook, but I think I can borrow books from some of the other players and the SG.

I'll be updating Silas below. More advice is alwys welcome! :smiley:

Version 1.1: This is my updated character :slight_smile:

Silas of Ex Miscellanea

Int +2, Per +1, Pre -2, Com -3
Str +4, Sta +6, Dex +2, Qik +2

Real Name: Jurgen
Parens: (currently unnamed Tytalus mage)
Size: +2
Age: 45 [45] - 0 yrs after Guantlet
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0
Confidence Score: 1(3)
Personality: Brave +3, Patient, +3, Determined +3
Height: 7 ft 2 in
Weight: 360 pounds

[General, Major] Giant Blood - Free
[Hermetic, Minor] Fast Caster - Free
[Hermetic, Major] Gentle Gift
[Supernatural, Major] Strong Faerie Blood of the Sidhe
[General, Minor] Improved Characteristics
[General, Minor] Great Stamina x 2
[General, Minor] Tough

[Hermetic, Major] Magic Addiction - Free
[Hermetic, Major] Study Requirement
[Personality, Major] Optimistic
[Personality, Minor] Covenant Upbringing
[Story, Major] Tormenting Master

[5] Athletics - Running 1
[5] Awareness - Alertness 1
[180] Brawl - Gauntlets 8
[5] Charm - Magi 1
[5] Chirurgy - Diagnosis 1
[180] Concentration - Addiction 8
[5] Folk Ken - Magi 1
[5] Guile - Magi 1
[75] Lang/German - Storytelling 5
[50] Lang/Latin - Hermetic Terms 4
[5] Lore/Order of Hermes - Tytalus 1
[5] Profession/Scribe - Copying 1
[5] Stealth - Forests 1
[5] Survival - Forests 1
[5] Swim - Rivers 1
[5] Artes Liberales - Ritual Casting 1
[180] Magic Theory - Creo 8
[5] Faerie Lore - Sidhe 1
[5] Magic Lore - Creatures 1
[5] Parma Magica - Perdo 1
[5] Second Sight - Invisibility 1 (Free from SFB)

[0] Creo 0
[0] Intellego 0
[0] Muto 0
[0] Perdo 0
[0] Rego 0

[0] Animal 0
[0] Aquam 0
[0] Auram 0
[0] Corpus 0
[0] Herbam 0
[0] Ignem 0
[0] Imaginem 0
[0] Mentem 0
[0] Terram 0
[0] Vim 0

Wizard's Sidestep [ReIm 10] +6
The Crystal Dart [MuTe 10] +6
Grasp of the Distant Slingstone [ReTe 10] +6
Aura of Ennobled Presence [MuIm 10] +6
Disguise of the Putrid Aroma [ReAn 5] +6
Circle of Beast Warding [ReAn 5] +6
Footsteps of Slippery Oil [CrAq 5] +6
Touch of the Pearls [InAq 5] +6
Intuition of the Forest [InHe 10] +6
Comfort of the Drenched Traveler [PeAq 5] +6
Cloak of Duck's Feathers [ReAq 5] +6
Stench of Twenty Corpses [CrAu 10] +6
Wreaths of Foul Smoke [CrAu 10] +6
Trust of Childlike Faith [PeMn 10] +6
Fist of Shattering [PeTe 10] +6

Full Chain Mail Armour

Combat Statistics:
Soak +9 (unarmoured)/+18 (with armor)
Fists; Init +2, Atk +10, Def +10, Dmg +4
Gauntlets; Init +2, Atk +11, Def +13, Dmg +6
Dagger; Init +2, Atk +12, Def, +10, Dmg +7

Encumberance: 0 (3)

Design Notes:
His concept has changed a bit. He is now even tougher than before and can defend himself unarmed and armored. He doesn't need weapons because his body is a weapon. It still along the lines of the original Space Marine idea

I was a bit hesitant to put '0' in all his Arts, but I was told that there will be more than enough books for him to read in the library and it fits with his backstory of being Tormented by his master. His Stamina +6 still allows him a fair chance of casting his spells without Fatigue. That's his weak spot at the moment.

His spells are chosen to be versatile at the start so he doesn't need to learn them later. He does not have any General or Vim spells so he can learn them later, after he increases his Arts.

Short Character Bio:
Silas is a something of an oddity. He's a wizard but he's approachable. He appears big and dumb, but he has a keen mind behind his imposing bulk. He speaks Latin like he was born to it, but he mixes with the grogs like a commoner. He is a study in contrasts and a lesson not to take everything at face value.

The result of a primitve "eugenics" programme, Silas and his creche mates are the end result of 40 years of work. From the initial group of 8 babies, Silas was considered one of the brightest prospects due to his unique mix of blood heritage.

Training was a blend of Hermetic Arts and rigourous physical exercise. To call him a warrior monk would not be far wrong. Concentration, discipline and mastery of both his mind and body was his master's ultimate goal.

Silas's apprenticeship was far from normal. Sleep deprivation, rigourous physical activity and late night study sessions were a matter of course. His master did not allow any distractions or crutches for his apprentices.

His knowledge of the Hermetic Theory outstripped the other apprentices at his master's covenant, which brought his master numerous accolades. Day and night, he was drilled to hone his mind and body, to be the sword that House Tytalus needed to advance it's cause. But his ultimate failing was his mastery of the Arts.

His training made his mind focus on the physical world and caused him develop a strange dependance on material for him to understand them hermetically. His master refused to allow him such a "tools" as he deemed it a form of weakness, and so Silas's proficiency in the Arts stagnated after having them Opened.

On his 15th year of apprenticeship, his master did not administer the Gauntlet due to Silas's lack of practical Arts. On the 16th year, Silas insisted on his Gauntlet as expected of a Tytalus apprentice, but it was his master's perogative to set it. 3 times in 3 years did Silas take his Gauntlet under his master, and 3 times he failed. The 4th Gauntlet was administered by the Quaesitores and only then did he finally succeed.

The gruelling Tytalus apprenticeship made him strong, patient and above all determined in the face of hardship. But in his quieter moments he realized that he didn't believe in his House's philosophy. After he passed the Gauntlet, he made his choice to rescind his membership in House Tytalus and join the fractured and disorganized Ex Miscellanea. His master, not surprisingly, was wroth with rage but also quietly impressed with his pupil's independance.

Silas believes in being prepared for every eventuality and takes measured steps to reduce risk. His approach has always been calm and rigid control. He's now with House Ex Miscellanea as he has decided that his master's agenda isn't what he has in mind. His parens of course wants his filius and experiment back in the fold, which causes Silas no little grief.

Do any of you guys know any canon mages that may fit the description of Silas's master? Sort of an "evil genius" or "experimental" type mage. It doesn't need to be a Tytalus mage; a militant Flambeau or Tremere would do fine too, and I can change the backstory.

Ettin blood is a kind of faerie. It give +1 to stamina but no more than 3.
MY 2 cents about that:

  • giant blood means +2 size, which is not really human. So in human relations outside Order, you will be... very disliked/feared. So that + gentle gift is an uncommon situation.
  • about arts, i think you really should focus at character creation: doing spell level 10 wit casting total of 6 is very bad, even for an ex miscellanea.

This is even worse.
The fist one was able to cast little spells and had weak martial skills. V1,1 can cast only cantrips and don't know to fight. He can brawl but in real fight he would need a good weapon skill.
Anyway being a good fighter worths nothing if you want your character to be powerful. The name Ars MAGICA suggests it is all about mages.
Magic theory above 5 is worthless for a starting character. Try to get some Arts and good spells.

Now you went overboard in the opposite direction: you overspecialized in a few (rather worthless) abilities. AND you removed tyour capabilitiers as a mage. Now you are simply a strong warrior with no capabilities to cast spells at all.

  • Get single weapon at level 5 or 6 and Puissant Single weapon.
  • Drop brawl to 4 or 5
  • Drop magical addiction. Removes your main problem and the ned for concentration. besides, right now concentration is useless: you need not to FATIGUE yourself, not to prevent yourself from losing your concentration. Concentration does not help here, while arts help a lot.
  • Drop concentration to 1,2 ort 3 at most.
  • I would remove giant blood and get simply Large as a virtue, but that is me.
  • Shed A LOT of years from your character (advise)

Get rid of:
Second sight: either remove or increase to 4 or so.
Brawl & Concentration & Magic theory: those 3 need to get a much LOWER level. That saves you a lot of points to be invested in what you really need: Arts.

I have not done the maths (don't recall the formula) but I would say that right now, your spellss are illegal: you do not have enough capacity to LEARN them, let alone cast them. Invest heavily in Arts. If you want a space marine, invest in Terram and Corpus.


With MT 8, Int 2, he can learn them.

Ouch...but thanks again for the comments guys. I'll try to give some of the reasons behind some of my choices.

To Exar Kun:
The main consideration I have for taking Gentle Gift was that I wanted to limit the extreme effect of having a low Presence score, combined with the negative "social" effect of the Gift. Judging from some of the books I've read, the Gift does have a negative morale effect on the covenfolk.

I was originally thinking of taking Blatant Gift, but I realized that that would severely effect the covenant's ability to interact with mundanes. I was also considering taking Mythic Blood, but I decided that Gentle Gift was more appropriate as a compromise. As long as my character keeps quiet and does not attract attention to himself, mundanes would be more likely to talk to the rest of my group.

I admit I did not consider the "social" effect of mundanes seeing a Giant Blood character. I guess I need to speak to my SG and the rest of the players. I'm willing to replace Giant Blood with Large if my SG says that the people in the village the covenant is located in will react badly to having a giant amongst them.

And thanks for the info on Ettin Blood. I'll need to clear it with my SG as I don't own the book. :slight_smile:

To Birbin again:
I appreciate your honesty and I agree that Ars Magica is about mages. But I was thinking of playing a mage struggling with the expectations of a Tormenting Master. I know the lack of Arts is going to make him weaker at the start, but there'll be books for my character to read and improve his Arts, so I expect his Arts to increase rapidly when play begins.

WRT to my choice of Brawl as a favoured combat skill, I was envisioning a warrior monk or pugilist style of combat. It was inspired by watching Mixed Martial Arts. In the games that you play in, is having Puissant Single/Great Weapon absolutely essential for a combat character who does not max his starting combat Ability score? I profess that this is my first game, so I don't have much experience to base on.

WRT to Magic Theory, the main consideration for pushing it to 8 was so that Silas can teach the rest of the covenant using the Training rules. His Source Quality would be 11, which makes training under him quite a good choice. Not many summae have a Gain Limit higher than 6 or 7, or a Source Quality of higher than 10 from what I've read. And he makes a good lab assistant as he adds +10 to the primary researcher's Lab Totals.

In character story terms, he pushed himself to study Magic Theory because his master did not allow him to satisfy his Study Requirements for him to improve his Arts. Magic Theory was the best way he could understand Hermetic Arts without actually being able to utilise them practically (ie. increase his Arts).

To Xavi:
Thank you for your advice and honesty. Again the choice appears to be between Brawl and Single/Great Weapon. And you also recommend Puissant for the primary combat ability. I agree that a Puissant combat ability is strong, but it takes up a Virtue point that I find hard to justify.

My main consideration for Virtues is whether it will give the character something that he cannot get otherwise during game play. The Puissant Virtue does give a BIG advantage with the +2 to an Ability, but the +2 can be gained over time with XP. Again, I profess that this will be my first game, so my decision is mainly based on my first impressions. I don't have any Ars Magica game experience at the current moment.

I will pose the same question to you as I posed to 'Birkin again'; Is having Puissant Single/Great Weapon absolutely essential for a combat character who does not max his starting combat Ability score?

Also, wouldn't having a high Brawl score make it easier for characters to defend themselves if they are attacked without any preparations. And mages won't even need to use it to fight back because they can cast spells

WRT to Concentration, pg 82 of the AM 5th Ed rulebook lists some really high scores for Concentration rolls. I can understand why you'd want me to reduce it to 1,2 or 3 but is this based on my character's high +6 Stamina or is it based on mages generally having +2 Stamina? If it's the latter, I find it hard to see how mages can pass the Concentration rolls required consistently.

For example, concentrating on a spell while dodging requires a Hard(12) roll. With Concentration of 3 and Stamina +2, a typical mage would find it hard to cast in combat. Or after getting knocked down, or concentrating on a spell while having a conversation.

In character story terms, Silas is known for his determination and ability to focus on the task at hand, due to his master constantly testing him during his apprenticeship (ie sleep deprivation, rigourous activity followed by long periods of study, loud noises and distractions while concentrating on a task).

I agree that not getting fatigue is more important than concentration though. It would be a high priority for Silas to study good summae to get his Arts scores improved when play starts. And I will take you advice on Chirurgy, Guile and Second Sight.

To all:
Is there an unspoken casting expected when choosing the level of spells to cast? Or a particular gut feeling that you follow to decide how high a casting score you need for a spell before considering the penetration required? I'd like to find out your thoughts on this.

Have there also been cases where mages start with 0 scores in a majority or even all their Arts? I really don't think I'd be the first one to consider this right? I don't expect it to be common though.

Would a library of a weak covenant have basic summae and tractatus of a majority of Arts? I expect them to have such for the apprentices right?

After reading through the above, I find that I've talked a lot about combat. Please don't assume that I'm playing Ars Magica for the combat. That would be doing a great disservice to the system.

It just appears that way because of the character I'm designing. He's supposed to be good at it. IMaybe I'll post my Merinita/Jerbiton next. :smiley:

The concept is good and logical. His apprentice has weak arts because the master didn't realized he needs requirements or didn't allowed them. Thus the parens expected he will fail the gauntlet. But he succeeded by luck or anything. The parens thinks the character is a cheater.
I wouldn't allow your character because he is actually too weak to be a magus. Lower arts might be OK but having NO arts is not. But that's just me.
All arts have very easy requirements at the beginning. Some of them are naturally found in the labs like candle flames and magical aura.

I never heard about such monks in the medieval Europe. And because there were no such warriors the rules doesn't support your idea.

Than how was he able to learn Magic Theory?
For some people it is a good career being merely an assistant.

All: His master died/lost, nobody taught him and he didn't became a magus. So his arts are at level 0 or has minimal advancement.
Majority: The starting magus specialized in a few arts and the majority of his arts are at level 0. This is the general case but these magi have 2-3 arts at level 8-12.

No. But ask your SG his opinion.

Xavi has right anyway.

Well, I like it. It certainly makes sense for a selfish mage to concentrate on teaching his aprentice Magic Theory, since that helps the mage in lab work, whereas the aprentice being more skilled in arts does not. You were giving a +10 to lab totals at the end there.

The disadvantage of Brawl vs Single Weapon or Great Weapon is not having those juicy damage bonuses, but a lot of spells can be invented at touch range, and Brawl would help you touch a dodging person. Since lowering the level of the spell is important for avoiding tripping Magical Adiction, it is probably worth keeping it as Brawl.

There may be books available to improve the arts, but it may be problematic reading them someplace where you can also learn. Study Restriction can be a killer regarding high levels of arts. You may be spending most of your later years construction Magic Items during your seasons.

1 Like

Well, here is a companion I wrote up that was vetoed as not fitting into the power level of the campaign. Which I do understand, but I thought I would post it here.


Characteristics: Int +0, Per +2, Pre +2, Com +1, Str +1, Sta +1, Dex +2, Qik 0

Size: 0

Age: 61 (32) Height :5’ 8” Weight: 180 lbs, Gender: Male

Decrepitude: 1 (5 points)

Warping Score: 0

Confidence: 1 (3)

Virtues and Flaws: Strong Faerie Blood (Sidhe) , Wealthy, Mercenary Captain, Affinity with Single Weapon, Improved Characteristics, Unaging, Ambitious (Major), Curse of Venus, Temperate, Lesser Malediction: Must sing to someone for half hour before sleeping, Lesser Malediction: Takes Light Wound for every lie told, Lesser Malediction: Unable to swear an oath calling upon the Divine to enforce it.

Personality Traits: Brave: +4, Just: +3, Lecherous: -3

Dodge: Init: 0, Attack -, Defense +2, Damage : NA
Fist: Init: 0, Attack +4, Defense +2, Damage +1
Longsword and Heater Shield: Init: +2 Attack: +18 Defense: +16 Damage: +8
Lance and Heater Shield: Init: +2 Attack:+17 Defense: +14 Damage: +7
Bow: Initi:-1 Attack: +8 Defense: +3 Defense: +7
Soak: +10
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20)

Abilities: Area Knowledge: Normandy : 3 (castles) Athletics: 4 (running) Awareness: 5 (searching) Bargain: 5 (mercenary contracts) Bows: 2 (shortbow) Brawling: 2 (grapples) Charm: 5 (first impressions) Ettiquite: 3 (nobility) Faerie Lore: 4 (faerie forests) Folk Ken: 5 (soldiers) Great Weapon: 2 (Longspear) Hunt: 3 (tracking) Living Language: French 5 (military terms) Living Language: Occitan: 3 (miliary terms) Living Language Low German: 3 (military terms) Leadership: 5 (in combat) Music: 3 (singing) Ride:3 (battle) Second Sight: 5 (regionares) Single Weapon: 11 (longsword) Stealth: 3 (natural areas) Survival: 3 (Normandy) Swim: 1 (long distances) Teaching: 4 (single weapon)

Equipment: Longsword (Load 1) Heater Shield (Load 2) Full Chain Mail: (Load 6)
Encumberence: -3

Bio: Christopher was born at a covenant near the border between the Normandy and Rhine Tribunal. Every year the covenant had a grand ritual contest with the local faerie court, with vis for the covenant if they one and indignities for the covenant if they lost. Christopher was a result of a loss, a bastard put on a servant maid by the faerie king himself.
As Christopher grew older, his skill with the sword became clear, and as that sort of combat was an important part of the contest, he was extensively trained in the sword. As his skill became greater and greater, the covenant won more and more vis, and invested more and more in enabling Christopher to meet any challenge that could occur at the faerie court. Christopher knew that if he won the battle 100 times, he would become the faerie king.
However, as a result of loosing year after year, the faerie court looked to replace their king, and the eldest legitimate son made an agreement with a Merinta mage at the covenant for aid, if the court would provide a permanent annual gift of vis, the covenant would help them overthrow the old king. The bargain was struck, and the king overthrown. This now replacing the contest, the new king strongly hinted that it would be better if all other children of his father left the area, that no plots come to involve them. As the covenant no longer needed Christopher for the contests, they readily agreed. As Christopher no longer could obtain his vision of becoming king, he also wished to move on.
So now, Christopher, with those from the covenant who wished to follow him, has left to make his way in the world, and somewhere, somehow, become king.

This is my new companion, at least I hope he will be accepted. A magical cat

Right now, Bambino has two unspent quality points. That is for three reasons

  1. Bambino was built as a summer character, and if needed, I wanted to be able to change him to a spring character without too much trouble. Right now, if I drop the Second Sight Virtue and related point expenditures, and spend the remaining Qualities on Improved Abilities, it doesn't change the character too much.

  2. I am not sure how the Alpha Storyteller will handle animal qualities. Right now, I sure would like Good Jumper and Skilled Climber, and am unsure if those are there but not put on the character sheet, or not included right now. Similarly, Some sort of ability to reference an abilitiy of a cat to see in darkness. There is a spell called "Eyes of the Cat" but nothing really mechanics wise that speaks to that.

  3. The countryside outside the covenant has a native language of Occitain, the covenfolk were mostly brought from England , I would like some way for Bambino to learn Occitain after play begins, which suggests that keeping a quality point in reserve to buy additional levels of Improved Abilities is important.

Anyway, here is Bambino

Bambino, magical cat

Characteristics: Int +2, Per +2, Pre -2, Com -3, Str -6, Sta +2, Dex +3, Qik +5

Size: -3

Age: appears adolescent Height : 9” Length: 1’ 2” Weight: 8 lbs, Gender: Male
Magical Might: 11
Confidence: 1 (3)
Virtues and Flaws: Magic Animal, Gift of Speech, Lightning Reflexes, Perfect Balance, Puissiant Awareness, Puissiant Second Sight, Second Sight, Sharp Ears, Unaffected By Gift, Curse of Venus, Meddler (Major), Magic Friend, Nocturnal,
Qualities and Inferiorities: Lesser Powers:x2, Personal Powers x2, Improved Powers x2, Improved Abilities x4, Reduced Might:x2
Personality Traits: Gregarious: +2, Cat: +3, Brave: -2 Curious;+4
Claw: Init: +4, Attack +10, Defense +13, Damage -4
Soak: +2 (+5 when using Resistance to Claws)
Fatigue levels: OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-2), -3 (3-4), -5 (5-6), Incapacitated (7-8)
Abilities: Athletics: 4 (climbing) Awareness: 5 +2 (searching) Brawling: 4 (claws) Code of Hermes: 3 (familiars) Dead Language: Latin: 4 (Hermetic Usage) Dominion Lore: 1 (creatures) Faerie Lore: 1 (relating to cats) Folk Ken: 4 (covenfolk) Guile: 4 (looking inocent) Hunt: 2 (mice) Infernal Lore: 1 (relating to cats) Living Language: English 4 (slang) Magic Lore: 1 (relating to cats) Second Sight: 5+2 (Invisible things) Stealth: 4 (moving quietly)
Feline Lullaby: 0 points, Initiative: +4 Mentum, This is a version of the The Call to Slumber
Humans are Easily Misplaced: 2 points, Initiative:+3 Corpus, A version of Inexorable Search.
Pass the Unyelding Portal: 0 points, Initiative:+4 Herbam, Same as spell
Prying Eyes: 0 points, Initiative:+4 Imaginum, Looks inside of building while standing on the roof.
Cat Like a Shadow: 0 points, Initiative:+4 Imaginum, Personal version of Veil of Invisibility
Resistance to Claws: 0 points, Initiative:+4 Animal, Personal Version of Doublet of Impenetrable Silk
Understand the Human: 0 point, Initiative:+3 Mentum, Equivelent of Thought Within Babble. Note, while Bambino can understand, this does not give him the ability to speak.
Equipment: None.

Bio: Bambino was born in a covenant in the Stonehenge Tribunal, between two cats who were familiars to two different mages, in a covenant with a number of cats in residence, both magical and ordinary. As a kitten, he spent hours observing the mages and covenfolk, and learning their ways. Unfortunately, when he got older, his system started putting out scents as if he was a female in heat. As a male, this caused all kinds of disruption, and the covenant wishes to send him someplace else where he would no longer disturb the piece.