Before I trow my draft papers away : here are some characters i designed during some training:

Note: for secondary insight and elemental magic, i assumed the average by season is 7,5 xp. So i divided any useful total by 7,5 rounded up to see how much points i could distribute, according that it was one by one for the purpose of affinities.

1 Primo) the teleporter magus from house Mercere, mutans

Int 3
Com -3
Sta 1
Dex -1
Prs 1
Per 2
Qck 2
Str 0

1 affinity rego
1 skilled parens
0 mutantum magic
1 puissant rego
1 affinity finesse
1 puissant finsse
1 potent magic: teleportation
1 focus minor: teleportation
3 flawless magic
-1 covenant upbringing
-3 rigid magic
-3 ambitious (becoming primus)
-3 tormenting master

Gauntlet at 23 years:
latin 4 (50)
MT 3 (30)
Parma 1 (5)
Artes liberales 1 (5)
Awareness 3 (30)
Italy lore 1 (5)
Brawl 1 (5)
OoHlore 1 (5)
charm 1 (5)
Guile 1 (5)
folk ken 1 (5)
finesse 1 (11) +2
Cr 8 In 8 Re 14+3 Co 8 He 8 Te 10 Vi 8
Spells: (all mastery fast cast)
Teleportation by touching (touch) ReCo 40
Many swords in your body ReTe 45 (sight): the targeted swords appear in your sight... useful to put them in your enemy body! (base 20, sight, group)
Fast flying ReCo 25 tethered harnessed
Appearance of the pile of rock : ReTe 40 (sight, group +1 size): teleport any pile of rocks at any place you see.

Post gauntlet +19 years:
Cr 8 In 8 Mu 8 Pe 8 Re 20 +3
An 8 Aq 0 Au 0 Co 8 He 8
Ig 0 Im 0 Me 0 Te 12 Vi 8
Finesse 11+2 (232)
parma 3 (30)
penetration 3 (30)
code of hermes 1 (5)
concentration 3 (30)

1 Secondo) the teleporter magus from house Mercere, mutans
The same as 1 primo, but with secondary insight

Arts are, at +19 hermetic age:
Cr 9 (47) In 9 (45) Mu 8 (36) Pe 9 (46) Re 22 (272) +3
An 10 (55) Aq 5 (15) Au 5 (15) Co 9 (45) He 10 (55)
Ig 5 (15) Im 5 (15) Me 5 (15) Te 12 (84) Vi 9 (45)

(bonus by secondary insight: 506 xp put in arts, 805 actual total! = +299 for a 3 points virtue, = 99,6 by virtue points, it's more than skilled parens : good ratio!)

2 primo) The Elemental magmatic magus
3 elemental magic
1 focus: magma
1 skilled parens
1 subtle magic
1 affinity terram
0 puissant muto
2 quiet magic
1 lesser immunity : magma
-1 covenant upbringing
-1 bound magic
-3 driven: create a magmatic lake
-3 tormenting master
-1 incompatible arts: InHe and InAn
-1 lesser malediction: ice does double damage

23 years at gauntlet:
latin 4 (50)
MT 3 (30)
Parma 1 (5)
Artes liberales 1 (5)
Charm 1 (5)
Area lore 1 (5)
Guile 1 (5)
brawl 1 (5)
OOHL 1 (5)
folk ken 3 (30)
stealth 1 (5)

Muto 8 (40) +3
Auram 10 (55)
Aquam 10 (55)
Ignem 16 (140)
Terram 16 (140)

(Bonus brought by the affinities in Ignem and terram and the elemental magic: +150xp for 5 points of virtue)

I tried it with secondary insight, saw that it was better, and dropped it.

2 secondu) The magmatic magus

Same as 2 primo, but with secondary insight, and arts are:
Muto 11 (68)
Rego 7 (28)
Auram 9 (50)
Aquam 9 (50)
Ignem 17 (158)
Terram 17 (158)

At 20 years post gauntlet:
Cr 7 (28) In 6 (24) Mu 12 (78) Pe 7 (28) Re 7 (28)
An 0 Aq 8 (38) Au 8 (38) Co 3 (8) He 0
Ig 17 (173) Im 5 (15) Me 5 (15) Te 17 (173) Vi 5 (15)

Total xp put in arts: 377 (already 240 from gauntlet!)
Bonus brought by secondary insight (from the "without virtue situation") : +156 for 533. secondary insight only is +52 by virtue point.
Bonus brought by secondary insight + 2 affinities (from the "secondary insight only situation") : +128 for 661. +64 by virtue point
Bonus total: +284 for 5 virtues points = 56,8 by each.

Still 463 xp to distribute

3) The Wind elemental maga
3 elemental magic
1 focus wind
1 deft auram
1 affinity auram
0 puissant creo
1 skilled parens
1 potent magic: wind
1 affinity MT
1 puissant MT
-1 covenant upbringing
-3 close family ties
-1 bound magic
-1 incompatible arts: InAn and InHe
-1 incompatible arts: PeAn and PeHe
-3 generous

Int 3 Sta 1 Prs 1 Dex -2 Per 1 Qck 2 Com 1 Str -2

At 23 gauntlet:
awareness 3
italy lore 1
brawl 1
Latin 4
Charm 1
guile 1
folk ken 1
Mt 5+2
parma 1
artes liberales 1
Cr 10+3
Re 7 (29)
Aq 8 (42)
Au 20 (210)
Ig 8 (42)
Te 10 (55)

Spells (done without the books):
Flying with winds: Cr(Re)Au 20 +50
Incantation of lightning CrAu 40 (sight) +35
Jupiter blow CrAu 20 +50
Whispering winds InAu 15 +24
Ward against all elements: ReAu(Ig,Te,Aq) 40 (base is 30, pers, sun): protect against fire and acide up to +35 damage, against earth, sand and metal, against wind and lightning, against water and rain) +28

At +20 years post gauntlet
Cr 15 In 5 Mu 5 Pe 5 Re 7 (29)
An 5 Aq 12 (78) Au 23 (283) Co 5 He 5
Ig 14 (106) Im 5 Me 5 Te 14 (111) Vi 5

Penetration 5
Concentration 4
Parma 3

Still 105 px to distribute.

Ideas to finish the character:

  • making a fan her talisman and using it as prop in her future spells
  • create a big wind spell ritual
  • create sandwind spell (requisite terram free)
  • create blazing wind spell (requisite Ignem free!)

Here is an Idea for a Physician Magus from a Noble Faerie lineage that I've been tinkering around with on Meta-Creator for the 5th ed.

Type: Magus
House: Ex Miscellanea
Name: Galen
Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre +3, Com +1, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +1
Size: 0
Age: 28 (appears 21 or so)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 0
Confidence: 1(3)
Twilight Scars: 0

Virtues:(10 points)
Strong Faerie Blood, Sidhe (Ex-Misc Major non Hermetic virtue) (0)
Second Sight (free minor virtue from above virtue) (o)
Improved Characteristics (x3) (3)
Unaging (1)
Tough (1)
Venus' Blessing (1)
Affinity with Creo (Ex-Misc Minor Hermetic Virtue) (0)
Affinity with Corpus (1)
Book Learner (1)
Free Study (1)
Warrior (1)

Flaws:(10 points)
Magic Addiction (Compulsory Major Hermetic Flaw from Ex-Misc) (0)
Plagued By Supernatural Entity (Court of Bright Summer, specifically his Stepmother the Queen) (3)
Ambitious (wants to become an Arch-Magus) (Major) (3)
Faerie Upbringing (1)
Weird Magic (1)
Lesser Malediction (Lecherous) (1)
Susceptibility to Divine Power (1)

Important Arts:
Creo (5)
Intelligo (5)
Muto (5)
Corpus (15)

Spells: Most low level healing spells, one or two combat or defensive spells

Important Abilities:
Childhood Language (currently French) (5)
Latin (4)
Artes Liberales (3)
Farie Lore (3)
Medicine (3)
Chirurgy (3)
Second Sight (3)
Charm (3)
Etiquette (3)
Single Weapon (4)

Personality Traits: Lecherous +3, Cheerfull +2, Charming +2
Reputations: none

Appearance: Galen is a tall graceful and athletic man with blond hair and alluring golden eyes. He is very keen to talk to newcomers to the covenant or when traveling in the mundane world and targets women in any party he encounters with his charm in an attempt to overcome the negative affects of his gift. He typically wears fashionable clothing or riding cloths, though if expecting a fight he dons a suit of fancy but archaic scale armor and a longsword (non magical items, both gifts from his Father the King of Bright Summer).

Story: Galen is the son of the King of Bright Summer by a young Marinita magus who was seeking an easy way of finding an apprentice. The king was able to trick the Merinita Magus however, and lured her into forgoing her claims on the child through the loss of some rigged events in the courts annual summer tourney. Galen was recovered by his mother a few years latter, however she disappeared into Arcadia under mysterious circumstances early in his training. His Parens, a gifted physician from House Ex-Miscellanea, recognized Galen's aptitude and quickly snapped him up as his own apprentice after his mothers disapperance. Using Galen's familiarity and family connection his Parens often returned to the Court of Bright summer in search of Vis and materials for research, and as a result Galen wound up spending relatively little time in mundane circles until after his gauntlet. Galen is fascinated by Mundane and human culture in general, having been exposed to very little of it thus far, and is currently looking to trade his gifts as healer for a spot in a young covenant to continue his studies. His Stepmother, the Queen of Bright Summer, has plans for Galen and is constantly embroiling him in her plots against the Unseliee court by tempting him with information about his Mother's disappearance, and by offering to clues to the lifting of his malediction (a curse she laid herself as retribution for his fathers' faithlessness). Galen is a skilled courtier and often attends and participates in the summer tourney at his Father's court. He long term goals include finding his Mother in Arcadia, Earning entry into house Marinita, and earning the coveted title of Archmagus.

Notes: I'm fascinated by the idea playing out Galen's relationship to the Fey, and of investigating the Corpus discipline. I recently got a copy of Ancient Magic and would love to investigate the Fertitlity cult ideas it contains. Any notes or pointers, or major problems with the character you guys' see please point em out! :slight_smile:

@Redthirst, regarding Silas "The Sword Bearer"
well, your character closely reminds my Roland Astreion de domo Tytalus :slight_smile: let my share my ideas: I took Strong Ettin blood combined with "Giant Blood", abstained from "Great Characteristics" stuff (planning to use Creo Corpus 30 in future). My magus was similarly weak in terms of Arts after apprenticeship, so I decided that he could not pass Gauntlet and became "Failed Apprentice". As failed apprentice he ran away (with some wealth of his old master) to study medicine and Corpus at Montpellier. After 10 years he returned to his mother covenant (Montverte) , leading a bunch of cuttroats. He magically augumented them and defeated Montverte raiding party led by his former master - after the clash he approached master, who considered Gauntlet finally completed. I hope you find some inspiration there :slight_smile:

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Along my blog there are some Magical and others Sobrenatural Characters and types. It is in Spanish, but they are easy undestood.

I like this as a concept. It seems that the munchkins would have you restrict yourself to a magus with some serious attack spells with high damage and very high penetration. I like the back story, and the opportunity for roleplaying (rather than just blasting the monster). Very amusing.

I am playing in solo with my husband, so I have many characters (one for each house, 3 verditius...)
I'd like to share one of them.
For the carac, I don't use the 5th edition system, but with 4 dices

Sylvia ex bonisagus
int+4 per+3 strength +2 sta +3 pre +3 com -1 dex +3 qui +3
virtues and flaws
book learner, educated, inventive genius, night reading, study bonus, affinity with rego, free study, secondary insight puissant magic theory as free virtue
visions, susceptibility to infernal power, blatant gift, compulsion to perfection, sheltered upbringing, infamous lineage (magus said to be diabolists), reclusive, incomprehensible, true love (Carl of Mercere)

She is the daughter of a bonisagus magus, who was calling spirits. Her mother died at birth and she was raised near the 7 falls (rhine tribunal, not far from duremar) in a nice magical aura. Her father died right after he opened her Art, by calling a spirit that's was in fact a powerful demon ; she was protected by a magical spirit and the spirit of the 7 falls. So she started to study magic by herself, as she had a big library (the parens of her father has written a lot of books on arts and arcanes).
She was 18 when the mater of her father came to see him and discover her alone... realising that's she was ready for her gauntelet, she took her to Duremar.
Sylvia is thus the youngest maga and bonisagi in the Order.
She is now touring rhine tribunal, while searching for a way to be able to detect infernal lies.

She is now 23 and she is best in magic theory (12 with puissant magic theory) and concentration (6)
In art she has 14 in Rego and 15 in Vim

She has invented 2 spells that she cannot yet cast, appart in ceremonial casting
leap of homecoming at touch, ReCo40
Find the vis source InVi45 (in arcanic, mom, hearing) but she experimented and that spell make you deaf...

She has 3 in warp that gave her magical animal companion and higher purpose : protect magi against demon lies

Ceremonial casting is spontaneous magic, you'd need a casting total of 80-90 to pull these off.

If you follow the ability score limit, she was MT5+2 at gauntlet. To advance to MT10+2 would take 3 full years with the best summae out of the 5 years post-gauntlet she had. She is a true book worm. Sounds like you're having fun exploring the game.

She was MT 8 at gauntlet, as I play her formation and had a great librairy
She only learned through books during 10 years (from 8 to 18)...

As for the ceremonial magic for a formulary spell, I don't see why it should be twice the level as a spontaneous, otherwise, there is no reason to create it...
We always use the normal level when it is not spontaneous, even with ceremonial magic... so she just had to get at least 35 on 45 to cast it (with one fatigue level).

EDIT : I forgot to say I master those spells in ceremonial magic

As I play in solo, we always play our teaching, so the character is first made to 8 (or more, following the background) and then we play the 15 years apprenticeship.
If normal teacher, the character get 2 seasons teaching and 2 seasons learning magic theory by contact in the lab with her pater/mater... getting around the level of spells and art as given in the AM5.

I have been playing first AM4, in 2007, with my husband who is an old rolegame player - end 2007 we started with AM5 and in 2009 we create new characters fully with AM5 - I really enjoy.
to give an idea :
Ankhiale, Tytalus and titanoi, Provence Tribunal
Alna, merinta from the nature path, in reality Diedne magic, Normandy trib
Arunda, Verditius specialist of herbam and nuraghis (in Sardinia), Rome trib
HÊlène, tremere, first opened by an elementalist, specialist of elements, Theban trib
Marina, Verditius, specialist of sea and boats, Rome trib, probably Theban trib afterwards
Pankratius, Jerbiton from Constantinople, born in purple, founder of Antigones
Sybille, Flambeau, mercurian from normandy trib

Not yet played :
Alessia, Jerbiton, filia of one of my husband's character, an erudite Jerbiton
Aydan, first forge companion, later became verditius mage specialized in armement, could become verditius prima doma...
Blanche de Remi de Beaumanoir, just love law and will become a guernicus in the Normandy trib
Lyubina, gypsy from the transylvanian trib, after a while as apprentice with a tremere, will become bonisagus trianomae
Vanina, Criamon, Greater Alp

Some background will help explain the motivation for the character.

The players have started a covenant. We set up the saga so that in order to be an "official" covenant, approved by the Order, all start-up covenants need to present their case at the next logical tribunal. The covenant needs to show that they can prosper and be a contributing member of the Order. To this end, the players created new spells, manufactured some magic items, located some vis sources, acquired a copy of a very rare book on magic theory, worked on their labs, sent "gifts" to all the other covenants, and then planned out their presentation to the tribunal.

There is a background story going on they don't know about and the tribunal was the place for it to be introduced. To that end, I had another covenant petition to be approved. This covenant, though, had almost nothing going for it. The maga pleaded her case to the tribunal with a lot of "I know this did not work out right but..." and "You see, this happened...". Despite the poor showing by this other covenant, it was approved. When it was the players turn, they were grilled pretty hard and challenged by another fairly young covenant. There was a lot of back and forth and in the end the player's covenant was approved, but a good 35% of the magi voted against. The clue was, of course, that they were not rubber stamped, even though they were clearly the superior covenant, and so there is something going on. Fortunately, they picked that up.

And I thought I was done with the maga. Except, of course as all things story guide and players go, I was wrong. The players decide that, given the problems the maga is having getting her covenant up and running, they would extend an offer to her to start a satellite covenant. So now I need to flesh out her character.

The idea is that, while not incompetent, she has really bad luck as a mage: spell casts go bad, lab work goes bad. So I looked to flaws that help with that flavour.

The next thing I wanted to address is why she made it to gauntlet. Lab accidents and trouble casting spells would likely turn off some magi. So I figure if she is gentle gifted a Jerbiton would put up with a lot. But I wanted a little bit more. What if, I thought, she was magical, and had some ability (because of her magical background) to make people believe in her...

This is where I ended up. Comments?

Orada Beldia/f

Jerbiton maga

Might: 20 (Mentum)

Characteristics: Int 1, Per 1, Str -1, Sta 0, Pre +1, Com +3, Dex -1, Qik 0

Size: -1

Age: 30 (Apparent Age: 30). 5+7+12 (gauntlet at 24) + 6 years post gauntlet

Decrepitude: 0.

Warping Score: 1 (8)

Twilight Scars: Hair is a platinum blonde and tends to shimmer with different colours when she is under stress; she was blonde originally

Confidence Score: 1 (3)

Virtues: The Gift[0]; Hermetic Magus[0]; Gentle Gift[3]; Educated[house]; Book Learner[1]; Dowsing[1]; Life Boost[1]; Magic Sensitivity[1]

Flaws: Humble[1]; Compassionate[1]; Clumsy Magic[1]; Short-lived Magic[1]; Small Frame[1]; Twilight Prone[1]; Unpredictable Magic[1]; Weird Magic[1]

Personality Traits: Earnest +1; Friendly +2; Dedicated +1

You can Trust Me; 4 points, Init +2, Mentum; R:Eye, D:Mom, T:Ind; When Orada looks into someone's eyes the person wants to believe her. They may not, but they really want to, and will give her a chance to prove herself if they can. The power only applies to herself. The power does not activate, for example, if she asks someone to trust someone else. The power has a penetration equal to her might at the time the power is invoked.

Reputations: None (although unlucky or cursed might soon apply)

Latin / 5
Language: Local (Magic Terms) / 5 [0]
Lore: Local Region (Families) / 3 [30 + 8]
Charm (Opposite sex) / 3 [30]
Folk Ken (Nobles) / 2 [15 + 8]
Guile (Nobles) / 2 [15]
Artes Liberales (Rhetoric) / 2 [15]
Magic Theory (Twilight) / 5 [30 + 14 + 40]
Parma Magica (Mentum) / 1 [5 + 8]
Lore: Order of Hermes (Magi) / 1 [5]
Awareness (Whispered Talk) / 1 [5]
Bargain (Legal Agreements) / 1 [5]
Law: Local / 2 [15]
Code of Hermes (Mundanes) / 2 [15]
Concentration (Twilight) / 2 [15]
Dowsing (Vis) / 2 [5]
Etiquette (Magi) / 4 [50]
Finesse (Rego) / 1 [5]
Intrigue (Relationships) / 2 [15 + 5]
Leadership (Inspiration) / 2 [5 + 10]
Magic Lore (Twilight) / 1 [5]
Magic Sensitivity (Active Spells) / 2 [10]
Penetration (Mentum) / 1 [5]
Philosophiae (Ceremonial magic) / 1 [5]

Creo / 5 [10 + 8]
Intelligo / 4 [10]
Muto / 8 [10 + 33]
Perdo / 3 [6]
Rego / 8 [21 + 20]
Animal / 0 [0]
Aquam / 0 [0]
Aurum / 3 [6]
Corpus / 7 [10 + 24]
Herbam / 0 [0]
Ignem / 0 [0]
Imaginem / 10 [36 + 20]
Mentem / 11 [45 + 24]
Terram / 0 [0]
Vim / 7 [6 + 22]

Equipment: Clothes of good social standing, a jade ring.

Encumbrance: 0 (0)

Vis: 4 pawns, 2 in each eye

Spells Known
Confusion of the Numbed Will (ReMe15)
Curse of the Unruly Tongue (ReCo5)
Panic of Trembling Heart (CrMe15)
Prying Eyes (InIm5)
Sight of the Transparent Motive (InMe10)
Spasms of the Uncontrolled Hand (ReCo5)
WizardĂ­s Sidestep (ReIm10)
Larger than Life (ReMe10)
Change Of Heart (ReMe5)
Gossip of the Marketplace (Cr(Re)Me 20)

Aegis of the Hearth (ReVi 10)

Orada Beldia is a young maga, not too far past gauntlet. She is quite short and petite, with shoulder length platinum hair and small, pretty features. She has a strong voice that does not seem to match her small frame.

Orada is quite friendy and easy to talk to. She is a good listener and quite compassionate over the trials and tribulations of others. Orada feels quite strongly that helping people with magic should be something the Order does. She knows this is "frowned upon", as she puts it, but believes that if an action cannot be traced back to magic then the action is ok.

Her apprenticeship was difficult. While intelligent and talented (and gentle gifted), lab accidents and bad spell casts seems to follow her around. Many magi might have given up on her, but her parens liked her spirit and believed that she really could become a good maga and a productive member to the House of Jerbiton. He was relieved when she past her gauntlet and left his lab.

Orada let out on her own soon after passing gauntlet. She wanted to get away from the lands more tightly watched by the Order so she could work to help people with her skills and magic. To this end she founded a covenant in the "hinterlands", as she refers to it. Here she mixes with the mundanes and works to make their lives a little bit better. An unforunately accident while participating in the Aegas of the Hearth ritual resulted in the covenant's aura being destroyed. Nobody was hurt, thankfully, but the loss of the aura has affected research in the spring covenant.

Unknown to Orada, she has been touched by the magic realm (exact reason left as an exercise for the reader) and has an innate ability to convince people that she is genuine and trustworthy. She cannot activate this power willingly, but it does seem to activate when most appropriate. Orada is peripherally aware that people seem to trust her more than they do other people, but she has not figured out why.

Her magical ability is also at the root of her trouble with magic. He innate connection to the magic realm interferes with her ability to cast and research magic. This is the source of many of her magic flaws. Orada is also aware that magic does not seem to work the same way for her as for others. Her one experience in twilight so far has left her with a scar (her hair) and a strong desire to not go into twilight again.

"How can I best help people with my magic?"
"How can I show the Order that helping mundanes is ok?"
"How can I reduce the effects of twilight?"

6 years out of gauntlet, she has 24 seasons.
2 seasons working on her lab
1 season studying Creo, 8 xp
2 seasons studying Rego, 20 xp
3 seasons studying Muto, 33 xp
4 seasons working with mundanes, 23 xp Folk ken, intrigue, leadership,
2 seasons reading up on twilight, 14 xp
2 seasons studying Mentum, 24 xp
2 seasons studying Imaginum, 20 xp
2 seasons studying Vim, 22 xp
1 season learning Aegis of the Hearth
1 season learning a spell
1 season enchanting an item
1 season studying parma magica, 8 xp

20 magic related seasons results in 40 environmental XPs, all spent on Magic Theory
4 seasons on mundane taks results in 8 environmental XPs, all spent on Lore: Local Region

She still has 10 levels of spells from her apprenticeship to assign, plus 1 spell and some small magic item from her post gauntlet time. Not quite sure what to assign them to.

Her flaws are more than her virtues, I am using up a virtue slot for her magic power. She is an NPC, so I don't feel bound to balance things, but thought I would at least appear to make an effort. :slight_smile:

Even if touched by magic, she shouldn't have a magic might... If I remind well, having magic might means you are a magical being and have lots of troubles to learn
Being touched by magical realm does not mean she is a magical being, so even if she has power from magical realm, she should not have magic might...

she doesn't need the might score - she can be a disorganized mess without it, and probably seem more credible.

At most, I'd curse her with bad luck, that's it.

Snorre Tokison the Bjarnhofdi

game setting: 1060
born: 1033
age: 27
sex: male
size: 0

Personality Traits: Brave +3, Arrogant +2, Trustful -2, Fury 0 (this is a special trait tied to Malediction)

Characteristics: Int 0, Per +2, Pre +1, Com 0, Str +2, Sta +2, Dex +3, Qui +3

Merits: Improved Characteristics x5, Longwinded, Puissant Single Weapon, Tough, Warrior, Well Traveled

Flaws: Dark Secret, Greater Malediction explained below (Curse of the Putkituk Nanuq Blood Hungry Polar Bear, Offensive to Animals, Optimistic, Over Confident, Outcast OR because I could not decide which package of Flaws I liked the better Dark Secret, Greater Malediction, Over Confident as Major, Offensive to Animals

Abilities: Area Lore 2 (German Sea, Caledonian Sea North Sea), Area Lore 2 (Norway), Area Lore 1 (Holy Roman Empire German Kingship), Athletics 3 (Sure-footed), Awareness 3 (Alertness), Brawl 4 (Scrapping), Carouse 2 (Copious Drinker), Folk Ken 1 (Wilderness folk/ Peasants), Great Weapon 2 (Great Axe/Dane Axe/SkeggĂśxstat as Great Sword), Hunt 3 (Tracking), Intrigue 1 (Alliances), Leadership 3 (Battle), Language Old Norse 5 (Bragging), Language German (Battle Terms), Language Latin 0 +3xp, Order of Hermes Lore 0 +2xp, Profession Sailor 3 (Knots/Rope), Single Weapon 5 [+2] (Long Sword), Stealth 3 (Sneaking), Survival 3 (Northland forest), Swim 2 (Long Distances), Thrown Weapon 3 (Axe)

History : The great hall of the Gaelic-Viking king Somerled echoed with the thunderous celebrations of the Gall Gaidheal, proud and strong warriors freshly arrived back from the final battle with Goraidh, having once and for all sent the usurper back to the shores of Norway. The year is 1159, in five years passing the King will lay dead in the midst of battle, not from honorable wounds but from an assassin's garrote vil; but now was a time of celebration. A young man stood while three drummers announced a telling of a saga. The King hushed his men with a stern look and a putting down of his cup, now not a warrior would make a sound until the King again lifted his cup. The bard lifted a pan flute to his lips and played a mournful melody, and spoke.

"I come to tell the Saga of the Bjarnhofdi, the bear-headed man called Snorre Tokison, a warrior of many victories and a single defeat. It was nearly one hundred years before this telling that the man Snorre walked as we do, carrying his weapons in hands of flesh and bone. Seeing this world with mortal eyes and drinking greatly with manly vigor. And though time has passed, do not think this warrior does not still go a viking, for the next time your vessel passes into the mist of the great ice lands of the north, if you dare, look out upon the ice. And if you should happen upon the great white bear look closely, if you will, and if the beast turns and moans a solemn challenge and stares upon you with eyes of blue sapphire, then know you look upon the Bjarnhofdi, Snorre Tokison, who will live as the great snow bear until he has made atonement.

In lands far from this hall, pass the blowing storms and the cracking of the ice giants, beyond Brattahlid, in the place of Vinland and the people of Thule, the first child of Straumfjordr , was born. Snorre was placed upon the skins of his father Toki the Blatonn (Black-tooth) and pronounced a strong child and water poured over him. It was then his father gave the appraising name Snerrir which means to attack in battle; for even as Toki held his son in his arms to wash him, the babe did struggle and do battle. To the astonishment of the gathered people, the babe bit with it's milk teeth into the arm of his father who proclaimed, 'Boy you must do worse than that to hear your father mewl; far bigger men have done far greater pains to me than you.' And so began the challenge of a boy trying to impress his father. 

The return to Norway was no easy task, treachery followed the family of the Black-tooth, and more than once they did battle in raids along the English coast. In one such campaign it is told that as the axes crashed upon the shields and the women howled at the death of their men at the hands of the vikings, the son of Toki cooed and laughed in his mother's arms as she cut the throats of defeated warriors. It was this avidity for battle and the lust for the fight that drove the young boy into folly. 

As he reached his eleventh winter, determined to prove his strength and courage, Toki's son hid away in a drakkar, a fearsome ship called "The Bone Dragon" because of it's narwhale ivory prow. As the journey lasted day upon day, the boy chewed his leather to hold his hunger and remained unmoving in his hold. Only when the boat made landfall and the vikings went ashore did the boy take up a sword and shield and make himself known. As the fires burned and the vikings did struggle, the boy attacked with a wild abandonment of a berserk.  Charging full into battle wearing nothing but the skin of a bear around his shoulders, the boy killed any who stood before him. Filled with Wodin's blessing, the blind fury of battle, the boy continued to hack at bodies already dead. No words would still his bear's heart, it required two men to hold the boy down and remove his sword, before he would be calmed and brought back aboard the ship. It was then on the travel back that his father proclaimed that the boy would now be called Snorre, meaning the blinding-onslaught, because of his reckless manner of battle.

The stories of his war and his victories are many, and the hall would well see the dawn before the last of the songs were sung, but that is not for tonight. This saga shall tell of a time when he returned to his land of birth, for it was in that land of Thule that his legend truly began. Having spent more than two winters at Brattahlid that bleak northern coast of Iceland, the man Snorre was restless with Oden's fever. He was a true viking, never happen unless he was in battle, be it in war, with drink, or with woman. Speaking before the Althing, the ruling body of nobles, Snorre announced his voyage to the land of the Skraelings to bring back the treasures of oils, furs, and silver. And so they left with three ships and ten score and six man and slaves, and went a viking upon the lands of Thule.

The journey was swift as the winds carried them with blessings to those far lands, but upon reaching the enemies shore Fate turned against them. The men attempted to put ashore four times, each time the Skraelings (Inuits) rebuked them with spears and stones. Finally in the darkness of the night-fog, they landed and set guards for the ships. Two groups ventured inland, like a thrashing dragon. The striking head was led by Snorre and his berserkergang, who would drive the enemy from their homes and into the curling tale led by Gunnarr and his giant men. 

The battle was decisive for while the Skraelings may fight like beasts, Northmen know how to kill like men. All would have been well were it not for Snorre's name-sake. Burning with the urge of war, driven wild with the smells of blood and death, Snorre drove the fleeing people into the cold darkness of the wooded hills. It was not long before his mind cleared enough to see that he was alone in his pursuit. This did not cause the whitening of his lips, for Snorre Tokison could stand alone against two and ten men and not feel the fear that causes the mouth to dry. He stalked quietly between the boulders and frozen trees, naked save for his bear's skin about his shoulders and his axe in hand. Spying a rising of smoke, he followed it to a cave, and therein he came upon a gathering of women and their pups. Such would have been the grand find of any viking to see such vulnerable people ripe for the plucking. As he shouted and swung his axe to show his meaning to them, Snorre was perplexed to find the women made no noise. Again he shouted and struck one across the shoulder with the hammer of the axe and again the women stared in silence with black and cold eyes. 

As the Wodin gift burned with this challenge to his threat, Snorre was nearly blood-blinded when at last he heard a single voice speaking. Stepping forward, a small old woman wrapped in dark seal furs, held out a shaft of bone with three teeth of the great white bear before her. She motioned again and again saying words Snorre could not understand, but which he knew within his boiling guts were threats. Enraged at being stood off by a old witch of a woman, Snorre lifted his axe high and cut her down before she could cast her curse upon him. The blade stuck firmly into the old hag's chest and the warrior could not draw it back out. He flung her to the ground and pressed his foot to her womb and pulled, but his weapon was held by some hex. And then she spoke words he understood. Black blood of the heart flowed with her words, like venom of a adder when it makes it's killing strike, she said again and again, Bjarnhofdi! 




The curse bit deep within the flesh of Snorre, the burning heat that is shown on the breath of the great north bear, redden his skin and cooked him from within. He tried to shout and back away, but he stumbled and his voice was a mewling growl. He looked at his hands that pressed the ground before him, his fingers splitting as thick black nails sprung from his knuckles. Brilliant white fur sprouted from his skin and taking with it the pain and rage he had always held within since birth. The world softened around him, the sounds dampening as he heard deep within his massive white chest the slow thumping a great and large heart. All had changed of Snorre, a man no longer, he stood on four paws a bear of the snow and ice, save for a single thing. The eyes which had caused many a woman to chase him in the towns, those sapphire blue jewels, still looked out from the great bear. Then a voice spoke in his language, the voice of the one who cursed him, saying that he was a beast-headed man who acted as nothing more than a childling-nanook, a young polar bear, who enjoyed his size and violence and strength, but not the responsibility of his power over men. Since he would not learn this as a man, then he would learn this a bear. Until he made atonement, and until he learned to control the man, he would be cursed with the bear. If he allowed himself to into the blood-rage that clouded his mind, then he would lose just a little more to the bear who would be his guardian and teacher and would take over his form. Eventually, said the withering voice within his mind, you will become a man or become a bear and thus repay your debt for my life."

The young man stopped speaking, looking into all the faces of those great and mighty warriors gathered around him; men who a dozen deaths would not silence, sat quiet in thought. The Hall was cold and still, as the bard sat down and lifted his cup to drink deeply. Then along the wall, daring retribution, a small thin slave child spoke, knowing that in the special moment he would be safe from retribution. His voice weak and with a heavy Frank accent asked, "And so what became of this warrior? Is he man or bear?"

The bard leaned back against his fur-lined seat, drained his cup and said, "The days of Snorre Tokison and his Fate is a story for another time, but I will tell you this, he struggled as he always had with courage and strength, unto the end."

Where Snorre enters the game, he has been on the run from his people who chase him off because they trust him no longer now that he is cursed. He makes his way south into the German lands, fleeing a reputation, always on the move when ever anyone learns of his curse. As a man who sells his sword-arm, this means he moves often, but as of late he has heard rumors of the Order of Hermes and the possibility that they may remove his curse. He comes forward offering to trade his oath as a warrior for the sorcery needed to fix him.

Flaws explained:`

*Greater Malediction: The Curse is one tied to his Trait Fury. He was cursed to transform into a Great White Bear (polar bear) when ever he looses control of his Fury. The stimuli are similar to the Flaw Fury but the Fury trait is added to a base +6. So if he has a positive Fury, it is added to the +6 making it even more difficult for him to maintain his calm. If his Fury trait is negative then it subtracts from the Fury roll making it easier to remain in control.

The length of time he remains a polar bear and how long it takes him to reduce his Fury trait are all charted out, for example: at a trait raiting of -1 the change lasts until the next sunrise and will take a full year from solstice to solstice to lower it to -2, while at +3 the change would last for a entire year of being the bear but luckily once he is back as human will only need a full day from sunrise to sunrise to lower it to a +2. Chart is made from +3 to -3, on either side of these scores the outcomes are permanent. If Snorre crosses beyond +3 he remains a polar bear forever, becoming a magical polar bear with a Might score. If he manages to cross beyond -3, the length of time this takes is not determined but should be decades at least, then he would overcome the curse.

The Dark Secret is of course his Curse. I could not decide between Over Confident as a Major Flaw and Offensive to Animals, which to me seemed to lack depth of story, and having four minor flaws: Over Confident, Optimistic, Outcast, and Offensive to Animals.

The Offensive to Animals makes sense to me because he carries the stench of one of the greatest land predators ever to walk the earth.

Perhaps if anyone has a better suggest for the Merits, I am horrible at choosing Merits I always seem to waste them in pointless ways that do not actually help much in the "number" of the game. My ability to do the mechanics of Ars is severely flawed... a Major Flaw even. :laughing:

Our TT game is set in 1060 currently so this is why his dates are different, and I would guess that IF he were to play in the current Ars time setting the character would not make much sense. He is designed to be a shield-wall breaker and berserk but now is little more than a mercenary who fears little other than himself.

Arunda, filia Retitius, from house Verditius, born in 1177 gauntlet in 1200 - year : 1208
Sardinian girl, from small nobility, she is keeping sheeps in summer and making cheese in winter - very small in size as she has strong magical blood of a dwarf, she is at 8 a quite lonely girl, when she met by chance the magus Retitius who choose her as apprentice. Her apprenticeship is played and so excellent that she could take an apprentice right after her gauntlet (but she won't for the moment).
She is apprentice at Verdi in Roman tribunal, then she will open a chapter house in caves near the sea, still in Sardinia.
Characteristics were designed with two 10-dices

Int : 3
Per 1
Str 3
End 2
Pre 0
Com 1
Dex 3
Qui -1

inoffensive to animals
affinity to herbam
puissant herbam
reserve of strength
inventive genius
strong magical blood : dwarf
magical legacy (+1 in all crafts, +2 in craft wood)
free expression
verditius magic (free house virtue)
night reading (magical object)
mutable device (verditius inner secret)
piliers d'Hiram : planetary magic

animal companion
driven : find the mystery of nuraghis... she already realised that pawns came around something to see with astrology...
twilight prone
ubris (verditius flaw)
magical animal companion (warp)
vow : obey to Piliers d'Hiram

main abilities
artes liberales : 9
concentration : 7
craft architecture 5+1
craft massonry 6+1
craft sculpture 6+1
craft wood 9+2
magic theory : 15
philosophiae : 8
profession scribe : 6

arts :
intellego 12
muto 7
rego 7
corpus 6
herbam 12+3
all others at 5

spells : 7 notes of pipiolu (sardinian musical instrument)
vote : nuraghi (stones in sardinia)

she has ubris : 2 and 10 xp on 15

she wins the apprentice contest at the 1200 verditius contest by making a machine to make normal clothes

Porva the Forgetful ex Miscellanea The Fingers of Perun

settings 1060 A.D.
age: 28
sex: male
size: 0
shapeshifting forms: Eagle-owl, River otter, Red fox

Personality Traits: Flirtatious +2, Curious +2, Cunning +3, Violent +1

Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre 0, Com +1, Str -1, Sta +2, Dex 0, Qui +2

Virtues: Flexible Magic, Improved Char, Mastered Spells, Quiet Magic x2, Skilled Parens, Special Circumstance (in form of animal), Subtle Magic

ex Miscellanea Virtues: Shapeshifter, Unaging

Flaws: Chaotic Magic, Curse of Venus * /without memory: Weak-willed, Weird Magic, Visions, Compassion /with memory returned: True Love, Obsessed (returning to True Love)

ex Miscellanea Flaw: Blatant Gift

Area Lore 2 (Valley of Pztel), Artes Libre 1 (Ritual Magic), Athletics 2 (Sure-footed), Awareness 2 (Alertness), Brawl 3 (Dodging), Charm 1 (First Impressions), Code of Hermes 1 (Order's rulings), Concentration 3 (Spells), Finesse 3 (Precision), Hunt 2 (Tracking), Language Germanic 5 (Expressive), Language Latin 3 (Magic terms), Magic Lore 2 (Rites of Perun), Magic Theory (Creating spells), Order of Hermes Lore 1 (Regions), Parma 4 (Animal), Penetration 4 (Creo), Shapeshifter 3 (Eagle-owl), Stealth 3 (Hiding), Survival 2 (Forest)

Tech: Creo 6, Int 2, Muto, 2, Rego 5, Perdo 6
Form: Ani 5, Aqu 2, Aur 5, Cor 0, Her 0, Ign 6, Ima 0, Men 0, Ter 5, Vim 0

Mu/An- Lv 10 Taking the Giant Form: enlarges at personal range, the animal form.
R:Per D:Sun T:Ind
Mu/An- Lv 10 Enter the Mouse Hole:reduces the animal size at personal range.
R:Per D:Sun T:Ind
Cr/Aq- Lv 5 Slickness of the River's Bank: Same as Footsteps of Slippery Oil
R:Touch D:Diam T:Ind
Cr/Au- Lv 10 Stench of the Watery Corpse: Same as Stench of Twenty Corpse
R:Voice D:Diam T:Ind
Cr/Au- Lv 10 Greater Air's Ghostly Form: Increase volume of original spell
R:Touch D:Diam T:Ind +1size
In/Au- Lv 15 Whispering Winds: as per standard
R:Sight D:Conc T:Ind
Pe/Ig- Lv 5 Bite of Winter's Teeth: target feels chill and loses +1 Fatigue
R:Touch D:Mom T:Ind
*Mastered 3 : Fast Cast, Penetration, Multicast,
Pe/Ig- Lv 15 Becoming the Shadow: caster becomes a living patch of darkness through which mortal sight cannot pierce
R:Touch D:Diam T:Part +1
Re/Te- Lv 5 Unseen Arm: as per standard
R:Voice D:Conc T:Ind
Re/Te- Lv 10 Trackless Step: as per standard except as Diameter
R:Touch D:Diam T:Ind
Cr/Te- Lv 15 Conjure the Protective Den: creates a boulder of stone hollow within, with enough room for two persons to sleep or hide
R:Touch D:Sun T:Ind +1 size
Cr/Au- Lv 20 Circling Winds of Protection: as per standard
R:Touch D:Diam T:Ind Req:Rego
*Mastered 2 :Fast cast, Penetration

History : Porva was born to a village that held secretly to the old ways. The small wooded was far from well traveled routes and the valley kept most outsiders away. When the occasional wandering priest made his way to offer sacrament and confession, the people would go through the motions, performing a masquerade for the intruder, politely allowing him to pass on. For the long months between, the people of the valley worshipped the old gods Perun and Mokosh, beseeching protection from feared Chernobog.

Showing signs of Wisdom and Cunning, Porva was purchased from his sheep herding family, by a Hermetic mage that represented the old beliefs and protected the valley from pestilence and threats. The magus was ex Miscellanea, of a tradition numbering no more than two or three "touched" men at any given decade; one which never ventured beyond the forests and valleys of their traditional homes. Not even a covenant, the Agreement was nothing more than magi, separated by nearly a days walk from one another, who gave oaths to assist each other in times of need. It was into this world Porva was initiated and taught the magics of the gods.

First was the learning to take the forms of the beasts, the better to move unnoticed by Chernobog. Then the gifts of magic from the gods, Perun and his earth and stone, thunder and wind magic; Mokosh and her watery spells. He learned of many gods, but was inept at learning the gifts of Perun's wife Dodola and her magic of plants and healing. Porva excelled with a special wit and flair of control with in the frame work of Bonisagus' magic. His teacher initiated him further into the beliefs; Porva learned to work his magics in the traditional forms of the Fingers of Perun, as animals that cast their spells more powerfully than as a mortal. With this learning came the Blessings and Afflictions of the gods. While one would grant the ability to become a animal, the other would require you become as lustful as a beast. Porva was giving the gift to never age, but lost the ability to control and change his magics.

Time was soon coming when Porva would be expected to take charge of his own village and become their "strong man", but that trickster and son of Chernobog, Veles would not let the boy become a wizard with making his own challenge. Of many things Porva was wise, but in love he knew nothing. Happy to live as a magician and shaman, he was beside himself with trepidation and fear when he first met Danica. She loved him, stalked him, and demand he love her back, and as a daughter of a minor but totalitarian Lord caused him no end of grief. As Veles chuckled in his watery home, Porva became embroiled in a conflict which would ruin him.

His past is a mystery, hidden within a fog that forbids him from knowing who he is or from where he comes. Porva only knows his name from a rune that embroiders his coat, and has no knowledge of life he once lived. When the story begins, he is found in a river, wounded in the chest and head, near death. Recovering his life, he recovers nothing else... until the magic happens, terrifying him and betraying that his story is more behind him than before him.

  • His flaws are the ones he starts with when he is a amnesiac. He does not know he can cast magic except that it occurs reflectively. Porva can and will learn what he can do fairly quickly, since those memories exist free of the emotional one. His magic will return, but as for his remembering the past, that remains to be seen. He has Visions which remind him of who he is, the place of his home that calls for their wizard to return, and of a woman that plagues his dreams and thought but he cannot remember who she is.

Eventually he may recover the memory of what happened, which I am leaving open for story purpose, and then will become obsessed with returning to his True Love... which should provide the Covenant with some hard choices.

Note that the Minor Virtue should be a Hermetic One, reflecting how the tradition of the magus Ex Miscellanea was "ported" into the Hermetic framework.

Easy enough to fix by switching one of the Hermetic virtues he has, like Special Circumstance. It detracts from the flavor and story of the special Miscellanea tradition, but is easily fix by moving the "dots" around.

I picture it as a tradition made up of pagan valley hicks, less than a handful of mages that pretty much keep to themselves and don't even have covenants in a Order like fashion. They may send one of their number to Tribunal to represent all of them. While I am not fully aware of how that would work in the Ars setting, I can not see it interfering with the story aspect of the character much, except by making his future away from his home very very hard. And THIS I dig a lot because it means heavy role playing.

I am preparing an NPC, who will probably become Verditius
in her back, I decided she had a curse that gave her blatant gift during the day time and gentle gift during the night and alos positive cyclic magic during the day and negative cyclic magic during the night.
Thus I counted voluntarily gentle and blatant as minors.
This curse could comme I think from faeric or infernal realm, I don't know (but it would be nice to make an idea, so I could prepare a scenario for her master, to take out this curse).

I just give her virtues and flaws, as she is not finished, what do you think about that?

lesser benediction : gentle gift (minor, night only)
lesser benediction : positive cyclic magic (minor)
inventive genius
keen hearing
faerie blood : dwarf (+1 for craft totals and -1 to aging tolls)
minor magical focus to aging
affinity to corpus
careful sorcer or light touch (if it can apply to crafts)
magical memory
free expression
(total 10 minor virtues)

blind from birth (major)
twilight prone (major)
small frame
lesser malediction : blatant gift (minor, day only)
lesser malediction : negative cyclic magic (the night)
defiscient form : animal (as she is more for human beings).

She got a magical item from her faery family when she was 7 - this magic item help her to see colours when touching an object - it was probably stolen by faeries long times ago to an hermetic magus, but who knows exactly...
She got that malediction when she was around 10, she is around 11 now and very unhappy during the day time...

Some day, a Verdititus will come to save her and apprentice her (at home we always play the apprenticeship)

Hi everyone !

I just want to share (or at least try to) my current character, and my favorite one since ages.

Sorry, English is not my first language so it is probably really poorly written, but anyway i want to try :slight_smile:

Periculosus ex Flambeau[/size]

Thomas was born to a small french Alpes village located in a quite secluded valley. Even if always kept away by most of the other children, he did never lose his friendly and smily spirit, finding his happy place in listening all the old shepherd stories and legends. Within the year, the village priest, Père Benoit did notice the impressive ability Thomas has regarding memorising the holy text and sermon. He did offer his family to take the weird child with him and teach him the holy words. He was quite persuaded that the strange weirdness and gift the young kid has was evidence of him being touch by god will. But when the kid did turn out a way stronger interest in the battle and other more epics stories, he did quickly realise that he was just hum... a weird kid?

Quit disappointed, he did give Thomas to a knight freshly back from the crusade who had enough interest in the kid to offer a pouch of silver in return.

That's how Thomas became apprentice of Concuspiscius Ex Flambeau and join this strong and potent House !

During the first threeyears of apprenticeship, Thomas was the pride of this master, learning and straightly mastering the Pilum of fire spell. Concuspiscius was so nicely surprised to discover that his brand new apprentice was gifted with flawless magic that he decided to give him the frightening name of Periculosus ! And when, on the 5th year of apprenticeship a group of flambeau magi decided to go hunting a powerful and dangerous demon roaming in a near valley, he did offer his young fellow to join them in the hunt... Let's say that the young Periculosus was more than excited about it !

But the fact is... the powerful and dangerous demon was... hum... quite powerful and dangerous ! And quickly the hunters did turn into prey.
Finally cornered in a dark caves network and while his sodale were living their last fight, Concuspiscius did choose to save shis own ass and flee away with his apprentice while the other flambeau were dying. In a last attempt to save his life, one of the beaten flambeau did try to bribe the demon with the coward magus real name. Nice try but mitigated result, nobody really knows what did finally happened to him but with the provided name the demon was able to curse Concuspiscius and his descend.

On the way back to the covenant, ridding like if hell was chasing him, which was, well... quite close to what did really happened... Master and apprentice were afflicted by an incredible exhaustion. Quite unable to ride nor walk for more than a few minutes before resting. The way back did take days and days... To finally end in a complete shame.

Quickly the other magi get that Concuspiscius did act as a terrible coward, maybe leading his sodale to their death. If nothing in the hermetic law forbid a magus to flee away, the social punishment resulting of that kind of behaviour, especialy in the Flambeau house is probably worse than a march.
After this nice lil' adventure, almost nobody in the house did ever talk or even mind Conscuspiscius, and obviously his apprentice... They were both the shame of the flambeau House ! Maybe of the Order ! Maybe of the whole World ! Maybe a bit more !

After this Concuspiscius did turn a bit depressed... Just a bit. He didn't give a shit anymore about his enfeebled apprentice, nor about anything in fact...
His strong carefree personality did help Periculosus going through this bad time... And with a master doing nothing but staying in bed or watching the sky from his comfy chair, The young apprentice had a whole laboratory and private library to enjoy ! And a lot of nice Lore books.

Periculosus did try to wake his master up by explaining to him that he was planning to trade part of his master priceless summae versus some weird and probably useless books... And did finally realise that he was the last sentient man on board in this sanctum... Woooooot ! let the party begin !

And so, Periculosus did start wasti... trading all the precious books his master did own for some meaningless summae on Art of Memory and fictional stories as well as food and cloth due to the fact that unofficialy the covenant's leader didn't feel like supporting them anymore.
While in his 14th years of apprenticeship, Periculosus master finally find the strengh to give himself a final rest... Leaving Periculosus alone with all the shame they have gathered, a definitively useless bunch of skills for a proper Flambeau, an enfeebled and cursed body and nobody to even think about finishing training this shameful apprentice !

Finally, a passing quaesitor did make him pass his gauntlet, asking him to cast a proper offensive spell, which was... Pillum of fire !

Freshly gauntled, Periculosus was asked to leave the covenant and to, please, try to die quickly in order to make everyone feel free to forget about him and his master.

Here start the story of
Periculosus ex Flambeau ! The Shame of Flambeau ![/size] [size=85]aka Pepe[/size]

Age: 31 (8 after gauntlet)

Personality Traits:
Cheerful +3, Curious +1, Lazy +2, Dreamer +2

Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre +2, Com +3, Str -2, Sta +1, Dex -2, Qui -2

Puissant Creo (free)
Affinity with Art of Memory
Puissant Art of Memory
Mercurian Magic
Flawless Magic
Good Teacher
Free Expression

Major Curse (Enfeebled)
Judged unfairly
Motion sickness
You're a Shame ! (home made major story flaw, close the black sheep, involve the complet house of flambeau and part of the order)
Infamous Master (Coward)
Magical Animal? compagnon (free, earned in game... The compagnon is Caillou, a fist sized sentient(and clever!) round rock, who can't speak but do understand, that does roll to follow me since we became friends while waiting at the camp site for the other magi to do all their physical/important/exhausting stuff/duty.)

Area Lore(haute savoie) 2
Living Language (Haute savoie slang) 5
Folk Ken (peasant) 2
Latin (Hermetic usage) 5(2xp)
Artes liberales (Ritual magic) 2
Art of Memory (text support) 6+2(3xp)
Magic Theorie (spell design) 5(4xp)
Parma Magica (Mentem) 2(7xp)
Penetration (Mentem) 1
Finesse (memories) 1
Concentration (avoiding waking up) 2
Philosophiae (moral Philosophie) 2
Pro : Story telling (memories) 3(2xp)
All spells mastered at lvl 1

Creo 14+3(1xp)
Intelego 9
Muto 3

Ignem 4
Imaginem 7(5xp)
Mentem 10(6xp)
Vim 6(3xp)

Mental construct Laboratory:
Flaws and Virtues
Mental Construct, Living quarter(free :smiley:),Greater expansion,Missing tools x2 (free), highly organised, spotless (i hope so !), greater horde (a lot of lil' creatures like Caillou my magic friend !)
Safety 2
Gen quality 6
Warping 2
Spell spe 2
Text 1
Mentem 5
imagonem 1
Creo 1

Home Rules:

For this lab, it has been possible to creat it with a ritual found in one of the Art of Memory Summae my charracter did deal during his 'apprenticeship'. Mainly a CrMe(Vi)60 ritual that he did managed to cast from the labtext with some help.
My SG didn't gave me the full details for the ritual, but he has to build a physical simple lab first, then to memorise it via Art of Memory (ease factor 12). The ritual did 'give live' to the lab as it was in the memory, using for ever a whole Room in the memory palace.
The five Locus in this room are potentialy a One size space available for the lab. I think that if he need more space, he'll have to recast the ritual to use an additionnal room.

To add some feature/virtues in the lab (like the greater expension) he had to imagine it in detail, mainly involving time to define it precisly , so, same amount of time than needed for an usual vertue installation in a classic lab, except that for the different components and tools, he had to roll a stress dice +Com+pro : Story teller+free expression. These dice rolls were secret, so there is maybe some hidden failure regarding some of these components, only the SG know it right now.

It's important to note that this way to add some equipment in the lab is only viable for mundane stuff. No imaginary dragon blood, or at least not in this way (see the spell Furnituring the Memory Palace)

The Horde of 'Magic rolling stones' that live in the lab is not realy a Periculosus creation, but as he did start being a real friend with Caillou, a strong link between the two of them as been created (caillou will probably became the useless familiar :smiley:) And one day, while slee... working hard in the mental lab, he did notice a rolling stone like Caillou in the lab and Periculosus did stop working to play and 'chat' with the bouncing stone. The day after they were two of them... So, after 2 season spent in the lab to understand and start a relationship with these creatures, the lab was granted with the virtue.

An interesting thing about the labwork... While testing the limits of his mental lab, Periculosus did try to extract some Vis, with just some basic equipment and just for one week... After this week, a few traces of mentem Vim (not enough for a pawn) have been found in his pillow... He still have to keep on looking for this ! Maybee if he can provide by himself the Vis he needs to enjoy his lab and mental creations, he'll not be a ressource waster anymore ! Just a useless/lazy magician ! But right know he will need some Vis Mentem or Creo to be able to... let's say import some quite specific and dedicated equipments via the Furnituring the Memory Palace ritual.

Another interesting point... It seems that Periculosus 's bed is on the edge to be magicaly opened for enchantment as his talisma... Time will tell if it's just a SG joke or if the heavy mental magical experimentation conducted in this quite small place will have some real effect on the piece of furniture.
It may also be due to Caillou, the Magic Animal? compagnon who seems to realy enjoy the warm echanted duvet (see the spell: Comfy duvet CrIg5)

HS : this point make think... are the magi in a covenant heated by a spell like : heating the friggid hall CrIg5, the only one to freeze due to the Parma Magica ? pinkspot ? :smiley:

Pilum of Fire CrIg20
Memory palace of the sage CrMe(Rit)25
Constructing the Memory palace CrMe(Rit)20
Constructing the Sage retreat CrMe(Rit)30

New Spells:
Comfy duvet ReIg5
R: Touch, D: Day, T: Ind
Mainly keep the touched bed or duvet comfortably warm and dry.

Furnituring the Memory palace of the sage CrMe(In)Rit30
R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind, Ritual
Create a Locus for the 'concept' a non magicaly active device that can not be bigger than a human. The caster has to hold or touch the device during the ritual, while the intelego part of the spell try to capt all the physical and spiritual particularities of the device. Mainly the spell deeply virtualise the device and create an imaginary (but accurate) copy of this one in the caster memory. On his first real use, Periculosus did create a imaginary copy of a cloth made of giant spider silk. During the folowing seasons he did use this textile to create beautifull wall clothing in his Mental Construct Laboratory. He did also spend some time using several mental copies of this cloth to test their differents resistance (to fire/acid/etc) and creating different kind of cloth with this silk to find out what he'll finally do with the real piece of silk. Apparently, a side effect of this ritual is that any device copied this way became a Arcanne connection to the caster as long as locus is still in the caster mind. At the same time, the locus is also a Arcanne connection to the original device.

Guided visit of the Memory Palace CrIm(Me)25
R: Per, D: Conc, T: Room
Create a 3 senses illusion of the content of one or more Locus linked to one and only one topic.
Periculosus did create this spell to finaly be able to share with the other magi the wonder he try to create in his mental construct Lab. Or just sometime being able to share a memorised souvenir.
But warping did occurs and the spell has a disapointing side effect, everyone who watch the illusion for more than 5 minutes have to test his concentration (ease factor depend on how interrested is the spectator) to avoid slowly falling asleep or daydreaming.
At the end of his first show, 3 of the present magi were asleep, 2 were thinking about the dinner to come and one did realised that Periculosus did an amazing job regarding the potential use of the Spider silk ! But for the defence of the spell, most of the magi presents at this time were absolutly not interrested at all about even listening what the lazy-loser had to say : Two of the sleeper's parma magica did resist the sleeping effect...

Next Spells to be created :

A spell to modify and potentialy magnify a memory. One of the ultimate goal for Periculosus is to be able to "craft" some personnalized memories. Lot of people may want, at least once in their life, to be able to change a memory... like how, due to them, somebody did die, or when the one you do love did leave you for good, or when you did decide to act as a coward and did lose all kind of self estim in the process :stuck_out_tongue:
It can also be a way to create brand new memories, like spending a lovely day with your young bride even if now she is dead since one century now. Or fighting and winning against a dragon when you're just a useless dreamy crapy magician :smiley:

A nice little Bonisagus follower (the one that did realised that Periculosus wasn't only sleeping all day and did a great job regarding the spider silk) did offer him some help without asking for an outrageous paiment in return ! She seems to belive in Periculosus projects ! This last one is in love... and will start creating some idillic locations in his Memory Palace, to sha... Sedu... Please her and will probably try to create a spell to bring somebody in his Palace. Let's create the Spell: Building the Memory Penthouse !

Just get the SG agreement for this one :

Lucid Dreaming: Rego Mentem 30
R: Per, Dur: Sun, T: I

While asleep, you may choose how your dreams unfold. Many Magi use this to wrestle with problems in the lab and to find solutions. This gives them extra time to consider problems. While the Magus' dream cannot have any physical effect in the real world, it does add to theorizing time. This effectively gives a +1 to all lab totals for each month in which the Magus uses this spell regularly, to a maximum of +3 per season. Note that this is genuine, restful sleep therefore confers all the benefits of a normal night's sleep.
Base 20 (Give onesself a complex mental command), +2 sun.

Source : Thanks to Avenger314 in the following post viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3514&start=0

It'll probably allow Periculosus to use the good part of the Non Standart Laboratory Routines (Covenant P107) instead of the 'bad' one. Fiesta !

Post in construction


The combination of these two flaws is pretty serious , especially with any form of travel other than instant.

Yeps, up to now the character did fall unconscious almost everytime he had to travel, that's one of the reason he is used to spend most of his time in his favorite place, his bed.

At the beginning i was planning to get the flaw Fury which with enfeebled can be... more than ridicule :smiley: Starting to be wrathfull, trying to kill everybody around but falling unconscious due to exhaustion even before being able to lend the first punch sounded fun to me... But i did prefere the Periculosus as a joyful personnage.