Hi everyone !
I just want to share (or at least try to) my current character, and my favorite one since ages.
Sorry, English is not my first language so it is probably really poorly written, but anyway i want to try
Periculosus ex Flambeau[/size]
Thomas was born to a small french Alpes village located in a quite secluded valley. Even if always kept away by most of the other children, he did never lose his friendly and smily spirit, finding his happy place in listening all the old shepherd stories and legends. Within the year, the village priest, Père Benoit did notice the impressive ability Thomas has regarding memorising the holy text and sermon. He did offer his family to take the weird child with him and teach him the holy words. He was quite persuaded that the strange weirdness and gift the young kid has was evidence of him being touch by god will. But when the kid did turn out a way stronger interest in the battle and other more epics stories, he did quickly realise that he was just hum... a weird kid?
Quit disappointed, he did give Thomas to a knight freshly back from the crusade who had enough interest in the kid to offer a pouch of silver in return.
That's how Thomas became apprentice of Concuspiscius Ex Flambeau and join this strong and potent House !
During the first threeyears of apprenticeship, Thomas was the pride of this master, learning and straightly mastering the Pilum of fire spell. Concuspiscius was so nicely surprised to discover that his brand new apprentice was gifted with flawless magic that he decided to give him the frightening name of Periculosus ! And when, on the 5th year of apprenticeship a group of flambeau magi decided to go hunting a powerful and dangerous demon roaming in a near valley, he did offer his young fellow to join them in the hunt... Let's say that the young Periculosus was more than excited about it !
But the fact is... the powerful and dangerous demon was... hum... quite powerful and dangerous ! And quickly the hunters did turn into prey.
Finally cornered in a dark caves network and while his sodale were living their last fight, Concuspiscius did choose to save shis own ass and flee away with his apprentice while the other flambeau were dying. In a last attempt to save his life, one of the beaten flambeau did try to bribe the demon with the coward magus real name. Nice try but mitigated result, nobody really knows what did finally happened to him but with the provided name the demon was able to curse Concuspiscius and his descend.
On the way back to the covenant, ridding like if hell was chasing him, which was, well... quite close to what did really happened... Master and apprentice were afflicted by an incredible exhaustion. Quite unable to ride nor walk for more than a few minutes before resting. The way back did take days and days... To finally end in a complete shame.
Quickly the other magi get that Concuspiscius did act as a terrible coward, maybe leading his sodale to their death. If nothing in the hermetic law forbid a magus to flee away, the social punishment resulting of that kind of behaviour, especialy in the Flambeau house is probably worse than a march.
After this nice lil' adventure, almost nobody in the house did ever talk or even mind Conscuspiscius, and obviously his apprentice... They were both the shame of the flambeau House ! Maybe of the Order ! Maybe of the whole World ! Maybe a bit more !
After this Concuspiscius did turn a bit depressed... Just a bit. He didn't give a shit anymore about his enfeebled apprentice, nor about anything in fact...
His strong carefree personality did help Periculosus going through this bad time... And with a master doing nothing but staying in bed or watching the sky from his comfy chair, The young apprentice had a whole laboratory and private library to enjoy ! And a lot of nice Lore books.
Periculosus did try to wake his master up by explaining to him that he was planning to trade part of his master priceless summae versus some weird and probably useless books... And did finally realise that he was the last sentient man on board in this sanctum... Woooooot ! let the party begin !
And so, Periculosus did start wasti... trading all the precious books his master did own for some meaningless summae on Art of Memory and fictional stories as well as food and cloth due to the fact that unofficialy the covenant's leader didn't feel like supporting them anymore.
While in his 14th years of apprenticeship, Periculosus master finally find the strengh to give himself a final rest... Leaving Periculosus alone with all the shame they have gathered, a definitively useless bunch of skills for a proper Flambeau, an enfeebled and cursed body and nobody to even think about finishing training this shameful apprentice !
Finally, a passing quaesitor did make him pass his gauntlet, asking him to cast a proper offensive spell, which was... Pillum of fire !
Freshly gauntled, Periculosus was asked to leave the covenant and to, please, try to die quickly in order to make everyone feel free to forget about him and his master.
Here start the story of
Periculosus ex Flambeau ! The Shame of Flambeau ![/size] [size=85]aka Pepe[/size]
Age: 31 (8 after gauntlet)
Personality Traits: Cheerful +3, Curious +1, Lazy +2, Dreamer +2
Characteristics: Int +3, Per 0, Pre +2, Com +3, Str -2, Sta +1, Dex -2, Qui -2
Puissant Creo (free)
Affinity with Art of Memory
Puissant Art of Memory
Mercurian Magic
Flawless Magic
Good Teacher
Free Expression
Major Curse (Enfeebled)
Judged unfairly
Motion sickness
You're a Shame ! (home made major story flaw, close the black sheep, involve the complet house of flambeau and part of the order)
Infamous Master (Coward)
Magical Animal? compagnon (free, earned in game... The compagnon is Caillou, a fist sized sentient(and clever!) round rock, who can't speak but do understand, that does roll to follow me since we became friends while waiting at the camp site for the other magi to do all their physical/important/exhausting stuff/duty.)
Area Lore(haute savoie) 2
Living Language (Haute savoie slang) 5
Folk Ken (peasant) 2
Latin (Hermetic usage) 5(2xp)
Artes liberales (Ritual magic) 2
Art of Memory (text support) 6+2(3xp)
Magic Theorie (spell design) 5(4xp)
Parma Magica (Mentem) 2(7xp)
Penetration (Mentem) 1
Finesse (memories) 1
Concentration (avoiding waking up) 2
Philosophiae (moral Philosophie) 2
Pro : Story telling (memories) 3(2xp)
All spells mastered at lvl 1
Creo 14+3(1xp)
Intelego 9
Muto 3
Ignem 4
Imaginem 7(5xp)
Mentem 10(6xp)
Vim 6(3xp)
Mental construct Laboratory:
Flaws and Virtues
Mental Construct, Living quarter(free ),Greater expansion,Missing tools x2 (free), highly organised, spotless (i hope so !), greater horde (a lot of lil' creatures like Caillou my magic friend !)
Safety 2
Gen quality 6
Warping 2
Spell spe 2
Text 1
Mentem 5
imagonem 1
Creo 1
Home Rules:
For this lab, it has been possible to creat it with a ritual found in one of the Art of Memory Summae my charracter did deal during his 'apprenticeship'. Mainly a CrMe(Vi)60 ritual that he did managed to cast from the labtext with some help.
My SG didn't gave me the full details for the ritual, but he has to build a physical simple lab first, then to memorise it via Art of Memory (ease factor 12). The ritual did 'give live' to the lab as it was in the memory, using for ever a whole Room in the memory palace.
The five Locus in this room are potentialy a One size space available for the lab. I think that if he need more space, he'll have to recast the ritual to use an additionnal room.
To add some feature/virtues in the lab (like the greater expension) he had to imagine it in detail, mainly involving time to define it precisly , so, same amount of time than needed for an usual vertue installation in a classic lab, except that for the different components and tools, he had to roll a stress dice +Com+pro : Story teller+free expression. These dice rolls were secret, so there is maybe some hidden failure regarding some of these components, only the SG know it right now.
It's important to note that this way to add some equipment in the lab is only viable for mundane stuff. No imaginary dragon blood, or at least not in this way (see the spell Furnituring the Memory Palace)
The Horde of 'Magic rolling stones' that live in the lab is not realy a Periculosus creation, but as he did start being a real friend with Caillou, a strong link between the two of them as been created (caillou will probably became the useless familiar ) And one day, while slee... working hard in the mental lab, he did notice a rolling stone like Caillou in the lab and Periculosus did stop working to play and 'chat' with the bouncing stone. The day after they were two of them... So, after 2 season spent in the lab to understand and start a relationship with these creatures, the lab was granted with the virtue.
An interesting thing about the labwork... While testing the limits of his mental lab, Periculosus did try to extract some Vis, with just some basic equipment and just for one week... After this week, a few traces of mentem Vim (not enough for a pawn) have been found in his pillow... He still have to keep on looking for this ! Maybee if he can provide by himself the Vis he needs to enjoy his lab and mental creations, he'll not be a ressource waster anymore ! Just a useless/lazy magician ! But right know he will need some Vis Mentem or Creo to be able to... let's say import some quite specific and dedicated equipments via the Furnituring the Memory Palace ritual.
Another interesting point... It seems that Periculosus 's bed is on the edge to be magicaly opened for enchantment as his talisma... Time will tell if it's just a SG joke or if the heavy mental magical experimentation conducted in this quite small place will have some real effect on the piece of furniture.
It may also be due to Caillou, the Magic Animal? compagnon who seems to realy enjoy the warm echanted duvet (see the spell: Comfy duvet CrIg5)
HS : this point make think... are the magi in a covenant heated by a spell like : heating the friggid hall CrIg5, the only one to freeze due to the Parma Magica ? pinkspot ?
Pilum of Fire CrIg20
Memory palace of the sage CrMe(Rit)25
Constructing the Memory palace CrMe(Rit)20
Constructing the Sage retreat CrMe(Rit)30
New Spells:
Comfy duvet ReIg5
R: Touch, D: Day, T: Ind
Mainly keep the touched bed or duvet comfortably warm and dry.
Furnituring the Memory palace of the sage CrMe(In)Rit30
R: Per, D: Mom, T: Ind, Ritual
Create a Locus for the 'concept' a non magicaly active device that can not be bigger than a human. The caster has to hold or touch the device during the ritual, while the intelego part of the spell try to capt all the physical and spiritual particularities of the device. Mainly the spell deeply virtualise the device and create an imaginary (but accurate) copy of this one in the caster memory. On his first real use, Periculosus did create a imaginary copy of a cloth made of giant spider silk. During the folowing seasons he did use this textile to create beautifull wall clothing in his Mental Construct Laboratory. He did also spend some time using several mental copies of this cloth to test their differents resistance (to fire/acid/etc) and creating different kind of cloth with this silk to find out what he'll finally do with the real piece of silk. Apparently, a side effect of this ritual is that any device copied this way became a Arcanne connection to the caster as long as locus is still in the caster mind. At the same time, the locus is also a Arcanne connection to the original device.
Guided visit of the Memory Palace CrIm(Me)25
R: Per, D: Conc, T: Room
Create a 3 senses illusion of the content of one or more Locus linked to one and only one topic.
Periculosus did create this spell to finaly be able to share with the other magi the wonder he try to create in his mental construct Lab. Or just sometime being able to share a memorised souvenir.
But warping did occurs and the spell has a disapointing side effect, everyone who watch the illusion for more than 5 minutes have to test his concentration (ease factor depend on how interrested is the spectator) to avoid slowly falling asleep or daydreaming.
At the end of his first show, 3 of the present magi were asleep, 2 were thinking about the dinner to come and one did realised that Periculosus did an amazing job regarding the potential use of the Spider silk ! But for the defence of the spell, most of the magi presents at this time were absolutly not interrested at all about even listening what the lazy-loser had to say : Two of the sleeper's parma magica did resist the sleeping effect...
Next Spells to be created :
A spell to modify and potentialy magnify a memory. One of the ultimate goal for Periculosus is to be able to "craft" some personnalized memories. Lot of people may want, at least once in their life, to be able to change a memory... like how, due to them, somebody did die, or when the one you do love did leave you for good, or when you did decide to act as a coward and did lose all kind of self estim in the process
It can also be a way to create brand new memories, like spending a lovely day with your young bride even if now she is dead since one century now. Or fighting and winning against a dragon when you're just a useless dreamy crapy magician
A nice little Bonisagus follower (the one that did realised that Periculosus wasn't only sleeping all day and did a great job regarding the spider silk) did offer him some help without asking for an outrageous paiment in return ! She seems to belive in Periculosus projects ! This last one is in love... and will start creating some idillic locations in his Memory Palace, to sha... Sedu... Please her and will probably try to create a spell to bring somebody in his Palace. Let's create the Spell: Building the Memory Penthouse !
Just get the SG agreement for this one :
Lucid Dreaming: Rego Mentem 30
R: Per, Dur: Sun, T: I
While asleep, you may choose how your dreams unfold. Many Magi use this to wrestle with problems in the lab and to find solutions. This gives them extra time to consider problems. While the Magus' dream cannot have any physical effect in the real world, it does add to theorizing time. This effectively gives a +1 to all lab totals for each month in which the Magus uses this spell regularly, to a maximum of +3 per season. Note that this is genuine, restful sleep therefore confers all the benefits of a normal night's sleep.
Base 20 (Give onesself a complex mental command), +2 sun.
Source : Thanks to Avenger314 in the following post viewtopic.php?f=4&t=3514&start=0
It'll probably allow Periculosus to use the good part of the Non Standart Laboratory Routines (Covenant P107) instead of the 'bad' one. Fiesta !
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