[u]Tim of Bonisagus[/u]
Age 25
Personality Traits Patient +2, Curious +2, Studious +3
Confidence Score 1 (3)
Characteristics Int +5, Per +1, Str -2, Sta +1, Pre -1, Com +2, Dex +0, Qui +0
Virtues/Flaws The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Puissant Magic Theory; Great (Intelligence) x2, Flawless Magic, Good Teacher, Mastered Spells, Book Learner, Inventive Genius, Free Study; Temperate (minor), Weak Spontaneous Magic, Difficult Spontaneous Magic, Weak Enchanter, Magical Animal Companion (Owl of Virtue), Driven (Major)
Abilities Native German (Hermetic Vocabulary) 5, Awareness (while working) 3, Folk Ken (magi) 2, Artes Liberales (Logic) 1, Latin (Hermetic) 4, Magic Theory (inventing spells) 4+2, Parma Magica (Form?) 1, Concentration (spell casting) 3, Order of Hermes Lore (great discoveries) 2, Penetration (Muto) 1, Teaching (Hermetic Arts) 3
Arts Cr 3, In 3, Mu 3, Pe 3, Re 8; An 0, Aq 1, Au 3, Co 3, He 0, Ig 3, Im 2, Me 1, Te 3, Vi 8
Spells KnownWard Against Rain (Mastery 2; Still Casting, Quiet Casting)
Arm of the Infant (Mastery 2; Penetration, Magic Resistance)
Touch of the Goose Feather (Mastery 2; Penetration, Fast Casting)
Palm of Flame (Mastery 2; Quiet Casting, Still Casting)
Wizard’s Sidestep (Mastery 2, Fast Casting, Quiet Casting)
The Crystal Dart (Mastery 2; Multiple Casting, Penetration)
Edge of the Razor (Mastery 2; Multiple Casting, Penetration)
Scales of Magical Weight (Mastery 2; ?, ?)
Sense the Nature of Vis (Mstery 2; Multiple Casting, ?)
Maintaining the Demanding Spell (Mastery 2; Quiet Casting, Still Casting)
Cords Gold 1, Silver 0, Bronze 3
Might 14
Size -4
Confidence Score 1 (3)
Personality Traits Morbid +4, Owl +3, Inquisitive +2
Characteristics Int +1, Per +2, Pre +2, Com 0, Str -7, Sta +2, Dex +1, Qik +5
Abilities Brawl (claws) 2, Survival (forest) 3, Awareness (rodents, +3 sight) 4+2, Athletics (flying) 3, Stealth (stalking, +3 camo) 4, Hunt (mice) 4, Leadership (intimidation) 5, Magic Theory (Animal) 1, Latin (magi) 3, Penetration (Mentem) 3, Premonitions (disease) 5
Virtues/Flaws Magical Animal, Unaffected by the Gift; Nocturnal, Magical Friend
Qualities Ambush Predator, Imposing Appearance, Keen Eyesight, Camouflage; Gift of Speech, Greater Power, Lesser Power (x3), Premonitions, Puissant Awareness, Improved Abilities
Powers* Immobilize Prey, 0 points, Init +5, Mentem/Animal, Penetration 18
R: Eye, D: Conc, T: Ind
Unable to move and may only make small whines or moans. Move with Strength roll vs EF 9

  • Ride in Dreams, 1pt, Init +2, Mentem, Penetration 13
    R: Voice, D: Sun, T: Ind
    Victim's dreams force Stamina roll vs EF 8 or lose Long-Term Fatigue Level
  • Prying Eyes, 1pt, Imaginem, Penetration 12
    R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Room

[u]Zita of Merinita[/u]
Age 26
Personality Traits Mischievous +2, Friendly +3, Curious +2
Confidence Score 1 (3)
Characteristics Int +1, Per +0, Str -3, Sta +1, Pre +2, Com +2, Dex +0, Qui +0
Virtues/Flaws The Gift, Hermetic Maga, Mystery of Faerie Magic; Strong Faerie Blood, Gentle Gift, Deft Imaginem, Unaging, Puissant Creo, Affinity Creo; Black Sheep, Faerie Upbringing, Dwarf, Weakness (Games/Challenges), Incompatible Arts (InIg, PeAq), Limited Magic Resistance (Aquam)
Abilities Artes Liberales 1 (rituals), Awareness 2 (searching), Bargain 3 (faeries), Charm 3 (first impressions), Concentration 1 (spellcasting), Etiquette 2 (faeries), Faerie Lore 2 (faerie forests), Folk Ken 2 (nobles), Guile 3 (fast talk), Latin 4 (Hermetic Usage), Magic Theory 3 (inventing spells), Native German 5 (storytelling), Parma 1 (mentem), Penetration 1 (Muto), Philosophae 1 (ceremonial magic), Second Sight 1 (faeries)
Arts Cr 10+3, In 1, Mu 8, Pe 0, Re 0; An 6, Aq 0, Co 6, He 0, Ig 0, Im 5, Me 0, Te 0, Vi 0
Spells KnownDoublet of Impenetrable Silk (MuAn 15) +14
Preternatural Growth & Shrinking (MuCo 15) +14
Bind Wound (CrCo 10) +20
Phantasmal Animal (CrIm 20) +19
Phantasm of the Human Form (CrIm 25) +19
Prying Eyes (InIm 5) +6
Aura of Ennobled Presence (MuIm 10) +14
Image Phantom (MuIm 20) +14

Joseph Miller of Bjornaer
Age 25
Personality Traits Confident +1, Aloof +1, Territorial +2
Confidence Score 1 (3)
Characteristics Int +3, Per +0, Str -1, Sta +1, Pre +0, Com +0, Dex +0, Qui +3
Virtues/Flaws The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Heartbeast (Bear); Inoffensive to Animals, Puissant Art (Muto), Puissant Art (Animal), Quiet Magic, Subtle Magic, Animal Ken, Ways of the Forest; Susceptibility to Infernal Power, Overconfident, Mistaken Identity, Magical Animal Companion, Visions
Abilities Animal Handling (Bears) 2, Athletics (Running) 1, Awareness (Alertness) 3, Brawl (Dodging) 1, Concentration (spell concentration) 1, Hunt (Tracking) 2, Native German (Storytelling) 5, Profession Herbalist (Remedies) 2, Stealth (Natural Areas) 2, Survival (Forests) 3, Swim (Diving) 1, Artes Liberales (Astronomy) 1, Latin (Hermetic) 4, Magic Theory (Inventing Spells) 3, Parma (Animal) 1, Penetration (Muto) 1, Animal Ken (Verbal) 1, Heartbeast (?) 1
Arts Cr 0, In 1, Mu 9+3, Pe 1, Re 1; An 9+3, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 3, He 8, Ig 0, Im 0, Me 0, Te 0, Vi 0

Count Adalbrecht Werahamun Sylvester von Tutankhamun
Black Cat

Might 13
Size -3
Confidence Score 1 (3)
Personality Traits Curious +4, Cat +3, Proud +2
Characteristics Int +0, Per +1, Pre +2, Com -4, Str -7, Sta 0, Dex +3, Qik +4
Abilities Athletics (+4 jumping, +6 balance, +3 climb) 3, Awareness (night, +3 hearing) 4+2, Brawl (claw) 2, Code of Hermes (mundane relations) 2, Etiquette (nobility) 3, Folk Ken (magi) 3, Hunt (rodents) 3, Infernal Lore (demons) 3, Latin (magi) 3, Magic Theory (Mentem) 2, Penetration (Mentem) 2, Second Sight (ghosts) 4, Stealth (stalking) 4
Virtues/Flaws Magic Animal; Perfect Balance, Puissant Awareness, Sharp Ears, Unaffected by the Gift, Wealthy; Magical Friend, Proud, Nocturnal, Oath of Fealty (King of Cats), Susceptible to Deprivation
Qualities/Inferiorities Greater Power, Lesser Power x3, Piercing Gaze, Second Sight, Improved Characteristics x2, Protection +1
Powers* Circular Ward Against Demons, 1 points, Init +2, Penetration 10
R: Touch, T: Ring, D: Circle
Create a circular ward, keeping out demons of Might 10 or less.

  • Suffocate the Dead, 1 point, Init +2, Penetration 10
    R: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
    While resting on a ghost's grave, lower its Might by 10 points.
  • Warder's Walk, 2 points, Ritual
    As per Wizard's Communion, level 10, but only with other cats
  • Fear of the Mouse, 1pt, Mentem, Init +2, Penetration 11
    R: Eye, D: Sun, T: Ind
    Makes the target irrationally afraid of the cat.
  • Noble Bearing, 1pt, Imaginem, Init +2, Penetration 10
    R: Personal, D: Sun, T: Ind
    Gain +3 to influence, lead, or convince others.
  • Captured Voice, 2pts, Imaginem, Init +0, Penetration 5
    R: Eye, D: Diameter, T: Part

Karl of Verditius
Age 24 (born 1197)
Personality Traits Level-headed +3, Business Minded +2, Sadistic +2
Confidence Score 1 (3)
Warp Score 0 (1)
Characteristics Int +4, Per -1, Str -1, Sta +2, Pre +0, Com +1, Dex -1, Qui +0
Virtues/Flaws Hermetic Magus, Verditius Magic; Affinity (Rego), Affinity (Muto), Flexible Formulaic Magic, Inventive Genius, Magical Memory, Skilled Parens, Educated, Greater Characteristic (Int); Driven (Major), Tormenting Master; Limited Magic Resistance (X), Weird Magic, Temperate
Abilities Normandy Lore (Roads) 1, Rhine Lore (Roads) 1, Athletics (Running) 1, Awareness (Spotting) 1, Bargain (Haggle) 3, Concentration (Spells) 2, Craft (Metalworking) 3, French (Reading) 3, German (Cursing) 5, Artes Liberales (Math) 1, Latin (Writing) 4, Philosophiae (Crafting) 3, Magic Theory (Crafting) 4, Parma Magica (Mentem) 1, Penetration (Rego) 1, Single Weapon (Longsword) 1
Arts Cr 6, In 0, Mu 12, Pe 1, Re 13; An 4, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 5, He 4, Ig 0, Im 0, Me 0, Te 4
Spells Known* Crystal Dart (MuTe 10) +18

  • Edge of the Razor (MuTe 20) +18
  • Unseen Porter (ReTe 10) +19
  • Cthonic Mortar (Re(Mu)Te 20) +18
  • Call to Slumber (ReMe 10) +15
  • Wizard's Sidestep (ReIm 10) +15
  • Strings of the Unwilling Marionette (ReCo 25) +20
  • Airy Metal (MuTe 30) +18
  • Arcane Translocation (500 pace teleport, ReCo 20) +20
    Graduation Item
    Ring of the Puppet [Lv 35]
    Strings of the Unwilling Marionette, usable at will. This was his graduating project; he worked triple overtime, drank faerie wine, worked at night, and experimented (parens gave him a +0 Lab in his +5 Aura) to be able to produce this piece. He succeeded with a Discovery in Magic Theory.
    Base 25 + 10 Unlimited - One dark faerie, twice damned by greek gods; this sisters are usefull if you look for blood-thirsted beings than can shapechange on bats.

Nice, they look really interesting. :slight_smile:

I'll be definitely using them in my Theban saga, thanks for sharing. :smiley:

Thanks! They would be my Samhain/Halloween entry, but I forgot them and then I did 4 Ghost for the Four Realms and Four Different Forms.

And of ocurse everyone are free to use them, and please tell me the results on game!

Age 28
Confidence Score 1 (3)
Personality Traits Optimistic +3, Brave +2, Secluded +1
Characteristics Int -1, Per +2, Str -1, Sta 0, Pre -2, Com -2, Dex +4, Qik +3
Virtues/Flaws Social Status (Wanderer); Great Dexterity, Keen Vision, Strong Faerie Blood (Goblin; Red eyes, hairless), Warrior, Ways of the Forest, Wilderness Sense; Transvestite, Motion Sickness, Faerie Upbringing, Nocturnal, Optimistic (Major), Plagued by Supernatural Entity (Goblin father)
Abilities, Native Language (German) 5, Black Forest Lore (geography) 2, Athletics (running) 3, Awareness (alertness) 5, Bows (short bow) 4, Faerie Lore (faerie forests) 2, Hunt (tracking) 4, Magic Lore (magic creatures) 2, Second Sight (faeries) 3, Stealth (natural areas) 5, Survival (forest) 4, Wilderness Sense (Hazards) 3, Andrecina Area Lore 1
Equipment Short bow, Heavy Leather Armor

Good character.

I've made this one:

Nor Sinter Clas neither Pere Nöelle, before (maybe) was the Vasque Christmas Gift bringer, one carboneur.

[u]Iulianus d'Treviso[/u]
Age 25
Personality Traits Humble +2, Subtle +3, Driven +2
Confidence Score 1 (3)
Characteristics Int +1, Per +1, Str -1, Sta 0, Pre +3, Com +5, Dex 0, Qui 0
Virtues/Flaws Sense Holiness & Unholiness, Mendicant Friar, Great Characteristics x2 (Com), Improved Characteristics, Privileged Upbringing, Social Contacts (Clergy), Well-Travelled, Gift of Tongues; Driven, Humble, Diabolic Past, Monastic Vows, Mentor, Visions
Abilities Artes Liberales (rhetoric) 2, Athletics (running) 1, Awareness (alertness) 3, Charm (peasants) 3, Church Lore (Ordo Praedicar) 1, Civil & Canon Law (Papal law) 1, Dominion Lore (angels) 1, Etiquette (church) 3, Folk Ken (diabolists) 4, Guile (getting secrets) 4, Infernal Lore (demons) 2, Intrigue (rooting out heresy) 4, Languedoc Lore (Cathars) 1, Latin (liturgical) 4, Leadership (preaching) 2, Native Italian (politeness) 5, Paris Lore (priories) 1, Sense Holiness & Unholiness (evil) 4, Stealth (eavesdropping) 1, Survival (near roads) 1, Teaching (peasants) 1, Theology (heresy) 2, Treviso Lore (nobility) 1

Thanks a lot for the thread !

[u]Ehren Hermenas[/u]
Age 40
Personality Traits Coward +3,
Characteristics Int +5, Per +1, Str -1, Sta -1, Pre +1, Com +2, Dex +0, Qui +1
Virtues Animal Ken, Sense Holiness & Unholiness, Magister in Artibus, Custos, Good Teacher, Great Characteristic x2 (Int), Improved Characteristics
Flaws Visions, Low Self-Esteem, Judged Unfairly, Noncombatant, Weak-willed, Tormenting Master (King of Cats)
Abilities Charm 2, Folk Ken 2, Guile 2, Profession (Scribe) 6, Profession (Illuminator) 6, Profession (Binder) 6, Teaching 5, Artes Liberales 5, Latin 6, Philosophae 5, Magic Theory 5, Animal Ken (Feline) 4, Sense Holiness & Unholiness (Infernal) 1
Backstory Native covenfolk of Valnastium, and vassal to the King of Cats. He served as a scholar within the covenant, but a recent faux pas has had him 'banished' to a no-name covenant under the service of a feline Duke.

[u]Amat al-Mujeeb bint Abd al-Malik, aka Alfonso of Mercere[/u]
Age 25
Personality Traits Ambitious +3, Wanderer +1, Subtle +3
Characteristics Int +1, Per +1, Str -1, Sta +0, Pre +3, Com +4, Dex +0, Qui +0
Virtues Shapeshifter, Redcap, Great Characteristic (Communication), Improved Characteristics, Well-Traveled, Gift of Tongues
Flaws Outsider, Ambitous (Major), Transvestite, Black Sheep
Abilities Andalusia Lore (Almohad Caliphate) 1, Rhine Lore (Covenants) 1, Awareness (Alertness) 3, Bargain (Vis) 2, Carouse (Staying Sober) 1, Charm (Gaining Trust) 4, Concentration (Staying Alert) 1, Etiquette (Magi) 3, Folk Ken (Magi) 4, Guile (Disguise) 4, Intrigue (Spying) 4, Leadership (Agents) 3, Arabic (Politeness) 5, Order of Hermes Lore (Mercere) 1, Ride (Overland Travel) 1, Survival (Near Roads) 1, Artes Liberales (Rhetoric) 2, Latin (Hermetic) 4, Code of Hermes (Politics) 1, Magic Theory (Corpus) 2, Shapeshifter (Swallow) 4
Animal Forms Swallow, Eagle, Lion, Asp
Equipment* Body of the Virile Male (MuCo 11, R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind, Pen 0, Uses: 2/day) When the bearer rubs this ring and speaks "mulier Hallamae", their body assumes male characteristics without otherwise altering their physical appearance.

  • Anklet of the Shifter (MuCoHeTe 16, R: Touch, D: Conc, T: Ind, Pen 0, Uses 24/day) The bearer transforms into a naked version of themselves, their load absorbed into the transformation. This permits a shapeshifter to not have to leave their clothing behind.
  • Gemmy Mnemonic (CrMeTe 23, R: Touch, D: Moon, T: Ind, Pen 0, Uses 6/day) Activating this gem transforms the next five minutes of the user's gained memories into additional facets on the gem. Keeping the gem on their person permits the memories to be recalled with near-perfect recollection for up to a month.

[u]Urban of Cologne (Grog)[/u]
Age 32
Characteristics Int +1, Per -1, Str 0, Sta 0, Pre +2, Com +3, Dex +1, Qui -2
Personality Traits Secretive +2, Rapacious +3, Temperate -2
Abilities Area Lore: Cologne (Politics) 2, Area Lore: London (Harbor) 2, Artes Liberales (arithmetic) 2, Bargain (Hard sell) 6, Brawl (Knives) 1, Carouse (Drinking Songs) 3, Charm (First Impressions) 2, Etiquette (merchants) 2, Folk Ken (Town-folk) 4/60, English (Trading) 2, French (Bawdy Poetry) 5, German (Trading) 2, Guile (Suppress) 4, Intrigue (Rumormonger) 3, Latin (Academic) 3, Profession: Merchant (Salt) 5+2/100, Survival (Upper Lorraine) 2
Virtues/Flaws Merchant (Minor); Puissant (Profession), Unaging, Well-Traveled; Ambitious, Clumsy, Poor Living Conditions
Income Average Minor (£20/yr base)

[u]Lady Vivienne DuBois of Flambeau[/u]
Age 32
Personality Traits Brave +3, Loyal +2, Playful +3
Casting Sigil
Characteristics Int +3, Per +0, Str -3, Sta +2, Pre +2, Com +0, Dex +0, Qui +2
Virtues/Flaws Gift, Hermetic Maga; Elemental Magic, Puissant Perdo, Skilled Parens, Arcane Lore, Personal Vis Source (faerie perdo, 3p/yr), Mastered Spells, Strong Faerie Blood; Blatant Gift, Deficient Technique (Muto), Fairy Friend, Fairy Upbringing, Deficient Form (Animal)
Abilities French () 5, Fairy Lore () 4, Awareness () 2, Guile () 1, Latin () 4, Music () 3, Charm () 2, Magic Theory () 5, Penetration () 2, Finesse () 4, Parma Magica () 3, Artes Liberales () 2, Brawl () 2, Second Sight () 1
Masteries Unraveling the Fabric of Ignem 2, Unraveling the Fabric of Aquam 1, Unraveling the Fabric of Auram 1, Unraveling the Fabric of Terram 1, Unraveling the Fabric of Mentem 1
Arts Cr 9, In 5, Mu 2, Pe 8, Re 8; An 0, Aq 8, Au 8, Co 1, He 1, Ig 9, Im 3, Me 3, Te 8, Vi 8
Dagger of Ice (CrReAq 10)
Trust of Childlike Faith (PeMe 10)
Pilum of Fire (CrIg 20)
Rusted Decay of Ten-Score Years (PeTe 10)
Comfort of the Dreanched Traveler (PeAq 5)
Unravelling the Fabric of Ignem (PeVi 25)
Unravelling the Fabric of Terram (PeVi 15)
Unravelling the Fabric of Auram (PeVi 5)
Unravelling the Fabric of Aquam (PeVi 10)
Unravelling the Fabric of Vim (PeVi 10)
Unravelling the Fabric of Mentem (PeVi 10)
Veil of Invisibility (PeIm 20)

Cords Gold 3, Silver 1, Bronze 1
Might 9 (Animal)
Characteristics Int -3, Per +2, Pre +0, Com +0, Str -3, Sta +2, Dex +3, Qik +4
Size -2
Season Spring
Virtues/Flaws Magical Animal; Lightning Reflexes, Piercing Gaze, Puissant (Brawl), Tough; Mute, No Hands; Magical Monster
Qualities/Inferiorities Affinity for Magic Theory, Ignem Resistance, Improved Abilities, Improved Defense, Improved Powers x2, Improved Soak x2, Lesser Power, Personal Power x2, Puissant Magic Theory, Unaffected by the Gift; Essential Flaw (Avaricious, major), Miniature; Susceptible to Deprivation
Personality Traits Avaricious +6, Fierce +4, Territorial +2
CombatBite Init +3, Atk +11*, Def +12*, Dmg -2
* +9 group bonusSoak +11
Fatigue Levels OK, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties -1 (1-3), -3 (4-6), -5 (7-9), Incapacitated (10-12), Dead (13+)
Abilities Athletics 2 (flying), Awareness 3 (alertness), Brawl 2+2 (bite), Folk Ken 2 (peasants), Hunt 2 (virgins), Ignem Resistance 1 (dragon breath), Leadership 2 (group combat), Stealth 4 (stalking), Survival 2 (mountains)
PowersGout of Flame, 1 point, Init -5, IgnemR: Voice, D: Mom, T: Ind
Range of 30 paces, dealing +15 damage
CrIg 25 (Base 20, +2 Voice)Beast of Three Heads, 0 points, ConstantBase 25, +2 Sun, +1 constant, +2 additional heads ... itius.html - Very happy with this one. I achieved to use one or two modern ideas, the armour is inspired by tokushatsu (Power ranger-esque thing, but more to Kamen rider idea)

This is an adaptation of the character I've played in 4th Ed.

Durant ex Verditius
Age 30
Personality Traits Brave +3, Perfectionist + 2, Narcisistic +1
Characteristics Int +1, Per 0, Str +2, Sta +2, Pre +1, Com 0, Dex +0, Qui 0
Virtues The Gift (free virtue), Hermetic Magus (free virtue), Verditius Magic (free virtue), Gentle Gift, Strong Faerie Blood (Sidhe), Second Sight (free virtue), Inventive Genius, Minor Magical Focus (self-transformation), Subtle Magic, Puissant Magic Theory
Flaws Curse of Venus, Driven (major, become a legendary hero), Weird Magic, Feral Upbringing, Incomprehensible, Unruly Air
Athletics 2 (endurance), Awareness 2 (alertness), Brawl 3 (dodging), Hunt 2 (covering tracks), Second Sight 1 (invisibility), Stealth 3 (shadowing), Survival 2 (forests)
Charm 1 (being witty), Concentration 3 (spell casting), Craft (metal) 3 (enchanting items), Etiquette 1 (magi), Faerie Lore 1 (Sidhe), French 3 (slang), Ride 3 (battle) Swim 2 (rough waters)
Artes Liberales 1 (ritual casting), Latin 4 (Hermetic usage), Magic Theory 3 (enchanting items), Parma Magica 1 (Mentem), Philosophiae 2 (enchanting items), Single Weapon 2 (heater shield)
Arts Cr 6, In 1, Mu 6, Pe 0, Re 6, An 5, Aq 0, Au 0, Co 5, He 0, Ig 0, Im 0, Me 5, Te 5, Vi 0
Circle of Beast Warding (ReAn5)
Purification of the Festering Wound (CrCo20)
Words of the Unbroken Silence (CrMe10)
Confusion of the Numbed Will (ReMe15)
The Crystal Dart (MuTe10)
Edge of the Razor (MuTe20)
Wielding the Invisible Sling (ReTe10)
The Unseen Porter (ReTe15)
Scales of the Magical Weight (InVi5)
Sense the Nature of Vis (InVi5)
Gather the Essence of the Beast (ReVi15)

So, this character is supposed to be a very weird one. It's a concept that was born out of randomness in a long 4th Ed. game, so it's not focused on trying to be specially efficient. I started with an initial concept, then ideas I liked started branching off him. Adapting him to a new 5th Ed. character has been interesting, because this time I could decide on a more fitting profile for his supposed future development.

Durant's backstory is that of a half-faerie who was abandoned in the wilderness, but somehow managed to survive his childhood alone and feral (probably thanks to his supernatural blood). He was later saved from a beast and adopted by a wandering knight, who impressed upon him the interest in the tales of knights, heroes and legends. He settled with his adopted family, learned to live among his half-kin, and his interest in chivalry and talents for handywork took him to learn swordmanship and crafting. Strangely, he wasn't found by a Merinita, as his strong faerie blood would have suggested, but a magus called Regulus, of house Verditius. Durant impressed him with his smithing skills at such an early age and his interest in weapons and armor, so he took him as an apprentice.

(edited for some improvements)

So no. :slight_smile:

Hmm... Then that statement is redundant:

The way that rule is worded there, it seems to me that it's very misleading. It's basically saying that a character that is designed to be a magus from the start can't have a free supernatural ability because casting spells is supposed to be that ability (but then, can they cast spells before apprenticeship? I assumed that this free ability was supposed to exist from birth), but if you make a Companion with the Gift, he can have the free supernatural ability, and then become a magus and keep both things.

The only difference between both characters would be the fact that one was allowed to get that ability and the other one wasn't. Seems to me that this rule makes no sense, it'd be easier just to always require the virtue and that's all.

In any case, then I'd just reallocate those 15 exp points into Craft and leave it at 3.