Artemis of Bonisagus (Development)

Good news everyone! The second post is now all the custom spells Artemis has invented.

Also for crying out loud I made like three mistakes for the spring of pure water. Here is the revised version.
The mistakes were:

  1. I had a group target for one spring.
  2. I only included one magnitude for requisites.
  3. I mangled the math and the spell's level was one magnitude too low.

So the revised version changes basically nothing, but it should be looked at anyway.

Spring of Pure Water – CrAq (ReTe) - 20
R: Touch D:Mom T:Ind, Ritual
This ritual spell creates one spring of water. The rate of flow is quite high and should easily be able to meet the needs of drinking water for a small town. The Rego and Terram requisites clear a path and add material to help make sure the spring is geologically stable.
Base 5+1 touch, +2 Requisite

Blessings of Bounty and Spring of Pure water will definitely come in handy right about now.