Ask a simple question, (hopefully) get a simple answer

Been busy for quite a while, but now I'm free (kinda) and so I'm back.

Anyway, a couple more questions of you guys don't mind.

With regards to the Leadworker virtue in the Tremere section of True Lineages, can it be used on living people - that is to say, can a leadworker create a fixed AC to person without needing to spend a season or vis, and can it be used to boost Penetration against that person's MR?

How is the range for area-Wards calculated? Can I use personal range if I'm within the area the ward covers, or must I use Touch or higher?

Not by the book.

If a magus is going to protect only himself, the ward can be R: Per. Otherwise the range needs to be larger, as it is to the thing to be protected. Usually a T: Circle ward is R: Touch, as when drawing the circle the magus touches it anyway (ArM5 p.114).


Some information on Leadworker may be found here

One Shot nailed this one perfectly.

Alright. Thanks again.

When you cast a spell with Boundary target, are you targeting the area itself, or the people within it?

For example, casting a InMe Boundary spell on a city. Do you get the thoughts of all within the city, and lose them as they leave, gain them they come, or do you just get the thoughts of all who were within the city at the time of casting, until the duration expires?

You are targeting an area with all eligible targets of type Form.

Essentially yes. The devil is in the details, and if the InMe spell was presenting a lot of information, it might overwhelm the caster, if it isn't designed properly. Finally, don't forget Boundary spells are Rituals.

The description provided for the 'Boundary' target is quite explicit that it affects "everything within a well-defined natural or man-made boundary." Of course, depending upon the specific spells involved the boundary itself might be affected too.

As for the spell described, I suppose it would depend upon what precise guidelines and Duration used, but my own preference would be for the spell to affect those within the Boundary at the time the ritual was performed and persist until the selected duration expires.