Games Discussion
General Discussion Rants that don't fit elsewhere. Post a Day Get your creative juices flowing by posting a character/spell/item/weapon/other cool RPG thing in this category! Magical Kitties You are cute. You are cunning. You are fierce. You are magical kitties, and it's time to save the day! Ars Magica The greatest magic ever discussed at great length. Feng Shui Bringing Hong Kong action to your very own living room. Planegea Prehistoric Fantasy for 5th Edition! Join our vibrant fan community on Discord. ARCHIVE: Card Games & Board Games We've been told they're "edgy." You decide! Unknown Armies The roleplaying game of transcendental horror and furious action. Other Atlas RPGs Penumbra, Coriolis, Nyambe, Northern Crown ... you know, the really GOOD ones. Over the Edge/WaRP System (OGL) If it troubles you in your dreams, if it scares you, if you hope it isn't true, you'll find it here.