Atticus Kydones, a scribe (Grog)

Current Version as of Spring 1220:

[size=150]Atticus Kydones, a scribe [/size]

Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre -1, Com +2, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik -4

Size: 0
Age: 32 (32)
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 158 lbs
Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)

Virtues and Flaws: Educated (50/50), Common Sense, Linguist, Pious, Lame (Penalty: -6 on moving quickly and agility, -3 Dodge and -1 combat), Poor Quickness × 1

Abilities: Area Lore: Thessaloniki 2 (churches), Artes Liberales 2 (grammar), Athletics 2 (stamina), Brawl 2 (dodge), Charm 1 (making friends), Classical Greek 5 (church), Concentration 1 (copying books), Folk Ken 3 (sensing lies), French 4 (conversational), Hebrew 4 (religious), Intrigue 1 (gossip), Latin 5 (church), Leadership 1 (other scribes), Lingua Franca 3 (conversational) (+1, 1), Philosophiae 1 (moral philosophy), Romaic Greek 5 (conversational), Scribe 6 (copying books), Theology 2 (biblical quotes), Veneto 4 (conversational)

At start:

[size=150]Atticus Kydones, a scribe [/size]

Characteristics: Int +2, Per +1, Pre -1, Com +2, Str +1, Sta +2, Dex +2, Qik -4

Size: 0
Age: 32 (32)
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 158 lbs
Gender: Male
Decrepitude: 0
Warping Score: 0 (0)

Virtues and Flaws: Educated (50/50), Common Sense, Linguist, Pious, Lame (Penalty: -6 on moving quickly and agility, -3 Dodge and -1 combat), Poor Quickness × 1

Abilities: Area Lore: Thessaloniki 2 (churches), Artes Liberales 2 (grammar), Athletics 2 (stamina), Brawl 2 (dodge), Charm 1 (making friends), Classical Greek 5 (church), Concentration 1 (copying books), Folk Ken 3 (sensing lies), French 4 (conversational), Hebrew 4 (religious), Intrigue 1 (gossip), Latin 5 (church), Leadership 1 (other scribes), Lingua Franca 3 (conversational) (+1, 1), Philosophiae 1 (moral philosophy), Romaic Greek 5 (conversational), Scribe 6 (copying books), Theology 2 (biblical quotes), Veneto 4 (conversational)

Atticus was the younger son of a well-to-do craftsman, destined for a solid career in the army. His education and good birth meant that he had a good chance of becoming an officer, and a man of some influence. Alas, his abilities were not up to the task. Hopelessly slow, he had trouble keeping up with his lessons with the sword. And at the age of sixteen, before he even entered the army, his lack of speed caused him to take a terrible sword blow to the leg during practice. Though the injury was not life-threatening, it did lame him and end his hope of joining the army.

But Atticus had always had a talent for languages, so he decided to put that to use copying and translating as needed. He already knew most of the languages used in the area and had a steady hand with the pen, if not with the sword. A few years into his new career, he began to do work for a local school copying normal texts. In time, they approached him to copy more esoteric works. Soon he found himself working full time for a group of magi living in the center of Thessaloniki.

Since his injury, Atticus has become a very devout man. Thankfully the magi of the covenant have proven themselves also devoted to the Church, which has allowed him to interpret their magic as a God-given gift rather than the work of the devil.

Atticus' innate common sense has caused him to become a source for good advice within the covenant. Grogs generally take his words to heart, knowing that they are likely worth listening to.