It does but it seems a bit overkill and it does not work in divine auras of 4+ as the intellego effect has no penetration. Also, it does not "read" the aura as you move into it as the effect is sustained constant effect meaning that it will always display the same initial reading.
I propose the following
Crystal of Selene Major Invested Item
Sense the Magical Aura - InVi 25 (45)
R: Per D: Conc T: Touch
This effect allows its user to distinguish the intricacies of an Aura. By allowing light to pass through the crystal shard, a variety of colours will emerge that describe the power, influences of other realms, moods, Regio boundaries and alignement of the aura. The user can concentrate and move within the aura to scrutinize different flows within the Aura. The Crystal can sustain the reading do that it can be studied further in the lab or reported back to Magi's.
(B:4 Discern the alignment of an aura (Magic). [RoP:M p.14], +1 Conc, +1 Touch,+1 Aura Strength, +1 Detect Taint,+1 Detect Boundaries of Regios, +5 Maintain Concentration, +2 3 uses per day, +10 Penetration, +3 Linked trigger)
Attune to The Supernatural Realm
R: Touch D:Mom T:Ind - MuVi 20 (33)
Activating this effect will attune (and trigger a recast) of Sense The Magical Aura. The Activator selects the symbol that has been engraved onto the shard to select the realm.
(B:Gen Superficially Change a spell up to 2x( Level+1), +1 Touch, +1 Versatility, +10 Penetration, +2 (3 times a day))
1- You will need to open the Crystal in one season with at least 8 Vim Vis (A tiny Semi-precious stone commands 12 vim vis precisely, no more no less). If you want to be Vis use conscious, you can ask a Verdi to open it for you but it will probably cost you a bit more than 12 Vim vis to get the Crystal shard opened for 8 Vim vis... they are a proud house but maybe you know someone (bargain)
2- Invest the effects as if creating a spell unless you have a lab text (Which I think should be available via redcap service as it is a good object to have for seekers, Aura Original researchers, Convenants monitoring their own Aura, etc.)
In bold things we forget sometimes for the object lab total
Int + MT + Fam + Aura + Apprentice/help + Lab + Te + Fo + Inv Gen + Similar + Mastery + Obj + Focus + Talisman + Cyclic = 2+5+5+5+5+5+5+5+0+0+5+0+0+0=42 (Quick basic Labtotal)
So it seems within reach with lab text for most Magi. Costs 28 Vim vis & 3 Seasons. You can drop some awesomeness magnitudes to have less information as needed.
Also, read the part about realm research in LOH tied to Conciatta of Bonisagus. It would basically eliminate the MuVi effect requirement lowering the cost to one season & 9 Vim vis.