Aurelia ex Bonisagus

Not updated for correspondance - will do shortly tomorrow probably)


Season 1
Aurelia sets up her Laboratory in Corentin's manor, making sure that everything is in its own place. She is delighted by the beautiful and precious items she is allowed to have, yet sternly reminds herself, not to be too overjoyed, as that would be a sin!
Gain 2 exposure xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 3+2 [2]

Season 2
Aurelia continues to set up her laboratory.
Gain 2 exposure xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 3+2 [4]

Season 3
Aurealia decides that despite having a good apprenticehood, she needs to diversify her magical abilities. She studies Changes and muses over the many varied ways God created the building blocks of the world.
Gain 15xp in Muto. New Muto score: 5

Season 4
Aurelia decides to write a Tractatus on the Art she just studied, Muto. She names it ”Known Changes in the World of Our Lord” (Qua 15 – I take it we have superior binding, illumination and resonant materials)
Gain 2 exposure xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 3+2 [6]

[This constitutes Covenant Work for 1175+1176]
Aurelia Corresponds all of 1175 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 3+2 [10]

Vis store:
3 pawns Vim

Aurelia decides this should be a season of deepening her knowledge of the world. She reads furiously on many subjects. During her many late night wanderings in the library, she meets Gervais, the resident Ignem expert. Startled she drops a book on Ignem. When asked whether she would like to make a serious study of Ignem, she nods. Knowledge is allways good. He promises he won't tell of her unauthorised nightly wanderings, if she would journey to Confluensis next year and bargain for a Tractatus. She agrees to get him of her back and continues with her readings.
She reads about Animal and dreams of having her own familiar, occasionally she scribbles down thoughts of what it should be, and tries to remember herself, to be on the look out for one!

Season 1
Read Second Flames. Gain 16xp in Ignem. New Ignem score: 8 [1]

Season 2
Read Second Flames. Gain 16xp in Ignem. New Ignem score: 9 [8]

Season 3
Read Foundation of Creation. Gain 21xp in Creo. New Creo score: 6

Season 4
Read Concerning Living Beasts. Gain 17xp in Animal. New Animal score: 5 [2]
Aurelia gives birth to her twins this season! Naming them Quenelle and Rezir, she thinks their eyes are full of wisdom.

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1176 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 3+2 [14]

Vis stores: 6 pawns Vis, 1 pawn Corpus


Season 1
Aurelia realises that though both she and Corentin are blessed by God with a youthful countenance, this year will change how the four humours affect their bodies. She prepares a broth for herself that when drunk will slow her aging. Knowing that she is not strong enough to brew one for Corentin she strikes a deal with another magus. She pays all her Vim Vis for the next five years, and then he will concoct a potion for him. Aurelias potion becomes a 32/5=+7 Longevity Potion, while Corentin gains a +8 (He also has a supernatural ability).
Corentin and Aurelia drink their broths and are confident that having three children is more than enough....
Gain 2 exposure Xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 3+2 [16]
Deduction in Aurelias Vis stores: - 6 to Vim, -1 to Corpus.

Season 2
Read Foundation of Destruction. Gain 15xp in Perdo. New Perdo score: 5

Season 3
Aurelia is asked to go to Confluensis this season. At the same time, one of the other older magi wants her to go to Bordeaux for some fine wine that some faeries he knows of produces. She agrees stating that she will need the fastest ship and the best grogs! They give her both, and she sets out on her journey.
Landing in Bordeaux, she makes her way inland with a number of Grogs, and they meet to faeries dressed like priests discussing vividly about the nature of Christ's blood. Aurelia tries to talk with them, reasoning that discussions about theology are natural and strengthens the Church, but that disagreements should never spill over into conflict. Putting on these priestly vestments as a ruse, they lead her to the wineyard regio. Here she is confronted with the head vintner, who is displeased with her holy allegiance. Seeing she has been tricked, Aurelia decides that if proving herself will win the faeries over, then so be it. If she is so full of faith, then she shall be tested on it!
They tell her to wander for 40 days and nights in the regio, and survive off of the land. Biting her lower lip she agrees and sets out for 40 days of longing. What the faeries have not taken into consideration is Aurelia's regular fasting and that she is used to being deprived. During this time, she is oft contacted by minor faeries of the regio, who derogatively play pranks on her. She tries to eat the ever present grapes, but they start screaming, when she tries too...she finds a minor stream with a faerie who takes pity on her, and provides her with water for the forty days. Returning to the vintners, she is frail, feeble yet victorious. Damning her skill, the vintners give her the cask of sweet faerie wine, but demand that she never show her face there again, as she is a foul holy maga!
She journeys swiftly to Confluensis, recovering slightly on the journey and recuperates for some weeks there. As Gervais has given her ample vis with her to bargain with, she spends the majority of time talking about the many uses of the Parma Magica with the Quaesitores.
She is even involved in a minor debate about the right to have a Parma raised during trials. Exhausted, she returns to Falling Leaves, where Corentin notes that her womanly attributes have nearly gone! She promises to eat more, to fullfil his needs!

Gain 5xp in Parma Magica. Gain 5 xp in Faerie Lore. New Parma Magica score: 1 [5], new Faerie Lore score: 1 [5]
[This constitutes 1 in every 12 Seasons dedicated to travel/adventure]

Season 4
Read on Divination. Gain 15xp in Intellego. New Intellego score: 5

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1177 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 3+2 [18]

Vis Stores: 0


Season 1
With Spring around the corner, Aurelia starts looking at her daughter. No Gift, she needs to be wed soon. But to who? She has lived most of her life at the covenant? Even though Corentin has a minor title, making Argantael a lady, who would wed the daughter of a maga? Maybe it would be best if they did not know...
Read Magical Control. Gain 17xp in Rego. New Rego score: 5 [2]

Season 2
Corentin looks through the rooster of young noblemen, who might accept a maga as a mother-in-law. He finds the family of Ezét, who has a son Arzhur a little older than Argantael, and who definately has faerie blood in him! Corentin suggests this to Aurelia, who asks him to proceed. Looks like there will be a wedding next Spring!
Read Magical Control. Gain 17xp in Rego. New Rego score: 7 [4]

Season 3
Read Magical Control. Gain 17xp in Rego. New Rego score: 9 [6]

Season 4
Aurelia notices the lack of Godly books, at least for the magi of her age. Rectifying this, she immediatedly writes a Tractatus on Dominion Lore! ”Accepting the Love of Angels” (Qua lvl 15- superior binding, illumination and resonant materials).
Gain 2x1,5 exposure xp in Dominion Lore. New Dominion Lore score: 4 [7]

[This constitutes Covenant Work for 1175+1176]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1178 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 4+2 [2]

Vis Stores: 1 pawn Imaginem


Season 1
Marriage! Argantael is married to Sir Arzhur. The grooms parents refrain from asking how the bride's mother looks not a day older than her daughter...The wedding is held at Corentin's smallish manor, a quaint area near some meadows and the water. Aurelia tells Argantael that she can not promise a Longevity potion for Arzhur, but she will see what she can another 20 years time.
Read Magical Control. Gain 17xp in Rego. New Rego score: 11

Season 2
Tribunal of 1179.
Aurelia meets with many magi and competes with Falling Leaves in the Tourney. She introduces Corentin to other important Companions and enjoys many, many late night talks with various magi, she especially speak with Merinita magi about the faeries, and she really feeps that she learns from this.
Aurelia also meets Iacobus ex Jerbiton, an eremite magus, weathered and in his 80s. He tells her much about the life of an eremite and she tells him of her views on schooling grogs in proper behaviour. Chiding her he lures her into a Certamen. He beats her, though, and as punishment he demands one night together with her. Aurelia thinks for a moment to shout obscenities, but consents, stating how improper it is!
At night (Sneaking away from poor Corentin, half drunk with cider), Aurelia appears in Iacobus' tent. She gulps before entering, but sees the man fully clothed, penning a letter. He tells her, the certamen was merely a rouse for people to think them ”enemies”. He tells her that he has some Tytali enemies, and that he has begun to fear for his life. He knows not why they desire his life, but plans to find out. He had heard rumours about the kindness of Aurelia, and asks for her to help him. Sighing in gratitude, Aurelia agrees, asking him to tell as much as he can about the Tytali. He tells her all he knows, and at dawn, Aurelia agrees that neither she can see, why they want him dead, but promises to keep a look out.
Aurelia discovers that her reputation for writing has spread through the order, and a meeting with a Fudarus' representative is sat in motion (5xp in Reputation: Good Writer). He tells her, that it would be wise to help Fudarus with writing, so that Falling Leaves would not get hurt. Frustrated Aurelia talks hither and yon and holds him off, untill she gets to speak with her fellow covenant members and Gervais, the Ignem Expert. They advice her to be careful, but also to let Fudarus know that they can not push Falling Leaves around.
At the next meeting Aurelia states that unless he can make it worth her while, she will not write for Fudarus. The representative tells her that knowing Iacobus humiliated her, they would help her kill him, cover up and let her keep one-third his belongings. They were going to kill him anyway, but if she helps, they can use their resources elsewhere. Aurelia consents and contacts Iacobus and Angelus. They plan for Angelus to take the shape of a flea and ride on Aurelia together with a Quaesitor. Hopefully the representative and the Tytalus he represents will not find out, and they can apprehend him.
Unfortunately the Tytalus wanting Iacobus dead is Anaximander, Archmage and backbone of Fudarus. His magics on Aurelia to help determine her dedication totheir cause, reveals Angelus and Iacobus. In the ensuing magical fight, the representative is killed, but Anaximander apprehended and brought before the Quaesitors. He pleads innocent and says demonic forces had overtaken his body and controlled his actions. Due to his influence, the Quaesitors accepts this, but punishes him with a humiliating examination in public and fines him 10 pawns vis to Iacobus for plotting to kill him. For attacking Angelus and Aurelia he is fined 3 pawns vis, which Aurelia hands over to Angelus, hoping for Anaximander to look beyond her and find Angelus the true opponent. Halfways working Anaximander goes to great length during the rest of Tribunal to hint at his enmity towards Angelus, Iacobus and Aurelia. Aurelia gains a reputation among the magi as Doomed if Anaximander moves against her (5xp in Reputation: Doomed)

Gain 5xp in Parma Magica. Gain 5xp in Faerie Lore. New Parma Magica score: 2, new Faerie Lore score: 2

Season 3
Gervais confronts her once more. Aurelia is beginning to feel the man is trying to be intimidating, but being more of a grandfatherly sort. She drinks the tea with him, he invites her for, and as he douses the light (Dramatic effect?), he stirs his cup. He tells her that evil creatures abound, and when she says Demons, he jumps and scolds her for talking too lightly about it! He wiggles his long finger at her and she apologises. Gervais tells her that she must Summae! Holding his breath in, she begins to worry as he becomes slightly purple. Exhaling he nods, yes, an Infernal Summae. She is a good writer, and good writers, should be contributing to the Library! He is sure, she will be rewarded for it. In due time. Aurelia starts writing.
Gain 2 exposure xp in Infernal Lore. New Infernal Lore score: 4 [2]

Season 4
Aurelia finishes her Summae titled ”Standing on Rooftops, how to aim for a Demon” (Lvl 2, Qua 15- superior binding, illumination and resonant materials). Gervais is overjoyed and spills his tea out over a map of Vannes. Aurelia tells him that she has begun to suffer severe bouts of headache, and it started when she wrote the Summae. Seeing her predicament, he sends a ”doctor” to her. He bleeds her profusely, and she is very, very weak.
Gain 2 exposure xp in Infernal Lore. New Infernal Lore score: 4 [4]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1179 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 4+2 [6]

Vis Stores: 1 pawn Imaginem


Season 1
Aurelia's headaches turns into racouos migraine. She is bedridden for most of the season, raving about how the Celestial Morningstar fell from the Heavens. Finally the magi summon Mother Clotilde from Rhuys and she tends to Aurelia, eventhough Aurelia is probably the type to ignore pleas for help and who becomes dependant on people, mooching off of them! At the end of the season, Mother Clotilde finds that Aurelia is, after all, an interesting person, and she is told that should she ever come to Rhuys, she is welcome to visit. Mother Clotilde's visit apparently cures Aurelia's migraine.
Gain 2 exposure xp in Mentem. New Mentem score: 8 [2]

Season 2
Read Concerning Living Beasts. Gain 17xp in Animal. New Animal score: 7 [6]

Season 3
Aurelia travels to Rhuys and talks with the monks there. She has earlier sent word that she was coming, and had some profound experiences to speak of. Here she meets Father Petreo and Mother Clotilde, heads of the monastery and nunnery (though the nunnery is much smaller). She emboldens herself with magic and tells her tale of the salvation of the Archangels. Petreo and Clotilde are sceptical and wants her to stay the season, that they might question her more. Clotilde tells Petreo that Aurelia is a maga, but some magi might be agents of God? Slowly a sort of friendship develops. Petreo and Clotilde see that Aurelia is somehow blessed with a greater understanding of the works of God than even some Bishops. Aurelia tells Father Petreo of the group of Scholars that she belongs too, and that some there are able to feel the power of God as well. Maybe a correspondance and friendship could be struck up? Presenting them both with a silvered chalice inlaid with opals and an elaborately carved bookstand, they nod and decide that Aurelia is definately a saintly person, who is more than welcome at Rhuys.
Here she also meets a person, whom she does not really like...a slick monk, who seems too friendly, too influential to just be a common monk. Aurelia follows him on some occasions, and finds that he sends a large number of letters to people, who act almost as if in a trance. She does not like his beady eyes, and spies on him occasionally. Unfortunately he notices her, and asks her of her doings, whether she is a spy of the Devil. Reciprocating that he is the one having entranced servants, he tries to entrance her, but she wards him off and pacifies him. She hands him over to Father Petreo, and discreetly goes through his things. It seems he has been writing about her to some recipient, she can not discern. She collects his writings and takes her leave.
Gain 5 xp in Church Lore, gain 5xp in Civil and Canon Law. New Church Lore: 1, New Civil and Canon Law: 1

[This constitutes 1 in every 12 Seasons dedicated to travel/adventure]

Season 4
Aurelia writes about her newfound knowledge of the structure of the Church. ”My Insights into Rhuys” (Qua 15 superior binding, illumination and resonant materials.)
Gain 2 xp in Profession:Scribe. New Profession: Scribe score: 1 [2]

[This constitutes Covenant Work for 1175+1176]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1180 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 4+2 [10]

Vis Stores: 2 pawns Imaginem

Aurelia spends another year reading books on magic (Ahhhh...power!), but also takes time to send of her twins to Durenmar. She has chosen not to become their mater herself, as she feels she still needs to focus more time on herself. They do not cry when leaving, but assures her that they will do well, and that they have each other.
Argantael's son Erwan is also born and baptised. He is small and dark, and cries much, giving Argantael more than her fill of motherhood. Aurelia tries to comfort her and give her advice. Corentin talks to Arzhur and tries to be 'manly' about his new role as a father. Difficult when the new grandfather looks 18, and the new father is a battlescarred warrior! Aurelia invites Gervais to Erwan's ceremony, but he reclines, stating he has impportant research to do. Slightly miffed, Aurelia does not drink tea with him until Christmas time.
Aurelia corresponds with the Bishop of Vannes, to visit this year, and give the Holy Mother Church a gift. The Bishop responds with glee, as long as ”Your Husband and Lord wills it that thou may visit Vannes?” Sighing in exasperation, Aurelia writes that she has the leave to visit, and then turns to more informative matters.

Season 1
Read Minerals and Stones. Gain 19xp in Terram. New Terram score: 5 [4]

Season 2
Read Minerals and Stones. Gain 19xp in Terram. New Terram score: 8 [2]

Season 3
Read Minerals and Stones. Gain 19xp in Terram. New Terram score: 10 [2]

Season 4
Read Concerning Living Beasts. Gain 17xp in Animal. New Animal score: 9 [6]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1181 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 4+2 [14]

Vis Stores: 2 pawns Imaginem

Aurelia asks Gervais to teach her Parma Magica. Since her own master is far away, she hopes her getting the tractatus and writing the Summae, will be enough for him. He accepts and dotes upon her. He tells her it must wait just a little while, as he is nearing an exiting breakthrough! She secretly fears that he might try to lure her away from Bonisagus, and having already left Tremere, she does not know if she can cope with this. She tells Corentin of her secret fear, and he tells her that prayers always help. She tries to talk with the Archangels, and she feels a warmth in her soul, comforting her and letting her know that everything will be all right. Knowing this she feels she does not have to disassociate herself with Gervais after the Parma training.
She continues writing with Clotilde and Petreo and learns that the monk apparently had a small hidden niche with demonic things and prayers. These have been removed and re-consecrated, but they are most distraught, and tells her to be on the look-out for any who might want to hurt her. She thanks them and tells them, that she will make short hourneys to them occasionally, but that she can not stay a whole season for some time.

Season 1
Read Ruminations of Pure Magic. Gain 10 xp in Vim. New Vim score: 7 [3]

Season 2
Read Ruminations of Pure Magic. Gain 10 xp in Vim. New Vim score: 8 [5]

Season 3
Read Ruminations of Pure Magic. Gain 10 xp in Vim. New Vim score: 9 [6]

Season 4
Write a Tractatus on Vim ”My Thoughts on the Delicate Threads of Magic” (Qua 15 – superior binding, illumination and resonant materials)
Gain 2 exposure xp in Profession: Scribe. New Profession: Scribe score: 1 [4]

[This constitutes Covenant Work for 1175+1176]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1182 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 4+2 [18]

Vis Stores: 3 pawns Imaginem

Aurelia rewrites the Bishop Gregory of Vannes that she will be visiting him this fall. Delighted, as he has heard about her from Petreo and Clotilde, he promises that the best rooms will be made available for the Lady of Falling Leaves. She thanks him, and prmises donations for the church. Aurelia plans to learn some spells this year, as she feels she is in desperate need of a little diversity.

Season 1
Learn Spells. Rego Mentem lab total: 35. Learn Aura of Rightful Authority ReMe20 and Ring of Warding against Spirits ReMe15.
Gain 2 exposure xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 4+2 [20]

Season 2
Learn spells. Intellego Imaginem lab total: 33. Learn Prying Eyes InIm5 and Summoning the Distant Image InIm25.
Gain 2 exposure xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 4+2 [22]

Season 3
Having offset a travel to Vannes for some time, Aurelia travels with carriage and followers to Vannes and meets with the Bishop. Knowing she did...something! Rhuys regarding a crazed monk, the Bishop asks about it. Aurelia evades the question as much as she can, but is finely bested by the crafty bishop. She falls into a web of her own making, and most concede that the bishop has a honeyed tongue and wits! She comes clean, saying she has no desire to keep secrets. The bishop smacks her square in the face and asks if she has other pagan practices, she must confess to? Aurelia nods from the floor, trying to stop the blood flowing from her nose. She tells of her impure heritage, her mothers attempted suicide and her infernal knowledge. Horrified, but worried that Christianity might loose Aurelia to the Devil, the Bishop helps her up and tells her, he will help her! He will drive those demons from her body, and if she can convince him, her magic is deific, he will support her continued studies of it. Aurelia agrees and spends the rest of the season learning about how the priests of the Holy Mother Church travels far and wide to drive devils and demons from the bodies of man. She is subjected to bodily searchings and proddings, being violated on her innermost, but all most be endured in the presence of malevolent energies!
On the last day of her stay. Aurelia knows not yet how to convince the bishop that her magic comes from God. She resorts to casting an illusion with no gestures or words other than prayer. She is enveloped in a radiant light, gaining wings of stained glass and a body like molten gold, her eyes become sapphires and her voice rings with the trumpets of Heaven. Growing higher and filling the room with her Aura, she proclaims that Raphael has taken hold of her body and speaks to the bishop of Vannes. That this woman is blessed by God, the Virgin Mary and the Archangels. That her abilities are a worshipping of God and in no way defiles the holiness of the Church. As her wings fade and her skin appears again, she finds the bishop weeping and cowed on his knees. Thanking Aurelia and God for this experience, he promises to aid her whenever she wants, as he sees now her piousness and her divine gift. Relieved Aurelia journeys back to Falling Leaves not telling Corentin about the bishop's ardousness.
Gain 5 xp in Magic Theory, gain 4xp in Vim, gain 1xp in Profession: Scribe. New Magic theory score: 5+2 [3], new Vim score: 10, New profession: scribe score: 1 [5]

[This constitutes 1 in every 12 Seasons dedicated to travel/adventure]

Season 4
Learn Spells. Creo Corpus Lab total: 31. Learn Bind Wound CrCo10 and Gentle Touch of the Purified Body CrCo20.
Gain 2 exposure xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 4+2 [24]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1183 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 5+2 [7]

Vis Store: 3 pawns Vim, 3 pawns Imaginem


Season 1
Taught by Gervais. Gain 12 xp in Parma Magica. New Parma Magica score: 2 [12]

Season 2
Taught by Gervais. Gain 12 xp in Parma Magica. New Parma Magica score: 3 [9]

Season 3
Aurelia reads the last bits of On Divination. Gain 15xp in Intellego. New Intellego score: 7

Season 4
Aurelia writes a Tractatus on Magic Theory ”De Mysteriis” (Qua 15- superior binding, illumination and resonant materials)
Gain 2 exposure xp in Profession:Scribe. New Profession scribe score: 1 [7]

[This constitutes Covenant Work for 1175+1176]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1184 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 5+2 [11]

Vis Stores: 2 pawns Vim, 3 pawn Imaginem, 1 pawn Corpus

Aurelia's Warping after 10 years: 1 [6]
Aurelia's Aging rolls:
Aging total: -7 (-6 in 1183, when she turns 41)
(Age: +4, Living conditions: -2 Covenant, -2 Health from Lab, -7 Longevity potion)

1177: 8-7= 1, Nothing happens
1178: 6-7= -1, Nothing happens
1179: 2-7= -5, Nothing happens
1180: 6-7= -1, Nothing happens
1181: 9-7= 2, Nothing happens
1182: 6-7= -1, Nothing happens
1183: 4-6= -2, Nothing happens
1184: 5-6= -1, Nothing happens

Vis after 10 years
Vis Stores: 2 pawns Vim, 3 pawn Imaginem, 1 pawn Corpus

Books written:
Tractatus on Muto ”Known Changes in the World of Our Lord” Qua. 12 Superior binding, Illumination and scribing
Tractatus on Dominion Lore ”Accepting the Love of Angels” Qua. 12 Superior binding, illumination and scribing
Summae on Infernal Lore ”Standing on Rooftops, how to aim for a Demon” Lvl 2, Qua 16 Superior binding, illumination, scribing and resonant materials
Tractatus on Church Lore ”My Insights into Rhuys” Qua 12 Superior binding, illumination and scribing
Tractatus on Vim ”My Thoughts on the Delicate Threads of Magic” Qua 12 Superior binding, illumination and scribing
Tractatus on Magic Theory ”De Mysteriis” Qua 12 Superior binding, illumination and scribing
Her correspondance letters, to be determined if they are published yet.

Good Writer 1
Doomed 1

Aurelia's Abilities after 10 years
Artes Liberales: Astronomy 1
Breton: Polite conversation 5
Charm: First Impression 1
Church Lore: Rhuys 1
Civil and Canon Law: Women's Rights 1
Code of Hermes: Quaesitorial Rights 1
Concentration: Maintaining spells 1
Dominion Lore: Angels 4 [7]
Etiquette: Magi 1
Intrigue: Alliances 1
Folk Ken: Sensing Motives 1
Guile: Elaborating on the Truth 1
Latin: Hermetic 5
Faerie Lore: Pacts and Bargains 2
Finesse: Imaginem 1
Infernal Lore: Demons 4 [4]
Magic Lore: Arthurian Legends 2
Magic Theory: Imaginem 5+2 [11]
Music: Singing 1
Normandy Tribunal Lore: Covenants 3
Order of Hermes Lore: Famous Magi 1
Order of the Quartet Lore: Initiations 4
Parma Magica: Mentem 3 [9]
Philosophiae: Moral Philosophy 1
Profession Scribe: Swift coyping 1 [7]
Sense Holiness and Unholiness 1
Theology: Dangerous Knowledge 1


Creo 6
Intellego 7
Muto 5
Perdo 5
Rego 11

Animal 9 [6]
Aquam 6
Corpus 8
Ignem 9 [8]
Imaginem 9+3
Mentem 8 [2]
Terram 10 [2]
Vim 10

Spells after 10 years:

Bind Wound CrCo10
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body CrCo20.
The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch CrCo20

Flash of the Scarlet Flames CrIg15
Lamp Without Flame CrIg10

Aura of Ennobled Presence MuIm10.
Disuguise of the Transformed Image MuIm15
Prying Eyes InIm5
Summoning the Distant Image InIm25.

Learn Aura of Rightful Authority ReMe20
Calm the Motion of the Heart PeMe15
Ring of Warding against Spirits ReMe15
The Call to Slumber ReMe10

Gather the Essence of the Beast ReVi15
Scales of the Magical Weight InVi5
Sense the Nature of Vis InVi5

Not updated for correspondance - will do as soon as possible (Probably tomorrow)

Aurelia finds that her knowledge of Herbam is non-existant. Flora was a pagan goddess of the Romans, and the tales Aurelia has heard of her always makes her smile. She reckons it is not sinful to smile at a good story and decides to dedicate some time to reading about Herbam. As she delves deeper into it, she understands that it is an oft overlooked Art. It is not weak nor insufficient, but actually quite potent and in some way, warm and indeed very living.
Feeling reinvigorated, she takes Corentin on small trips through the countryside, to Rhuys and sailing around Morbihan Bay. Never straying to far from her studies, she feels, that actually living, might give her a greater insight in the workings of Herbam.
Unfortunately, she also begins to develop a slight depression, from pent up feelings regarding her mother's death and feeling like she is being stretched by the Tremere still trying to find a weak spot they can explore. So far she has kept them at bay, but she starts complaining more and more this year to Corentin and then to Gervais as well as Angelus in her letters.

Season 1
Read The Magical Use of Plants. Gain 13xp in Herbam. New Herbam score: 4 [3]

Season 2
Read The Magical Use of Plants. Gain 13xp in Herbam. New Herbam score: 6 [5]

Season 3
Read The Magical Use of Plants. Gain 13xp in Herbam. New Herbam score: 8 [3]

Season 4
Read The Magical Use of Plants. Gain 13xp in Herbam. New Herbam score: 9 [7]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1185 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 5+2 [15]

Vis Stores: 5 pawns Vim, 3 pawn Imaginem, 1 pawn Corpus

Knowing that the tribunal is coming up, Aurelia constantly goes around with a headache and stomach-ache. She sends for Mother Clotilde, who comes and talks with her regarding her problems. Praying together, she bursts into tears and tells Clotilde she knows not if it is all worth it. Corentin is so sweet and nice, and yet she constantly prioritizes her magic over him. Clotilde comforts her, and tells her that indeed, she is a maga, but Corentin knew this when they wed, and they seem very happy and have prodund opportunities, other people do not. Clotilde tells her that God has a plan for everybody, and that plan is in motion this very instance as they speak. Sobbing Aurelia concurs. She must meet the Tremere bravely!

Season 1
Read The Magical Use of Plants. Gain 13xp in Herbam. New Herbam score: 10 [10]

Season 2
Aurelia is harassed at Tribunal. The Tremere of Normandy despise her, and they constantly try to trick her into Certamen. Being rather crafty herself, she evades them time and again, and speaks with her Pater Angelus of it. He apologises fortaking her back then, saying that he did pay her former master well as compensation. She knows and tells him that he need not worry, she can take of herself.
She speaks with the Quaesitors of it, but they say that intrigue and politics are part of the Order, and maybe she should get better at it? Feeling angry she leaves the Quaesitors and almost desires a confrontation with a Tremere. She needs not look long for it. Isabelle ex Tremere has noticed that Aurelia speaks often with the Merinita and is married to Corentin. She begins spreading rumours about Aurelia's weakness for Merinita magi, and that Corentin should watch out or she will leave him for an effeminate Merinita...oh wait...where's the difference? Furious, she prays, and receives what she believes to be a sign. She starts speaking (very, very discreetly) about the Diedne, and that they maybe were not all wrong. Knowing this will send the Tremere into a furious rage, Isabelle confronts her and challenges her to Certamen. Settling on Rego Imaginem, Aurelia feels rather confident. The match is overseen by the Tremere, Merinita, Bonisagi, Quaesitors and other interested. Illusions of themselves seem to constantly shift place, almost reaching the other part, but not quite. In the end Isabelle wins ever so slightly. Reeling with joy and arrogance she casts a powerful Rego Imaginem spell on Aurelia trapping her voice in a bag for a Moon.
Disgraced Aurelia sulks and cries. In a nightly dream, she is visited by the Archangels stating that she should be proud of her doings, and that she has had too little faith in herself lately. They comfort her and tells her that given time, Isabelle will learn of her faults of Pride.
After the spell has expired, Aurelia spends time with one of Gervais' Flambeau friends, who teaches her a little about the penetration abilities of his House. Knowing that she might get back at Isabelle. She casts Call to Slumber on her late one evening, then proceeds to knock her out even more. Laying an equally knocked out maid of hers naked in her arms, she departs and lets the scandal spread. And it does. Unfortunately Isabelle has an idea that she might be behind it. And the last week of Tribunal she makes little veiled threats which also spread through the Tribunal, marking her as even more doomed than at the last Tribunal.

Gain 5 xp in Parma Magica, gain 5xp in Penetration. New Parma Magica score 3 [14], new Penetration score: 1
Gain 5xp in Good Writer Reputation, gain 5xp in Doomed Reputation. New Good Write Reputation score: 1 [5], new Doomed Reputation score: 1 [5]

Season 3
Aurelia travels to Rhuys and speaks with Father Petreo and Mother Clotilde. Overjoyed that she is staying a whole season, Clotilde gives her the best guest room, and she participates in a memorial service for Hildegard von Bingen on the eve of her 7th death anniversary. Clotilde speaks highly of Hildegard and Aurelia listens fascinated – surely a woman, who was not limited by her sex!
Father Petreo introduces Aurelia for Matthew, a monk and scribe from England, who heard Aurelia sing the first time she was in Rhuys. He asks to write her music down, and she complies. Matthew is a pleasent fellow, who has a warm and earnest relationship with his faith. He practices love and caring, more than dogmatism and Aurelia begins to doubt whether she has been to prozelytising against herself.
Moving through the cold corridors, Aurelia senses that something is wrong, but all she sees is an older monk passing her by, silently mumbling a prayer and continuing towards the lavatory. Surprised Aurelia reaches out with her senses the next time she meets him, and is sure; the man is tainted. She talks with Father Petreo and Mother Clotilde about it, who express deep sorrow and anguish about this, asking Aurelia what to do? Would prayers suffice? Aurelia tries to keep her wits about her and tells them, that they need to leave three dead chickens outside his door. If the chicken feet are gone the next morning, they will know he is consorting with demons, since demons like chicken feet very much...
They do as told and report that indeed the chicken feet were missing. Aurelia gravely understands what she must do. She confronts the man and demands the demonic influence to leave. Laughing at her and with spittle in his mouth he groans and moans, makes obscene gestures and lewd remarks. Conjuring the light of the Archangels, Aurelia tries to drive the demonic influence away with Father Petreo and Mother Clotilde brandishing their crosses in the back ground. After hours of work, the monk cries out and falls to the ground, hopefully free of his taint. The monk dies shortly after from bodily exhaustion, and Aurelia walks the corridors at night trying to feel the presence of the Devil...only experiencing benigh energies. However Aurelia finds signs of the entrancing monk's doings or maybe his master. The old monk has a correspondance with someone, who sounds frightingly like the entrancing monk's master. Aurelia decides to investigate the matter further, when there is time for it.
She travels back to Falling Leaves after telling Father Petreo and Mother Clotilde about the Order of the Quartet and hearing their thoughts about it. They contribute several good cases of virtues to incorporate with the goals of the Order, and makes Aurelia think about the human-Order interaction that she had previously forgotten.

Gain 5xp in Sense Holiness and Unholiness, gain 5xp in Parma Magica. New Parma Magica score: 3 [19], new Sense Holiness and Unholiness Score: 1 [5]
[This constitutes 1 in every 12 Seasons dedicated to travel/adventure]

Season 4
Write Herbam Tractatus. ”Flora, Pagan Goddess, God's Creation” Qua 15 Superior binding, illumination and resonant materials
Gain 2 exposure xp in Profession: Scribe. New Profession scribe score: 1 [9]

[This constitutes Covenant Work for 1185+1186]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1186 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 5+2 [19]

Vis Stores: 8 pawns Vim, 3 pawns Imaginem, 2 pawns Corpus, 1 pawn Creo

Seeing as she is practically only lacking knowledge of the Air, Aurelia chooses wisely to gain knowledge about this Art.

Season 1
Read Weather and Air. Gain 11xp. New Auram score: 4 [1]

Season 2
Read Weather and Air. Gain 11xp. New Auram score: 6 [1]
Season 3
Read Weather and Air. Gain 11xp. New Auram score: 7[5]

Season 4
Read Weather and Air. Gain 11xp. New Auram score: 8[8]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1187 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 5+2 [23]

Vis Stores: 11 pawns Vim, 3 pawns Imaginem, 2 pawns Corpus, 1 pawn Creo

Being so consumed with Auram, Aurelia misses her grandson's birthday for which Argantael is very mad. Aurelia tries to mediate, but she sees that Argantael resents her. Talking with Corentin about it, he advices her to maybe take Argantael, Erwan and arxhur with them on a small vacation?
She arranges for them to follow her and Corentin on their yachting around the bay, and they drink wine together many a night in the moonlight. Never straying from her studies though, Argantael scolds her every now and then, but Aurelia reminds her that being a maga is a direction from the Archangels, and that she will prepare Argantael a longevity potion when the time comes. Argantael, always slightly vain and flighty, agrees that such is their agreement, and she begins to understand more of her mother's sacrifices.
Corentin and her plays out little parts with her being an eloped princess and he a mighty piratking (!). The grogs are a little astounded but plays along and get plenty to drink as well. They hold a small party for some local gentry, and Corentin presents Aurelia with a beautiful sapphire that he has saved up for. Aurelia promises that she will try and think of something to give him. Proclaiming that her downcast, demure gaze is all he desires, the grogs try to hide their disgust with the whimsical romance and steer the ship.
During the Summer, Quenelle and Rezir comes to visit, showing of what they have learned. Impressed with their abilities, Aurelia promises to send more gifts of candy and trinkets. Quenelle is growing into a pretty young lass and Rezir has a weird, but attractive androgynity around him. Corentin talks with them about finding a husband and a wife, but Aurelia stops him before he moves to far. Magi seldom marry after all. Rezir plays a lot with the stableboy Gwaen and Aurelia suspects that he is somehow wrong in the eyes of God. She determines to make a gender study, before it is too late.

Season 1
Read Weather and Air. Gain 11xp. New Auram score: 10

Season 2
Read Weather and Air. Gain 11xp. New Auram score: 11

Season 3
Read Weather and Air. Gain 11xp. New Auram score: 11 [11]

Season 4
Write an Auram Tractatus. ”Joy of Weather” Qua 15 Superior binding, illumination and resonant materials.
Gain 1exposure xp in Auram. Gain 1 exposure xp in Profession: Scribe. New Auram score: 12, New Profession: Scribe score: 2

[This constitutes Covenant Work for 1187+1188]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1188 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 5+2 [27]

Vis Stores: 14 pawns Vim, 3 pawns Imaginem, 3 pawns Corpus, 2 pawns Creo

Aurelia has become a valued member of the covenant and has a good marriage with Corentin. This year she oft wonders in what direction God and the Archangels will take her? She decides that from 1190 she will dedicate herself more to the plan the Archangels had for her, and try to make peace with her past.

Season 1
Read The Magical Use of Plants. Gain 13xp in Herbam. New Herbam score: 12

Season 2
Learn Spells. Creo Imaginem Laboratory total: 36. Learn Haunt of the Living Ghost CrIm(In) 35.
Gain 2x1,5 exposure xp in Imaginem. New Imaginem score: 9+3 [3]

Season 3
Experiencing vivid dreams and the Archangels speaking to her of the Order, she has so oft thought about, and so oft drawn up charters of organisation and philosophies for, they send her to Rhuys. Here she meets with a disillusioned youth names Brezir. Having lost his wife, she comforts him, wrapping herself in Imaginem spells. Calm and relaxed, he goes about his business, spreading the word of Aurelia's sweetness. Not many days after an old woman comes to her, and though sceptical of her seemingly flawed personality, she asks Aurelia if there is any hope for a woman with no family living of the welfare of her neighbours. Aurelia thinks hard about this and talks with her about the joys of God, and how they and the angels are allways there for people. Aurelia once again wraps herself in Imaginem and Mentem spells and comforts the woman. Crying with relief she walks away and talks with her neighbours about the pretty lady with the insight of a bishop. She is asked by two fishermen, if God will have a special place for them, since they are fishermen like the disciples. Saying that they should not expect preferential treatment simply for choosing their vocation, she goes with them on a fishing trip and walks on the water like Christ. Not knowing what she is proving, but feeling in her heart it is the right thing to do, the fishermen weep with joy and asks if she is the holy Mother Mary. She reclines, but says that the Archangels once saved her.
Slowly word spreads of her, unfortunately making a zealous priest called Father Claudius very, very curious about her.
He visits Rhuys and investigates, not knowing if Aurelia is a fraud, heretic, saint or something else entirely. Not accepting that a woman can do these miracles she might perform (Aurelia has only walked on water, and the fishermen only tells him, when he threatens them with purgatory), he gathers some men and sets out to get her. Fleeing into the nearby villages, she is haunted by Claudius. As word of her deeds have spread, and she often uses Imaginem and Mentem magics to appear more likeable, the common folk agree to take her in.This is not quite enough, as Claudius finds her. Sensing with her divine connection to God, she feels that Claudius is actually a righteous man, which saddens her, as she would like for him to understand her call. Instead he tries to get to her, but as in Vannes, she chooses to cast an Imaginem spell which makes her appear like an angel. The common folk rally to her and drive Claudius away.
Knowing this is not the last she has seen of him, she promises the villagepeople that she will return, but for now God has other plans for her, and that they MUST keep quiet about this! They agree, and all try to touch her robe as she wanders back to Father Petreo and Mother Clotilde.

Gain 1xp in Parma Magica, gain 5xp in Sense Holiness and Unholiness, gain 4x1,5 xp in Imaginem. New Parma Magica score: 4, New Sense Holiness and Unholiness score: 2, New Imaginem score: 9+3 [9]
Gain 5 xp in Avatar of the Angels Reputation, new Avatar of the Angels Reputation score: 1

[This constitutes 1 in every 12 Seasons dedicated to travel/adventure]

Season 4
Learn Spells. Muto Imaginem Laboratory total: 34. Learn Image Phantom MuIm20 and Notes of a Delightful Sound MuIm10.
Gain 2x1,5 exposure xp in Imaginem. New Imaginem score: 10+3 [2]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1188 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 6+2 [1]

Vis Stores: 17 pawns Vim, 3 pawns Imaginem, 3 pawns Corpus, 2 pawns Creo

Changes after 15 years:

Aurelia's Warping after 15 years: 2 [4]

Aurelia's Aging rolls:
Aging total: -6
(Age: +5, Living conditions: -2 Covenant, -2 Health from Lab, -7 Longevity potion)

1185: 8-6= 2, Nothing happens
1186: 4-6= -2, Nothing happens
1187: 9-6= 3, Nothing happens (Due to Unaging virtue)
1188: 3-6= -3, Nothing happens
1189: 3-6= -3, Nothing happens

Vis after 15 years:
Vis Stores: 17 pawns Vim, 3 pawns Imaginem, 3 pawns Corpus, 2 pawns Creo

Books written:
Tractatus on Muto ”Known Changes in the World of Our Lord” Qua. 15 Superior binding, Illumination and good scribing
Tractatus on Dominion Lore ”Accepting the Love of Angels” Qua. 15 Superior binding, illumination and good scribing
Summae on Infernal Lore ”Standing on Rooftops, how to aim for a Demon” Lvl 2, Qua 16 Superior binding, illumination and resonant materials
Tractatus on Church Lore ”My Insights into Rhuys” Qua 15 Superior binding, illumination and good scribing
Tractatus on Vim ”My Thoughts on the Delicate Threads of Magic” Qua 15 Superior binding, illumination and good scribing
Tractatus on Magic Theory ”De Mysteriis” Qua 15 Superior binding, illumination and good scribingHer correspondance letters, to be determined if they are published yet.
Herbam Tractatus ”Flora, Pagan Goddess, God's Creation” Qua. 15 Superior binding, illumination and good scribing
Auram Tractatus. ”Joy of Weather” Qua 15. Superior binding, illumination and good scribing

Good Writer 1 [5]
Doomed 1 [5]
Avatar of the Angels 1

Aurelia Ex Bonisagus - age: 47
Int +3 Pre +3
Per +1 Com +3
Sta 0 Dex 0
Str -3 Qui -3

Serene +2, Melancholic +1, Love of God +2

Minor Magical Forcus (Certamen)

1 Arcane Lore
1 Good Teacher
1 Puissant Magic Theory
1 Unaging
1 Sense Holiness and Unholiness
1 Affinity with Order of the Quartet Lore
1 Affinity with Dominion Lore
1 Personal Vis Source: Vim
1 Puissant Imaginem
1 Affinity with Imaginem

1 Enemies - Tremere
1 Covenant Upbringing
3 Dark Secret
1 Pious (minor)
1 Temperate
3 True Love

Aurelia's Abilities after 15 years
Artes Liberales: Astronomy 1
Breton: Polite conversation 5
Charm: First Impression 1
Church Lore: Rhuys 1
Civil and Canon Law: Women's Rights 1
Code of Hermes: Quaesitorial Rights 1
Concentration: Maintaining spells 1
Dominion Lore: Angels 4 [7]
Etiquette: Magi 1
Intrigue: Alliances 1
Folk Ken: Sensing Motives 1
Guile: Elaborating on the Truth 1
Latin: Hermetic 5
Faerie Lore: Pacts and Bargains 2
Finesse: Imaginem 1
Infernal Lore: Demons 4 [4]
Magic Lore: Arthurian Legends 2
Magic Theory: Imaginem 6+2 [1]
Music: Singing 1
Normandy Tribunal Lore: Covenants 3
Order of Hermes Lore: Famous Magi 1
Order of the Quartet Lore: Initiations 2
Parma Magica: Mentem 4
Penetration: Ignem 1
Philosophiae: Moral Philosophy 1
Profession Scribe: Swift coyping 2
Sense Holiness and Unholiness 2
Theology: Dangerous Knowledge 1

Arts after 15 years

Creo 6
Intellego 7
Muto 5
Perdo 5
Rego 11

Animal 9 [6]
Aquam 8 [8]
Auram 12
Corpus 8
Herbam 12
Ignem 9 [8]
Imaginem 10+3 [2]
Mentem 8 [2]
Terram 10 [2]
Vim 10

Spells after 15 years:

Bind Wound CrCo10
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body CrCo20.
The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch CrCo20

Flash of the Scarlet Flames CrIg15
Lamp Without Flame CrIg10

Aura of Ennobled Presence MuIm10.
Disuguise of the Transformed Image MuIm15
Haunt of the Living Ghost CrIm(In) 35
Notes of a Delightful Sound MuIm10
Phantom MuIm20
Prying Eyes InIm5
Summoning the Distant Image InIm25.

Aura of Rightful Authority ReMe20
Calm the Motion of the Heart PeMe15
Ring of Warding against Spirits ReMe15
The Call to Slumber ReMe10

Gather the Essence of the Beast ReVi15
Scales of the Magical Weight InVi5
Sense the Nature of Vis InVi5

Please disregard the notes on Correpondance, it will be changed when we have the final verdict :wink:


Having had her extraordinary experiences with the Archangels, and having already tried to formulate her thoughts about how this could expressed into Hermetic Theory and organisation, Aurelia begins to experiment with how various sacrifices to the Archangels might lead her to stunning new discoveries.

Season 1
Initation work
Gain 4x1,5 practice xp in Order of the Quartet Lore. New Order of the Quartet lore: 2 [6]

Season 2
Initation work
Gain 4x1,5 practice xp in Order of the Quartet Lore. New Order of the Quartet lore: 2 [12]

Season 3
Initation work
Gain 4x1,5 practice xp in Order of the Quartet Lore. New Order of the Quartet lore: 3 [3]

Season 4
Write an Aquam Tractatus. ”The Naiad's Vision” Qua 12 Superior binding, illumination and Scribing
Gain 2 exposure xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 6+2 [3]

[This constitutes Covenant Work for 1189+1190]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1190 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 6+2 [7]

Vis Stores: 20 pawns Vim, 3 pawns Imaginem, 3 pawns Corpus, 2 pawns Creo, 1 pawn Intellego, 1 pawn Ignem

Aurelia's doodles for her familiar are more and more often leaning towards a bird. She settles on trying to search for one, but knows it can take years to find the right one. She talks with the huntsmen of the covenant about how the animal population of the area is. They tell her that small rodents, waterfowl, smaller types of deer and the occasional wolf or boar is seen. Regarding waterfowl and birds she questions them, but they don't really give her any interesting answers. Having a robin would...'cute'...but would it feel right? Being a little torn between having an interesting familiar and one that feels right, Aurelia thinks about one of her experienced a couple of years back. The canary! It had a beautiful song and seemed very intelligent. It might be that the one she heard ans saw back then actually was a magical creature, but it could be interesting to find out more about them.
Researching in between her reading, she finds out they originate from a small island chain south of the Almohad Empire, beyond the Pillars of Morning. Feeling her gut make a twist (What a far away place) she considers a journey there. What would be the odds of another magus having a canary. Maybe there would be other bonuses? Vis? Has any tribunal claimed the islands? So much to research!

Season 1
Read Concerning Living Beasts. Gain 17xp in Animal. New Animal score: 11[2]

Season 2
Read Concerning Living Beasts. Gain 17xp in Animal. New Animal score: 12 [7]

Season 3
Read Second Flames. Gain 16xp in Ignem. New Ignem score: 11 [3]

Season 4
Read Minerals and Stones. Gain 19xp in Terram. New Terram score: 11 [10]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1191 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 6+2 [11]

Vis Stores: 23 pawns Vim, 3 pawns Imaginem, 3 pawns Corpus, 2 pawns Creo, 1 pawn Intellego, 1 pawn Ignem

Aurelia can not really let go of her thoughts about a familiar, but realises that an impromptu journey here and now would not be to beneficient. Besides eventhough she has been educating herself on Animal magic, there are other considerations. Having a familiar is very intimate, and she needs for Corentin to understand that she of course loves him very dearly. During the spring she invites him out for a picnic, ready to pop the big question.
She serves him his favourite rhubarb pie and tells him that she is going to take a familiar soon. He stops the spoon carving through the mush. Looking away he closes his eyes. He tells her, that she knows how he feels about a third wheel like that. Aurelia promises him that a familiar would not make her love him any less, but that it is important for her to connect more deeply with her magic. She pours some wine and starts walking towards a small brook near them.
She tells of the little bird she saw those years back of its plumage and beautiful song. How she feels it looked at her and it felt just right. Corentin chides her for showing more care for a bird than her own grandson. Having opened the ball, she asks him what he thinks shall become of the seems...odd. He nods, sighs and tells her that his concerns are only because he loves her so much. She lifts her hand and the light reflects on her wedding ring. She asks him if she has ever given him cause to worry about her fidelity? He concedes that she hasn't and that she will hardly try to commit beastiality with a bird...agreeing that taking a familiar is not an act of infidelity (She needs to check with Mother Clotilde though) she invites him with her beyond the Pillars of the Morning.

Season 1
Read Ruminations of Pure Magic. Gain 10xp in Vim. New Vim score: 10 [10]

Season 2
Read Concerning Living Beasts. Gain 17xp in Animal. New Animal score: 13 [11]

Season 3
Aurelia travels to Rhuys and visits Mother Clotilde. Having aged somewhat she and Father Petreo are still very much active, but are showing signs of going to God within a decade or two. Aurelia discusses acts of infidelity with Mother Clotilde and tells of her plans to travel far away to seek a bird from beyond the Pillars of Morning. Looking at her with great wonder, Clotilde listens to her ideas and thoughts. Clotilde tells her in return that after having consecrated the infernal niché there has been little trouble, but there is one thing that concerns her. Claudius. Aurelia shivers at his name. Why does he vex her? Clotilde tells her to come with her to her study.
In Mother Clotilde's study Aurelia reads a publicly distributed notice regarding witches and fey people. Information about them are to be given to Father Claudius in Vannes. Aurelia asks if Bishop Gregory knows of this? To which Clotilde does not know the answer.
Pondering what to do, Aurelia decides to return to Falling Leaves and pick up some grogs. She tells them how the situation is and that she doesn't know what will happen in Vannes. They agree to go with her and bestow her utmost thanks to them.
In Vannes a sorrowful sight meets them. About a dozen people are strung up in cages to small to fit them. Several burnt out bonfires are placed outside the city walls and at a road intersection two gallows are displaying two young girls in peasent's clothes.
Extending her divine senses, she feels that there is a battle going on between good and evil, that there are insidious energies at work. Drawing the cross over her bossom, they continue onwards to the house of Bishop Gregory. Giving a grog a letter to him with the explicit instructions that it is for his eyes only, she settles into a small in with the other two grogs. Here she can hear about the campaign of terror which has been waged, and which has apparently only spread fear and terror. The innkeeper is fervently cleaning his jugs and the guests seem sullen and withdrawn except for the odd cryout about this or that rumour. Evidently Claudius came about two weeks ago and agitated the town into a melting pot of rumour mongering, hatred, settling old scores and death.
Concerned that Cludius might have fallen to evil for real, Aurelia looks up as the last grog enters perplexed at his empty eyes. He tells her that some sort of magic was worked on him, but that it was difficult to say when and where. He remembers giving Gregory the letter, and has received one back, but from there.... Aurelia reads the letter, saying that she can meet thim at the hour of midnight in a cellar under the Church of Immaculate Conception.
Pondering her options, she says to the grogs that she will need one of them to go with her. Ywaine volunteers and at midnight they creep into the cellars. Gregory awaits them with a youg novice. He almost cries when he sees her. He tells her that Claudius is acting of his own mandate, but that he has brought quite a few men-at-arms and other priests, maybe garnered from Normandy or Anjou. His fanaticism has brought about the execution of no less that 82 people so far and there is no sign of him stopping. She comforts him and tells him that God probably has a plan for them, but that it might be the devil, who is controlling Claudius. At this Gregory freezes. Does she really think so? But what if the witches...? He looks apologetic at her. It is just that...witches and is probably right. He knew several of the now deceased, and their charges were highly suspicious and more accusations born of jealousy. Aurelia tells Gregory that if she can come close enough to Claudius, she can feel whether his actions are divine or infernal. Gregory tells her of a secret passageway running betwixt two rooms he inhabits, where it is possible to enter the walls from a third place and look at him through a cunningly crafted opening. Would this be enough. Assuring him it is, Aurelia asks him to go now.
In the walls Aurelia sees Claudius pooring over several letters, attended by nonem but with a crow sitting on a stand near him. Could he himself be a magus? Tapping a letter he speaks to the crow, about how is plans are nearing fruition, and how this maga will soon be driven out of hiding. Hearing his description, Aurelia knows it to be her. Extending her senses, she feels that there is indeed an infernal presence in the room, but it is emanating from the crow, not Claudius! At that moment the crow speaks, and its voice is so raspy and chill that Aurelia's legs almost buckle under her. It tells that a cooperation between Heaven and Hell will be good, that destroying the magi to feed the Devil will please God and raise Claudius to Heaven upon his death.
Telling the Grog that they need to enter quickly with her casting a spell on the crow and Ywaine knocking out Claudius, she leaves the wall and faces the door leading into the study. As she opens it, Claudius is facing her with a smitj upon his face. Telling her that he knew she was there all along he flings hellfire at her, which bounces of her Parma. Annoyed at this he starts an invocation. Ywained rushes forward to strike him down, but is stopped by the lashing of shadowy wings from the crow. Aurelia, knowing that this might be too much for her to handle, but not wishing to have the people of Vannes hurt anymore, calls upon the spark of Gabriel and summons divine fire to purge the infernal from the crow. Shrieking in agony, the crow is blasted with divine energies as Claudius invocation is finished and his skin turns reddish, his aspergilium turns into a morning star and a smell of sulphur creeps into the room. As the demon now resides in him, having a human body to inhabit, it reaches towards Ywaine and crushed his skull with his bare hands. Horrified, Aurelia scrambles backwards, crying out why it is doing it. The reason is power of course, power and homage to the devil. The demon is willing to strike a bargain with Aurelia; as a vessel of the Archangels she is appropriate for a fall like an Angel from Heaven to Hell. He offers succor and the power to wield over a thousand demons.
Feeling in her heart that the demon is after all speaking some truths about her longing for a loving, caring parent figure, she knows that she can never betray Corentin like this. He would definately never give up on her. Feeling her heart grow warm inside her, she unleashes her magic once more trying to sear the Demon from the tapestry of life. Halfway succeding, it releases its hold on Claudius and hovers around him as a crow borne of a miasma. My work is done for now it says, but we will meet again. It leaves and Aurelia is standing amidst a room scattered with blood and pain. She quickly runs to Gregory and tells him what has happened. Claudius should be shackled and cleansed, if possible. She will then return to Rhuys and deal with this experience. Gregory concedes, but warns her that Claudius is quite powerful, and that he will surely be vindicated.

Gain 5xp in Sense Holiness and Unholiness. Gain 5xp in Infernal Lore. New Sense Holiness and Unholiness score: 2 [5], new Infernal Lore score: 4 [9]

[This constitutes 1 in every 12 Seasons dedicated to travel/adventure]

Season 4
Write a Terram Tractatus ”Index of Quality Materials” Qua 12 Superior binding, illumination and scribing.
Gain 2 exposure xp in Terram. New Terram score: 12

[This constitutes Covenant Work for 1191+1192]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1192 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 6+2 [15]

Vis Stores: 26 pawns Vim, 3 pawns Imaginem, 3 pawns Corpus, 2 pawns Creo, 2 pawns Intellego, 2 pawns Ignem


Season 1
Read Ruminations of Pure Magic. Gain 10xp in Vim. New Vim score: 11 [9]

Season 2
Once more Aurelia is at tribunal! This Tribunal is more tolerable however. Words of her deeds in Vannes has spread, slowly and not far, but far enough that several older magi publicly thank her, which sends several Tremere into an instant sulking mood. Some younger Tytali are eager to talk with her about stadning face to face with a demon, but considering her bad experience with Tytali, she excuses herself and goes to speak with Angelus. She tells him of her thoughts about exploring the possibilities of divine magic and he seems but interested and hesitant. He is willing to join a group of such magi however as this is also very much where is own research has led him. Thrilled Aurelia discusses her findings so far. They agree that he should visit in the winter, where she will teach him more of her findings.
At the Tribunal, she also speaks with a few redcaps and several of the more scholarly magi and expresses and interest in purchasing several books. She asks for them to find her four very good Imaginem Tractatii (All Qua 15) and a Creo Summae (Lvl 13, Qua 16) and gives them the Vim Vis for it.
Finally Isabelle ex Tremere is 'loose' again, this time she has ravaged Aurelia's tent while she was away (At least she suspects it was her, no hard evidence). Not knowing exactly what to do about her, Aurelia decides to try and smoothtalk her apprentice Finnegan. It works relatively well, as her reputation as a demon slayer supercedes her. Finnegan will not betray his mater she knows, but carefully speaking with him, she learns a little somewhat about Isabelle's Certamen abilities and tricks. Knowing she is not yet strong enough to best her, Aurelia stays on the low and plans her scathing defeat of Isabelle for the next Tribunal.

Gain 3xp in Animal. Gain 3xp in Vim. Gain 3xp in Teaching. Gain 1xp in Aquam. New Animal score: 14, New Vim score: 12, new Teaching score: 0 [3], new Aquam score: 9

Gain 5xp in Demonslayer reputation, gain 5xp in Avatar of the Angels reputation.
New Demonslayer reputation: 1, Avatar of the Angels reputation: 1 [5]

Season 3
Read Second Flames. Gain 16xp in Ignem. New Ignem score: 12

Season 4
Teach Angelus Order of the Quartet Lore.
Gain 2 exposure xp in Teaching. New Teaching score: 1

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1193 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 6+2 [19]

-29 pawns of Vim Vis.

Vis Stores: 3 pawns Imaginem, 3 pawns Corpus, 2 pawns Creo, 2 pawns Intellego, 2 pawns Ignem


This is a relatively uninteresting year for Aurelia. After much having happened these last years, she enjoys a quite year in the laboratory. However she gains the following books ordered:

Creo: From North to South, East to West: An excellent view on Creation throughout time. Summae lvl 13, Qua 16.
Imaginem: Species of Everyday Life. Tractatus Qua 15. Dreams of Beauty. Tractatus Qua 15. Illumination and Shadows. Tractatus Qua 15. Music and how we can change its sonorous sounds. Tractatus Qua 15.

Season 1
Learn Spells. Creo Auram lab total: 37. Learn Charge of the Angry Winds CrAu15 and Circling Winds of Protection CrAu(Re)20.
Gain 2 exposure xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 6+2 [21]

Season 2
Learn Spells. Intellego Corpus lab total: 33. Learn Physician's Eye InCo5, Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh InCo10 and Whispers Through the Black Gate InCo(Me)15
Gain 2 exposure xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 6+2 [23]

Season 3
Learn Spells. Creo Mentem lab total: 32. Learn Words of the Unbroken Silence CrMe10 and Memory of the Distant Dream CrMe20
Gain 2 exposure xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 6+2 [25]

Season 4
Write a Creo Tractatus ”Fertility Rites and Creations from the Platonic Realm” Qua 12 Superior binding, illumination and scribing.
Gain 2 exposure xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 6+2 [27]

[This constitutes Covenant Work for 1193+1194]

Aurelia Corresponds all of 1194 on Magic Theory. Gain 4 correspondance xp in Magic Theory. New Magic Theory score: 6+2 [31]

Vis Stores: 3 pawns Vim, 3 pawns Imaginem, 3 pawns Corpus, 2 pawns Creo, 2 pawns Intellego, 1 pawn Rego, 2 pawns Ignem, 1 pawn Mentem

Changes after 20 years:

Aurelia's Warping after 20 years: 2 [11]

Aurelia's Aging rolls:
Aging total: -6 (-5 in 1193 due to becoming 51)
(Age: +5, Living conditions: -2 Covenant, -2 Health from Lab, -7 Longevity potion)
Decrepitude: 0 [1] second roll in 1193 third roll in1193

1190: 10-6= 4, Nothing happens due to Unaging virtue
1191: 7-6= 1, Nothing happens
1192: 10-6= 4, Nothing happens due to Unaging virtue
1193: 1,1,5=20-5= Gain 1 experience point in Decrepitude and no Aging point due to Unaging virtue
1194: 5-5= 0, Nothing happens

Vis stores after 20 years:
Vis Stores: 3 pawns Vim, 3 pawns Imaginem, 3 pawns Corpus, 2 pawns Creo, 2 pawns Intellego, 1 pawn Rego, 2 pawns Ignem, 1 pawn Mentem, 20 pawns abstract Vis

Books written between 15-20years:

Aquam Tractatus ”The Naiad's Vision” Qua 12 Superior binding, illumination and scribing
Terram Tractatus ”Index of Quality Materials” Qua 12 Superior binding, illumination and scribing
Creo Tractatus ”Fertility Rites and Creations from the Platonic Realm” Qua 12 Superior binding, illumination and scribing
Her correspondance letters, to be determined if they are published yet.

Good Writer 1 [5]
Doomed 1 [5]
Avatar of the Angels 1 [5]
Demonslayer 1

Aurelia's Abilities after 20 years
Artes Liberales: Astronomy 1
Breton: Polite conversation 5
Charm: First Impression 1
Church Lore: Rhuys 1
Civil and Canon Law: Women's Rights 1
Code of Hermes: Quaesitorial Rights 1
Concentration: Maintaining spells 1
Dominion Lore: Angels 4 [7]
Etiquette: Magi 1
Intrigue: Alliances 1
Folk Ken: Sensing Motives 1
Guile: Elaborating on the Truth 1
Latin: Hermetic 5
Faerie Lore: Pacts and Bargains 2
Finesse: Imaginem 1
Infernal Lore: Demons 4 [9]
Magic Lore: Arthurian Legends 2
Magic Theory: Imaginem 6+2 [31]
Music: Singing 1
Normandy Tribunal Lore: Covenants 3
Order of Hermes Lore: Famous Magi 1
Order of the Quartet Lore: Initiations 3 [3]
Parma Magica: Mentem 4
Penetration: Ignem 1
Philosophiae: Moral Philosophy 1
Profession Scribe: Swift coyping 2
Sense Holiness and Unholiness 2 [5]
Teaching: One-on-one 1
Theology: Dangerous Knowledge 1

Arts after 20 years

Creo 6
Intellego 7
Muto 5
Perdo 5
Rego 11

Animal 14
Aquam 9
Auram 12
Corpus 8
Herbam 12
Ignem 12
Imaginem 10+3 [2]
Mentem 8 [2]
Terram 12
Vim 12

Spells after 20 years:

Charge of the Angry Winds CrAu15
Circling Winds of Protection CrAu(Re)20

Bind Wound CrCo10
Gentle Touch of the Purified Body CrCo20
Physician's Eye InCo5
Revealed Flaws of the Mortal Flesh InCo10
The Chirurgeon's Healing Touch CrCo20
Whispers Through the Black Gate InCo(Me)15

Flash of the Scarlet Flames CrIg15
Lamp Without Flame CrIg10

Aura of Ennobled Presence MuIm10.
Disuguise of the Transformed Image MuIm15
Haunt of the Living Ghost CrIm(In) 35
Notes of a Delightful Sound MuIm10
Phantom Image MuIm20
Prying Eyes InIm5
Summoning the Distant Image InIm25.

Aura of Rightful Authority ReMe20
Calm the Motion of the Heart PeMe15
Memory of the Distant Dream CrMe20
Ring of Warding against Spirits ReMe15
The Call to Slumber ReMe10
Words of the Unbroken Silence CrMe10

Gather the Essence of the Beast ReVi15
Scales of the Magical Weight InVi5
Sense the Nature of Vis InVi5