Auscon : 1 May

Just in case anyone else is going, I'll be at AusCon on 1 May. I'll be running a session of Escape to the Tin Islands, my Ars Simplified adventure that I'm still writing on my blog, and be playing in a couple of other sessions.

You must be in the Demonstration Games section.

Does not appear to be a list of what Demo Games are on offer.
Sadly , there is nothing else on the programme at AusCon that would justify the expense of going.

This is Mark from AUSCON.

This upcoming event in May is mainly aimed at Tabletop games, board games and card games. However, we will be running a roleplay event in early October, with details to be announced. In the mean time, we will be running a smaller "taster" event for roleplayers at AUSCON to help tie you over :slight_smile:

There will however be over 60 board games, as well as a selection of 10 RPG's available on Sunday, May 1st.

If you do have any queries, please feel free to contact me at and I'm sure the trip would be well worthwhile to the event!


Double Post :slight_smile:

Yes, I'm one of the 10 rpgs (I think its 10 tables of RPGs, but each table will have people swapping about, so the hope is to offer 30 sessions. Ars Simplified is the only one I've volunteered for, but if there are a lack of GMs, I may also run...Leverage or something.)