Beginning Lab Texts

You (re-)invent the spell even when taught by a teacher. So a lab text will be created in that case too.

Even when you learn a spell from a teacher,
it is your Wizard’s Sigil that manifests in your
version; you actually invent the spell yourself,
but with constant guidance from the teacher.


Learning Spells from a Teacher is a still lab activity. It allows the magus to create new effects (invent spells). Ergo, lab texts for those spells are created.


Spells give similar spell bonus for enchanting.

A spell known by the enchanter gives similar spell bonus to enchanting that effect into an item. A spell lab text, however, does not provide any benefit to enchanting a similar effect into an item.

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Wax tablets are easily erasable/reusable. I can see a parens getting their apprentice to create lab texts on such "cheap" media.

I have previously considered lab texts to be more permanent. I may have to think about the ramifications of transitory texts.

How about alchemical texts then?