Between Sand & Sea now in PDF!

If you visit the product page for Between Sand & Sea: Mythic Africa, you'll note the buy now and download buttons are live!

Look for a new PDF every month from now until the very end. Next up in December: Through the Aegis.

Whoops! Looks like we were faster on the draw than Warehouse 23. Stay tuned. Give them about 24 hours to update their pages.

Bitter sweet. Bitter sweet.

It's definitely working now... :smiley:

I don't recall having much in the way of cutfiles to load onto my blog or contribute to Sub Rosa for this one... but make sure you check out the latest issue of Sub Rosa for extra Provencal material.

I think anything extra ended up be handed over to the "Lands of the Nile" authors (ie everyone who wrote this supplement minus me as I didn't have time to contribute) as at one stage we had a lot of material which could have gone in either supplement.


Mentally, I still think of them as one book.

We did have all that stuff about the Songhai, though. That was...thousands of words? A bit of the Sundiata stuff made it through, but not much.

[Added later: yep, I have 4000 words of Wangarian material. Seriously, if the line had not...changed form...then I'd be pitching the Epic of Sundiata now.]

Yeah, it was one creative brainstorm a while back, eh?

I'd forgotten about the Songhai / Wangaran stuff - I always thought that was pretty cool. We captured some of the minor elements but the whole dragon aspect and possible link to Trianoma etc was something I would like to see the light of day somehow. Even if you dumped it as is into Sub Rosa sometime it would be good to have it out there - after all these years, your Mythic Cathay material is still very inspiring and gets referenced.

Hope you and the family are otherwise well.

Yeah, it was one creative brainstorm a while back, eh?

I'd forgotten about the Songhai / Wangaran stuff - I always thought that was pretty cool. We captured some of the minor elements but the whole dragon aspect and possible link to Trianoma etc was something I would like to see the light of day somehow. Even if you dumped it as is into Sub Rosa sometime it would be good to have it out there - after all these years, your Mythic Cathay material is still very inspiring and gets referenced.

Hope you and the family are otherwise well.

Yes thanks. My various medical issues cleared up when I lost 25 kilos, and my son has just turned one. He's average height for an eighteen month old, and he eats tremendously, so I have joked with my wife he may be a tiny Nephilim (although he has only five fingers per hand, so...) I do call him a tiny giant, which he seems to appreciate.

He can't talk coherently yet, but he speaks baby sign, so it looks like he is casting spells when he wants to communicate. He doesn't have a word for me yet ("father" is a double handed, two gesture, sign in Australia...FF), but last week when my wife thought he was asking where his sister was, he went to his book shelf, pulled out a copy of "Higher! Higher!" pointed to the daddy in it, and then signalled "Where?" so he's clearly aware of the word, even if he can't articulate it. We may get him to use D instead of the official sign, because his sister calls me "Dad" so FF doesn't make a heap of sense. So, basically he's growing like a weed.

I so should write a book where BSL is the thing that lets you cast spells. I've been meaning to for literally years, but I just have the concept, not the characters.

(To the people who have not met me, I have some Chinese ancestors, so I'm really short by Australian standards. Not hobbit short, but short enough that it looks like my kids are going to be taller than me by the time they are teens.)

Hope all's well with you?

Haha yes, although I'll PM you as we seem to have got off topic. I will add that you are much too tall for a hobbit my friend. :slight_smile:

BSL as who you cast magic is an intriguing idea though!