booklet for Characters

It's probably too much for me to use, but i like it anyway, nice idea. Now that i've been nice, time to be nasty :smiling_imp:
The characteristics section has a "t" missing from strength. (same under aging points, and encumbrance)
In the section on body levels, there shouldn't be boxes for hurt (no such thing in 5th edition).
On weapon calculation, dmg is misspelled as deg.

the grimoire
formulaic magic spell calculation has forme instead of form.
same page, Détermining efffect. no "é" ,just "e" and only 2 "f"'s
spell descriptions. technique instead of technic. or was the deliberate?
familiar. no hurt boxes needed.
(ok, this may be just me, but on the tradition/cult bit, the "D" looks wrong. maybe it's just me)

for 80+ pages, that seems like a surprising small list of spelling mistakes. I either missed a lot, or you did a very good job catching them as you went.

you're not nasty Baron...Your comments are really useful...Thanks
I'll make corrections this evening.



thanks for the great work. I really appreciate it!
And know I want to be nasty as well :wink:

On page 3:
Intellego not Intelligo

Maybe it would make sense to include the three other bonds for fairy familiars ...


i don't remember in witch book i can find the rules...Can you remember me ?

Fairy Familiar rules are found in HoH: Mystery Cults pages 88-91.

Of course I can :slight_smile:

HoH Mystery Cults, in the Merinita chapter. I don't have the page ready nor the the names of these cords. One was the lead cord but I don't recall the other two.


Tin and Iron.

The same alternate cords are also, I believe, used for Theurgic and Spirit familiars as well adding to the usefulness.

ok, i'll do my best to add these rules...A bit difficult to add all rules...They tend to increase more and more...At last i won't have to add the rules for the theurgy part :wink:

That's always the problem and the reason I meant: maybe it would make sense ...
I just thought that there is still place for the three special cords.



the sheets are updates. I remember the links :
The Grimoire : ... ire-en.pdf
The Wizard and Companion Booklet : ... AM5-en.pdf
The grog booklet :

Have fun...


Once again awesome job! Thanks!

On a purely aesthetic note however, I would just point out that the heading "Warping" on page 7 isn't centered properly, and on page 12 you could probably pull "Season" and "Activity" back one tab space (or whatever necessary) to bring the column headings into line with the start of the lines in each column.

Perhaps Im too much of a perfectionist lol.

argggg... :wink:

Hello all,

I've moved the booklets. You'll be able to find them here now :

The grogs :
The Magus'Grimoire :
The Magus and companions :

Have fun...


Thanks. :slight_smile:

Would it be also possible to have the source file please ?

The link doesn't work for me. Is it still there?

The links above work. The link on the 1st page does not.

The link for the grogs doesn't work for me either.

@jebrick: Ah, yes they do.

and oh, pretty!

got them!

And the grogs can be found here: