Calendeau the Carver ex Verditius

Concept: a carver from house Verditius who hates his house's acts of hubris and wants to become the house leader to fight hubris. His ability to cast formulaic magic is mostly destroyed, but he's good at sponting and at making items.

Calendeau, 8pg

Birth place: Paris
Apprentice Covenant: Flores
Parens: Rhesus
1 trial from your Gauntlet: stole his master's casting tools to secretly practice spellcasting, about a year from gauntlet. Went wrong and damaged his spellcasting ability permanently. He then focused on using spontaneous spells more. His gauntlet was a carved cradle to put a crying baby to sleep.

Characteristics: Str +2, Sta +2, Int +2, Per 0, Com 0, Pre 0, Dex +1, Qik -2
Age: 33 (33)
Decreptitude: 0
Warping Score: 0(0)
Confidence Score: 1(3)
The Gift; Hermetic Magus
Verditius Magic
Life-linked spontaneous magic
Cyclic magic (winter and spring)
Inventive Genius
Minor magical focus (wood)
Personal Vis Source (Herbam)
Puissant Craft
Puissant Magic Theory
Skilled Parens

Primogeniture Lineage
Unstructured Caster
Driven (Major: Lead the House away from its path of Hubris)
Humble (minor personlity) NOTE: This minor flaw means that he cannot be initiated into house Mysteries using the normal scripts
Bound Casting Tools
Consumed Casting Tools

Personality traits: Careful +2, Humble +3, Driven to reform House Verditius +3
Reputation: Primogeniture Lineage 2

Soak: 2
Fatigue levels: ok, 0, -1, -3, -5, Unconscious
Wound Penalties: -1 (1-5), -3 (6-10), -5 (11-15), Incapacitated (16-20), dead (21+)
French (Paris dialect) 5
Athletics (sprinting) 1
Awareness (alertness) 1
Charm (magi) 1
Folk Ken (magi) 1
Guile (about magic) 1
Stealth (moving silently) 2
Swim (under water) 1
Craft: woodworking (carving) 5+2
Latin (hermetic) 4
Magic Theory (enchanting) 5+2
Parma Magica (Ignem) 1
Order of Hermes Lore (House Verditius) 1
Code of Hermes (magic items) 4
Concentration (maintaining spells) 1
Single Weapon (Staff) 1
Artes Liberales (rhetorics) 1
Philosophy (Verditius Runes) 1
Bargain (Magic Items) 1
Profession: Scribe (carefully) 1
Intrigue (magi) 1
Leadership (lab) 1
Etiquette (magi) 1
Craft: Taylor (men's garments in the French style) 1

Sigil: without haste

Cr 6, Int 6, Mu 8, Pe 8, Re 8, An 6, Aq 5, Au 6, Co 5, He 6, Im 6, Ig 6, Im 6, Me 8, Te 6, Vim 6

Demon’s Eternal Oblivion PeVi10
Sap the Griffin’s Strength PeVi10
Dreadful Bane of the Fae PeVi10
Call to Slumber ReMe10
One League Stride ReCo25 (like Seven League Stride, but shorter)
Aura of Rightful authority ReMe20
Doublet of Impenetrable Silk MuAn15
Gathering Essence of the Beast ReVi 15
Edge of the Razor MuTe20
Hands of the grasping Earth Re(Mu)Te15

Year 1, winter: Read Creo book-->Creo 0 to 6
Year 1, spring: Read Vim book -->Vim 0 to 6
Year 1, summer: 3 pawns of Vim Vis gained from personal Vis Source; 10xp gained-->Parma 1 to 2
Year 1, fall: reads Corpus summa -->Co 0 to 5

Year 2, winter: Create minor magical item "Impenetrable Robes"; Aura 5 + Craft 2 + Int 2 + Inv gen 3 + cyclic 3 + 4 shape clothing + Mu 8 + An 6 = +33; exposure: 2xp MT (2p of Vis used)
Year 2, spring: Create minor magical item "Water-repellent scarf"; Aura 5 + Craft 2 + Int 2 + Inv gen 3 + cyclic 3 + 4 shape clothing + Mu 8 + Aq 0 = +27; exposure: 2xp Aq (1 p of Vis used)
Year 2, summer: Reads Intellego summa; 21xp: In from 0 to 6 (3p of Vim Vis gained)
Year 2, fall: Read the herbam summa; 21xp: He from 0 to 6

Year 3, winter:Create and open staff for 9p of vis using 1p of vis (thanks a lot to the Verditius Vis discount); 2xp gained in MT; (Vis total: 2)
Year 3, spring: read Ignem Summa; 21xp: Ignem 0 to 6
Year 3, summer: Read Imaginem Summa 21xp: Imaginem 0 to 6 (3p of Vim Vis gained; Vis total 5)
Year 3, fall: Read Perdo Summa; 15xp: Pe 0 to 5

Year 4, winter: Talismanify the staff; 2xp exposure MT
Year 4, spring: Imbed Wizard's leap , unlimited uses: Aura 5 + Craft 8 + Int 2 + Inv gen 3 + cyclic 3 + 3 shape/runes + Re 8 + Co 5 + similar spell 5 + Talisman 5 + focus 5 = +52 (Vis total: 2); 2xp exposure MT ; attuned (-3 Vis)
Year 4, summer: Read Auram Summa: 21xp; Auram 0 to 6 (Vis total: 5)
Year 4, fall: Read Pe Summa: 15xp; Pe from 5 to 7(2)

Year 5, winter: Imbeds Harnessed Veil of Invisibility Aura 5 + Craft 8 + Int 2 + Inv gen 3 + cyclic 3 + 3 shape/runes + Pe 7 + Im 6 + similar spell 3 + Talisman 5 + focus 6 = +51; Talisman attuned; 2xp gained (5 vis used: vis 0)
Year 5, spring: Imbeds Sap the Griffin's Strength (part 1 of 4: 13/48) Aura 5 + MT (ench) 7 + Craft 8 + Int 2 + Inv gen 3 + cyclic 3 + 6 shape/runes + Pe 7 + Vi 6 + similar spell 2 + Talisman 5 + focus 6 + 1 existing pe effect= +61; Talisman attuned; 2xp gained MT
Year 5, summer: Imbeds Sap the Griffin's Strength (part 4 of 4: 49/48) Aura 5 + MT (ench) 7 + Craft 8 + Int 2 + Inv gen 3 + 6 shape/runes + Pe 7 + Vi 6 + similar spell 2 + Talisman 5 + focus 6 + 1 existing pe effect= +58; Talisman attuned; 2xp gained Vi (3 p of Vis)
Year 5, fall: Reads Code of Hermes Summa.21xp in CoH

Year 6, winter: Imbeds Sap the Griffin's Strength (part 2 of 4: 26/48) Aura 5 + MT (ench) 7 + Craft 8 + Int 2 + Inv gen 3 + cyclic 3 + 6 shape/runes + Pe 7 + Vi 6 + similar spell 2 + Talisman 5 + focus 6 + 1 existing pe effect= +61; Talisman attuned; 2xp gained MT
Year 6, spring: Imbeds Sap the Griffin's Strength (part 3 of 4: 39/48) Aura 5 + MT (ench) 7 + Craft 8 + Int 2 + Inv gen 3 + cyclic 3 + 6 shape/runes + Pe 7 + Vi 6 + similar spell 2 + Talisman 5 + focus 6 + 1 existing pe effect= +61; Talisman attuned; 2xp gained MT
Year 6, summer: Imbeds Sap the Griffin's Strength (part 4 of 4: 49/48) Aura 5 + MT (ench) 7 + Craft 8 + Int 2 + Inv gen 3 + 6 shape/runes + Pe 7 + Vi 6 + similar spell 2 + Talisman 5 + focus 6 + 1 existing pe effect= +61; Talisman attuned; 2xp gained MT 6
Year 6, fall: Open Talisman for another 9p of vis using 1 P of vis (2p left); attuned; 2xp MT

Year 7, winter: imbed call to slumber 1 of 4; 2xp MT; attuned
Year 7, spring: imbed call to slumber 1 of 4; 2xp MT; attuned
Year 7, summer: read MT summa; 15xp of MT
Year 7 fall: imbed call to slumber 1 of 4; 2xp MT; attuned

Year 8, winter: imbed call to slumber 4 of 4; 2xp MT 5+2; attuned
Year 8, spring: read coh summa 21xp
Year 8, summer: 10xp: 3xp CoH, 7xp Aq
Year 8, fall: 8xp Aq, 2xp Pe

Lesser Items:
Impenetrable Robes (lvl 14, 2p of vis consumed)
These simple, but well-made brown robes have been enchanted with a permanent effect similar to "Doublet of impenetrable Silk", so they provide +3 to soak.
Base 4, +2 Sun, constant: +1 2/daily, +3 env. trigger)

Water-repellent scarf (lvl 9, consumes 1p of vis)

A simple blue scarf that keeps the wearer completely dry when it rains (cf. Cloak of the Duck's feathers). Calendeau only puts this on when it starts raining to avoid the dangers of being under a constant magical effect.
Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 extra; constant: +3 environmental trigger, +1 2/day

Talisman (opened for 18p of vis)

made of Walnut from a twisted tree in a field that was killed by a lightning strike,
inlaid with the names of the archangels in Hickory, Apple, Lilac and Elder,
the top end shaped in the form of a grinning skull wearing a crown

+4 Ignem
+4 Mind
+2 Auram
+1 Corpus

  • malicious magic
    +2 travel
  • 5 destroy or control ghosts
  • 7 banish demons
  • 5 gain respect, authority
  • 4 destroy things at a distance
  • 4 control things at a distance
  • 3 diguise

Harnessed Veil of Invisibility (lvl 25)
Can be turned on and off as the magus needs.
Base 4; +1 Conc, +1 changing image; +5 item maintains concentration, +10 unlimited uses

Wizard's Leap Unlimited uses (lvl 25)

Sap the Griffin's strength (lvl 48)
Lowers might of magic realm being by 5. Has a penetration of +66
PeVi 3, +2 voice, +10 unlimited uses, + 33 penetration

Call to distant slumber (lvl 48)
Call to slumber, Range Sight, Penetration +46
Base 5, +2 Voice, +10 unlimited uses, +23 penetration

Leap of Homecoming (lvl35)

done up to gauntlet. I'll advance him for another 5 to 10 years, mostly to have him read a bit and make him create a few items that replace his formulaic spells.

Hi! I think Hubris and Humble are not incompatible at all, they just tug the Magus in opposite directions. Humble does not prevent Hubris. Stouritus, the canon Primus, (TSE P.87) is Humble and has Hubris +1. He simply has avoided more Initiations into the Inner Mysteries (each one irrevocably grants some level of Hubris) and any activity that helps accrue Hubris (selling Magic items, there's a boatload of things to avoid in p 120 of HoH:MC). I think if you do not get that first level of Hubris, which is both a Personality Flaw and a Mystical ability in many ways (through initiation into any minor or major Inner Mystery), you can sell magic items and the like, and you'll be ok.
However, I don't think you can Initiate any of those Mysteries, using Verditius Lore, without Hubris, it's explicit in the book that the first Initiation "is always accompanied by an Ordeal that gives him the Minor Flaw Hubris." Its a flaw/feature of Verditius's teachings, if you will.

You are right. In his case, it means he'll stay away from initiations.

Oh, this was he no casting magus I was reading about. On the Discord, right?

I assume most of your initial spells are seeds to get similar spell bonuses. I think we have every teleportation spell in the book between all of us. I will get a 7-League lab text up sometime soon and someone else has Leap of Homecoming. Leap of Homecoming is pretty good or for an Unstructured with Consumed Tools, you don't every really need to serial cast it. Don't mean to nitpick, just looking over what people have to get around the country for these missions.