Phase 3
Calpurnia devotes herself to study so that she will be able to teach Maria magic at the right time. Disquieting stories about a plague are coming and she prepares herself as best she can. Her enemy, her parens and his comrades, lost their magic in the plague. While she doesn’t need to worry about them anymore, she does need to concern herself about her daughter. (Changed Story Flaw from Enemy to Dependent.) She teaches Maria, and begins work on her talisman. Maria has a +2 Intelligence, and has at least 2 in Magic Theory, so Lab totals will reflect a +4 for her assistance After 59/Spring. During these 60 seasons, she does not advance skills in 31.5, totaling 44.5 of 160 seasons.
51 Teaching Teaching Teaching Ignem
52 Ignem Animal An/Aq Aquam
53 Aurum Au/Co Corpus Herbam
54 He/Im Spell ReMe10/25 Spell MuVi (20) Imaginem
55 Imaginem Imaginem Spell PeVi 20 Perdo
56 Terram Spell ReTe 45 Spell ReTe 45 (2) Vim
57 Vim Spell CrTe 20 Build Ship Build Ship
58 Open Arts Teach MT Spell MuTe 25 Spell ReTe 20
59 Apprentice Spell ReTe 15/20 Item ReTe30 Item CrIg 20
60 Apprentice Intelligo Intelligo Creo
61 Apprentice Craft Black Craft Black Craft Black
62 Apprentice Spell InIm 25 OoH Lore Create Talisman
63 Apprentice Attune Talisman Invest InIm Invest ReCo
64 Apprentice Invest PeIm Spell MuVi (20) Invest Invisibility
65 Apprentice instill invis 1 Instil invis 2 Penetration
An/Aq is Animal and Aquam, equally split.
54/Summer – Calpurnia learns Scent of Peaceful Slumber (ReMe 25) and the Call to Slumber (ReMe 10) from lab texts. [LT 37: Int 3 + MT 6 + Aura 3 + Re 17 + Me 7]
54/Autumn – Calpurnia learns Wizards’s Boost (Terram) (MuVi 20) from a lab text. This allows her metal forming spells of level 15 and under to target Part.
55/Autumn – Calpurnia learns Unravel the Thread of Terram (PeVi 20), from a lab text.
56/Summer – Researching Vessel of the Clouds, ReTe 45 (R: Touch D: Sun T: Ind ) (Base 2, +2 Metal, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Size, +1 unsupported surface, +1 any direction, +1 for increased speed) Adapted from TME p. 112. This affects a far larger vessel, and can carry 20 tons of cargo, like a cog. This spell requires two seasons to develop. Lab Total 69 [Int 3 + MT 6 + Aura 3 + Re 34 + Te 19 + Similar Spell 4]
57/Summer – Researches Fill the Largest Smithy (CrTe 20) R: Touch, D: Mom T: Individual, Ritual. For Four pawns of vis, this creates 100 cubic feet of steel, about 24 tons. It’s a rough sphere nearly two paces across. [Lab total 51: Int 3 + MT 6 + Aura 3 + Cr 20 + Terram 19 ] (Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Size)
57/Autumn – Calpurnia travels to a shipyard, and studies how ships are constructed, spending half the season learning shipbuilding. She purchases plans for a cog. The rest of the season, she uses her spells to shape metal, and rolls it outside her lab. She uses Fill the Largest Smithy to provide raw materials. A shipwright might laugh at the metal ship Calpurnia built with her spells, until he saw her lift it into the air.
58/Spring - Calpurnia opens Maria’s Arts. She has an Intelligo Vim Lab Total of 29 (Int 3 + MT 6 + Aura 3 + In 9 + Vi 8 ), allowing her to integrate her daughter’s Faerie Heritage (Requires 20)
58/Autumn - Hardness of Adamantine (MuTe 25) R: Touch, D: Sun, T: Ind. From HoH:S p. 37 [Lab Total 55: Int 3 + MT 6 + Aura 3 + Mu 20 + Te 19 + Apprentice 4] (Base 4, +2 Metal, +1 Touch, +2 Sun)
58/Winter - The Phantom Blacksmith (ReTe 20) R: Touch D: Mom T: Group . From Covenants, p 51 [Lab total 65: Int 3 + MT 6 + Aura 3 + Re 34 + Te 19]
59/Summer - Never Without a Weapon: R: Touch D: Mom T: Ind (ReTe 15) Changes raw materials into a sword. This can be a short, long, or two-handed sword. Character must make Per+Finesse roll against EF 12 to successfully make a sword. . (Base 3, +2 Metal, +1 Touch, +1 Complexity) Base to forge is a 6, +3 for using magic, +3 more for a month’s time. (City & Guild, p. 68). The complexity allows variance between long/short/great sword.
Garb the Grogs for War: R: Touch D: Mom T: Ind (ReTe 20) Changes raw materials into a suit of chainmail. Requires an Per+Finesse roll against EF 12 – the Reduce EF brings it down from 15 (Base 3, +2 Metal, +1 Touch, +1 Complexity, +1 Reduce EF) This uses the house rule that an additional magnitude can be used to reduce the Ease Factor by 3. Base to forge is 6, +3 for using magic +6 more for doing a full season’s work. Complexity allows size variance from -2 to +2, but always produces a full set of mail. [LT 72: Int 3 + MT 6 + Aura 3 + Re 34 + Te 19 + Similar Spell 3 (Forge the Chain) + Apprentice 4] Both spells are completed in one season.
59/Autumn - Constructs Lesser device, The Enchanted Porter (ReTe 30 GL 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +1 Size, +1 Herbam Req. +5 to maintain Concentration, +10 Unlimited Uses)) Allows wearer to lift and move things up to two tons in weight, either Terram or Herbam items. From Covenants p. 52, with greater load, usage, and Forms. [LT 66: Int 3 + MT 7 + Aura 3 + Rego 17 + Terram 19 + Shape(glove) 4 + Craft 6 + Verditius Runes 3 + Apprentice 4]
59/Winter – Constructs Lesser Device, Sun Disk: CrIg 20, 0 Pen (Base 5, +1 Conc, +5 Maintain Conc. +5 24/day) This is a piece of brass, shaped like a large coin, shining with the power of full daylight, hanging at the end of the chain. Squeezing the disk turns it on or off, up to the daily limit. [LT 50: Int 3 + MT 7 + Aura 3 + Cr 10 + Ig 12 + Craft 6 + Material 3 + Verditius Runes 3 + Apprentice 4]
62/Summer – Learns Summoning the Distant Image (p. 145 of ArM5 , InIm 25) from a lab text. [LT 30: Int 3 + MT 6 + Aura 3 + In 9 + Im 9]
62/Winter – Creates Talisman. It appears to be a Grecian War helmet, made of bronze, covering the entire head, leaving a T-shaped gap for the eyes, nose and mouth to be visible. A chin strap firmly anchors the helmet. Embedded in the center of the forehead is an Opal and Ruby, to the sides are bulges containing a magnet on one side, and a tiny portion of Mercury on the other. Two small ivory pieces highlight the eyes. The most expensive item is the ruby, with a capacity of 15. Calpurnia opens it with 8 pawns, allowing her 15 spaces, with 21 unused.
62/Autumn - Instills Eyes of the Eagle, InIm 29 Pen 0 Constant. Provides the effect listed on p. 145 of the core book as a constant effect. Note 0 penetration. (Base 3, +4 Vision, +1 Concentration, +1 Maintain Concentration, +4 12/day ) [LT 59: Int 3 + MT 7 + Aura 3 + In 9 + Im 9 + Talisman 5 + Craft 7 + Shape(Helmet) 6 +Verditius Runes 1 + Similar Spell 5 + Apprentice 4]
62/Winter – Instills Mercury’s Winged Sandals ReCo 29 Pen 0, 6/day. Produces effect from TME, p. 111. (Base 15, +1 Conc +5 Maintains Concentration +4 12/day) [LT 58: Int 3 + MT 7 + Aura 3 + Re 17 + Co 5 + Talisman 5 + Craft 7 + Material (Magnet) 4 + Verditius Runes 3 + Apprentice 4]
63/Summer Invests Veil of Invisibility, PeIm 25 Pen0 24/day As page 146 of the core book. (Base 4, +1 Conc +1 Maintain Concentration, +1 changing image, +5 24/day) [LT 51: Int 3 + MT 7 + Aura 3 + Pe 8 + Im 9 + Talisman 5 + Craft 7 + Material(Opal) 2 + Verditius Runes 3 + Apprentice 4]
64/Autumn – Calpurnia learns Wizard’s Reach (Terram), (MuVi 20, ArM5 p. 160) from a lab text. [LT 34: Int 3 + MT 6 + Aura 3 + Mu 10 + Vi 8 + Similar 4 ]
64/Winter – Calpurnia, corresponding with Bartholeus, realizes that her ship isn’t well suited to concealment, decides to fix that. She refers to a tractatus by Romulus, who had many PeVi effects for large items, and builds a metal frame around a clear glass disk. She opens it for 1 pawn (base metal 5, glass 1, uses 5 pawns, less her Craft skill, minimum of 1). It can hold up to 6 pawns of effects.
S5/Summer - She wants to hide her ship (PeVi 38, Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Size, +1 Conc, +1 maintain concentration, +1 changing image, +3 6/day), but Calpurnia’s Pe and Im skills are far from her best Her Lab total is 48: [Int 3 +MT 7 + Aura 3 + Pe 8 +Im 9 + Craft 7 + Material +4 + VR 2 + Similar spell 5], giving her 10 points/season She wants it faster, so she decides to make it with a 70 year expiry, allowing completion in two seasons.
Characteristics: Int +3, Per +2, Str -1, Sta +1, Pre 0, Com 1, Dex 1, Qik -1
Size: -1
Age: 65 (29) (Strong Faerie Blood, plus Unaging from Familiar)
Decrepitude: 0
Warping: 2 (1)
Confidence Score 1(3)
Merits & Flaws: The Gift, Hermetic Magus, Book Learner, Major Magical Focus (Metals), Personal Vis Source (Hair), Puissant Ability (Finesse), Puissant Art (Terram), Strong Faerie Blood (Dwarf), Second Sight, True Friend (Zeno), Unaging, Blatant Gift, Dependent, Disfigured, Faerie Upbringing, Small Frame, Weak Parens
Personality Traits: Industrius +2, Vengeful +1, Protective of Daughter +3
Reputations: Poor Verditius 1
Fist Init -1, Attack +1, Defense -1, Damage -1
Bow: Init -1 Attack +10, Defense -1, Damage +20
Abilities: Artes Liberales (Arithmetic) 3(+5), Athletics (Running) 1, Awareness (Details) 1, Bargain (Faeries) 1, Charm (looks) 2, Concentration (Spells) 2 (+5), Craft Blacksmith 6 (+5), Etiquette (Faeries) 1, Faerie Lore (Entrances) 2, Finesse (Terram) 5+2, Folk Ken (peasants) 2, German (Conversation) 3, Greek (Stories) 5, Guile (Innocent Face) 2, Latin (magic) 4, Magic Theory (Items) 6 (+5), Order of Hermes (Magi) 2 (+5), Parma Magica (Terram) 4 (+5), Penetration (Terram) 3, Philosophae (Natural Philosophy) 3, Profession: Shipwright (Magical) 1, Profession: Scribe (Hermetic) 3, Second Sight (Faerie) 2, Stealth (Forests) 1, Teaching (One-on-One) 3
Arts: Cr 10, In 9 (+1), Mu 10 (+5), Pe 8, Re 17 (+2), An 5, Aq 5, Au 5, Co 5, He 5, Ig 6, Im 9, Me 7 (+2), Te 16+3, Vi 8 (+5)
Summon the Distant Image (InIm 25) +19/+25*
Call to Slumber (ReMe 10) +24
Scent of Peaceful Slumber (ReMe 25) +24
Fill the Largest Smithy (CrTe 20) +40/+43*
Eyes of the Treacherous Terrain (InTe 15) +29/+32*
Edge of the Razor (MuTe 20) +40/+48*
Freely spin (MuTe 10) +40/+48*
Hardness of Adamantine (MuTe 25) +40/+48*
Shape Iron Like Clay (MuTe 10) +40/+48*
Rusted Decay of Ten-Score Years (PeTe 10) +36/39*
Hairline Fracture (PeTe 15) +36/39*
Craft the Interlocking Wheel (ReTe 15) +54/+61
Forge the Chain (ReTe 15) +54/+61
Garb the Grogs for War (ReTe 20) +54/+61
Hands of the Grasping Earth (ReTe 15) +37/+61
Invisible Slingshot with Shot (ReTe 15) +54/+61
Never Without a Weapon (ReTe 15) +54/+61
The Phantom Blacksmith (ReTe 20) +54/+61
Turn the wheel (ReTe 15) +54/+61
Unseen Arm (ReTe 5) +37/+61
Vessel of the Clouds (ReTe 45) +54/+61*
Weld (ReTe 5) +54/+61
Wizard’s Boost (Terram) (MuVi 20) +19/+24
Wizard’s Reach (Terram) (MuVi 20) +19/+24
Unravel the Thread of Terram (PeVi 20) +17
Calpurnia has activated four shape and material bonuses from herTalisman:
Helmet’s sight. (+6), Magnet's Rego Terram (4), Mercury's Muto (5), Bronze's Terram (+3). When wearing it, she uses the second number on a spell.
Age Mod Roll
51 -14 8 -6
52 -14 6 -8
53 -14 7 -7
54 -14 9 -5
55 -14 3 -11
56 -14 10 -4
57 -14 2 -12
58 -14 2 -12
59 -14 8 -6
60 -14 2 -12
61 -13 8 -5
62 -13 9 -4
63 -13 5 -8
64 -13 8 -5
65 -13 9 -4
Warping: Calpurnia has gained fifteen warping points from her Longevity ritual.
Edited - rebuilt to fit Jonathan's suggestions, removing Automata.