Hi, does anyone have a digital or know where to get a good digital or real life product to help plan and organize a saga?
Some people like obsidian or onenote. I personally just use a mega word document set by chapters for locations, timelines, plots etc as well as gantt charts to keep the timing.
You have several options:
- Fari.app is a minimalist webapp to plan sagas.
- World Anvil is a kitchensink webapp similar to Fari. You have a myriad of options.
- Obsidian Portal is a middle ground between the two.
As for non-TTRPG specific apps, both Obsidian.md and Notion are very very good and have their own strenghts and advantages. Obsidian is plain text and has very powerful linking tools. Notion has a bunch of templates that you can use to self-organize.
As you mention "in real life" products, I have found the method of managing a campaign with "Fronts" as presented in the Dungeon World rpg to be very useful in my current saga.
Could you go into details, I have not read dungeon world, and I am curious?
Sure - in fact, I'd forgotten the Dungeon World SRD is available online, so you can read in full here: Fronts – Dungeon World SRD
Essentially, it's a way of breaking up important NPC factions, world events, etc into a set of progress trackers, which helps to keep track of things. I think it works well with the seasonal play of Ars Magica, as you can treat progressing a Front as an NPC seasonal activity. As someone who prefers pen and paper prep over a digital wiki I find it very useful.
Worlds Without Number and Stars Without Number, both by Kevin Crawford, have similar mechanics too, and both have a free version which might be worth checking out.
Those are tools I've been using for two and a half years in my Ars Magica saga and they work great. They are exactly what this game needs to be more easily ran. I remember mentioning them here when the Definitive Edition was announced