I think the math is entirely correct now. The final age 42 version is the final post.
Caput - as the Dread Turk, at the end of his career, to get a sense of what he was before he was apprenticed. At this time his magic expresses almost entirely as the fear/distrust aspects of the Blatant Gift, although his excellent physical attributes and weapon talents probably owe themselves to his later Rego and Corpus talents.
Characteristics at age 20
Int: 1 Per: -3 Prs: 0 Com: 0 The weak per is mostly a personality thing, he gives his full attention only to whatever
Str: 3 Sta: 4 Dex: 3 Qik: 3 has his current attention. The puissant conc and overconfident virtues/flaws also reflect this.
Virtues: 4 extra attributes, 1 great attribute, puissant concentration, puissant single weapon, affinity single weapon, cautious single weapon, warrior, privileged upbringing
Flaws: 3 Outsider/Oath Fealty (depending on Greek/Turk), 3 Overconfident, 3 Blatant Gift, 1 Infamous (The Dread Turk)
Characteristics at age 35 (gauntlet) (official character creation begins here)
Intelligence 1 (Thinks Ahead)
Perception -3 (Self-Absorbed)
Presence -3 (Shifty-Looking)
Communication -3 (Frightening)
Strength 3 (Hard and Lean)
Stamina 4 (Unflappable)
Dexterity 3 (Graceful)
Quickness 3 (Deceptive speed)
Virtues 10x1+house virtue+2 free. 3 pts in hermetic virtues
1 Great Attribute (Stamina) (general)
1 Affinity to Ability (Single Weapon) (general)
1 Cautious with Ability (Single Weapon) (general)
1 Pussiant Ability (Concentration) (general)
1 Pussiant Ability (Single Weapon) (general)
1 Pussiant Ability (Parma Magica) (general) - he incorporates islamic prayer into his parma ritual
1 Pussiant Art (Me) (hermetic)
1 Minor Magic Focus (Fear) (hermetic) - used on the two large ReMe spells, to learn and cast them.
1 Privileged Upbringing (50 points skills) (general)
1 Skilled Parens (extra 60xp hermetic training+150 spell levels) (Hermetic)
1 Warrior (50 points weapon skills) (Flambeu House Virtue)
0 The Gift (Hermetic)
0 Hermetic Magus (Social)
Flaws: 4 minor, 1 Story, 1 Personality, 3 hermetic
3 Black Sheep (Story) (Bad Reputation 2 Renegade Captain among Turkish or Muslim ship captains and nobles)
1 Infamous (General) (Bad Reputation 4 The Dread Turk - pirate among greek commoners, renegade among turk/muslim commoners)
1 Hedge Wizard(Hermetic) (Bad Reputation 3 "That Muslim Sorcerer" among the Order of Hermes)
3 Overconfident (Personality) - frankly he has good reason. He actually is incredibly good at what he does for his age. He thinks he'll eventually get awesome at everything.
1 Disjoint magic (Hermetic) - late training makes his magic a little more rigid than that of a typical magus
1 Susceptible to Divine (Hermetic) - Muslim mages are anathama in the Christian Dominion. His parma reinforces M\uslim dominion, even vs his own magic
Childhood, age 1-5. I'll spend the privileged upbringing points here
He grew up in a house with a lot of visitors and servants, and was taken
to sea almost as soon as he could walk to get some basic skills.
75 Speak Turkish5 (Sailors) (free)
50 Speak Greek4 (Sailors) (privileged upbringing)
15 Area Kn Aegean2 (Sea)
5 Speak Arabic1 (Sailors)
5 Speak Italian1 (Venetian)
in all the "speak 0" cases the handful of words he knows are simple orders you'd give slaves.
1 Speak French 0
1 Speak German 0
1 Speak English 0
1 Speak French 0
1 Speak Gaelic 0
5 Athletics 1 (Climb)
5 Swim 1 (Oceans)
5 Brawl 1 (Kick)
= 45 points of childhood experience
The Dread Turk: Age 6-20 The warrior points are spent here. The British wooden ships navy had kids on military ships at about this age, training to be officers. I'm assuming something vaguely similar, influenced by family pull. He was not popular but he was feared, even very young, for his martial ability and grudgingly respected for his natural agility. He didn't make captain till after 15, and commanded only long service crew that had spent years getting used to him in his youth. This means all of his old cronies are in their late 40s in their 50s by now, if they're still alive.
93 Single Weapon 7(9) (Longsword) (pussiant ability cautious ability with affinity, 139.5, rounded up to 140 = 7 skill)
The "longsword" was probably one of those nice Damascus blades that unfortunately was shattered by Imbria. He doesn't at the moment own any expensive arms or armor, although if the covenant has a decent weapon and maybe a chain hauberk he might requisition them. As a rule, he favors lighter armor, and currently owns leather scale, a heater shield, an iron shortsword, an axe made out of animal bone (femur plus jawbone), a mace-sized sap (wood stick, leather wrapping, lead filling) and a purely wood spear with fire hardened point. The strange weapons are for use on people with good magic resistance and rego-oriented defenses. The sap lets him do nonlethal damage. Most of these normally stay on the ship/carried by grogs, as they are heavy and he doesn't like to be encumbered.
1 Bow 0 (he proved inept at archery)
1 Thrown weapon 0 (likewise, his amazing skill with melee weapons didn't translate)
75 Leadership 5(Sailors)
75 Concentration5(7)(while dodging) (pussiant ability, he can make a difficulty 12 concentration check with full melee defense skill unless he botches)
Aside from the obvious uses while directing a ship in combat, he uses this skill to show off when young spuds try to make a name by testing him. There is nothing like effortlessly holding off an attack while sipping your drink or reading a book to demoralize your competition.
30 Profession Sailor3(Pirate) (this was probably higher when he was 20, but he's been out of the game for over half his life aside from occasional jaunts)
He lacks the usual seaboard crafting skills because nobody wanted to each him (all of the above activities except sailor were self-taught).He lacks the usual pirate social skills because he always used an agent to bargain/make deals, unless intimidation was the strategy.
275 vs 225 (15 yearsx15xp) +50 (warrior)
Hermetic training. The Strong Master points are spent here. His arts are highly specialized due to late training, most of his unformed magic had "set". He was properly opened though, and nothing is stopping him from developing all the other arts except time.
150 Arts: Re9 (45xp), Co10(55xp), Me9(12)(45xp), Cr1, Mu1, Aq1, Au1, Im1 (1xp eachx5=5), all other arts at 0
20 Mastered Spells1x4 (4 spells Fast Cast, specialized in botch dice)
20 Mastered Spell 1x4 (4 spell multicast, specialized in multicasting - 2 copies)
30 Speak Latin 3(Read)
5 Arts Liberal 1(Literacy - Greek and Latin)
5 Civil Law 1 (Seafaring)
5 Code of Hermes 1 (Mundane Relations)
5 Hermes Lore 1 (Flambeau)
50 Magic Theory 4(Items)
5 Finesse 1 (Speed)
5 Parma Magica 1(3) (Protecting Others)
300 points (149 arts+40 mastered+30 latin+50 magic theory+6x5=30 others=300)
Spells in bold are mastered for fastcasting. Spells in italics are mastered for multicasting.
Lab totals are added for reference
rean5 Disguise of the Putrid Aroma (sight,dia,ind) Identical to base spell except for duration. Used suppress reactions animals that might be bothered by his Gift by making them not notice him before he gets close.
lab: 17=9re+0An+1int+4magic theory+3aura casting level: 14=9re+0an+4sta+1mastered
muaq(au)10 Lungs of the Fish As per the normal spell, but target is personal and duration is diameter.
lab: 10=1mu+1aq/1au+1int+4magic theory+3aura casting level: 6=1mu+1aq/au+4sta
reaq10 In the hand of Neptune 4 (forceful but calm), +1 (touch), +1 (concentrate) - create a wave in water touching the caster that pushes the caster swiftly for the duration of the spell. Underwater, this manifests as a current or upswelling/undertow instead of a wave. Concentration on this spell replaces a swim check for movement, but does not otherwise protect the caster from the hazards of being underwater. If going against a tide, upstream or similar prevailing conditions, maximum speed is reduced by the strength of the conditions. The motion must be mostly horizontal (no more than 30 degrees or so "up" or "down", as whirlpools to suck you down or water spouts to push you up would fall under more unnatural movement than this spell is designed to generate, and motion must be in a straight line, defined at the time the spell is cast. (to change direction, drop concentration and recast the spell)
lab: 18=9re+1aq+1int+4magic theory+3aura casting level: 15=9re+1aq+4sta+1mastered
Note - none of the Auram spells help at all with controlling a boat. They only change the direction and/or amount of wind available. If used without skilled sailors, you could heel a boat over or run it into something. Furthermore the winds are tied to where the caster is, which can have an impact on
crau10 Fill the Sails (base 2 effect touch,day,+1 to "stick" the wind to something other than me) This is a "wind at the back" spell designed for use on a boat. It must be cast with caster touching the boat, but has the advantage that the spell follows the boat, instead of the caster. The wind does not change cardinal direction even if the boat does change direction and persists until sunup or sundown.
lab: 10=1cr+1au+1int+4magic theory+3aura casting level: 6=1cr+1au+4sta
peau5 Ease the Wind (mitigate wind effect one step=4, +1touch, momentary). This brings down the magnitude of one wind touching the caster by one step. If multiple winds are blowing on the caster, he must choose the direction affected. Using Quiet the Raging Winds as precedent, the wind will stay reduced for an hour if weather conditions don't otherwise change, however a boat will fairly quickly exit the "individual" area affected if winds still fill its sails and multiple castings would be needed to ride out unfavorable winds, as the ship entered areas not affected by the first casting. The more normal use of this spell is to make a calm space (cut normal wind to breeze, and reef the sails, or cast twice to still the air).
lab: 9=0pe+1au+1int+4magic theory+3aura casting level: 7=0pe+1au+4sta+1mastered
reau15 Control the Weather Gauge(control normal weather=3, +1touch, +2 day +1 attach wind to something other than caster). Change the direction of a wind touching the caster and the ship. Whether natural or magically created, the wind direction around the ship will stay changed until sundown or sunup, although the wind might increase or decrease naturally based on local weather conditions.
lab: 15=9re+1au+1int+4magic theory+3aura casting level: 14=9re+1au+4sta
reim5 Wizard's Sidestep as the spell but diameter duration. Caput doesn't like to advertise that he's a mage in some fights, so he'd fastcast this will moving/running/dodging and he doesn't want the displacement to remain after the conflict is over. Plus, frankly, he usually doesn't respect most opponents enough to bother with this spell. He'll typically only use it if outnumbered or facing an impressive physical opponent.
lab: 18=9re+1im+1int+4magic theory+3aura casting level: 16=9re+1im+4sta+1mastered
reco20 Mercury's Gift (fast movement in any direction supported by the surface=15, personal, concentrate).
lab: 27=9re+10co+1int+4magic theory+3aura casting level: 24=9re+10co+4sta+1mastered
Judging from the distance of "gift of the frog's legs" (this spell in 1 direction, unsupported allowed with momentary duration, essentially) I think "move fast" is about 5x the basic movement rate. For a human, that probably tops out at 150 paces on level ground where he uses the whole action to sprint (not, say, move and attack). If he slows down, rougher terrain can be handled without rolling dice, and routine climbing or swimming actions are also much faster than normal, although he's still not going to beat a dolphin for swim speed. Any jumping he does is probably pretty "gift of frog legs" unsafe, risking a medium wound on a botch of dex+encumbrance zero roll because the rego only controls his motion while supported. Also unlike gift of frogs legs, running jumps work better for distance than standing jumps and vertical jumps are probably only about 3-4 paces high. The spell doesn't help at all in mitigating a fall, but swinging from a rope is probably faster. Slamming into something invisible at top speed would likely cause about +15 impact damage if it was a hard wall, maybe +10 if it was something like a person or wood door and +5 for thick shrubbery. Visible walls you can turn to avoid, just as easily as you could in a normal running/walking situation.
[b]CrMe10 Panic of the Trembling Heart /b Aside from the duration, identical to the book spell. Caput has this spell for operations deep in the Dominion. He doesn't normally use it as a combat spell, it is more intended to be cast or fastcast as a precursor to Aura of Frightful Authority against naturally brave targets. It is also handy for instilling a fear of someone or something other than himself. He is not above using it on a magic resistant enemy who shook off his Gaze and was foolish enough to make eye contact with him in combat.
lab: 20=0cr+12me+0minor focus+1int+4magic theory+3aura casting level: 17=0cr+12me+0mn fcs+4sta+1 mastery
reme25 Aura of Frightful Authority (5 base, sight+3, dia+1) Aside from range and duration is same spell effect as Aura of Rightful Authority, except that anyone who fears him will obey, rather than anyone inclined to obey an authority figure will obey. This spell is mastered both for fast casting and multicasting. While the spell has sight range, they obviously can't obey my orders if they can't hear or otherwise receive communications from me.
lab: 38=9re+12me+9minor focus+1int+4magic theory+3aura casting level: 35=9re+12me+9mn fcs+4sta+1 mastery
reme35 Gaze of Infernal Terrors (based on Vision of Infernal Terrors, but duration is dia instead of sun, target is group, using the "arc of fiery ribbons" 60 degree cone out to range end for the group shape). This spell is the same except that it wears off a lot faster, and the long term effects are less. Scared to Death can probably still happen, as it only happens to fearful, low constitution types who probably have heart attacks but maybe should only happen on people with negative stamina (fearful positive stamina people (or those that botch) might just faint and keep fainting if someone revives them for about a day) The -1 stamina effect wears off after a moon, instead of being permanent as the nightmares stop and your sleep gets back to normal. This spell is why Caput really isn't in any danger from any number of mundane warriors. His penetration is low enough though that minimal magic resistance will stop it. It is designed to clear away people unworthy of his blade. It's also the spell he uses in flambeau speed-casting contests, as it is the only ranged spell he has that directly affects enemies. Note that the size of the effect is limited by how loudly I cast, down to needing to be touching the target for silent casting. This spell will warp targets.
lab: 38=9re+12me+9minor focus+1int+4magic theory+3aura casting level: 35=9re+12me+9mn fcs+4sta+1mastered