I was considering the possibility that each head could have a supernatural power.
This passage on Wikipedia got me thinking:
"Servius, a medieval commentator on Virgil's Aeneid, derived Cerberus' name from the Greek word creoboros meaning "flesh-devouring" (see above), and held that Cerberus symbolized the corpse-consuming earth, with Heracles' triumph over Cerberus representing his victory over earthly desires.[148] Later the mythographer Fulgentius, allegorizes Cerberus' three heads as representing the three origins of human strife: "nature, cause, and accident", and (drawing on the same flesh-devouring etymology as Servius) as symbolizing "the three ages—infancy, youth, old age, at which death enters the world."[149]"
One could have PeCo effects (corpse consuming, rot, etc.)
One could have a control over Darkness (symbolizing the eternal darkness of the underworld.)
And one could have.... not sure. Sleep?
Also, it's been a while.... Where will I find the "Beasts of Virtue?" I seem to recall a bestiary in the RAW somewhere. I'd like to see what is listed under Hound.