Cerne Abbas Giant

The British National Trust did publish this month its analysis of the likely age of the Cerne Abbas Giant.

Perhaps this inspires some sagas to use the hill figure as the remainder of an Hermetic or hedge wizard ritual, or a sign of the conflict of local 10th century pagans with the Benedictine monastery Cerne Abbey.

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So the Order of Odin is to blame. The question is whether it is a vis source (Re, Co or Im) or whether redrawing it is a ritual...

It's an AC to a Daimon that can be summoned from it's own likeness. It has certain powers related to Creo, and there are ways to gain more Vis from it than you used to summon it, though not without other costs.

I had a write up some years ago when it looked like I'd be playing with a mostly-female group. Of course, that was back when it was believed to be pre-historic IIRC.