Chapter 0: Csilla's Assignment

"Mistress," Gregory says in a low voice, "it there any reason why we should bring attention to us in this way?" He raises his hand to prevent her from speaking just yet, and explains himself, "I'm not objecting to your decision. I am simply trying to understand if and how this is relevant to our mission. If you say we have to do this, then we will do this. It would just help if I understood why." He completes with a shrug, "People get killed by brigands all the time. It's not good, but neither is it our responsibility to go chasing after them."


(i thought you wanted me to do something with this anecdote, but all the indicator you seem to show me are red so i will go along :slight_smile: )

(It isn't that I don't want you to pursue this. I present situations to your character. The question is: Does it make sense for your character to pursue this? That is a question that you need to answer. Because she will be presented with one thing after the other, so if she pursue all of them she may not be able to accomplish what she was sent to do. In this sense, this is about your character deciding what is important for her personally, what is important for her House, and what she has time to do. At times, the two might conflict. How you resolve the conflict is up to you, but those decisions may have consequences either way.)

(So Gregory was presenting the view that for House Tremere, the murder of a family of stoneworkers by brigands is... well, not exactly unimportant, but not within the scope of your mission. As an individual, your maga may decide that the missing girl is worth the time she spends looking for her and hopefully rescuing her.)

I agree people killed by brigand arrive all the time, i juste thought maybe it was a good thing to found those brigand and get the damsel in distress, you know that people here are more receptive to someone who deem to bring justice than outsider who just dont get involve in their problem, but wants to begin a relation or a contact out of nowhere.
I do still believe it could be good for the mission since if the upcoming goes well it would be a good reputation for us all and after in that world reputation is everything.
But family come first and mine is waiting lets go along !

(If you want to pursue this, again I have no problem with it. But your maga's cover story it that of a travelling merchant widow on a pilgrimage. Any reputation garnered by doing this, if any, will go to that persona. Remember what the parameters of your mission were? :wink: How will you explain this to those you wonder what you are doing? First to mundanes who see you as a merchant widow on what amounts to a religious pilgrimage. Then to your superiors in the House, who may wonder why you delayed your arrival to do this. Remember that I run grittier sagas, so "for fame and glory" is a good way to get people killed. Including your maga, who is very far from combat-worthy.)

( you are right as always, i got lost on track, i had a few bad week and tend to be impulsive)

(That's one of the reasons I run these introductory stories. It helps set the tone, shake things down a little so that it's easier to see what's important for the character, and we both end up having a better idea of what the expectations on both sides are. All of that without bogging down the main group by sometimes-longer out of character discussions.)

(i changed my post before in case of :slight_smile: )

'Lady Gizella' takes the road again with her retinue. The next days prove to be uneventful as they party make their way up the Danube until they reach the city of Ulm. From there, they travel to the town of Rottweil which lies near the source of the Necklar river, a tributary of the Rhine. They skirt around the Black Forest, moving north to the Free City of Worms, at the confluense with the Rhine river. Instead of moving down the river, the party cut across the land to Trier, then again to the Lorraine city of Verdun. From there it is only a few days down the Meuse River to cross the Ardennes.

Along the way, as per her instructions, 'Gizella' stops at various religious sites, cathedrals and churches were holy relics are kept. She speaks to a number of nobles' and wealthy merchants' wives, as well as priests and abbotts. She is able to get a feel of the land, with her own foreign status allowing her to ask some questions that would have raised eyebrows otherwise.

But finally, two months after leaving her native lands, she arrives at the gate of Triamore, located at the foot of the Ardennes. It is a fairly impressive fortress, though lacking the bustle of activity one would expect from such a large place. Two grogs stand guard at the gate, looking up in surprise and sounding a signal with a horn as they spot the armed party coming towards the gate.