Chapter 0: Konrad Arrives at Fengheld

The old librarian frowns a little at Konrad's list. "You will have to be a little more focused than that, ser magus. Our library of course has work on all of those subjects. Quite many of them, in fact. So let me clarify a bit: what do you want to study in the next year or so? If this is incumbent on the tasks you envision doing at the chapter house, then please find out what these will be before asking us to search for potentially hundreds of texts that might be useful to you."

"I was trying to make it easier on you by being flexible," Konrad explains, "not harder. But if you want me to pin myself down to something, Vim and Finesse should do me fine. I've only the barest of teachings on Finesse, so something fairly basic would do me there. I've gone past the basics in Vim, but not by too much. A primer would be too simple. But I don't need anything too advanced either. If Dorana recommends that I learn any spells while I'm there, I'll come to see you about the availability of lab texts at a later time."

OOC: If you want to save time, we can assume that Konrad has asked Dorana about spells he might want to learn. From reading the existing threads, it seems like Gather the Essence of the Beast might be one that he'd want to learn.

(OOC: Actually, she didn't specify anything. As a peregrinator, you will not be expected to take a turn harvesting the vis source, as that is a duty for members. All you really have to do is pay the yearly vis fee to Fengheld.)

"Hmm... let me check my logs, but I believe that the chapter house already has a Vim summa. I remember that one of the magi there made a copy before they left." He goes to a shelf and retrieves a roll of scroll, checks it before putting it back, then takes another and repeats the same verification. After finally checking a third, he returns. "Indeed, the chapter house is listed has having a copy of The Manipulations of Mystical Forces, made during the summer of 1207. That is probably a better book than what Master Horst would allow to be taken out of the walls. Give me a day or two and I will verify what beginner's text we could loan you regarding... what was is you said?"

"Finesse," Konrad replies, "if it's not too much trouble. If it is, I could select something that wasn't."

OOC1: I was thinking that Fengheld might prefer to take a season of work instead of payment, in which case Konrad could take a turn harvesting the vis. Otherwise he'll just spend a season distilling vis in his lab. (He wants to keep his Co vis for future use.) Better to do something that will get the same result and do some good for Fengheld, I thought. (Though if they'd prefer he just pay the vis, he's game for that too.) I was thinking that service in lieu of payment might also give Fengheld a chance to see what Konrad had to offer. That having been said, Konrad will go with whatever option they'd prefer.

OOC2: FWIW, Konrad would also probably spend the next two weeks perusing whatever text they were willing to let him read. 1/6 of a season is probably too little to actually make any gain. (Though technically you only lose 1/3 of the benefit for each full month lost.) But he couldn't stay idle for two weeks like that.

"Finesse, then. I will see what can be found for you to study at the chapter house, ser magus."

(OOC: If you want to offer something else in payment, you need to discuss to with someone from Fengheld. As for studying for two weeks, well this might be enough to gain a few xp if you don't get interrupted. Is that the best use you could make of that time? That's up to you to decide. :slight_smile: )

"Thank you very much for your assistance," Konrad says with a nod. Then he departs from the library

OOC: You make a good point. Konrad would probably do better using his two weeks trying to meet some of the magi in the covenant to get a little face time with them. Nothing too intrusive, just a chance to introduce himself as the new peregrinator visiting the covenant. (He don't want to offend anyone by 'wasting their time.' But it would be nice to let people know he was there.) He can also use this as an opportunity to float his proposal to offer service in lieu of vis for the covenant's hospitality.

Now I feel like a Supreme Court nominee trying to meet with senators. (Sorry for the US governmental reference.)

(OOC: Indeed, I was thinking the same thing. But the character might not have realized that, so it's up to you to decide how to act. Is he a typical lab rat that will ignore the need for socialization with the other magi, oblivious to the political implications? Did he learn some lessons from the hard realities of being an unsupported magus and want to avoid this happening? There are many ways to play him. In any case, what does he do next, while waiting for new from Dorana?)

He learned some hard lessons from his time at Helgioland. He knows that he can't afford to screw this opportunity up.

Best way to start is to look for other magi at some of the common areas - where food is served, where people can go to relax, passing in the halls, etc. and try and introduce himself. It's not his strong suit, but he has +1 in Pre, Per, and Com, and is not unskilled in Folk Ken and Charm (so at least there aren't the added botch dice if he fails badly).

The idea is not to be intrusive by disturbing people where they might expect solitude (e.g., the library), but to catch them where they might expect some interaction. Yes, some magi will be recluses. But I'm expecting in a large covenant at least a few will be out and about. Basically just try and be friendly and introduce myself. Once he talks to a few magi he might have a better idea of who to approach and who's likely to be prickly about being disturbed.

Over the next few days he get to meet some of the magi living at Fengheld, at least enough to present himself and chat a little bit. Some of the magi seem to be visitors, either peregrinatores like himself or members of a chapter house coming for the council meeting. Amongst those he get to meet are:

  • Peter Von Würzburg: The bustling member of House Verditius chats for you a little, after you cross him in a corridor. He speaks mostly of his grapes and his latest experiments to use wine to create an elixir (something you know little about). Your questions are interrupted as Peter needs to go and oversee the care of the vineyards and doesn't have much time in the spring.
  • Adelheid Invigilix: This languid young woman, dressed as a noble, spends some time with you speaking of various small subjects, such as the places you have travelled and the nobility that live there. You find the topic surprising from a maga of House Tremere.
  • Wilhelm Weiss: This Jerbiton magus is from the chapter house of Rheingasse, located in Cologne, visiting for the council meeting. He seems more interested in your mundane family, being a merchant himself, and asks you whether they know about the Order and if they would be interested in establishing preferential relations with his own trading business.
  • Rudolf: This fellow Bonisagus actually seeks you out. He is originally from the Tribunal of Rome and recently joined Fengheld (he is still a probationary member). He says he would offer to help you find the best books the library offers, but unfortunately he is quite busy this season with a task that was assigned to him by the covenant and needs to return to the lab. He cannot tell you more of what this task is, as this is covenant business and he doesn't want to get into trouble.
  • Indulius: This Flambeau hoplite has a rather short discussion with you, which is more like an interrogation about what you may have heard about non-hermetic activities where you have travelled. He is quite rude and when you tell him several times that you haven't heard anything about this subject, he simply turns aside and leaves.

The magus who stops the longer to chat with you is Tabanus, a visiting magus. You often meet him at meals, and he seems inclined to spend some time chatting idly. He opens the discussion by mentionning that he is recently arrived in the Rhine Tribunal from Magvillus and interested in learning more about the magi at all of the covenants. "What of you, sodalis? How do you find the attitude of the magi you have met so far?"

Konrad is happy to meet some of the magi of the covenant. His reactions to them are as follows:

  • Peter Von Würzburg: Konrad shows interest in his grapes and wine experiments, and says little more about himself than to make sure Peter knows his name. Magi love to talk about their projects. They love it even more when people are interested in them
  • Adelheid Invigilix: Konrad is happy to chat with the woman, though he sadly has little to offer in the way of noble connections. But he remains polite and attentive while speaking to her.
  • Wilhelm Weiss: Here we find somewhere that Konrad can get some traction. Yes, he'll inform Wilhelm, his parents know he's a magus (I assume that's permitted.) And yes, they might well be interested in some kind of trade arrangement. At the very least, Konrad can offer Wilhelm an introduction.
  • Rudolf: Konrad will thank Rudolf for his help, and let the other magus know that plans are to send him (Konrad) to a new chapterhouse to stay. So he won't have full access to the library in any case. He will ask if Rudolf is at all interested in exchanging letters. It's always nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of. And we younger magi have to stick together.
  • Indulius: Konrad answers the hoplite's questions as best he can. But really, he hasn't seen any non-hermetic magical activities in his time as a magus, so there's only so much he can offer.

Konrad is happy to have a chance to talk to Tabanus. "They've been accepting of me," Konrad replies, in answer to the man's question. "Distracted, sometimes, as magi can be. But no one has been unkind or inhospitable. How about you? Do you have any insight as to the magi of Fengheld that you can share?"

"Yes, indeed they can be," replies Tabanus, "but I haven't been here long enough to meet very many of them. For some reason, some of them seem to be avoiding me." There is a slightly ironic tone to the last sentence. "They seem a bit... aloof to a simple visitor such as myself. So I figured I would take an indirect approach to getting to know them. Can you help me?"

"I'm not sure how much help I can be," Konrad replies. "I'm newer here than you are and know fewer people than you do."

Tabanus nods in acceptance of what you said, but argues, "You may still be a new arrival, but you will still get to meet some of the magi, will you not? These may not be the same magi that will agree to speak with me, whether that is because you have different interests or connections that I do, or because some will be prejudiced against me for some reason. So, just by sharing your impressions of each of these magi, you will help me discover how to approach them so that they will speak to me."

"I can't see how chatting with you about my experiences at Fengheld with the other magi could be a problem," Konrad replies. "But why are they so reticent to talk to you? Surely they must have some reason, especially if it's such a broadly held attitude."

The rather severe-looking magus shrugs his broad shoulders, "It is a fairly common reaction to member of House Guernicus, I suppose. You would be surprised at how many magi feel guilty of something. And my master taught me that they often are, you know." He shakes his head in dismay, "It is amazing how someone may swear to the Code, then look at every way possible to bend the wording of that same Oath so as to justify whatever they want. I am always amazed at how little honor there is amongst magi! Is our word worth so little?"

"Perhaps I've been fortunate in my dealings with other magi," Konrad replies. "For I haven't had the misfortune to confront any dishonorable magi, at least none that I've been aware of. But then, I suppose those in your House tend to see the worst of the Order."

"Still, I have had to confront preconceptions people have of me based on my house. Just as people have ideas about what a Guernicus magus will be like, they also have ideas regarding those of us from House Bonisagus. Now, I'll be fair. There's some truth to what they say. But it can be rather annoying to all get painted with the same broad brush. We are individual magi after all, with different strengths, weaknesses, and goals."

Tabanus nods and signals a passing servant to refill their mugs of ale while listening to Konrad, "Indeed. It is particularly hard for us younger magi. We haven't established ourselves yet in their perception, as individual I mean, so they automatically fall back on preconceptions instead of making the effort of getting to know us."

"Speaking of which," he adds, with a small smile, "could tell me more about yourself? Where are you from and where you were apprenticed? What led you to come to Fengheld?"

"I was apprenticed in Stonehenge," Konrad replies. "Though I was born in the Rhine and feel quite comfortable here. I could have stayed in Stonehenge at Nigrasaxa, but my sister died there at the covenant, and that left too many bad memories for me. I decided to move back to the lands I grew up with and the food I remember as a child. I'm also closer to my family here, though the Gift makes visits a little more difficult, as you can imagine, even with being able to share my Parma."

"In any case, Fengheld has a strong reputation within the Rhine, and so I sought them out. They were kind enough to allow me in to study here."

"What about you?" he adds. "Where are you from and what brings you to Fengheld?"

OOC: FWIW, Konrad is not going to allow himself to drink a lot of ale. Too much ale loosens the tongue - not that he has anything bad to say. But I have a funny feeling about Tabanus.

" 'A strong reputatiom'," says Tabanus in a soft voice, "that is one way to put it." After another sip, he adds, "not everyone would state it so... politically. Are you sure you were not trained in the tradition of Trianoma?" The tone is light and joking... perhaps.

"Myself, I was assigned to the Rhine Tribunal to support the covenants here in upholding the Code. So I am currently on a tour of the various covenants to see where I can be the most useful."

"So you still have contacts with your mundane family? That is... unusual... for a magus... of House Bonisagus none the less. Though perhaps I am again falling upon preconceptions? They must live not very far from here, if you decided to settle at Fengheld to be near them?"

"Near is a relative term to a magus," Konrad replies with a smile. "They live in Lubek, which is a lot closer to here than it is to Nigrasaxa. And given magical ways of travel, it's not nearly as onerous a trip as it could be."

"My strong contacts with my family were more because of my father's actions than my own. He's a merchant at heart. When I was sent across the sea to take my apprenticeship, he used that as an opportunity to expand his trade. I think he had only the vaguest idea at the time what they actually did. But it was clear that the magi were well off and able to buy luxuries. And if his son was going to be there, he was interested in having at least a little bit of a presence there to check up that they were treating me well enough. It was largely my father's actions that caused my sister and her husband to come and join our covenant, partly as his representatives there. He still trades with Nigrasaxa to this day, despite the loss of his daughter there. I was very close to my sister, however, and, as I said, decided to go somewhere else so that I wouldn't be reminded of her loss every day."

"I was fortunate as well that I was away from my parents during most of the time that my Gift was active. It was not too long before I was apprenticed that it first manifest. My parents knew something was wrong with me by then, but they had years of caring for me to fall back on. And before too long, I was apprenticed and far away. For years it was just letters that kept us close. And in that the Gift couldn't interfere. By the time I could return to visit them, I knew Parma Magica and could share it with them to protect them from the effects of the Gift."

"So yes, I suppose I'm an oddity among the Order for still being close to my parents. But I consider myself fortunate for all of that."