Chapter 15bis where many sodales establish themselves in the Oak Circle (End Summer 1015 onwards)

There has been a lot of discussion on discord, but as far as I can see, there is nothing on the forum to say what the magi do to settle at the Oak Circle, and hence, as far as I am concerned, nothing is official.

  • You have few grogs and no servants at Oak Circle, which puts you in camping mode.
  • Provisions may last Summer. Some may be procured from nearby farms, but not enough to last the Winter.
  • You can obviously get resources and staff from Ungulus, which has been built up to sustain all the magi diregarding the split between sites, but you hardly have grogs to spare for the transport.
  • You had a plan for a building, but I do not think you had the means to build it yet.

I am not saying that anything is impossible, but neither does anything come for free. I think your best ideas so far was using magic boosting to create surplus, which may also get peasants to join. Wulfric would not like it of course, but he is not there for the time being.

Feel free to continue metadiscussion on discord, but please post conclusions here, and I would be grateful if everybody post their current IC view as a starting point for further discussion.

When the magi gather for discussion on the topic of the Oak Circle, Thom raises a six-fingered hand to request to speak.

"Sodales, I defer to all of you who are much wiser and more experienced than I am on so many things. But if I might, I would offer a viewpoint on the Oak Circle and my hopes for what may be built there.

"First, I am very grateful to have found a place among you. When I left the safety of seclusion in the regio after Castruum Antiquum's fall, I wasn't really sure what I would find out here in the world. I'm very thankful I found you, my sodales, and that we have come together in safety and fellowship.

"Second, I am in favor of starting a chapter house at the Oak Circle. Ungulus is a key stronghold, one that needs to continue to stand against the Diedne scourge and to be a bastion of strength for the Order. In many ways, Ungulus is a kind of arcane sentinel for the Tribunal if not the Order here on the borderlands of war.

"But we also need a quieter, less public place to cultivate a different kind of strength. A place that is more devoted to our studies and research, to healing, and to restoring new peace where war has raged. I think the Chapterhouse here could become a valuable stronghold of its own, but one with a less military posture.

"It will take us time, though.

"I recommend that we pursue the suggestions that have been made regarding magically creating a structure for our labs in the Circle, one that respects the sacred and arcane nature of the Circle and its trees.

"I encourage us to quickly mobilize covenfolk from Ungulus to establish an initial staff at the Circle. It will be rough going the first few seasons and years, for sure. But every grand endeavor starts somewhere.

"I think we should also pursue magical means of boosting production in the environs around the Circle. We can invent means to assist with harvesting reeds, peat, and herbs. We can invent magical means of nurturing the fishing harvest from the rivers in the area. We can also shepherd and re-shape some of the surrounding marsh to suit our needs. We can encourage the growth and success of herds of sheep and cattle. Apiaries and honey could be made in abundance here. All of these endeavors will attract some of the local folk to us.

"We should seek to recruit others to join us. Good Turold's folk may have some interest in joining us here. We could deepen our relationship with the King of Foam and invite him to settle some of the lesser fae here, brownies or nisse, among our covenfolk to aid in their work. The people of this land are seeking places of peace and prosperity. If we build it, so to speak, they will come.

"All that said, I have so much to learn still, but I devote what I have and will gain to the success of both Ungulus and this chapterhouse in the Oak Circle."

Turold weighs in. "I could try and contact my cousin's tribe, I think they should be in the vincinity at this time of the year." He will head off to try and contact them.

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