Osgar can help the magi getting an overview of available staff. This is what he has on its list, and he wants to check that he has everything right.
- 8 magi (@ 5pts):
- Angus, Nauvi, Thadeus , Elric stay at Ungulus
- Betula, Cath'rinne, Thomas, Sionagh go to Oak Circle
- 6 PC companions (@ 3pts):
- Ealhstan, Hamish (turb captain) stay at Ungulus
- Turold, Edwin (autocrat), Ruedi, Leofric (blacksmith and friar) go to Oak Circle
- Finn might return, but at present he is roaming the land at his own expense.
- 5 PC grogs (@1 pts):
- Telsa and Sasso stay with Thadeus at Ungulus
- Jack goes to Oak Circle as turb captain
- Iago would prefer to go with Jack, though I cannot remember what magus they came with
- Odard (undecided)
- 4 grogs of Nauvi's (@1 pt) stay with Nauvi
- 3 native specialists (named specialists) (@2 pts) all stay at Ungulus
- Osgar (autocrat), Mildred (stewardess), and Clarissa (head chirurgeon)
- 10 native grogs (6) and rangers (4) (@1pt)
- Thom suggested to take 3-4 grogs and one ranger
- None of the rangers volunteer to go on their own. Going together is more appealing. Maybe take all four, since the main site has the Galwegians?
- 5 rangers from Galloway (@1pt)
- I assume they stay with Thadeus. Nobody else trusts them.
- 4 new specialists (@2pts)
- Luciu's glassblower, I assume he stays at Ungulus
- Bookbinder, illuminator, scribe, I assume they stay at the main library at Ungulus
- 1 apprentice scribe (Alice Laundry Lass) @ 1pt
- scribe, I assume they stay at the main library at Ungulus
These inhabitants require about 29 servants and teamsters. You have 20, but Janus already ordered further recruitment, and it is not very difficult to fill the gap over Winter. «I would wait before we recruit any additional labourers, though. It takes time to get new people settled and train them properly,» says Osgar.
Agricultural staff is in addition. They are reluctant to move from the land they know, and mechanically only as silver income.