Chapter 16 Council Meeting (Autumn and Winter 1014)

OOC Good points. A couple of counterpoints, though

  • Average clergy do not have true faith.
  • True faith is less likely to cause trouble with the magi than the more common and less true faith.
  • Would Cath'rinne know that the faith is true?
  • Even at different sites, the covenant is likely to have enough interaction to require difficulties to be overcome.

OK, I did not solve any problems either. I think the best approach is if the two of you OOC discuss how the characters may work together, and then we make a shorter IC scene of introductions. Do you want a thread for the OOC, or do you take it in discord?

OOC: I don't have a problem either way. Just made sense that having a blacksmith close by might be useful for the Oak Grove. Leofric might even settle in the nearby village instead of at the grove itself. Sounded like that village is remote and doesn't have many resources, so they would probably welcome having both a member of the clergy and a blacksmith settle there (and such a village is exactly the kind of place he wants to help). And if he tells them that "those people who live in the woods and come occasionally to purchase supplies" are good folk even if they are a little strange, that might be beneficial.

Note that Cath'rinne would have had a chance to interact with Leofric during Fall, so she would have noticed that he doesn't seem to react negatively to her. And he's a practical kind of monk, more interest in the well-being of people than in criticizing them.

But if she doesn't want him anywhere near the Oak Grove, that's fine also.

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The settlement is large enough to form a hundred and house a reeve, but it is remote in the sense that it is the last one up the valley, so there is no through-fare. There was no church. Is Leofric ordained? There was a smithy, but no full-time smith. You do not know if they have a skilled part-time smith, or if it is just a communal workshop for dilletants.

Still worth visiting, even if they don't need him as a smith. And yes, Leofric can perform most ceremonies - christenings, weddings, last sacraments. I believe the social virtue mentions this.

If you wish, you may be an ordained priest and may officiate at marriages, baptisms, funerals, and the Mass, though the parish clergy may resent your interfering on their ā€œturf.ā€

So I conclude that you wish, and Leofric is an ordained priest. The virtue says mendicant too, which sort of implies that he should not settle down. Good point.

We could keep him out of covenant accounts, and assume that he makes a living from alms and odd jobs as a smith, visiting either covenant site when it is narrativly convenient. Or he could find that Cath'rinne and the others needs the Word so much that he had better stay close, even if he knows better than antagonising them with head-on argument. Your call.

That was what I was envisioning when I created him. Those odd jobs as a smith would include whatever he makes for the covenant.

Unless there are no Christian mundanes at the Oak Grove, then providing them with religious services would give him a reason to regularly visit there as well. But like I said, that depends wholly on what the magi living there wants, since for now he doesn't even know where that is.

EDIT: To clarify, I see Leofric as gravitating around the covenant, but mostly not living there. He'd show up, spend a few weeks there to fix things as a smith and providing a few religious services, then move on. He does the same with various hamlets in the area. Except for the winter, where he spend more time in a specific place while the roads are not easily traveled with his cart and equipment. That way he does not strain the capacity of any hamlet to host him and remains welcome where he goes.


"The determination of the yearly surplus, work seasons and so on?"

"That is all up to the council to decide. My view is that the needs of each member in vis should be considered compared to the reserves we have. If we can fulfill it without depleting the reserves, then why would we deny such a request? As for work seasons, again, the council gets to decide on whether one's proposal is fair."

"To me, the Praetor is not a despot who dictates what the members should or should not do. His or her role is to organize things so that the members can work towards a common goal of growing the covenant while also pursuing their personal research."

"That answer satisfies me. I don't plan to volunteer to be Praetor this time arround. So I'm more than happy to give you my vote as well."

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After long discussion and no opposition, Thadeus is elected praetor. Elric is voted in as probationary member. The other magi, I assumeĀ¹, accept full membership.

Thadeus needs a few days to straighten the list of things that need discussion. In the meantime, Angus appears. @John_Graham_52

Ā¹ Cry out if you don't, everyone.


On Thomas' initiative, Osgar has the peasants hold back some of the livestock to breed a starting stock for Oak Circle in the Spring. This includes pigs, sheep, and goats. A young newly-wed couple agrees to come along, keen on the opportunity to be masters of the first farmstead. They advice against cows, which would need a lot of fodder; by the description, nobody with farming skills believes they could grow enough to feed them the first year. They also promise eggs and chicken in the Spring. The nisse will obviously also come along.

IĀ“d say that this costs a total of Ā£4 out of Ungulus incomes, and creates a starting income source of Ā£1/year (surplus when the peasants are fed). Does that sound reasomable? Wait, the nisse should provide a bonus here; make it Ā£2/year.


After the Council meeting resumes after Angus' arrival, here are the topics that Thadeus brings forward:

  1. Clarifying the rights and responsibilities of probationary membership (charter amendment):

    • Can set up a lab, can read books in the library (not bring them to their lab), can use lab texts
    • Can use other covenant resources (grogs, specialists, guest lab if available) with previous approval from the Praetor
    • Get half a share when surplus resources are distributed
    • Must perform at least 1 season of covenant service during the 7 seasons of his probation
  2. Clarifying the rights and responsibilities of protected guests (charter amendment):

    • Can read books in the library (not take them out or copy them) with previous approval from the Praetor
    • Can use other covenant resources (grogs, specialists, guest lab if available) with previous approval from the Praetor
  3. Should we offer Angus ex Miscellanea the status of a Protected Guest for now? With Probationary membership to be offered in 2 seasons if things go well.

  4. Discuss the development of income sources, training/recruitment of additional grogs and specialists:

    • We need to train more grogs if we are to defend both sites and protect the magi. That means more support covenfolk as well.

    • Thadeus suggest that the covenant should acquire a few riding horses and train some of the grogs in their use, to make patrolling the area and travelling to some places easier. The question is whether the covenant afford it?

    • Discuss individual activities for the coming year and offers of covenant services

      • Thadeus plans on binding the salamander as his familiar, but would need the 7 pawns of vis in Perdo and/or Vim. He also offers to collect the Creo vis source at Carlisle.
      • What of the others? Do they have specific needs for vis? Offers of covenant services?
  5. Discuss the development of the Oak Grove

    • Aside from the mundanes (discussed on Discord), vis for an Aegis and to cast the ritual to create the building, what does the Oak Grove need?
  6. Discuss the distribution of surplus vis to members

    • Obligations for the coming year:

      • 5 pawns of Vim vis for the Aegis at Ungulus
      • 5 pawns of Vim vis for the Aegis at the Oak Grove
      • 6 pawns of either Creo or Herbam to create the structure at the Oak Grove (suggest we use Herbam, since Creo is more valuable and versatile)
      • 7 pawns of Creo and/or Corpus for Nauvi's longevity ritual (suggest we use Corpus)
      • Does any of the magi need a longevity ritual in the coming year?
    • Thadeus suggests that, as a general guideline (not a strict rule), the covenant keep the following reserves of raw vis of 20 pawns for the Arts of Creo, Corpus and Vim, and 10 pawns in the other Arts

      • That would leave the following pawns available for distribution or to trade: 14 pawns of Creo, 2 pawns of Aquam, 15 pawns of Corpus and 6 pawns of Mentem.
    • Since we have 6 full members (one share), 1 probationay member (half a share) and 37 pawns available, Thadeus suggests a distribution of 5 pawns per share, 3 pawns for the half share, and the remaining 4 pawns be set aside to trade for Vim vis (or to compensate one of the magi to extract Vim vis as a covenant service)

Thadeus joins the group, having been informed that a visitor had shown up. He nods at the newcomer, "Greetings, I am Thadeus ex Miscellanea, Praetor of Ungulus."

Thom listens carefully, nodding along with the outline of topics.



"Yes, I think we should. Angus appears to be a stand-up magus, and we need to rebuild the Order with strong magi like him."

"Yes, we certainly need to do that. Perhaps Hamish and Jack can begin the recruiting of additional members of the turb. We'll need more trusted people at both locations."

"My plan for this coming year is still being formed but will largely focus on getting the Oak Circle up and running and viable. And advancing my studies as best I can. But the establishment of the Circle is the first priority."

"This seems like a fair solution."

ā€œGreeting Praetor Thadeus, I am Angus Ex Miscellanea and I am seeking a place to live. I heard the Order had reoccupied Ungulus, so here I amā€ replies Angus, smiling.

"Well, the Order never completely left Ungululs, although for a short time its presence was tenuous. Many used it as a staging place in the fight against the Renounced, and many perished in the war. But we magi of Ungulus are again occupying its walls and look forward to strengthening it again, while remaining watchful of any of them turning up again."

Thadeus smiles, "Let us move out of the wind." He leads the way inside the first tower, to the eating hall on the second floor. Once they are seated with a mug of something warm, he asks, "Your brogue announces that you came from the north. Where did you steps take you these last years? Did you participate in the fighting?"

ā€œI was trained at Wicker Hill but when the Diedne were renounced they tried to kill my Parens and me. We managed to escape and my master finished my training on the move. Once I gauntleted he moved to the continent and I moved south in to Northumbria. I fought the Diedne a couple of times, just young ones with a couple of grogs but I avoided any of the major battles. I will need a longevity ritual in about three years so I need a lab or even better a sodalis who can make one for me. As to myself, I am skilled in finesse and write well, I look forward to cooperating with magi again and having sodalis and an aegis for when the Diedne come callingā€ he replies smiling

"Wicker Hill, you say?" Thadeus express surprise. "Did your pater have a lab in the tower there?" That last question is asked candidly.

"I believe I will need a longevity ritual soon, so seven pawns of Creo or Corpus will be needed. Luckily my dowry includes some of these. I have brought with me enough money and trade goods that I hope we can keep the covenant running, but I am eager to see what we can do to improve our situation." Nauvi ponders the others. "It is a shame we were not able to definitively deal with Wulfric, but I believe I lead him away from Ungulus so our location remains safe for now."

"This year or next one?" asks Thadeus, ready to note that need on the covenant's obligations.

Edit: OOC Edited my post above to take Nauvi's need into account for this year, just in case.