I decided to move ya over here
Here is fine. I shall presume you are speaking Latin unless you specifically say otherwise.
Also, your prose is most excellent I must say. However, you are unused to the way things are around here, so I am going to drop in some corrections in the responses to your words and actions.
Adrianna was awoken by her husband. [color=blue]The watch commander has sent a messenger. Mysterious strangers ride through the village, up to see the magi no doubt, yet they do not yield to identify themselves.
She knew the protocol, inform the guards up at the keep, the keep watch on the visitors. She kissed her husband and two children, and prepared herself. She put on a cloak of raven feathers, raised her arms, and was transformed…
You will notice that it seems the guards were expecting you, and the Night Bailiff has you wait outside the gate until one of the magi. However, it is mere moments before Inigo of Flambeau arrives to greet you.
[color=red]Salve sodale! Please, do enter!
At this the doors to the castle swing open, allowing the men entrance. A short moment later they stand in the courtyard, surrounded by the Guards of Andorra.
Inigo leads the visitors into the courtyard [color=red]“Magi Titus, if you would please accompany me? Your men will have to remain here.”
[color=red]Not a problem. Maria, Ximena; take these men to the hall and find them some food and drink.
The issue settled, Titus is escorted into the meeting hall to wait while the Inigo went to inform Antonio the guest had arrived in the chamber. A new guard, still green, is assigned to stand with Titus.
At that moment, Antonio enters the hall. The guard stands down and takes his position by the door, keeping a watchful eye on the strange man and his giant dog.
[color=red]Better late than never. We are fighting a two front battle here. I have already sent a contingent to rescue Carmen and defeat the efreet that has long plagued us. I have stayed behind with a reserve force to defend the covenant, and already we were attacked by a small band of rogue spirits that our Ludovicio of Tytalus had to put down. Now, our scouts report a band of giants and ogres are on the march against us, perhaps to attack the keep, but more likely the intend to attack the village below us. I would go to wipe them out, but I think it is a trick to lure me away from the covenant so the real enemy can strike in full force.
If you are here to help, I want to send you to assist Inigo in intercepting this war march. And as I had told Eustace in the letter I sent him, those who come to our assistance shall be greatly rewarded.