Chapter 2: Still Caverns Run Deep

Fray will head into the lab and see what can be done with the stone. Is the rubble a mix of materials like dirt, mud, or just stone? If stone, are they large blocks? Do they appear to be shaped consistently?

The rubble came from the ceiling--it's the same stone that makes up everything else here.

As for the contents of the room...yes, Gregorius can see various demolished pieces of equipment, but there's nothing salvageable. Almost miraculously, though, the stream wasn't blocked--most of it runs underneath an overhang in this room. There's also a body crushed underneath the rubble.


"oh dear, a body. Poor soul."
Fray will ReTe the stone aside to get through to the body; or if there is really not much stone there to move he'll do it by hand.

[ OOC: ReTe, Base 3 for the same as a strong person, R: Voice +2, D: Conc +1, T: Ind.
CT 26 = Re 7, Te 7, Int 3, Aura 5, + roll of 4 (1d10=4, 1d10=8 2nd is weird magic roll) ]

Assuming he's not crushed too, what are the bodies particulars?

Its particulars are skeletal--it's been here over a decade, and it's pretty damp. Basically you can tell that he was armed, and, judging by the remnants of the clothing, probably not a magus.


Fray will still clear away the rubble form the body, and then stack the stone in an orderly manner out of the way. He's then continue to carefully move more of the stone away and stack it. "..perhaps there are more under all this. ."

If he gets through that in good time, then he'll search through the lab itself looking for anything noteworthy, or compartments, storage, exits, and such.

[ooc - moving the rubble aside and stacking it while Salutor might want to jump in. Don't want him to miss anything good.]

Gregorius will bring in some of the quarryers to help with the rubble moving. He'll also order someone to start moving the supplies in the previous cave to the covenant's own supply storage (but keep it clearly delineated for now).

Edit: And get something decent done with the body. Where "something decent" doesn't include divine buriel rites, not that he's making that explicit to the covenfolk - it should be pretty easy to avoid as the covenant doesn't have a priest.

The workers duly start the process of cleaning up the lab, and transporting the supplies from the storeroom. You don't find any more bodies.


Is there anything of note amongst the wreckage after the stone is moved?

Not really, no. The nature of the equipment confirms what you must already have suspected, that this magus was a Terram specialist, but that's about it.


Gregorius will make sure the magus' notes have also been gathered up and taken out of the cave (along with anything else likely to be damaged by a sudden increase in water flow - given the geography, the water shouldn't flow back up to this lab, but why take the chance?

He'll then head back up the other blocked passage way.

"Are you able to make the rocks transparent?" he asks Fray. "Ideally, I'd like to get an idea of what's on the other side and how bad the blockage is before we start moving them. Also, do you have any ideas of how best to do the moving them, short of 'voice range and then run'?"

"Before the covenfolk disperse too much of the material, perhaps ensure to get all skeleton aside. As you know their are many secrets we can garner from it, and perhaps learn what it's final wishes may have been. From memory we will need the skeleton fully intact."

"As for the rocks I will see what I can do. Give me a moment. It is really more the water than the rocks isn't it?"

[ OOC: * Can Muto Te make them "more transparent than glass" perhaps needing a Req?,
Or is that restricted to Perdo Im only?
I think it looks like a MuTe effect, base 4 for highly unnatural, +1 to affect Stone. I'd use R:Touch +1, D:Conc, T:Part +1, and scan over the walls and rocks to see what is beyond.

  • an alternative might be to ReIm the image of the rock aside by a pace. That is fairly low spec effect (base 2, T:part +1).
  • Perhaps I use Muto to join the rocks on the surface of the pile into a strong lattice, then we can control the flow by opening a hole slowly?
    Reduce the risk of a dangerous collapse.
  • Might also Mu the water

Gregorius responds (out of earshot of the quarryers) "It'll be a ritual to summon his ghost, unless it's already active, and not one I know. Any arcane connection from the corpse should be enough, or we could use the spot he died instead - which we have a pretty good guess at." He marks the spot where the body was found anyway, for future reference.

[OOC: Do we need more transparent than (high quality) glass? I don't think Perdo (or any other) requisites would be needed - it's just a question of getting increasingly unnatural, not transforming it into another form. You could probably get something that was transparent-ish off the base 3 (slightly unnatural) guideline - after all, there are naturally occurring stones that are at least translucent. Agreed that base 4 is the right guideline to go to for properly transparent.

Depending on how big individual rocks are, you might be able to just use the spell on one rock to give us a window (this only works if there aren't more behind it). I don't think you can use a moving target to scan over the walls - you have to pick a rock (or group of rocks, but that looks like it's too high level).

Once he reaches the blocked chamber Fray will walk carefully around the stones and observe it in more detail. He bends and picks up a stone of the same type as blocking the stream, and runs his thumb and fingers over it in his hands, weighing the weight while staring at the water stream through the gaps i the stone.

"Perhaps move toward the exit a little Gregorius. I am certain this is dangerous. "

Fray will try to cast a Rego Imagonem effect to move the image of the stone away a pace, and cast it using T:Group so that many of the rocks are affected at once. He cannot afford to spont too many times here so he's up'ed the effect to Group. It could have been target effect 4, but that needs a spont cast per stone, with no assurance that he'd not drop fatigue anyway.

[OOC: I'll not try the MuTe effect as it would be cast on a single stone, and we have a lot of stones to see through (I think ??).]

  • Target effect level = ReIm 10 (base 2, R:Touch +1, D: Con +1, T: Group +2)
  • CT = 18 + roll. Re 7, Im 1, Int 3, Aura 5, Loud and with gestures 2.
  • Rolls 1d10+18=19, 1d10=8.
  • Note: I rolled this as the Stress dice then warp dice, as you can see from the +18 in the first one. It rolled a 1, so I'll roll the multiplicative rolls here. Result is 1d10=3 , so total is 18+(3*2).
  • CT is 24, which passes the casting, with loss of a fatigue.

I believe you're in "more than one way to skin a cat" territory, but the base level for MuTe would have to be higher than the PeIm level: level 5 vs. level 3. In addition, the size of an Individual for stone is considerably smaller than for Imaginem.

What's beyond is water--Fray can't see anything but that (it's dark, and the space beyond is filled with water), but he is sure that the water goes all the way up to the ceiling.

Sure, you could try that.

Yes, there are potential things you could do with that.


Fray will also light-up some of the individual rocks with the effect he used in the Barrows thread; but modified to Ind rather than Part.

That is, unless this is happening after Winder 1228 (??), then he has a formulaic spell for this which will more than do the trick. I'm not sure of the elapsed time.

Altering to T:Ind changes the effect to level 5.
Casting total is 32+roll. (Mu 21 + Te/Ig 1 + Int 3 + Aura 5 + W&G 2 ).
Roll 1: 1d10+32=36, 1d10=8 (extra roll is check for WeirdM)
Roll 2: 1d10+32=34, 1d10=9
Roll 3: 1d10+32=38, 1d10=9
...which all succeed with no fatigue or botch.

Does the extra light help us to see more?

The passage continues behind the wall of rubble, but that's about all Fray can make out. The wall of rubble itself seems to be a couple of paces thick at its base, but much thinner at the top, as you'd expect of a pile of rocks.


Gregorius comments to Fray:

"I'd be worried about the rocks' continued ability to resist the water if you softened them to mould them. I think it should be alright at the bottom, as there are other rocks behind them, but at the top? You have the risk of the blockage suddenly giving way when you're standing right next to it. Shall I just remove some of the rocks at the top at voice range? I can do so formulaicly, and I should be able to get a reasonable start."

"excellent Gregorius ", as he walks back to the entryway

Gregorius will make sure everyone else is out of the cave complex, and then stand at the furthest he can still see the blockage (I think this is likely to be the limit rather than Voice range). He'll then start to remove rocks from the top of the pile.

[Ominous Levitation of the Weighy Stone, ReTe 15. Casting score is Re 8 + Te 7 + Sta 1 + Aura 5 + die, = 21 + die, so can do without fatigue. First spell die roll is 6 ( Please make as many rolls as he needs.]

The stone Gregorius had targetted is wrenched out of the blockage, zooms along the corridor and then drops abruptly onto the floor.

As Gregorius expected, pulling the stone out significantly increases the flow of water through the rock dam--though not by any means to a dangerous level.

BTW, given that this is a cave, echoes travel pretty well, and Voice range is actually pretty far.
