Chapter 3: Not in Kansas anymore

The moon looks familiar, but the stars do not.

After accepting this realization, Cygna heads back into the cavern to “break the news” to her sodales.

[color=red]“It seems, my sodales, that, although the moon is in her proper place, the stars are quite out of alignment. I don't know what to make of it, except for the fact that we are still beneath the Lunar Sphere. Ergo, there must be a way for us to return home, if we can only decipher the puzzle we find ourselves in.”


How could that be? Surely, we must be pretty far from home, for, even in the levant, I've heard that stars, although strange, stay recogniseable.
Could we be in some kind of strange magical regio?

[color=red]"The stars are, quite apparently, still stars. But I don't recognize a single constellation. Even Polaris, if she is still up there, is as lost as we seem to be. If anyone else can make sense of how they're strewn, they are most welcome to try."