Chapter 4: Westerwald

ooc: can we understand what is being shouted? Does the voice sound familiar?

You can tell that it is German.

ooc: can Carolinus see anything more distinct since he currently as "eyes of the cat"?

Rabanus will wait whats gonna happen next.

Carolinus releases his concentration on the spell holding the equipment aloft, and the wooden raft floats to the ground. "A wall has appeared from nothing, sodales," he mutters. Adjusting his grip on his staff, Carolinus pulls his hood further over his head, hoping the dark cloak will camouflage him in case of an attack from the wall. I wonder why Honorus sent Theron to fetch us, and if he knew there were protections here? Where did that owl go?

"Hello!" Carolinus calls in Latin, expecting anyone who can make a wall appear out of thin air to understand. "We are searching for shelter for the night. Can you help us?"

ooc: Where did Theron go?

Your voice carries far in the night. The people who created this stone wall are sure to hear.

I claim that jebrick wrote

"Strange devices, books, some equipment.... oh yeah, and some wine.
Is that you master Honorus? Your bird has led us here so we expected a somewhat warmer welcome. Speaking of warm, is there a fire to warm oneself by over there?"

Four heads look over the wall at you then duck back down. Mumbled voices are heard. Then Theron flies over the wall and shortly a loud "OUCH!" is heard.

Honorus stands up, rubbing his right hand.

"Greetings sodales. I am glad you found your way here. Let me see if I can open a doorway to let you in."

ReTe 5 (base 2 +1 touch, +1 part, +1 control) Make a portion of the wall swing open like a door.( same as from the other thread)
1d10+23=31 + aura

Once they are in, the same to close the door.

Why did you roll three times?
The rolls you listed are okay. Spell works.

"Such carrying on... Have you been seeing spirits, Honorus?" Carolinus asks as he passes through the doorway.

Giving the grogs a quick spot check for any wounds or traces of the earlier spell, he adds, "Oh, and Tristram, please see that the equipment is brought inside as well."

"You may want to consider putting on clothes", Hildegard adds after pointedly looking at the naked grogs who are eager to fulfil the second part of the instructions first.

The feeling of being watched remains all night, but you do finally get some sleep - not as much as you should have though. So you feel winded when you get up the next morning.

You realize you are close to a brook and that there seems to be a clearing upstream - a two or three hundred paces ahead.

((Not sure?? I'm guessing that my supervisor passed close by and I killed the window.))

The wall disappears with the rising of the sun.

Honorus looks very grumpy.
I have a feeling that some infernal forces are left in this area from the demon worshipers who used to be here. I have dreams of always being pursued since we have been here. Lets check out the clearing.

Honorus tries a InVi2 to determine the strength of the aura they are in.

Your back, which is turned to the forest seems to become slightly warmer, but your front which is towards the clearing feels warmer than that.

ooc: 1 behind you, 2 ahead, magical

Thats a good idea. While Honorus scans the aura, Rabanus will take a good, thorough, mundane look.

Scanning the surrounding (1d10=3)
Again, Awareness 2, Perception 3, Keen Vision.

You see some wooden huts ahead. You also smell pigs and smoke.

"Perhaps, sodales, some of us should explore the clearing for signs of the old covenant. I will be happy to talk to the inhabitants of those huts; where there's smoke and swine, there's probably breakfast!" Carolinus grins.

Unless someone speaks up with a better plan, Carolinus conjures a small strawberry bush, intending to pick some strawberries with which to sweeten his conversation with the peasants. Unfortunately, the bush produces only one strawberry, so Carolinus pops it in his mouth. "Delicious!" he proclaims, wiping a little juice from his chin. After resting for a moment he tries a raspberry bush instead. Those nearby feel the urge to grin with delight as the bush springs to life in Carolinus' hand, blooming with fresh fruit. Carolinus gingerly picks the berries from the prickly plant. "Raspberry bushes might be better cast at a range other than touch," he chuckles. With a pouch not quite full of sweet berries, Carolinus sets off across the meadow whistling a jaunty tune.

Conjuring some fruit: CrHe5 (Base +1, +1 touch, +3 moon duration)
Casting total: (roll 4 + Cr 9+3 + He 3 + St 1 + aura 2)/2 = 11
1 strawberry on the bush:

raspberry bush: Casting total: (roll 6 + Cr 9+3 + He 3 + St 1 + aura 2)/2 = 12

berries: 11

[edit: modified for a plant, and recast due to small number of berries]

The hamlet consists of four wooden huts, plus bees, pigs, gardens. You can feel that you are being expected. An old man, on a bench in front of the hut in the middle, is staring at you full of distrust.
Another two men, in front of the next hut, are repairing a net used for fishing.

No women nor children are visible.

Honorus hangs back so he can watch all around. The lack of sleep and the dreams are making him paranoid to this scene and these people.

We seem a bit far from a lake for a fishing net. And I wonder where the women and children are? Raspberries are less likely to work on suspicious old men. Carolinus limps toward the men, leaning on his staff. With the other magi haning back, he decides to start a conversation. Probabily just as well; I seem to have more experience with mundanes than my sodales.
Carolinus approaches the man sitting on the bench, stopping a respectful distance away. He smiles toward all three men. "Greetings sirs. My companions and I were led on a merry chase during a hunt yesterday, and we may have become lost. Can you tell us the name of this village?"