Chapter 4a - Barcelona Nights

(OOC: Does Ludo even speak spanish or whatever dialect the entertainer was using to even know he was the object of ridicule? I recall his introduction to the story had him unable to converse with the man he met in the hills. He doesn't have a character sheet posted is why I'm asking. If he did, Octavian will respond like below.)

Once the Tytalus has finished venting, Octavian seemingly comes to Thomas' defense. "If master Ludovico wishes to express his distate for this provision of the Code, next year's Tribunal gathering would be a more appropriate forum. I took the opportunity to advise you of the customs here and you were thus well aware of the potential consequences when you made the decision to accompany the group on this outing. If Master Ludovico failed to recognize the risk, I apologize and will strive to make myself more clear in future."

They speak Occitain here, similar to French and Spanish. Jarkman is the language expert, it is his call. The man in the hills spoke an odd dialect known as Rhaetian (I think, again, Jarkman knows languages better). But Ludo could clearly tell that the comedian was paying special attention to him and that people wer laughing at him.

However, Octavian speaks quite true with his advice.

Vares doesn't intervene in the dispute between his sodales unless it begins to escalate, in which case he will side with Octavian for now. They are in Barcelona, and the Covenant of Barcelona has been recognised as the principal authority of the Order in the city. Disturbing the locals over something so minor would likely lose them access to the city, just when something very, very interesting has turned up.

He will want to visit the site of the manifestation when it is feasible.

OOC: How long ago was the Fire Angel last in the area?

two months ago

As the night winds to an end, I presume you would all return to the Silver Rooster. Am I correct?

Quite so.

Inigo makes sure that any arguments between his sodales remain only in word rather than deed. If all is reasonably peaceful (less grumbling), he returns with everyone else.

Two months. Vares sighs to himself. Too long ago for what he is looking for, most likely. Nothing that cannot wait until after they have spoken with the members of the Barcelona Covenant.

He decides to enjoy himself in the night, returning to the Silver Rooster when the time comes. It is been too long since he has been able to partake of the possibilities of a city, and, unlike some, he has little reason to fear the night. Under cover of darkness, there are so many things that he can observe, learn, and do.

OOC: Vares should be acquainted with Ludo's spectral associates from the Andorra Covenant, and they, at least tacitly, with him. He is known to be able to see, perceive, and interact with spirits, although he has not pursued the path of a "spirit master". Many spirits (those associated with the Magic Realm) tend to find him interesting and compelling for one reason or another--at least when he's not actively engaged in subtle movement.

Hmm. In my haste to catch up I misunderstood that the scene in question was in the inn that was our destination ( and the 'official' receiving point for magi ) rather than a second place. I'm rather certain I'd have come along anyway, but that is another matter. :wink:

And Ludo is indeed accompied by a veritable host of spirits at almost all times as Marco has stated. Essentially they form a rather sizable court, with offices with specific roles and whatnot, where he is the royal. They are constantly around him catering to him like you might expect of any royal court. A few seem to have the ability to assume physical aspects or simply manipulate physical objects and his 'servants' in the court are composed of such spirits. If you have the sight and have been around him for some time, such as the trip to barcelona, you probably could have garnered at least that much. I am reticent to describe specific spirits to you mainly because the whole body of them ( with some specific exceptions ) are as of yet not completely defined. And that is mainly because I lost steam after getting Ludo's sheet together and then going through several revisions/drafts. I think I reached a final version just before I moved here recently and I'll see if I can't dig it up and post it to the sheet section here sometime soon.

And I am all for moving right along in the story. :wink:

Oh, and I'd like to do one other thing that Octavian was kind enough to remind me of. Ludo in fact doesn't speak the local lingo. So when he summoned Yvonne would it be possible to use her knowledge of the local spirits to find one ( I assume most, even of the minor varieties, will? ) that does and bind it for linguistic purposes?

For purposes of simplicity, Yvonne happened to know how to speak Italian as well as her native language. Why? Um, Her father was originally from Genoa. That works :smiley:

Do you need to speak a spirit's language? I had assumed not, otherwise Ludo will be in dire need of linguistic broadening to be a summoner. The Goetic summoning writeup basically says it enables you to communicate with the summoned spirit/entity... and I had assumed that meant it both enabled physical communication and overcame language barriers... but that could be something up for interpretation?

LOL, one way or another you were able to communicate with her.

OOC: "Thoughts Within Babble" is an invaluable spell for any traveller in Mythic Europe.

I still think that there should be a version for the written word as well. Logically, there is a connection made between written symbols, words, and the Realm of Forms.

Back at the Silver Rooster, the morning arrives and you are all served a wonderful breakfast. You are all greeded by Odo Ex-Miscellanea, the current head of Barcelona Covenant, and by Farusca, who used to be in charge but has retired to a mundane seeming life. She is curious as to your reson for visiting though.

I see no reason why you couldn't invent one. It would be an InAn spell of some sort I think. I mean, if you can cast InTe to have a conversation with a rock, you should be able to cast a spell to have a conversation with a book as well. I am not a killer DM that quashes creative use of magic.

Vares sleeps well enough that night. He has exercised himself sufficiently that sleep comes quickly. He places the wards around his sleeping place before retiring, however, and subtly ensures that everything is thoroughly clean before he enters bed. In the morning, he is similarly fastidious with his ablutions, leaving no trace of his person behind for another to retrieve. It is his usual habit; that he is in a foreign dwelling only reinforces the custom.

Attentive at breakfast, he samples the wide range of choices available. So close to the great docks and markets, many things flow through Barcelona that are harder to come by in Andorra. He is not especially talkative, gauging, instead, the atmosphere of his companions.

His scrutiny includes the movements and doings of Ludoviccio's "invisible" retinue.

When Odo and Farusca arrive, he rises to greet them formally, as befits the senior Magi in the city and the Covenant. He is not the spokesman for the Andorra expedition, however, so he waits for the seniormost to open the discussion before he will make his own contribution.

The magi of Barcelona geet you cordially.

[color=green]Odo: [color=red]Salve sodales. I apologize for not being here last night to meet you at your arrival. I trust that you had a peaceful evening on the town last night? Thomas nods, as if to answer for you. As your guide, he was responsible for making sure of it. An older man accompanies Odo, a custos & companion. [color=red]This is Matteau, our senior steward. He can attend to your needs here at the Silver Rooster. I am also at your service, ans hope that you enjoy our hospitality.

And as you all alredy know, they do charge a moderate fee. This was arranged by Alexandro, one of your custos that accompanies you (I am inserting him in :smiley:), who met with Matteau while you were all eating your breakfast.

[color=green]Farusca: [color=red]My friends, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?, she says inquiring of the two Andorran member magi (Inigo or Octavius).

Peaceful enough, Vares thinks to himself. Compared to some of the places he has been, Barcelona was lively but 'peaceful' on their first night. No fights, no brawls, no signs of the crime and casual violence endemic to many places.

He is acquainted with both Odo and Farusca from previous visits, but their attention is not, at present, directed his way. He waits for Inigo or Octavian to speak before bringing up matters on his own.[/i]

The Tremere waits for Inigo to speak first on the purpose of their visit. However, he observes all the civil niceties without fault.

The magi of Barcelona certainly do know Vare, and will greet him/have greeted him separately. However, in this scene they are interested in adressing the leaders of this delegation from Andorra, which Inigo and Octavius are apparently the leaders of (as they are members and Vare & Ludo are tag alongs). Octavius would not be out of line to speak up, as he is certainly seen as a figure of leadership and prestige.