Chapter 4a: Janus Caves, Exploration of (ooc)

Yup, that what hiems said something along the lines of "any mundane labyrinth"

Anyway, we'll combine that with the floor-marking numbering, which should enable us to "draw" a tree-like map. Something along the lines of:

I / I-I (take the first tunnel on the left / then first tunnel on the left) / I-II / I-II-I / I-II-I-I (first tunnel on the left / second tunnel on the left / first tunnel on the left) / I-II-I-II / I-II-I-II-I (and so on) / I-II-I-II-II / I-II-II II / II-I / II-II / II-II-I / II-II-II / II-III / II-III-I / II-III-II III / I