Returning after his own studies and investigations into their expected journey, Vares finds the situation in something of an upheaval--and an unconscious Magus in Inigo's proximity.
Hearing something of what has transpired, he offers Ingio a signal of respect. "You are the leader of the expedition, by right of Certamen."
He relates all that he has discovered.
OOC: I've been away/busy for about the past week-and-a-half. I'm trying to catch up on everything.
For what Vares imparts, see his section at the end of "Barcelona Nights".[/b]
Inigo will wait for Erat Caecus to wake up. Thanks to the certamen, the Tytalus owes him some information. Still, he won’t be stupid about it. He will keep at least one other magus in the room with him. Also, he will quietly approach Alexandro while his erstwhile nemesis is out cold.
Inigo is earnest and matter-of-fact, speaking quietly to the veteran warrior.[color=red]I’m going to wait for this man to wake up because he owes us information. He should behave, but he’s a powerful magus and an unscrupulous one. If he looks like he’ll cause trouble… hit him over the head. Hard. Inigo claps him on the shoulder.
Assuming all goes according to plan, a refreshed and well-dressed Xalbador is sitting in a chair across from the Tytalus when he awakens.
[color=red]Good morning, Tytalus. I trust you've gotten some of the aggression out of your system. Now, I believe you were to tell me about Val Negra...
Alexandro nods and stands behind Erat, ready to bean him if needed.
OCC - I am trying to catch up, I fell behind this week with a combination of work and holiday pressure. I have read everything, I just gotta write up some stuff.
He is seated with his arms crossed over his lap. He observes the Tytalus for a moment before raising an eyebrow at Inigo's comment. "While one might question master Caecus' tact or lack thereof, the tone of his assertions were not entirely without basis." He turns to regard Inigo. "Have you considered just how master Caecus might have known of our destination as such that he was able to confront us so soon after our arrival? Or why master Carles was so forthright with information? Perhaps you also noticed that mistress Farusca knew of our purpose when we returned from master Carles' shop even though I had purported, albeit truthfully, that I was pursuing an investigation? Or the many other convenient chain of events that have led us here?"
Inigo looks levelly at Octavian, seated next to him with the prostrate Tytalus before them. [color=red]If you have something to say, Tremere, spit it out. Or shut up, I care not which.
He looks back impassively. "It is unfortunate that matters have come to this. I apologize for my oblique manner in trying to inspire master Xabaldor to consider how this expedition is being led by the nose by Senex." The word comes off as the plural but there is brief moment where he appears to be recalling something to mind.
Inigo takes a moment to compose himself. They are on the same team, for the most part. [color=red]Senex? Who or what is Senex? If you have a concern for the security of this expedition, sodalis, please elaborate.
OOC: I’m genuinely baffled – was that your intention? Is this something I should know IC?
((OOC: senex means "old man" in latin. I don't know the plural form if any since I'm not versed in latin. My intention was when octavian said it, he himself has a sort of epiphany)
Erat Caecus comes to as Inigo and Octavius are bickering. He is upset at his loss, at first anyway. He curses his bad luck (he ha some crappy rolls), and thinks he should have probably used more vis. But he was arrogant and overconfident. He didn't consider Inigo to be much of a challange. He won't make the same mistake twice.
He hears the bickering as he starts to regain consciousness, and though he tries to remain silent, he cant help but laugh.
[color=blue]OCC - The Senex thing, Octavius heard the name whispered in one of his Visions (Visions is such a useful Storyguide tool ). Even he is not sure what it means, but it is one of the several clues I have scattered around. And as far as why word has spread so fast, Octavius is right to be suspicious. I will presume his rant came after Carles left the room, and Noscur the cat is also not in the room. Now, Erat Caecus, that's really no mystery. He has a Tytalean style intelligence network, and he has been tracking his stolen property. If you ask him, he will announce his hopes that Val-Negra has fallen, and if not heir to the entire covenant, he is most certainly the heir of Abbadon. As far as the idea that you may have been lead into this by Fuego goes, I am sure that Inigo has not considered this much and would not really be concerned much at all even if he did. The other things Octavius mentions are worthy of consideration though. Inigo knows a little about why Barcelona is interested in assisting us. This is information Octavius does not have, but Octavius knows things that Inigo does not. For example, a special visitor due tomorrow (though everyone will find out about it soon enough, as he sends word of his arrival ahead of him so the covenant can properly prepare the appropriate reception for him).
OOC: Bickering is a bit strong a term I,d say. Octavian is using rhetoric to try to get his point accross. Just well, his manner of speech comes off as being easily misinterpreted . Anyways, Octavian is not going to voice his concerns while Erat is awake. He'll leave it at that and if Inigo feels compelled to hear them it will be up to his initiative to do so.
When Erat laughs, Octavian nods his head slightly, stopping to be leveled at where Erat had fallen unconscious after being defeated before rising again. "Good evening master Caecas. I take it you are now well-rested. Forgive my manners; I am Octavian of Tremere."
Erat Caecus scowls, then smiles. He doesnt say a word, and though he will honor the letter of the arrangement, he will not answer anything unasked. You can verilly see the contempt in his eyes.
The right to interoggatory extends to you by virtue of the fact that you are Inigo's right-hand man (or is it the left hand?). It will help expidite things if we don't fret about such technicalities.
Indeed. I try to post often, but sometimes I do get busy. Moving the story along is good. If Octavian is so concerned with procedure that he’ll withhold a potentially important question that only he has thought of, OK I guess, but Inigo really doesn’t stand much on procedure and doesn’t mind being interrupted. I also want to come back to the vision thing.
Inigo looks carefully at the Tytalus. He is fully aware that luck and Erat Caecus’ arrogance worked in his favor, and that he will not be so lucky again. He asks each question once, and he will press the issue if his adversary avoids the question. The information acquired here should certainly be taken with a grain of salt anyway.
[color=red]What do you know about the current state of Val-Negra?
Why do you believe yourself its heir?
What did you intend to do if you became leader of the expedition? What knowledge did you have that you intended to implement?
What dangers are there that you are aware of?
Are any of its current or former members still alive? Still present, if not alive?
[color=red]Not much more than you. I suspect that they have slid into finat winter, and that all the magi are dead or in Twilight
(looks annoyed and what he considers to be a stupid question) [color=red]I am the last apprentice of Val-Negra, the only living filius of Abbadon. That old pyromaniac, Fuego, mayhaps he has inheritance rights where Vanacastium is concerned. But I am obviously the only lawful and legitimate heir of Abbadon.
(smiles) [color=red]Why, lead the expedition of course. What else would I have intended?
[color=red]I am not sure what you mean. I wan’t planning to implement anything to you. I was planning on playing it by ear. As far as what knowledge I have that may or may not be useful, well, I can drone on for days and weeks with drivel for you to sift through. I spent most of my time in Val-Negra at an illusionary covenant called Taglyn, on the coast of Wales. I knew to avoid the Chamber of Illusions, which is part of Abbadon’s sanctum.
[color=red]Other than the Chamber of Illusions, I am not aware of any danger. I think they are all dead. Ludovicio most likely encountered a ghost, and there is no way we can trust whatever stories are in his addled memory. Mentem Magic can seriously mess with one’s mind.
[color=red]I haven’t been there in twenty years. They were a few old magi still alive, and as I have said, I suspect that they are all dead or in final twilight.
((OOC: It's not so much procedure but the below statement of obeying the letter of the agreement.))
Octavian replies with a blank stare as Inigo questions the tytalus. He remains silent and only replies once he appears to be finished.
Once they are done, Octavian softly speaks up. "Master Caecus is correct in that he does stand to inherit the belongings of his patter. The convenant itself as well as the communal possessions that lay within do not fall under inheritance within the Code."
He pauses briefly to let all understand the ramifications. "Please elaborate on the nature of this chamber of illusions and the exact threat it poses."
[color=red]Heh, the threat it poses. How do you know anything is real? What defines reality? How is it possible to prove to me that I am not still in there, and you are all part of the illusion? Maybe Taglyn is real and it is Val-Negra that is the illusion. After my Gauntlet, I spent another seven years in there not realizing it was an illusion! I passed my "second gauntlet" the day I figured it out and escaped from there! At first I thought Val-Negra was just another layer of the illusion, and I studied there for three years before I realized I was free to leave at any time. That was twenty years ago, and I have never looked back.
And I still don't know for certain what is real and what is illusion! Even when I am dreaming, I stop and wonder if the dream is reality and my reality is really a dream. The Flambeau, the favor elemental Forms such as Ignem, Auram and Terram. But I tell you this, Imaginem and Mentem are the two most powerful Arts that magi weild. They give you power over reality itself!